Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
Yo, the deal is done and the OP is generally agreed to that churches should not host gay marriages that don't want to.
Yes, 82% of the respondants agree.

Kind of washes out the "Most Americans support gay marriage" thing though doesn't it? I mean the equivalent would be "Most Americans support equal rights for blacks" in the 1960s and then having a poll that shows 82% of Americans saying "but they just can't use the same water fountains as whites".

Only...resist the insulting and erroneous urge to compare the struggles of blacks to butt sex.... The example was to illustrate a serious flaw in the "polling data" the LGBT media keeps releasing that doesn't quite line up with other non-LGBT controlled or influenced outlets..

I don't see that. First of all, there was never serious contention that the state had the power to go into individual churches, or denominations, and enforce some govt set liturgy. Second, the GLBT folks weren't demanding that the Baptists and Catholics marry them.

They will though. Not all of them obviously, but its inevitable, some will insist that they have a right to be married in a Baptists church and that any church that disagrees is violating their rights. Never mind the fact that the COTUS doesn't prevent ME from violating your rights.

well, a majority has no interest in doing so, and frankly why would they want to belong to a church that wants to discriminate against them. But, regardless, const law is very settled that courts will not interfere with liturgy or theology of any Christian sect.
Churches have their guidelines that God has specified was a sin it has nothing to do with decriminalization. Don';t be gay if you want to get to heaven. After all isn't that what going to church is all about being with like minded poeople?

You can't tell them they aren't going to heaven you racist!!
You'll have to use another ad hominem. Race has nothing to do with butt sex.
Churches have their guidelines that God has specified was a sin it has nothing to do with decriminalization. Don';t be gay if you want to get to heaven. After all isn't that what going to church is all about being with like minded poeople?

Actually the way Jude 1 is written, homosexuals [who know not what they do from mental illness] have more of a chance of getting into heaven than sane christians who bow to PC pressure and help promote a homosexual culture "because its what is all the rage". Cowardice will get you eternity in the Big Pit.
Homosexual advocates dictating what a family is, against what occurs in nature.

The homosexual dictators will not stop, they must destroy the churches teachings.

If homosexuality is so natural, why all the force?

Well, to be fair, in order to access the kids they want to get at, you know, "to adopt as a normal family", they have to eradicate christianity because it has some very strict rules about promoting homosexual cultures. Ist Verboten and there is no compromise on that.

So, naturally, most organized religions have to go. It's why they pulled the coup on the Vatican last year. Because it is the most unwavering entity with the christian label we have. They were trying to get at the "weed" by the root.

I wonder if they were "sending a message" to the next Pope or if they actually thought thousands of years of stalwart catholicism with billions of practitioners would suddenly lay down and give up their mores for a johnny-come-lately gay fascism? All they did was replace Pope Benedict with Pope Francais. Neither one is going to give the stamp of legitimacy to homosexuality as a cultural "OK".

The Bible is very clear and specific: NO.
If heterosexuality is normal, in "order to access the kids they want to get at, you know, 'to adopt as a normal family,' they have to" eradicate competition.

Your argument is a transparent failure, Sil, from the get go.
Yet as usual you fail to define why you've come to that conclusion. I'll take that as the surrender it is.

It's a parody of your yammering, which has no connection to reality.
You'll have to use another ad hominem. Race has nothing to do with butt sex.
Churches have their guidelines that God has specified was a sin it has nothing to do with decriminalization. Don';t be gay if you want to get to heaven. After all isn't that what going to church is all about being with like minded poeople?

Actually the way Jude 1 is written, homosexuals [who know not what they do from mental illness] have more of a chance of getting into heaven than sane christians who bow to PC pressure and help promote a homosexual culture "because its what is all the rage". Cowardice will get you eternity in the Big Pit.

Sil, who has told us she is not religious is now a religious expert?
Yo, the deal is done and the OP is generally agreed to that churches should not host gay marriages that don't want to.
Yes, 82% of the respondants agree.

