Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
The flamers are far right fools. Not to worry: they were doused.

You're the typical leftist who tries to use my constitution the take away my rights. My Constitution limits government. No me.

You are not a responsible conservative, and I am not a leftist.

The Constitution and the law is clear: you do not get to discriminate against others when it comes to civil rights.

You disagree? Then you are in harmony with the Jim Crow laws and segregation.

Go find a time machine.

You're a commie, diaper lord. You were caught posting communist propaganda to this forum.
I'm not. The queers are demanding we accept their behavior as normal. You're confused.

It is normal.

It's "normal" only in the same sense that Spina Bifida is "normal." Birth defects are a common feature of life. It certainly isn't healthy or well adjusted.

So people with birth defects can't be well adjusted? Guess we should just leave 'em all out in in the elements to die like they did in "olden times" when Jesus was walking the earth?
Why is marriage between a man and a woman? Is it a religious dictate? If so which religion? I seem to recall other cultures (native american?) allowed same sex marriage, shouldn't their traditions be respected?

If marriage is for procreation we should NOT allow marriage to anyone infertile or anyone past the age of child-bearing. Right?

If you dislike egalitarianism I think it falls on you to show why it should not be allowed.

They can't. No one has ever made a good argument against marriage equality because there is none.

De facto same sex marriage has always existed. The fact that legal or religious systems have not recognized them, or outlawed them, or persecuted them,

is irrelevant.

Well yes, initially it was a religious dictate coming out of our Christian tradition here in the west. So I am talking about what the government's policy on marriage ought to be in Western Societies.

If on Indian Reservations they wish to issue same sex marriage licenses I wouldn't oppose it, I support full tribal autonomy. I don't know what tribes you speak of, but no, I don't think government policy should be reflective of the traditions of these supposed tribes, it should be reflective of our own historical traditions as emerging from European Christian civilization.

Also for practical considerations. Homosexuality serves no societal purpose. It makes no sense to put the lifestyle on par with a union that results in children and therefore a family except to not hurt the feelings of people and be "fair". As though fairness, equality, basically FEELINGS, should trump practical considerations and reality.

Infertile couples can still adopt, and being a man and woman still form the foundation of the nuclear family. But most people aren't infertile, and these minute exceptions to the rule in no way negate the primary purpose of marriage, procreation and family formation.

I just outlined why homosexual couples and heterosexual couples shouldn't be treated the same. Though the burden is on you why we should treat them the same as you are making an affirmative case to change the law.

I know you'd like us to think you're new around here and all that but here's a news flash.

Gay people can raise children. Just as well or better than you breeders.
I swear to God I'm so sick of these silly homophobic comments from the right. Shall we ban adoption because its not really the babies REAL parents raising it? While were at it let's take away all the children being raised by single mothers and fathers cuz, ya know, they don't have a mommy and daddy raising them. While were at it, let's lock up all those grandmas raising the unwanted children their libertarian millennial breeder brats don't have the time to raise!
It is normal.

It's "normal" only in the same sense that Spina Bifida is "normal." Birth defects are a common feature of life. It certainly isn't healthy or well adjusted.

So people with birth defects can't be well adjusted? Guess we should just leave 'em all out in in the elements to die like they did in "olden times" when Jesus was walking the earth?

They can't be healthy and well adjusted when the defect is in their brain, and that is what homosexuality is: a birth defect in the brain.

I love the way homos try to twist every thing you say to mean that you believe homos should be killed. It only shows what a bunch of dishonest weasels you are.

I never had a problem with homos until I started debating them in forums like this. That's when I discovered they are all liars. Almost everything they say is a lie.
I swear to God I'm so sick of these silly homophobic comments from the right. Shall we ban adoption because its not really the babies REAL parents raising it? While were at it let's take away all the children being raised by single mothers and fathers cuz, ya know, they don't have a mommy and daddy raising them. While were at it, let's lock up all those grandmas raising the unwanted children their libertarian millennial breeder brats don't have the time to raise!

Truth is what you are sick of.

