Should AZ Force Gay People To Promote Christian Ideals Against Homosexuality?

Should AZ also force gays to promote values against gay values?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Not sure, maybe, I guess I never thought of it that way.

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Remember, Sil, that it is the law that controls this, not your feewings. Also you have always been the mistress of the fallacy of false equivalency.
False a priori premise, so OP fails.

Based on what? And no the question doesn’t fail, if a gay Baker was asked to make a cake for defense of marriage activist group, should they be forced to make that cake? Should a pro-choice baker be forced to make a cake depicting abortion is murder?
False a priori premise, so OP fails.

Based on what? And no the question doesn’t fail, if a gay Baker was asked to make a cake for defense of marriage activist group, should they be forced to make that cake? Should a pro-choice baker be forced to make a cake depicting abortion is murder?
See, he ^^ gets it. He gets "equal application in law"... BEHAVIORS. This premise will be discussed eventually on the question. So might as well get to talking about it right now...

To give dominant legal status to one group of behavioral edicts over another is one and the same as the state establishing an official religion over another. That's legally problematic Jakey and you know it is.
False a priori premise, so OP fails.

Based on what? And no the question doesn’t fail, if a gay Baker was asked to make a cake for defense of marriage activist group, should they be forced to make that cake? Should a pro-choice baker be forced to make a cake depicting abortion is murder?
Of course it is fail. The law controls the answer to those questions, sak, no your feewings.
The kooky far right religionists, whether Christian evangelicals or Jewish Orthodox or Islamic traditionalists, simply must accept they will not be allowed to stone people. They cannot force their beliefs on others. They can believe in stoning others if they want.

Religious freedom does not include the right to harm others, take away others' rights, or force their religious beliefs on others, Rodi.

Christian evangelists don't advocate stoning people, at least not the ones I know.
Yet Evangelicals are now the target they are focusing on. Evidently the Catholic Church has lost a lot of their members to Evangelicals in Mexico too and they are not very happy about that.

Rodi, you have no right to prevent me from living my life iaw the law in the public.

If you offer a service to the public in general, you have no right legally or morally or religiously to deny me that service.

Tough to be you, but your feelings have nothing to do with my civil rights, and I don't allow religious deviants to interfere with them in the public square.
Your rights end at my property line. Simple don't trespass.
Not when your property is engaged in providing services to the public in general.
I choose whom I will work for and you have no say in that whatsoever and you never will.
I don't care where you work, but if you serve public accomodation, you will serve me.

One way, I have heard, is to buy up the business notes and tell the borrower to pay up.
Nothing for sale here to you either.

Rodi, you have no right to prevent me from living my life iaw the law in the public.

If you offer a service to the public in general, you have no right legally or morally or religiously to deny me that service.

Tough to be you, but your feelings have nothing to do with my civil rights, and I don't allow religious deviants to interfere with them in the public square.
Your rights end at my property line. Simple don't trespass.
Not when your property is engaged in providing services to the public in general.
I choose whom I will work for and you have no say in that whatsoever and you never will.
That is choose who you work FOR.....but your employer gets to pick who works for him/her and your employer has to follow the business laws of the state they have received a business license for.
Yeah you tried that business license bs once before and as I told you then not all businesses require licenses and the licenses required are not for PA laws, those are to insure that the person doing business can actually provide services that they are selling, licenses also to insure food safety, etc. but not for making sure that queers are served. You do too much brain damaged California dreaming.
Rodi and Sil hate PA laws.

Oh, yes they do!
To give dominant legal status to one group of behavioral edicts over another is one and the same as the state establishing an official religion over another. That's legally problematic Jakey and you know it is.

Should pro-choice bakers be forced to make cakes that say "abortion is murder!". Or gay graphic designers be forced to print signs that say "Homosexuals are sinful deviants!"? Which side will the State take and can they?
I don't think he is within his rights to deny the customer if the PA law says so.

So then for you it's one and the same as if a KKK guy walked into a black man's bakery and ordered a cake that says "I hate nig gers!"? Remember, a black person is born that way. Gays adopt their behaviors. BEHAVIORS. This root premise is going to come out sooner or later so we might as well start talking about it right now..

