Should AZ Force Gay People To Promote Christian Ideals Against Homosexuality?

Should AZ also force gays to promote values against gay values?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Not sure, maybe, I guess I never thought of it that way.

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Anyone who hates gays so badly they won't sell to them in a public service offering its wares to the public must then be not allowed to serve in that business.
Jakey I wouldn't serve you even if you were not a sexual deviant supporter.
^ example of a religious deviant.
Why you talking about Jakey like that?
:lol: More deviant behavior.....pushing their own behavior onto others.....
Anyone who hates gays so badly they won't sell to them in a public service offering its wares to the public must then be not allowed to serve in that business.
Jakey I wouldn't serve you even if you were not a sexual deviant supporter.
^ example of a religious deviant.
Why you talking about Jakey like that?
:lol: More deviant behavior.....pushing their own behavior onto others.....
Just taking hints from the leftist on the board isn't that how you do it?
Anyone who hates gays so badly they won't sell to them in a public service offering its wares to the public must then be not allowed to serve in that business.
Jakey I wouldn't serve you even if you were not a sexual deviant supporter.
^ example of a religious deviant.
Why you talking about Jakey like that?
:lol: More deviant behavior.....pushing their own behavior onto others.....
Just taking hints from the leftist on the board isn't that how you do it?
No. Maybe if you weren't so deviant you would notice that that is simply not true.
Jakey I wouldn't serve you even if you were not a sexual deviant supporter.
^ example of a religious deviant.
Why you talking about Jakey like that?
:lol: More deviant behavior.....pushing their own behavior onto others.....
Just taking hints from the leftist on the board isn't that how you do it?
No. Maybe if you weren't so deviant you would notice that that is simply not true.
I suppose some could consider me a deviant depending on their personal leanings. That is where freedom of choice comes in. Again if you desire to be whatever as long as you are not forcing another to join in with you I don't take issue with that.
The kooky far right religionists, whether Christian evangelicals or Jewish Orthodox or Islamic traditionalists, simply must accept they will not be allowed to stone people. They cannot force their beliefs on others. They can believe in stoning others if they want.

Religious freedom does not include the right to harm others, take away others' rights, or force their religious beliefs on others, Rodi.
The kooky far right religionists, whether Christian evangelicals or Jewish Orthodox or Islamic traditionalists, simply must accept they will not be allowed to stone people. They cannot force their beliefs on others. They can believe in stoning others if they want.

Religious freedom does not include the right to harm others, take away others' rights, or force their religious beliefs on others, Rodi.
That means that you do not have the right to take away my rights to practice my religion as I see fit or take away my ability to support myself with the talents God gave as long as it isn't hurting anyone else. Hurting your delicate feewings doesn't count. No one is forcing or compelling you to believe anything but the queerdon's seem to think they have a right to flaunt their nasty shit in other peoples personal space and make others accept it. You are free to go into that hell's angels camp Jakey and join in with them but you should never be free to force other to join you when you go there.

The only ones I see literally stoning people in this age are not Christians.

Rodi, you have no right to prevent me from living my life iaw the law in the public.

If you offer a service to the public in general, you have no right legally or morally or religiously to deny me that service.

Tough to be you, but your feelings have nothing to do with my civil rights, and I don't allow religious deviants to interfere with them in the public square.
Rodi, you have no right to prevent me from living my life iaw the law in the public.

If you offer a service to the public in general, you have no right legally or morally or religiously to deny me that service.

Tough to be you, but your feelings have nothing to do with my civil rights, and I don't allow religious deviants to interfere with them in the public square.
Your rights end at my property line. Simple don't trespass.
Rodi, you have no right to prevent me from living my life iaw the law in the public.

If you offer a service to the public in general, you have no right legally or morally or religiously to deny me that service.

Tough to be you, but your feelings have nothing to do with my civil rights, and I don't allow religious deviants to interfere with them in the public square.
Your rights end at my property line. Simple don't trespass.
Not when your property is engaged in providing services to the public in general.
Rodi, you have no right to prevent me from living my life iaw the law in the public.

If you offer a service to the public in general, you have no right legally or morally or religiously to deny me that service.

Tough to be you, but your feelings have nothing to do with my civil rights, and I don't allow religious deviants to interfere with them in the public square.
Your rights end at my property line. Simple don't trespass.
Not when your property is engaged in providing services to the public in general.
I choose whom I will work for and you have no say in that whatsoever and you never will.
Rodi, you have no right to prevent me from living my life iaw the law in the public.

If you offer a service to the public in general, you have no right legally or morally or religiously to deny me that service.

Tough to be you, but your feelings have nothing to do with my civil rights, and I don't allow religious deviants to interfere with them in the public square.
Your rights end at my property line. Simple don't trespass.
Not when your property is engaged in providing services to the public in general.
I choose whom I will work for and you have no say in that whatsoever and you never will.
That is choose who you work FOR.....but your employer gets to pick who works for him/her and your employer has to follow the business laws of the state they have received a business license for.
Rodi, you have no right to prevent me from living my life iaw the law in the public.

If you offer a service to the public in general, you have no right legally or morally or religiously to deny me that service.

Tough to be you, but your feelings have nothing to do with my civil rights, and I don't allow religious deviants to interfere with them in the public square.
Your rights end at my property line. Simple don't trespass.
Not when your property is engaged in providing services to the public in general.
I choose whom I will work for and you have no say in that whatsoever and you never will.
I don't care where you work, but if you serve public accomodation, you will serve me.

One way, I have heard, is to buy up the business notes and tell the borrower to pay up.
The kooky far right religionists, whether Christian evangelicals or Jewish Orthodox or Islamic traditionalists, simply must accept they will not be allowed to stone people. They cannot force their beliefs on others. They can believe in stoning others if they want.

Religious freedom does not include the right to harm others, take away others' rights, or force their religious beliefs on others, Rodi.

Christian evangelists don't advocate stoning people, at least not the ones I know.
I don't care where you work, but if you serve public accomodation, you will serve me.

One way, I have heard, is to buy up the business notes and tell the borrower to pay up.

So you're a Christian, walking into a graphic design shop run by a gay guy. You order a billboard that says "homosexuality is a sin unto God". The gay guy says "no way hater!". Is he legally within his rights to do so? :popcorn: You can just answer "yes" or "no". And remember, no state shall establish an official dogma or's in the US Constitution.
I don't think he is within his rights to deny the customer if the PA law says so.

And far as the far right haters are concerned:

I don't think he is within his rights to deny the customer if the PA law says so.

So then for you it's one and the same as if a KKK guy walked into a black man's bakery and ordered a cake that says "I hate nig gers!"? Remember, a black person is born that way. Gays adopt their behaviors. BEHAVIORS. This root premise is going to come out sooner or later so we might as well start talking about it right now..

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