Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
you realize , I assume , that that article did not describe the methodology used to come to those conclusions at all don't you?

You further realize, again I hope, that the article made NO mention of gay males parenting together... Just an oversight I imagine.

You can go find the study and look at it yourself.

Let's see...there have been dozens of studies on gay parents and they all show the same thing, our children are at no disadvantage to the children of heterosexual parents so you conclude that children do better with a mother and a father...and yet no study shows that. What studies do show is that children do best in two parent households where the parents are committed to the health and well being of the children, period.

Children don't need a mother and a father, they need parents who love and cherish them.
you realize , I assume , that that article did not describe the methodology used to come to those conclusions at all don't you?

You further realize, again I hope, that the article made NO mention of gay males parenting together... Just an oversight I imagine.

You can go find the study and look at it yourself.

Let's see...there have been dozens of studies on gay parents and they all show the same thing, our children are at no disadvantage to the children of heterosexual parents so you conclude that children do better with a mother and a father...and yet no study shows that. What studies do show is that children do best in two parent households where the parents are committed to the health and well being of the children, period.

Children don't need a mother and a father, they need parents who love and cherish them.

Odd that NEITHER link you provided actually included the study. What is it with you and posting fiction as proof of facts?

I"m not buying a book to confirm some person's OPINION of what the study says. Find the ACTUAL study , then we'll talk.
Nobody is spitting on anybody, can you not make a legit point with logic?

Actually someone is getting spit on, the child. All Children need a father and mother.

There can be only one Mother, that you wish to force your broken-thinking on children is what children need to be protected from.

No children don't need a mother and a father. Children do best in two parent households, the gender of the parent is immaterial.

That's a claim lacking any visible means of support.
These studies have all been shown to be fatally flawed. For one thing, the participants are self-selected. So right form the get-go, the children of dysfunctional same-sex households aren't included in the study. That's only one of the problems found with these "studies."
Nobody is spitting on anybody, can you not make a legit point with logic?

Actually someone is getting spit on, the child. All Children need a father and mother.

There can be only one Mother, that you wish to force your broken-thinking on children is what children need to be protected from.

No children don't need a mother and a father. Children do best in two parent households, the gender of the parent is immaterial.

First and foremost, Children need a Mother and a Father, its called the Bird and the Bees or the Sperm and the Egg.

Second, one egg for one child is one mother.

No matter how convoluted your thinking gets, no matter what you blind your eyes to, this is the truth.

I find it sick that you have such bizarre thoughts, I find it sick because the children are the victim of your broken-thinking.
Gays are a piddly small percentage, given all this attention they are getting, you would think they actually merit all this attention Add to that, they are deranged sexualy, but they can buy good media coverage. The media...that is a different story.
Here's to hoping one day when you need help, no one stands up for you because you are such piddly small percentage of deranged homophobic bigots.

no shit, I thought that was kind of the point of government, keep the many from over running the rights of the few.
Gays have no right to marry. Blind people have no right to drive. You have to qualify for the institution or privilege you are seeking. Flatly, gays do not qualify as "husband/wife" "father/mother". And we disqualify them for the sake of children: the most important people involved in a marriage IMHO.
Why said gays want to be husband and wife? Are you retarded?

and more to the point, who even cares what they call each other?

Children do. "Husband/Wife" "Father/Mother" matters to children... Gays consider these American citizens at most collateral damage inferior to their "rights" to access them to take home alone via the loophole of marriage.
So children with two mothers, one natural and the other adopted you want to spit on them because neither is the father? WOW
Nobody is spitting on anybody, can you not make a legit point with logic?

Actually someone is getting spit on, the child. All Children need a father and mother.

There can be only one Mother, that you wish to force your broken-thinking on children is what children need to be protected from.

So if the child's father or mother is absent the child should be what? adopted to a better family?

Children with an adopted mother are living a false life? WTH are you talking about?
What are you talking about?

Your statement is irrelevant to the post I responded to, which spoke of two homosexual's acting as mothers. I get you need to attack anything that challenges the Homosexual's desires to be everything they are not naturally, its the new Civil Rights Movement, pure Political Propaganda.

High and Mighty are the Dictators, Where do I state that, "children with an adopted mother" are living a false life?

Hell, I never heard of an, "adopted mother", how does a baby, "adopt a mother"?

Children are adopted, not mothers.