And that's where we end up when the government tries to force people to be nice instead of protecting us from actual harm.
Rodi and Sil hate PA laws.

Oh, yes they do!
To give dominant legal status to one group of behavioral edicts over another is one and the same as the state establishing an official religion over another. That's legally problematic Jakey and you know it is.

Should pro-choice bakers be forced to make cakes that say "abortion is murder!". Or gay graphic designers be forced to print signs that say "Homosexuals are sinful deviants!"? Which side will the State take and can they?
Take it up with the legislature, sil, because your behavioral edicts has failed for years here.
And that's where we end up when the government tries to force people to be nice instead of protecting us from actual harm.
The government is expressly disallowed to favor one group of edicts over another. Since gay is behavioral and Christianity is behavioral and both claim sets of dogma/beliefs that directly conflict with each other, either both cults/religions are forced to promote each other, or neither is.
Rodi and Sil hate PA laws.

Oh, yes they do!
To give dominant legal status to one group of behavioral edicts over another is one and the same as the state establishing an official religion over another. That's legally problematic Jakey and you know it is.

Should pro-choice bakers be forced to make cakes that say "abortion is murder!". Or gay graphic designers be forced to print signs that say "Homosexuals are sinful deviants!"? Which side will the State take and can they?
Take it up with the legislature, sil, because your behavioral edicts has failed for years here.
The government is expressly disallowed to favor one group of edicts over another. Since gay is behavioral and Christianity is behavioral and both claim sets of dogma/beliefs that directly conflict with each other, either both cults/religions are forced to promote each other, or neither is.

Two words for you Jakey: "Hobby Lobby".. The LGBT better get its shit together soon because when the core premise of these legal conflicts surfaces (gay being an adopted behavior), your cult had better have applied for tax-exempt status. Right now Christians are recognized and have been protected since day one of the old USA.
False a priori premise, so OP fails.

Based on what? And no the question doesn’t fail, if a gay Baker was asked to make a cake for defense of marriage activist group, should they be forced to make that cake? Should a pro-choice baker be forced to make a cake depicting abortion is murder?
If a gay baker who makes cakes for a living is asked by a religious group to make a cake.....yes. Because religion is listed in PA laws. Is that "Defense of Marriage" activist group a political group? Then they don't have to because political leaning isn't protected under PA laws anywhere. Get to know your PA laws in your state if you want to start a business and get a business license.
Rodi and Sil hate PA laws.

Oh, yes they do!
To give dominant legal status to one group of behavioral edicts over another is one and the same as the state establishing an official religion over another. That's legally problematic Jakey and you know it is.

Should pro-choice bakers be forced to make cakes that say "abortion is murder!". Or gay graphic designers be forced to print signs that say "Homosexuals are sinful deviants!"? Which side will the State take and can they?
Take it up with the legislature, sil, because your behavioral edicts has failed for years here.
The government is expressly disallowed to favor one group of edicts over another. Since gay is behavioral and Christianity is behavioral and both claim sets of dogma/beliefs that directly conflict with each other, either both cults/religions are forced to promote each other, or neither is.

Two words for you Jakey: "Hobby Lobby".. The LGBT better get its shit together soon because when the core premise of these legal conflicts surfaces (gay being an adopted behavior), your cult had better have applied for tax-exempt status. Right now Christians are recognized and have been protected since day one of the old USA.
Hobby Lobby? Is that an issue of PA laws?
If a gay baker who makes cakes for a living is asked by a religious group to make a cake.....yes. Because religion is listed in PA laws. Is that "Defense of Marriage" activist group a political group? Then they don't have to because political leaning isn't protected under PA laws anywhere. Get to know your PA laws in your state if you want to start a business and get a business license.

So there you've said it! LGBT is a religion, not a political leaning.

Hobby Lobby? Is that an issue of PA laws?

Its text will be cited in arguments defending Christian bakers, yes.
Rodi and Sil hate PA laws.

