Should AG Garland appoint a SC to investigate Reps. Comer and Jordan?

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Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017
Now that Jim and Gym, like a bag of stolen cash, have had the "Biden is on the take" fantasy blow up in their faces it may be time for Merrick to do a deep dive in to their conduct. Cuz the proverbial handwriting has been on the wall for a while now regarding Smirnov's spurious accusations. So one might reasonably ask the Nixonian question, what did they know and when did they know it.

Let's do a quick review of the facts.

Former FBI informant charged with lying about Biden business

Rep. Jamie Raskin (Md.), the ranking Democrat on the Oversight Committee, said the charges against Smirnov show GOP efforts to impeach the president are “based on a lie” and called on House Republicans to drop the inquiry.

The Washington Post reported last spring that an FBI document containing the informant’s claims was previously reviewed by the FBI under then-Attorney General William P. Barr, found not to be supported by facts, and subsequently dropped. When Comer’s team demanded to see the document, FBI officials warned that wider disclosure of the information could jeopardize the safety of a confidential source.

You can imagine how motivated Billy the Bagman was to verify accusations against Joe in the highly weaponized Trump DoJ. Nothing would have pleased The Boss more and Billy was all about pleasing The Boss (exoneration....hello!). Though, as it happens, factual verification isn't really necessary for Repubs when it comes to creating a damaging narrative against their political opponents.

Barr's declination to pursue the substance of Smirnov's claims (which should have ended the matter right then and there) wasn't the only indication they had no basis. Testimony from multiple witnesses during the 1/6 hearings from people inside the Trump admin repeatedly knocked down the idea of shady goings on by Biden with respect to Burisma. These were officials in a position to know. But like so much of the evidence that investigation revealed, it was not flattering to Dear Leader so it was dismissed.

So, despite Barr's examination of the facts and finding nothing, the lack of damning 1/6 testimony, and the House Repub's own investigation in to Hunter and his dad also finding nothing, Jim and Gym (along with endless coverage from RWM) flogged the subject to death. Which is not to go so far as to say they are Putin's puppets in the sense Vlad was directing them. But it's fair to say they've done what he would have wanted them to do. Namely, smear the opponent of his favored candidate, the makeup wearing Orange Fraud.

Are the Jim's exposed to charges of election interference given how they ignored the flashing neon signs saying there was no there, there. Or should it be chalked up to routine, Repub dirty politics? Are consequences called for by virtue of working so hard to spread Smirnov's lies given there will be no electoral consequences? I mean come on, expecting their constituents to punish them at the ballot box for the unethical conduct they engaged in is a joke. Repubs reward such behavior.

Perhaps the best solution would be for Mike Johnson to publicly admit his approval of a Biden impeachment inquiry was a mistake. Founded on thin air and lies. When the announcement is made he should be joined by the disgraced men most responsible for hyping Smirnov's lies. Who, if they had a shred of integrity, would issue an apology for the extraordinarily disgusting, hyper-partisan hackery resulting in millions of Repubs being eagerly, indeed gleefully, disinformed.
Now that Jim and Gym, like a bag of stolen cash, have had the "Biden is on the take" fantasy blow up in their faces it may be time for Merrick to do a deep dive in to their conduct. Cuz the proverbial handwriting has been on the wall for a while now regarding Smirnov's spurious accusations. So one might reasonably ask the Nixonian question, what did they know and when did they know it.

Let's do a quick review of the facts.

Former FBI informant charged with lying about Biden business

Rep. Jamie Raskin (Md.), the ranking Democrat on the Oversight Committee, said the charges against Smirnov show GOP efforts to impeach the president are “based on a lie” and called on House Republicans to drop the inquiry.

The Washington Post reported last spring that an FBI document containing the informant’s claims was previously reviewed by the FBI under then-Attorney General William P. Barr, found not to be supported by facts, and subsequently dropped. When Comer’s team demanded to see the document, FBI officials warned that wider disclosure of the information could jeopardize the safety of a confidential source.

You can imagine how motivated Billy the Bagman was to verify accusations against Joe in the highly weaponized Trump DoJ. Nothing would have pleased The Boss more and Billy was all about pleasing The Boss (exoneration....hello!). Though, as it happens, factual verification isn't really necessary for Repubs when it comes to creating a damaging narrative against their political opponents.

Barr's declination to pursue the substance of Smirnov's claims (which should have ended the matter right then and there) wasn't the only indication they had no basis. Testimony from multiple witnesses during the 1/6 hearings from people inside the Trump admin repeatedly knocked down the idea of shady goings on by Biden with respect to Burisma. These were officials in a position to know. But like so much of the evidence that investigation revealed, it was not flattering to Dear Leader so it was dismissed.