So, What are you talking about?
Gays are a piddly small percentage, given all this attention they are getting, you would think they actually merit all this attention Add to that, they are deranged sexualy, but they can buy good media coverage. The media...that is a different story.
Here's to hoping one day when you need help, no one stands up for you because you are such piddly small percentage of deranged homophobic bigots.

no shit, I thought that was kind of the point of government, keep the many from over running the rights of the few.
Gays have no right to marry. Blind people have no right to drive. You have to qualify for the institution or privilege you are seeking. Flatly, gays do not qualify as "husband/wife" "father/mother". And we disqualify them for the sake of children: the most important people involved in a marriage IMHO.
Why said gays want to be husband and wife? Are you retarded?

and more to the point, who even cares what they call each other?

Children do. "Husband/Wife" "Father/Mother" matters to children... Gays consider these American citizens at most collateral damage inferior to their "rights" to access them to take home alone via the loophole of marriage.
So children with two mothers, one natural and the other adopted you want to spit on them because neither is the father? WOW
Nobody is spitting on anybody, can you not make a legit point with logic?

Actually someone is getting spit on, the child. All Children need a father and mother.

There can be only one Mother, that you wish to force your broken-thinking on children is what children need to be protected from.

So if the child's father or mother is absent the child should be what? adopted to a better family?

Children with an adopted mother are living a false life? WTH are you talking about?
What are you talking about?

Your statement is irrelevant to the post I responded to, which spoke of two homosexual's acting as mothers. I get you need to attack anything that challenges the Homosexual's desires to be everything they are not naturally, its the new Civil Rights Movement, pure Political Propaganda.

High and Mighty are the Dictators, Where do I state that, "children with an adopted mother" are living a false life?

Hell, I never heard of an, "adopted mother", how does a baby, "adopt a mother"?

Children are adopted, not mothers.

So, What are you talking about?
Semantics, I was talking about the adoptive mothers.

You stated clearly and I'll quote again to remind you
Nobody is spitting on anybody, can you not make a legit point with logic?
Then in the next sentence you recanted apparently in a moment of rage stating:
Actually someone is getting spit on, the child. All Children need a father and mother. There can be only one Mother, that you wish to force your broken-thinking on children is what children need to be protected from.

Thus my question, which I will repeat:

If adoptive parents is "broken-thinking" as you say. Then if the child's father or mother is absent, such as by being dead or ran off, the child should do what? Since you have declared adoption as "broken-thinking" what do you propose for these children? You appear to be stating that the adoption process is and I quote "spitting on, the child."

Children with an adopted mother are living a false life because adoptive parents are not real parents? If that's not what you mean, what do you mean? WTH are you talking about when you say and I quote, "there can be only one Mother."
These studies have all been shown to be fatally flawed. For one thing, the participants are self-selected. So right form the get-go, the children of dysfunctional same-sex households aren't included in the study. That's only one of the problems found with these "studies."

Actually it's studies that anti gay folks put out that turn out to be seriously the point of being laughed out of court.

Michigan same-sex marriage ban struck down along with fake Regnerus research strategy.
First and foremost, Children need a Mother and a Father, its called the Bird and the Bees or the Sperm and the Egg.

Second, one egg for one child is one mother.

No matter how convoluted your thinking gets, no matter what you blind your eyes to, this is the truth.

I find it sick that you have such bizarre thoughts, I find it sick because the children are the victim of your broken-thinking.

Procreation requires a sperm and egg, PARENTING does not require either.

Our children are fine, worry about the kids of divorce.
Yo, the deal is done and the OP is generally agreed to that churches should not host gay marriages that don't want to.
Odd that NEITHER link you provided actually included the study. What is it with you and posting fiction as proof of facts?

I"m not buying a book to confirm some person's OPINION of what the study says. Find the ACTUAL study , then we'll talk.

So you can't counter the studies...imagine that. I'm so shocked. You can't because kids don't "need" a mother and father, they need parents...and the children of gays are evidence of that fact. They're doing fine.

Now kids of divorce? They're fucked up.
Odd that NEITHER link you provided actually included the study. What is it with you and posting fiction as proof of facts?

I"m not buying a book to confirm some person's OPINION of what the study says. Find the ACTUAL study , then we'll talk.

So you can't counter the studies...imagine that. I'm so shocked. You can't because kids don't "need" a mother and father, they need parents...and the children of gays are evidence of that fact. They're doing fine.

Now kids of divorce? They're fucked up.

How can I counter a study that I haven't even seen you dope.
Yo, the deal is done and the OP is generally agreed to that churches should not host gay marriages that don't want to.
Yes, 82% of the respondants agree.

Kind of washes out the "Most Americans support gay marriage" thing though doesn't it? I mean the equivalent would be "Most Americans support equal rights for blacks" in the 1960s and then having a poll that shows 82% of Americans saying "but they just can't use the same water fountains as whites".

