Should AZ Force Gay People To Promote Christian Ideals Against Homosexuality?

Should AZ also force gays to promote values against gay values?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Not sure, maybe, I guess I never thought of it that way.

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I would accept that graphic design job in a hot minute. When I got home I would spread the money all over the bed and then have gay sex on it.
And there is nothing wrong with making your personal choice to do such and you should remain free to do it if that is what trips your trigger but it should not be forced on anyone else to do the same.

No. Just stop with the forcing other people to accept the abnormal and deviant crap. It has all gone far enough.
The question is one of fairness. Is it fair to force a Christian to abandon their 1st Amendment rights, while in the same state allowing gays to pick and choose when to promote values in direct opposition to their own?
The idea that sick people have is not one of fairness so I cannot go with that premise.

No. Just stop with the forcing other people to accept the abnormal and deviant crap. It has all gone far enough.
Stop forcing your heterosexuality on me!
First you will have to define how that is happening as you are free to make the choice to be a deviant if you desire to go there and there is no force to make you be anything other than that. That does not give you a right of any kind to force or compel me to work for you though if I choose not to.
There you are trying to force your heterosexuality down my throat again! Stop it! Quit shoving your straightness in our faces!
Sorry you get no traction here as you are free to put anyone you desire on ignore and you are not compelled to be a member of this board or post or read any of what others post either. It is nice that you willingly show how ignorant you can be about your queerness and the defense of being a deviant though, thanks for that.
Do you not understand that the same applies to you? You too are not compelled to be a member of this board. You too are never compelled to be gay or hang out with gay people. Do you not get that? Do you not see that you are just as ignorant about your straightness and how you shove it down other people's throats all the time?
Actually "sick" or not, the question really is one of legal-fairness (equal rights). If one person is allowed to expunge the 1st Amendment rights of another, cannot that other also expunge the 1st Amendment rights of the first? If AZ forces Christians to play along with "gay marriage" (whatever that is since the children involved don't have a guarantee anymore of both a mother and father: the reason marriage was created to benefit states) then AZ must also force gays to play along with repugnant ideals to their own dogma.
Equal rights is not on their agenda so why go there with them? Get organized enough to show the degradation of the whole when the people allow their rights to be co-opted by a few who believe erroneously that they should have the right to rule over other people, their children and the choices that those people make concerning their personal lives by legislative or regulatory force. When God's people are standing in the right place the holy spirit with them will help defend them and help defeat the enemies, when they are not standing in the right place that same spirit will allow the enemy to raise up against them until they turn away from evil themselves. Powers and principalities is where the battle is at.
I would accept that graphic design job in a hot minute. When I got home I would spread the money all over the bed and then have gay sex on it.
And there is nothing wrong with making your personal choice to do such and you should remain free to do it if that is what trips your trigger but it should not be forced on anyone else to do the same.

No. Just stop with the forcing other people to accept the abnormal and deviant crap. It has all gone far enough.
The question is one of fairness. Is it fair to force a Christian to abandon their 1st Amendment rights, while in the same state allowing gays to pick and choose when to promote values in direct opposition to their own?
The idea that sick people have is not one of fairness so I cannot go with that premise.

No. Just stop with the forcing other people to accept the abnormal and deviant crap. It has all gone far enough.
Stop forcing your heterosexuality on me!
First you will have to define how that is happening as you are free to make the choice to be a deviant if you desire to go there and there is no force to make you be anything other than that. That does not give you a right of any kind to force or compel me to work for you though if I choose not to.
There you are trying to force your heterosexuality down my throat again! Stop it! Quit shoving your straightness in our faces!
Sorry you get no traction here as you are free to put anyone you desire on ignore and you are not compelled to be a member of this board or post or read any of what others post either. It is nice that you willingly show how ignorant you can be about your queerness and the defense of being a deviant though, thanks for that.
Do you not understand that the same applies to you? You too are not compelled to be a member of this board. You too are never compelled to be gay or hang out with gay people. Do you not get that? Do you not see that you are just as ignorant about your straightness and how you shove it down other people's throats all the time?
Like I said you are free to be a deviant. Far be it from me to stop you. You are not free to force me to work for you, find your behavior acceptable or let you have access to my (grand)children to teach them that it is all fine and dandy to be a deviant. I am also free to lobby on behalf of that freedom to deny you access to what I am in charge of and over. You are not free to trespass on my property any more than I am free to trespass on yours.
Equal rights is not on their agenda so why go there with them? Get organized enough to show the degradation of the whole when the people allow their rights to be co-opted by a few who believe erroneously that they should have the right to rule over other people

So you prefer a pseudo-show watered-down approach to the stinging legal teeth of a lawsuit forcing the flawed decision to the higher courts where real, actual resolution in favor of your cause could be had?

Au contraire. I think we should "go there" with them. And right away too.
And there is nothing wrong with making your personal choice to do such and you should remain free to do it if that is what trips your trigger but it should not be forced on anyone else to do the same.

My feelings concerning public accommodation laws are not a secret here. A business should be able to turn away any customer and for any reason. Sadly, we are not seeing a great push for that, though. We are only seeing a push to end public accommodation laws that cover homos.
It is just another fascist push to attempt to take away more liberty and freedom of choice of the people. Judges that are pushing this type of crap need to be eliminated through the legal process of whatever state they are in. That same theory applies to any judge that denies, does not recognize or ignores the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. I have seen some awful judges and wondered how in the world were they allowed by the people to stay on the bench. One tried to badger me into signing a document once and I refused. He told me, "It does not mean anything". I told him, "If that is the case you sign it".
You talk about blaming judges for upholding clearly written PA about, instead of whining and blaming judges for upholding the law, you actively work to get PA laws in your state repealed?
Nothing of the sort will occur, Sil.