So, despite Barr's examination of the facts and finding nothing, the lack of damning 1/6 testimony, and the House Repub's own investigation in to Hunter and his dad also finding nothing, Jim and Gym (along with endless coverage from RWM) flogged the subject to death. Which is not to go so far as to say they are Putin's puppets in the sense Vlad was directing them. But it's fair to say they've done what he would have wanted them to do. Namely, smear the opponent of his favored candidate, the makeup wearing Orange Fraud.

Are the Jim's exposed to charges of election interference given how they ignored the flashing neon signs saying there was no there, there. Or should it be chalked up to routine, Repub dirty politics? Are consequences called for by virtue of working so hard to spread Smirnov's lies given there will be no electoral consequences? I mean come on, expecting their constituents to punish them at the ballot box for the unethical conduct they engaged in is a joke. Repubs reward such behavior.

Perhaps the best solution would be for Mike Johnson to publicly admit his approval of a Biden impeachment inquiry was a mistake. Founded on thin air and lies. When the announcement is made he should be joined by the disgraced men most responsible for hyping Smirnov's lies. Who, if they had a shred of integrity, would issue an apology for the extraordinarily disgusting, hyper-partisan hackery resulting in millions of Repubs being eagerly, indeed gleefully, disinformed.
yes. and every other member of the "insurrection caucus." cruz and the others.
Now that Jim and Gym, like a bag of stolen cash, have had the "Biden is on the take" fantasy blow up in their faces it may be time for Merrick to do a deep dive in to their conduct. Cuz the proverbial handwriting has been on the wall for a while now regarding Smirnov's spurious accusations. So one might reasonably ask the Nixonian question, what did they know and when did they know it.

Let's do a quick review of the facts.

Former FBI informant charged with lying about Biden business

Rep. Jamie Raskin (Md.), the ranking Democrat on the Oversight Committee, said the charges against Smirnov show GOP efforts to impeach the president are “based on a lie” and called on House Republicans to drop the inquiry.

The Washington Post reported last spring that an FBI document containing the informant’s claims was previously reviewed by the FBI under then-Attorney General William P. Barr, found not to be supported by facts, and subsequently dropped. When Comer’s team demanded to see the document, FBI officials warned that wider disclosure of the information could jeopardize the safety of a confidential source.

You can imagine how motivated Billy the Bagman was to verify accusations against Joe in the highly weaponized Trump DoJ. Nothing would have pleased The Boss more and Billy was all about pleasing The Boss (exoneration....hello!). Though, as it happens, factual verification isn't really necessary for Repubs when it comes to creating a damaging narrative against their political opponents.

Barr's declination to pursue the substance of Smirnov's claims (which should have ended the matter right then and there) wasn't the only indication they had no basis. Testimony from multiple witnesses during the 1/6 hearings from people inside the Trump admin repeatedly knocked down the idea of shady goings on by Biden with respect to Burisma. These were officials in a position to know. But like so much of the evidence that investigation revealed, it was not flattering to Dear Leader so it was dismissed.

So, despite Barr's examination of the facts and finding nothing, the lack of damning 1/6 testimony, and the House Repub's own investigation in to Hunter and his dad also finding nothing, Jim and Gym (along with endless coverage from RWM) flogged the subject to death. Which is not to go so far as to say they are Putin's puppets in the sense Vlad was directing them. But it's fair to say they've done what he would have wanted them to do. Namely, smear the opponent of his favored candidate, the makeup wearing Orange Fraud.

Are the Jim's exposed to charges of election interference given how they ignored the flashing neon signs saying there was no there, there. Or should it be chalked up to routine, Repub dirty politics? Are consequences called for by virtue of working so hard to spread Smirnov's lies given there will be no electoral consequences? I mean come on, expecting their constituents to punish them at the ballot box for the unethical conduct they engaged in is a joke. Repubs reward such behavior.

Perhaps the best solution would be for Mike Johnson to publicly admit his approval of a Biden impeachment inquiry was a mistake. Founded on thin air and lies. When the announcement is made he should be joined by the disgraced men most responsible for hyping Smirnov's lies. Who, if they had a shred of integrity, would issue an apology for the extraordinarily disgusting, hyper-partisan hackery resulting in millions of Repubs being eagerly, indeed gleefully, disinformed.
Can you imagine how the left will go bonkers when President Trump gets back in office and has his AG going after Piglosi, and Schumer?
Members of the duped Following no doubt remember the hoopla this created.