Only...resist the insulting and erroneous urge to compare the struggles of blacks to butt sex.... The example was to illustrate a serious flaw in the "polling data" the LGBT media keeps releasing that doesn't quite line up with other non-LGBT controlled or influenced outlets..
Yo, the deal is done and the OP is generally agreed to that churches should not host gay marriages that don't want to.
Yes, 82% of the respondants agree.

Kind of washes out the "Most Americans support gay marriage" thing though doesn't it? I mean the equivalent would be "Most Americans support equal rights for blacks" in the 1960s and then having a poll that shows 82% of Americans saying "but they just can't use the same water fountains as whites".

Only...resist the insulting and erroneous urge to compare the struggles of blacks to butt sex.... The example was to illustrate a serious flaw in the "polling data" the LGBT media keeps releasing that doesn't quite line up with other non-LGBT controlled or influenced outlets..

I don't see that. First of all, there was never serious contention that the state had the power to go into individual churches, or denominations, and enforce some govt set liturgy. Second, the GLBT folks weren't demanding that the Baptists and Catholics marry them.
How can I counter a study that I haven't even seen you dope.

You've seen the results, published in a reputable journal. Where's your study that shows heterosexual parents "do it better"?
It's called biology. The simple presence of male/female father/mother are the constructs of nature a child will learn "are natural parents of a child". Each state has a right to encourage that arrangement with incentives and discourage other arrangements. In the end this debate will be all about what's best for child-welfare.

Just bear in mind the gay pride parades you've seen on TV or in person and plug it in. That's how the Court will decide ultimately. They cannot via convenience, ignore the one demographic most affected by the institution of marriage.
Yo, the deal is done and the OP is generally agreed to that churches should not host gay marriages that don't want to.
Yes, 82% of the respondants agree.

Kind of washes out the "Most Americans support gay marriage" thing though doesn't it? I mean the equivalent would be "Most Americans support equal rights for blacks" in the 1960s and then having a poll that shows 82% of Americans saying "but they just can't use the same water fountains as whites".

Only...resist the insulting and erroneous urge to compare the struggles of blacks to butt sex.... The example was to illustrate a serious flaw in the "polling data" the LGBT media keeps releasing that doesn't quite line up with other non-LGBT controlled or influenced outlets..

I don't see that. First of all, there was never serious contention that the state had the power to go into individual churches, or denominations, and enforce some govt set liturgy. Second, the GLBT folks weren't demanding that the Baptists and Catholics marry them.

They will though. Not all of them obviously, but its inevitable, some will insist that they have a right to be married in a Baptists church and that any church that disagrees is violating their rights. Never mind the fact that the COTUS doesn't prevent ME from violating your rights.
Sil falsely and knowingly and deceptively equates that most of us agree that churches should retain the right to deny marriage somehow means that all are opposed to gay marriage. The majority support marriage equality.

Your type of integrity failure is one of the factors driving marriage equality to victory.
Yo, the deal is done and the OP is generally agreed to that churches should not host gay marriages that don't want to.
Yes, 82% of the respondants agree.

Kind of washes out the "Most Americans support gay marriage" thing though doesn't it? I mean the equivalent would be "Most Americans support equal rights for blacks" in the 1960s and then having a poll that shows 82% of Americans saying "but they just can't use the same water fountains as whites".

Only...resist the insulting and erroneous urge to compare the struggles of blacks to butt sex.... The example was to illustrate a serious flaw in the "polling data" the LGBT media keeps releasing that doesn't quite line up with other non-LGBT controlled or influenced outlets..

I don't see that. First of all, there was never serious contention that the state had the power to go into individual churches, or denominations, and enforce some govt set liturgy. Second, the GLBT folks weren't demanding that the Baptists and Catholics marry them.

They will though. Not all of them obviously, but its inevitable, some will insist that they have a right to be married in a Baptists church and that any church that disagrees is violating their rights. Never mind the fact that the COTUS doesn't prevent ME from violating your rights.

Of course some will insist, and they, like you, will fail in violating others rights.
These studies have all been shown to be fatally flawed. For one thing, the participants are self-selected. So right form the get-go, the children of dysfunctional same-sex households aren't included in the study. That's only one of the problems found with these "studies."

Actually it's studies that anti gay folks put out that turn out to be seriously the point of being laughed out of court.

Michigan same-sex marriage ban struck down along with fake Regnerus research strategy.

Your gay marriage research is also bogus. It's mostly pure propaganda concocted by gay activists.

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