You need to work against PA laws through your lege.
Nothing of the sort will occur, Sil.

You need to work against PA laws through your lege.
IMO, they don't like to hear that because they KNOW they would be in the minority....they KNOW that if they started a petition drive to have PA laws repealed, they'd get no where.
Equal rights is not on their agenda so why go there with them? Get organized enough to show the degradation of the whole when the people allow their rights to be co-opted by a few who believe erroneously that they should have the right to rule over other people

So you prefer a pseudo-show watered-down approach to the stinging legal teeth of a lawsuit forcing the flawed decision to the higher courts where real, actual resolution in favor of your cause could be had?

Au contraire. I think we should "go there" with them. And right away too.
Not that your point is not a good one but the deviants of that nature are merely one sphere of the realm of the flood of evil upon the land.

I think the people gathered and getting rid of political enablers in the legislator crowd and dismissing of these corrupt judges needs to be done asap. If they can all blacklist people like me for refusing to allow them to abuse me that table can be turned on them just as quick.
And there is nothing wrong with making your personal choice to do such and you should remain free to do it if that is what trips your trigger but it should not be forced on anyone else to do the same.

My feelings concerning public accommodation laws are not a secret here. A business should be able to turn away any customer and for any reason. Sadly, we are not seeing a great push for that, though. We are only seeing a push to end public accommodation laws that cover homos.
It is just another fascist push to attempt to take away more liberty and freedom of choice of the people. Judges that are pushing this type of crap need to be eliminated through the legal process of whatever state they are in. That same theory applies to any judge that denies, does not recognize or ignores the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. I have seen some awful judges and wondered how in the world were they allowed by the people to stay on the bench. One tried to badger me into signing a document once and I refused. He told me, "It does not mean anything". I told him, "If that is the case you sign it".
You talk about blaming judges for upholding clearly written PA about, instead of whining and blaming judges for upholding the law, you actively work to get PA laws in your state repealed?
The crooked judges, banksters and thugs here were very effective in putting me into a position where I do not have the resources or the physical capability to do what you are suggesting but who knows that may very well change in the future.
Nothing of the sort will occur, Sil.

You need to work against PA laws through your lege.
IMO, they don't like to hear that because they KNOW they would be in the minority....they KNOW that if they started a petition drive to have PA laws repealed, they'd get no where.
You mean PA laws requiring a gay graphic designer to print a billboard for a Christian client that says "homosexuality is a sin unto God!"? If he serves the public, must he not accommodate them also, regardless of his belief system?
And there is nothing wrong with making your personal choice to do such and you should remain free to do it if that is what trips your trigger but it should not be forced on anyone else to do the same.

My feelings concerning public accommodation laws are not a secret here. A business should be able to turn away any customer and for any reason. Sadly, we are not seeing a great push for that, though. We are only seeing a push to end public accommodation laws that cover homos.
It is just another fascist push to attempt to take away more liberty and freedom of choice of the people. Judges that are pushing this type of crap need to be eliminated through the legal process of whatever state they are in. That same theory applies to any judge that denies, does not recognize or ignores the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. I have seen some awful judges and wondered how in the world were they allowed by the people to stay on the bench. One tried to badger me into signing a document once and I refused. He told me, "It does not mean anything". I told him, "If that is the case you sign it".
You talk about blaming judges for upholding clearly written PA about, instead of whining and blaming judges for upholding the law, you actively work to get PA laws in your state repealed?
BTW, not all judges "uphold the law", many of them have determine that the law is not applicable in "their courtrooms" and some ignore the law and make up their own new rules as they go for they can claim a precedent was already set.
YOU claim it is behavioral. But experts do not. So yes, your premise fails.
Well over three hundred studies cited in the link in the OP, with many more scientists involved than that all agree that sexual behavior is tied to conditioning. Social conditioning at that. So all this normalizing of deviant sexual behaviors can be predicted to see a rise in recruits in coming years. And in related news, there has been an "inexplicable" spike in young boys coming down with HIV from experimenting with gay sex with each other. So the evidence comes down heavy and hard on the side of behavioral. Monkey see, monkey do:
Fast Facts
HIV disproportionately affects young men who have sex with men (YMSM).
In 2011, among adolescent males aged 13–19 years, approximately 93% of all
diagnosed HIV infections were from male-to-male sexual contact.
From 2008–2011, YMSM aged 13–24 years had the greatest percentage increase
(26%) in diagnosed HIV infections.
(Figure 1)
Bottom line is Phoenix has a law on the books naming LGBT members are a "protected class" in their anti-discrimination laws and Christians are not included.
Members of the LGBT community need laws like this for their mental well-being and have convinced segments of society that it is warranted thereby it was adopted.
The validity of the law is irrelevant, if Christians feel they need such a law in Phoenix AZ they need to petition and lobby to have one passes.
No. Just stop with the forcing other people to accept the abnormal and deviant crap. It has all gone far enough.

Religion is abnormal and deviant crap.
Only in your eyes and no one is forcing you to participate in their religious services in the United States unless you start counted a few Islamic terrorist that believe and willingly act out blowing up or slaughtering people that do not or are not willing to convert to Islam.

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