Comer cancels Wray contempt hearing after reaching agreement on document

House Republicans will no longer vote to hold FBI Director Christopher A. Wray in contempt of Congress this week, saying that they reached a last-minute agreement with the director late Wednesday to reveal more details related to FBI documents that contain allegations against Joe Biden.

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) had planned to hold a contempt vote in his committee Thursday and has publicly derided Wray for failing to comply with a subpoena that demanded he hand over in full an FBI document that contained unsubstantiated allegations about Biden and his family. The allegations predated Biden’s presidency.

The FBI had said it needs to protect its confidential sources and would not physically provide the form. Instead, it allowed Comer and Rep. Jamie B. Raskin (Md.), the ranking Democrat on the committee, to review a redacted version of the document — which is known as a 1023 form — in a secure area on Capitol Hill on Monday.

Sadly, the damage that's been done can't be undone. Despite Smirnov's indictment his lies will endure inside the RWM bubble with those who have been disinformed by it.

Just like hundreds of lies before it, the Smirnov lie will survive because so many are so invested in it. IT PROVIDED THE PERFECT COUNTER NARRATIVE to Trump's corruption. Which is why it became the cornerstone of the case against Joe out of a necessity to distract from the unprecedented criminal indictments of the Orange Rapist.
The question is, why wouldn't you go bonkers? Unless, of course, autocratic rule is your thing.
This OP is the most blatant proposal of totalitarian rule that I have seen on here. Investigate-charge and incarcerate is the way that Chinese or Russian politicians deal with their opponents. There is no place for that radical bullshit, or its proponents, in America. Take a hike, commie. MAGA
Sadly, the damage that's been done can't be undone. Despite Smirnov's indictment his lies will endure inside the RWM bubble with those who have been disinformed by it.

Just like hundreds of lies before it, the Smirnov lie will survive because so many are so invested in it. IT PROVIDED THE PERFECT COUNTER NARRATIVE to Trump's corruption. Which is why it became the cornerstone of the case against Joe out of a necessity to distract from the unprecedented criminal indictments of the Orange Rapist.
Pfff, the damage has not been done YET, but it will be done as soon as Biden loses and then pardons himself, at which point all these "Biden is innocent" threads are going to be quite embarrassing for you guys. How the hell are you going to explain pardons for crimes that you guys have repeatedly said never happened? :laugh:
Now that Jim and Gym, like a bag of stolen cash, have had the "Biden is on the take" fantasy blow up in their faces it may be time for Merrick to do a deep dive in to their conduct. Cuz the proverbial handwriting has been on the wall for a while now regarding Smirnov's spurious accusations. So one might reasonably ask the Nixonian question, what did they know and when did they know it.

Let's do a quick review of the facts.

Former FBI informant charged with lying about Biden business

Rep. Jamie Raskin (Md.), the ranking Democrat on the Oversight Committee, said the charges against Smirnov show GOP efforts to impeach the president are “based on a lie” and called on House Republicans to drop the inquiry.

The Washington Post reported last spring that an FBI document containing the informant’s claims was previously reviewed by the FBI under then-Attorney General William P. Barr, found not to be supported by facts, and subsequently dropped. When Comer’s team demanded to see the document, FBI officials warned that wider disclosure of the information could jeopardize the safety of a confidential source.

You can imagine how motivated Billy the Bagman was to verify accusations against Joe in the highly weaponized Trump DoJ. Nothing would have pleased The Boss more and Billy was all about pleasing The Boss (exoneration....hello!). Though, as it happens, factual verification isn't really necessary for Repubs when it comes to creating a damaging narrative against their political opponents.

Barr's declination to pursue the substance of Smirnov's claims (which should have ended the matter right then and there) wasn't the only indication they had no basis. Testimony from multiple witnesses during the 1/6 hearings from people inside the Trump admin repeatedly knocked down the idea of shady goings on by Biden with respect to Burisma. These were officials in a position to know. But like so much of the evidence that investigation revealed, it was not flattering to Dear Leader so it was dismissed.

So, despite Barr's examination of the facts and finding nothing, the lack of damning 1/6 testimony, and the House Repub's own investigation in to Hunter and his dad also finding nothing, Jim and Gym (along with endless coverage from RWM) flogged the subject to death. Which is not to go so far as to say they are Putin's puppets in the sense Vlad was directing them. But it's fair to say they've done what he would have wanted them to do. Namely, smear the opponent of his favored candidate, the makeup wearing Orange Fraud.