Oh, yes they do!
To give dominant legal status to one group of behavioral edicts over another is one and the same as the state establishing an official religion over another. That's legally problematic Jakey and you know it is.

Should pro-choice bakers be forced to make cakes that say "abortion is murder!". Or gay graphic designers be forced to print signs that say "Homosexuals are sinful deviants!"? Which side will the State take and can they?
Take it up with the legislature, sil, because your behavioral edicts has failed for years here.
The government is expressly disallowed to favor one group of edicts over another. Since gay is behavioral and Christianity is behavioral and both claim sets of dogma/beliefs that directly conflict with each other, either both cults/religions are forced to promote each other, or neither is.

Two words for you Jakey: "Hobby Lobby".. The LGBT better get its shit together soon because when the core premise of these legal conflicts surfaces (gay being an adopted behavior), your cult had better have applied for tax-exempt status. Right now Christians are recognized and have been protected since day one of the old USA.

There is no evidence to support the assertion that sexual orientation is an "adopted" behavior, and more evidence to the contrary. While the subset of Christians who are so against having to interact with LGBTs have chosen to adhere to certain dogma/beliefs, that being an actual choice on their part, it cannot be said that LGBTs claim any set of dogma/beliefs, they are just being who they are. The two cannot be compared.
Is homosexuality genetic?

Most likely, homosexuality is epigenetic.

And the gay sex crowd have every right here to shove their stuff down the throat of the heteroes.

I could see epigenetic, that’s what I’ve been saying for years. But if that’s the case then what does that mean for sexual fluidity? Can the “gene” be turned on and off? That doesn’t sound right, which is why I lean more on the side that it is behavioral. I’m sure it does not at all feel like a choice, as a compulsion wouldn’t feel like much of a choice either, but that doesn’t mean behavioral should be ruled out. And if sexuality/gender is some gene able to be activated, what does that mean for pedophilia? Should we reduce sentences for pedophilia, since it is genetic? Maybe do away with statutory rape? Again this is why I lean to the side of it being behavioral. We’ve already seen cases of identical twins raised together having different sexualities.

There hasn’t been a lot of science done in this area since it’s seen as taboo in the community. But the PC crowd took it upon themselves to pretty much champion all this gender fluidity as settled science, (which it isn’t) and demonize anyone who suggests otherwise. Which is why it is so rash, irresponsible, and damaging to be offering sex changes to kids (I feel like I should never have had to form that sentence). especially since we do have studies that say some 90% of youth going through gender crisis during puberty, find the crisis is resolved at the end of puberty and revert to their original gender assignment...And now some of the most prominent sex change plastic surgeons are finding out that there’s a stark increase in regret after a gender reassignment surgery...that’s a big deal that everybody seems to be ignoring.
"sexual fluidity" and "behavioral editcs" are for the courts. The Hobby Lobby argument will be laughed out of court.
I don't think he is within his rights to deny the customer if the PA law says so.

So then for you it's one and the same as if a KKK guy walked into a black man's bakery and ordered a cake that says "I hate nig gers!"? Remember, a black person is born that way. Gays adopt their behaviors. BEHAVIORS. This root premise is going to come out sooner or later so we might as well start talking about it right now..
That reminds me of a lesbian couple that lived down the road from us about the time my daughter was born. They were cordial people as far as everyone knew and they didn't push their weird relationship off on anyone. They were just there. About twelve years later one was seen and a chat ensued. She had gotten out of that relationship and started describing how it was a very sick relationship and how happy she was that she was now living a normal life. She had gotten married to a really nice guy and they were both very happy. She describe that same sex relationship as a dark period in her life.
So there you've said it! LGBT is a religion, not a political leaning.

I know you like to claim that being gay is a religion, but you're not intelligent enough to realize that would mean gays would be covered by public accomdation laws in all 50 states under the Civil Right Act. You wouldn't be able to turn them away on the basis of your religious beliefs anymore then you would be able to turn away a Jew for your religious beliefs.
Rodi, I have heard LGBTQ say that about their relationships and heteroes about their relationships.

Some sick is just some sick.

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