If the mother can't afford to raise an illegitimate child, it should be taken away from her and put up for adoption because she's an unfit mother. That's what used to happen before all the Johnson "Great Society" programs came online.

The rest of your suggestions are pure nonsense. No one has ever suggesting anything of the sort.
The flamers are far right fools. Not to worry: they were doused.

You're the typical leftist who tries to use my constitution the take away my rights. My Constitution limits government. No me.

You are not a responsible conservative, and I am not a leftist.

The Constitution and the law is clear: you do not get to discriminate against others when it comes to civil rights.

You disagree? Then you are in harmony with the Jim Crow laws and segregation.

Go find a time machine.

This has nothing to do with equality and rights. It's about submission. You can't push citizens around who don't agree with you. This is America.
They can't. No one has ever made a good argument against marriage equality because there is none.

De facto same sex marriage has always existed. The fact that legal or religious systems have not recognized them, or outlawed them, or persecuted them,

is irrelevant.

Well yes, initially it was a religious dictate coming out of our Christian tradition here in the west. So I am talking about what the government's policy on marriage ought to be in Western Societies.

If on Indian Reservations they wish to issue same sex marriage licenses I wouldn't oppose it, I support full tribal autonomy. I don't know what tribes you speak of, but no, I don't think government policy should be reflective of the traditions of these supposed tribes, it should be reflective of our own historical traditions as emerging from European Christian civilization.

Also for practical considerations. Homosexuality serves no societal purpose. It makes no sense to put the lifestyle on par with a union that results in children and therefore a family except to not hurt the feelings of people and be "fair". As though fairness, equality, basically FEELINGS, should trump practical considerations and reality.

Infertile couples can still adopt, and being a man and woman still form the foundation of the nuclear family. But most people aren't infertile, and these minute exceptions to the rule in no way negate the primary purpose of marriage, procreation and family formation.

I just outlined why homosexual couples and heterosexual couples shouldn't be treated the same. Though the burden is on you why we should treat them the same as you are making an affirmative case to change the law.

I know you'd like us to think you're new around here and all that but here's a news flash.

Gay people can raise children. Just as well or better than you breeders.

The jury is still out on that issue. Common sense would indicate that being raised by a couple of homosexuals would not be a healthy environment for a child.
You're the typical leftist who tries to use my constitution the take away my rights. My Constitution limits government. No me.

You are not a responsible conservative, and I am not a leftist.

The Constitution and the law is clear: you do not get to discriminate against others when it comes to civil rights.

You disagree? Then you are in harmony with the Jim Crow laws and segregation.

Go find a time machine.

This has nothing to do with equality and rights. It's about submission. You can't push citizens around who don't agree with you. This is America.

For now.

Ultimately, they're going to get their way.

It's "normal" only in the same sense that Spina Bifida is "normal." Birth defects are a common feature of life. It certainly isn't healthy or well adjusted.

So people with birth defects can't be well adjusted? Guess we should just leave 'em all out in in the elements to die like they did in "olden times" when Jesus was walking the earth?

They can't be healthy and well adjusted when the defect is in their brain, and that is what homosexuality is: a birth defect in the brain.

I love the way homos try to twist every thing you say to mean that you believe homos should be killed. It only shows what a bunch of dishonest weasels you are.

I never had a problem with homos until I started debating them in forums like this. That's when I discovered they are all liars. Almost everything they say is a lie.

You're right, I apologize. I did take it to the hyperbolic extreme.

You think being gay is a birth defect. Okay....still deserving of equal treatment under the law, yes?
Fortunately getting married in a church by a religious leader is not a requirement, since it was the last place I ever wanted to get married and I never have..
You're the typical leftist who tries to use my constitution the take away my rights. My Constitution limits government. No me.

You are not a responsible conservative, and I am not a leftist.

The Constitution and the law is clear: you do not get to discriminate against others when it comes to civil rights.

You disagree? Then you are in harmony with the Jim Crow laws and segregation.

Go find a time machine.