Kind of washes out the "Most Americans support gay marriage" thing though doesn't it? I mean the equivalent would be "Most Americans support equal rights for blacks" in the 1960s and then having a poll that shows 82% of Americans saying "but they just can't use the same water fountains as whites".

Only...resist the insulting and erroneous urge to compare the struggles of blacks to butt sex.... The example was to illustrate a serious flaw in the "polling data" the LGBT media keeps releasing that doesn't quite line up with other non-LGBT controlled or influenced outlets..

I don't see that. First of all, there was never serious contention that the state had the power to go into individual churches, or denominations, and enforce some govt set liturgy. Second, the GLBT folks weren't demanding that the Baptists and Catholics marry them.

They will though. Not all of them obviously, but its inevitable, some will insist that they have a right to be married in a Baptists church and that any church that disagrees is violating their rights. Never mind the fact that the COTUS doesn't prevent ME from violating your rights.

well, a majority has no interest in doing so, and frankly why would they want to belong to a church that wants to discriminate against them. But, regardless, const law is very settled that courts will not interfere with liturgy or theology of any Christian sect.
Churches have their guidelines that God has specified was a sin it has nothing to do with decriminalization. Don';t be gay if you want to get to heaven. After all isn't that what going to church is all about being with like minded poeople?

You can't tell them they aren't going to heaven you racist!!
When did I mention race?
You'll have to use another ad hominem. Race has nothing to do with butt sex.
Churches have their guidelines that God has specified was a sin it has nothing to do with decriminalization. Don';t be gay if you want to get to heaven. After all isn't that what going to church is all about being with like minded poeople?

Actually the way Jude 1 is written, homosexuals [who know not what they do from mental illness] have more of a chance of getting into heaven than sane christians who bow to PC pressure and help promote a homosexual culture "because its what is all the rage". Cowardice will get you eternity in the Big Pit.
Where did I say anything about race?
Yo, the deal is done and the OP is generally agreed to that churches should not host gay marriages that don't want to.
Yes, 82% of the respondants agree.

Kind of washes out the "Most Americans support gay marriage" thing though doesn't it? I mean the equivalent would be "Most Americans support equal rights for blacks" in the 1960s and then having a poll that shows 82% of Americans saying "but they just can't use the same water fountains as whites".

Only...resist the insulting and erroneous urge to compare the struggles of blacks to butt sex.... The example was to illustrate a serious flaw in the "polling data" the LGBT media keeps releasing that doesn't quite line up with other non-LGBT controlled or influenced outlets..

I don't see that. First of all, there was never serious contention that the state had the power to go into individual churches, or denominations, and enforce some govt set liturgy. Second, the GLBT folks weren't demanding that the Baptists and Catholics marry them.

They will though. Not all of them obviously, but its inevitable, some will insist that they have a right to be married in a Baptists church and that any church that disagrees is violating their rights. Never mind the fact that the COTUS doesn't prevent ME from violating your rights.

well, a majority has no interest in doing so, and frankly why would they want to belong to a church that wants to discriminate against them. But, regardless, const law is very settled that courts will not interfere with liturgy or theology of any Christian sect.
Churches have their guidelines that God has specified was a sin it has nothing to do with decriminalization. Don';t be gay if you want to get to heaven. After all isn't that what going to church is all about being with like minded poeople?

You can't tell them they aren't going to heaven you racist!!
When did I mention race?

I was kidding with you sheesh
  • Thanks
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Yo, the deal is done and the OP is generally agreed to that churches should not host gay marriages that don't want to.
Yes, 82% of the respondants agree.

Kind of washes out the "Most Americans support gay marriage" thing though doesn't it? I mean the equivalent would be "Most Americans support equal rights for blacks" in the 1960s and then having a poll that shows 82% of Americans saying "but they just can't use the same water fountains as whites".

Only...resist the insulting and erroneous urge to compare the struggles of blacks to butt sex.... The example was to illustrate a serious flaw in the "polling data" the LGBT media keeps releasing that doesn't quite line up with other non-LGBT controlled or influenced outlets..

