CDZ Should anyone pay taxes to a state for ten yrs after they leave it?

Persistence Of Memory

Diamond Member
Oct 1, 2019
Not just no....but HELL NO !!
Like someone else pointed out, that's taxation without representation.

Further more, if you ever allow democrats to do this, they will tax your trips to the bathroom next.
Should anyone pay taxes to a state for ten yrs after they leave it?

There's no way that this would pass any competent court in which it might be challenged.

Once an individual leaves a state,and takes his assets with him, that state no longer has any vestige of a rational claim to any jurisdiction over that individual or those assets.

There'd be no way to even attempt to enforce such a claim, and if anyone against whom such a claim is made fights it in court, he'd surely win.
Hard work sure pays off doesn't it?

I saw that dumb ass Assemblyman on Cavuto and he was dead serious.
Hard work sure pays off doesn't it?

Not if we can find better solutions at potentially lower cost.
It's highly unlikely the legislation would be found Constitutional
Hard work sure pays off doesn't it?

Nope. California already lost a court case over this. Gives you an idea of how many producers are leaving though. Pretty soon there will be no middle class in California
What should happen is that the very first time any California official sends notice to a no-longer-Californian demanding payment of taxes on assess that are no longer under California jurisdiction, someone from the FBI should arrest that official, and that official should be tried in federal court on fraud and extortion charges. Fraud, because there is no rational basis on which any person could assume California would have any claim on assets not under its jurisdiction, and extortion for the implied or stated threat to abuse the powers of California's government against the individual for failing to pay up on the fraudulent claim. And of course, it would be an federal crime, because it is committed across state lines, by someone in one state against someone else in another state.

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