This has nothing to do with equality and rights. It's about submission. You can't push citizens around who don't agree with you. This is America.

Of course it does. Gays want equal treatment under the law. Some people don't want them to. There are now more people than want them to have that equal treatment than don't want them to have it.

Public opinion has now shifted and you can't be as anti-gay in public as you used to be able to...just as you can no longer be as racist in public as you used to be...because they were "pushed around" by people that didn't agree with them.

It's still America and it's still the "free market" telling you to keep your bigoted opinions to yourself.
No church has ever been "forced" to perform an interracial or interfaith ceremony in the United States. The same will be true for same sex marriages. Churches will bend to popular opinion, not "government control".
I swear to God I'm so sick of these silly homophobic comments from the right. Shall we ban adoption because its not really the babies REAL parents raising it? While were at it let's take away all the children being raised by single mothers and fathers cuz, ya know, they don't have a mommy and daddy raising them. While were at it, let's lock up all those grandmas raising the unwanted children their libertarian millennial breeder brats don't have the time to raise!

Truth is what you are sick of.

If the mother can't afford to raise an illegitimate child, it should be taken away from her and put up for adoption because she's an unfit mother. That's what used to happen before all the Johnson "Great Society" programs came online.

The rest of your suggestions are pure nonsense. No one has ever suggesting anything of the sort.

Sure...let's go back to the days of Dickens and take away those children and lock them up in huge prison like structures to waste away. Why not put them to work in sweatshops for pennies a day?

Do you really think single family homes only consist of illegitimate children? How about those where the white trash breeder father skips out?
You, Sir, are a fucking moron. And wouldn't know sarcasm if it slapped you in your face. If only you had been aborted or ran over by a bus. This world would be a better place.
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Anyone can refuse service, Votto, if it does not involve violating the civil liberties of others.

I can be thrown out of the store for not wearing a shirt and shoes.

If it is a bakery that holds itself out to the public as a make of wedding cakes, it cannot deny me a memorial cake for my wife and I.

And it cannot deny such to a homosexual couple because they are same sex.

More far left propaganda based on failed logic. The far left often claims they want separation of church and state, but yet the want the government involved in marriage..

Silly comment by you. We can leave it at that, because it made no sense.
I swear to God I'm so sick of these silly homophobic comments from the right. Shall we ban adoption because its not really the babies REAL parents raising it? While were at it let's take away all the children being raised by single mothers and fathers cuz, ya know, they don't have a mommy and daddy raising them. While were at it, let's lock up all those grandmas raising the unwanted children their libertarian millennial breeder brats don't have the time to raise!

While I understand your disgust by some attitudes, your own isn't peachy. Calling heterosexual couples, "Breeders" doesn't put you on a clean slate.

My personal opinion is that there are plenty of children who need good homes. If two people who have been deemed fit, can love a "lost in the system" child.. there's only good that can come from that.
Anyone can refuse service, Votto, if it does not involve violating the civil liberties of others.

I can be thrown out of the store for not wearing a shirt and shoes.

If it is a bakery that holds itself out to the public as a make of wedding cakes, it cannot deny me a memorial cake for my wife and I.

And it cannot deny such to a homosexual couple because they are same sex.

Sure they can....there are COUNTLESS ways to refuse service without showing your hand...

"Sorry, we're booked solid. I don't have time to provide you with proper service."

"Sir, I'm sorry, but this coming Friday is the LAST day that we are going to be making wedding cakes for a unspecified length of time while we update the area of the bakery where we produce large specialty baked goods."

"I'm all out of icing."

Here's the question I've always had about this very volatile situation....

Why would you want to FORCE a bakery to do something that they don't want to do?

Wouldn't you be concerned about the quality of service? Is your wedding day something you want to gamble that on?

Why not go find a bakery that LOVES to do wedding cakes for ANYBODY?

It just wreaks of making a point and drawing attention because they can. Ridiculous.

And stupid.

What is stupid is violating the law. Opponents of fair housing, etc., are easily caught and sued. Make the cake, make money.

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