Are the Jim's exposed to charges of election interference given how they ignored the flashing neon signs saying there was no there, there. Or should it be chalked up to routine, Repub dirty politics? Are consequences called for by virtue of working so hard to spread Smirnov's lies given there will be no electoral consequences? I mean come on, expecting their constituents to punish them at the ballot box for the unethical conduct they engaged in is a joke. Repubs reward such behavior.

Perhaps the best solution would be for Mike Johnson to publicly admit his approval of a Biden impeachment inquiry was a mistake. Founded on thin air and lies. When the announcement is made he should be joined by the disgraced men most responsible for hyping Smirnov's lies. Who, if they had a shred of integrity, would issue an apology for the extraordinarily disgusting, hyper-partisan hackery resulting in millions of Repubs being eagerly, indeed gleefully, disinformed.
He should, but has proven himself to be too much of a wuss to be taking on Trump. Candidate or not, Trump’s words and actions should have Garland asking for pre-trial detention.
You just made a thread suggesting that Comer and Jordan should be arrested cuz some Russian dude lied... maybe. :cuckoo:
Arrested? Could you point to where I said that?

OTOH, I can point to any number of posts suggesting Biden be impeached cuz some dude was fed lies by Russian intel..................and Repubs swallowed it whole.
Pfff, the damage has not been done YET, but it will be done as soon as Biden loses and then pardons himself, at which point all these "Biden is innocent" threads are going to be quite embarrassing for you guys. How the hell are you going to explain pardons for crimes that you guys have repeatedly said never happened? :laugh:
Pardons himself? The accusations against him have been exposed as lies. Pay attention.
You just made a thread suggesting that Comer and Jordan should be arrested cuz some Russian dude lied... maybe.
They’re accusing their own president based on those lies. At the very least they should be expelled from Congress. Honestly, what they’ve done is worse than anything Santos did.
This OP is the most blatant proposal of totalitarian rule that I have seen on here. Investigate-charge and incarcerate is the way that Chinese or Russian politicians deal with their opponents. There is no place for that radical bullshit, or its proponents, in America. Take a hike, commie. MAGA
I'm pretty sure the irony of what you said eluded your notice. You fuckpods were ready to impeach Biden based on lies the totalitarian ruler of Russia fed to Repubs through a lying informant. I said investigate, not charge or incarcerate. You Repubs can't stop yourselves from making shit up.
But Comer said he still wanted the full document in his possession and would go forward with the contempt vote. In a statement Wednesday, Comer said Wray agreed to allow all members of the committee to review the materials and would be making available two additional documents referenced in the original 1023 form.
“Allowing all Oversight Committee members to review this record is an important step toward conducting oversight of the FBI and holding it accountable to the American people,” Comer said in a statement.

Who is going to hold reckless House Repubs accountable to the American people? Certainly not The Following. They want these lies. They need these lies. They reward liars.
But Comer said he still wanted the full document in his possession and would go forward with the contempt vote. In a statement Wednesday, Comer said Wray agreed to allow all members of the committee to review the materials and would be making available two additional documents referenced in the original 1023 form.
“Allowing all Oversight Committee members to review this record is an important step toward conducting oversight of the FBI and holding it accountable to the American people,” Comer said in a statement.

Who is going to hold reckless House Repubs accountable to the American people? Certainly not The Following. They want these lies. They need these lies. They reward liars.
There's going to be a RECKONING coming for you Stalinist ASSHOLES!!!!
Arrested? Could you point to where I said that?

OTOH, I can point to any number of posts suggesting Biden be impeached cuz some dude was fed lies by Russian intel..................and Repubs swallowed it whole.
You said they should be investigated. Investigations lead to arrests, right?
For a number of reasons, it is rare for the FBI to charge one of its informants with lying. First, the bureau tries to encourage people with important information to come forward, sometimes at great risk to themselves, and arresting some of the people who do so might discourage others from becoming informants. Second, many agents tend to view informants as frequently wrong or dishonest and don’t think it is worth trying to build a criminal case out of those flaws.

But in Smirnov’s case, Republicans made his allegations a kind of cause célèbre, saying he had offered key information in their probe of Hunter Biden and the president. FBI officials were repeatedly forced to answer politicians’ questions about Smirnov’s claims and faced accusations from conservatives that the FBI itself may be corrupt.

You could say rabid House Repubs forced the FBI's hand.
You said they should be investigated. Investigations lead to arrests, right?
If a grand jury votes to indict or if the evidence is so compelling an arrest is warranted, yes. But an investigation comes first.
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