I don't see that. First of all, there was never serious contention that the state had the power to go into individual churches, or denominations, and enforce some govt set liturgy. Second, the GLBT folks weren't demanding that the Baptists and Catholics marry them.

They will though. Not all of them obviously, but its inevitable, some will insist that they have a right to be married in a Baptists church and that any church that disagrees is violating their rights. Never mind the fact that the COTUS doesn't prevent ME from violating your rights.

well, a majority has no interest in doing so, and frankly why would they want to belong to a church that wants to discriminate against them. But, regardless, const law is very settled that courts will not interfere with liturgy or theology of any Christian sect.
Churches have their guidelines that God has specified was a sin it has nothing to do with decriminalization. Don';t be gay if you want to get to heaven. After all isn't that what going to church is all about being with like minded poeople?

You can't tell them they aren't going to heaven you racist!!
When did I mention race?

I was kidding with you sheesh
I thought you were but the next post after yours was this
You'll have to use another ad hominem. Race has nothing to do with butt sex."
So I had to ask.
You'll have to use another ad hominem. Race has nothing to do with butt sex.
Churches have their guidelines that God has specified was a sin it has nothing to do with decriminalization. Don';t be gay if you want to get to heaven. After all isn't that what going to church is all about being with like minded poeople?

Actually the way Jude 1 is written, homosexuals [who know not what they do from mental illness] have more of a chance of getting into heaven than sane christians who bow to PC pressure and help promote a homosexual culture "because its what is all the rage". Cowardice will get you eternity in the Big Pit.
Where did I say anything about race?
Might have been a misquote. Sometimes the function gets screwed up when I delete a bunch of irrelevant text to the topic I want to address.
You'll have to use another ad hominem. Race has nothing to do with butt sex.
Churches have their guidelines that God has specified was a sin it has nothing to do with decriminalization. Don';t be gay if you want to get to heaven. After all isn't that what going to church is all about being with like minded poeople?

Actually the way Jude 1 is written, homosexuals [who know not what they do from mental illness] have more of a chance of getting into heaven than sane christians who bow to PC pressure and help promote a homosexual culture "because its what is all the rage". Cowardice will get you eternity in the Big Pit.
Where did I say anything about race?
Might have been a misquote. Sometimes the function gets screwed up when I delete a bunch of irrelevant text to the topic I want to address.

I've had that happen a few times. I wish other people would learn to cut that way I wouldn't have to cut so much.
If you read ANYTHING in this thread that you thought meant I don't support "gay marriage" that is your problem not mine.

I say let em "marry" and I'll make fun of their sham.

It's a win win.

It's not a "win win" for the children caught up in that dysfunction. Nor for the orphans gays will have a legitimate undeniable right to access once they get the loophole of marriage. Imagine growing up in a home like that? With two men or women playing at "father/mother" roles? Mind-fuck central...
Should Churches be forced to accommodate for homosexual weddings?

I thought that was why Jefferson called for a separation between Church and State?

Jefferson's Letter to the Danbury Baptists
The Final Letter, as Sent

To messers. Nehemiah Dodge, Ephraim Robbins, & Stephen S. Nelson, a committee of the Danbury Baptist association in the state of Connecticut.


The affectionate sentiments of esteem and approbation which you are so good as to express towards me, on behalf of the Danbury Baptist association, give me the highest satisfaction. my duties dictate a faithful and zealous pursuit of the interests of my constituents, & in proportion as they are persuaded of my fidelity to those duties, the discharge of them becomes more and more pleasing.

Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between Man & his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, & not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should "make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," thus building a wall of separation between Church & State. Adhering to this expression of the supreme will of the nation in behalf of the rights of conscience, I shall see with sincere satisfaction the progress of those sentiments which tend to restore to man all his natural rights, convinced he has no natural right in opposition to his social duties.

I reciprocate your kind prayers for the protection & blessing of the common father and creator of man, and tender you for yourselves & your religious association, assurances of my high respect & esteem.

Th Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson's Letter to the Danbury Baptists (Jan. 1. 1802) - Library of Congress - Separation of Church & State

Has no one a response to this?

If you read ANYTHING in this thread that you thought meant I don't support "gay marriage" that is your problem not mine.

I say let em "marry" and I'll make fun of their sham.

It's a win win.

It's not a "win win" for the children caught up in that dysfunction. Nor for the orphans gays will have a legitimate undeniable right to access once they get the loophole of marriage. Imagine growing up in a home like that? With two men or women playing at "father/mother" roles? Mind-fuck central...
Mind-fuck central... yeah that's anywhere you hang your hat where people have to listen to your homophobic bigoted sanctimonious sacrilegious clap trap bull shit.
If you read ANYTHING in this thread that you thought meant I don't support "gay marriage" that is your problem not mine.

I say let em "marry" and I'll make fun of their sham.

It's a win win.

It's not a "win win" for the children caught up in that dysfunction. Nor for the orphans gays will have a legitimate undeniable right to access once they get the loophole of marriage. Imagine growing up in a home like that? With two men or women playing at "father/mother" roles? Mind-fuck central...
You are attempting and failing at mind fuck central. I am sorry for what happened to you. Hetero predators are awful and there are far more of them as well. But if we use your reasoning, then we have to give up all marriage, and that will still not keep bad adults away from children. Don't you get that?
You are attempting and failing at mind fuck central. I am sorry for what happened to you. Hetero predators are awful and there are far more of them as well. But if we use your reasoning, then we have to give up all marriage, and that will still not keep bad adults away from children. Don't you get that?

Nah...since the overwhelming majority of predators are MEN..,only women should be allowed to marry each other and bear children. Nothing but stud services for you Jake!!!!
You are attempting and failing at mind fuck central. I am sorry for what happened to you. Hetero predators are awful and there are far more of them as well. But if we use your reasoning, then we have to give up all marriage, and that will still not keep bad adults away from children. Don't you get that?

Nah...since the overwhelming majority of predators are MEN..,only women should be allowed to marry each other and bear children. Nothing but stud services for you Jake!!!!

Sick fucks who prey on children are not men.
Seawytch, I was abused by a female counselor when I was 11, so there is more going than you know.

We boys probably report at a far less rate than girls, who report at a poor rate as well.

The lesbian only marriage idea is interesting, but I am a one woman guy, so I would not be interested in stud fees.

But you ladies could put all the guys through a rigorous physical and emotional training, and you lezzies let the more bi girl of you have the ecstasy while you get to parent a baby. It would work for worthy men and all the worthy women.
If you read ANYTHING in this thread that you thought meant I don't support "gay marriage" that is your problem not mine.

I say let em "marry" and I'll make fun of their sham.

It's a win win.

It's not a "win win" for the children caught up in that dysfunction. Nor for the orphans gays will have a legitimate undeniable right to access once they get the loophole of marriage. Imagine growing up in a home like that? With two men or women playing at "father/mother" roles? Mind-fuck central...
Mind-fuck central... yeah that's anywhere you hang your hat where people have to listen to your homophobic bigoted sanctimonious sacrilegious clap trap bull shit.
If you read ANYTHING in this thread that you thought meant I don't support "gay marriage" that is your problem not mine.

I say let em "marry" and I'll make fun of their sham.

It's a win win.

It's not a "win win" for the children caught up in that dysfunction. Nor for the orphans gays will have a legitimate undeniable right to access once they get the loophole of marriage. Imagine growing up in a home like that? With two men or women playing at "father/mother" roles? Mind-fuck central...
Mind-fuck central... yeah that's anywhere you hang your hat where people have to listen to your homophobic bigoted sanctimonious sacrilegious clap trap bull shit.

See, that's the thing. Nobody HAS to listen to me or read my posts. In fact if you'll notice, I did not start this thread. Yet the subject interests people enough for it to sport one of the biggest polling turnouts in USMB history [as far as I know] with an 82% weigh-in that in essence "people may support gay marriage but that support is very very iffy indeed".
Either it is a constitutional right that no one may deny. Or as in this topic, 82% believe that some people should be able to deny it. Translation, "support for gay marriage, if any, is VERY lukewarm at best

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