Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
So again, why would you FORCE a minority of churches who oppose same-sex marriage t

Why would you lie and say I do want to force churches to marry anyone?

Since I said:

Your churches can discriminate anyway you want- you can refuse to marry black couples, you can refuse to marry mixed race couples, you can refuse to marry Mexican couples, or blind couples or Catholic couples.

And no law tells you otherwise.

And liberals aren't out there promoting laws that would force you
The only reason why same sex marriage is legal in many states is because the Supreme Court overturned your efforts to make it illegal.
You are misinformed - I have made no effort to make homosexuality / same-sex marriage illegal.

Just as the Supreme Court overturned your efforts to criminalize sex between consenting adults and deny Americans birth control.
If you will remember, Barry tried to force medical facilities run by religious institutions provide abortion-inducing drugs....which did not stand. 'Religious freedom and the practice thereof'l.

What does that have to do with Conservatives pushing your legislation through to criminalize sex between adults and outlaw birth control.?

I mean other than trying to change the subject from churches to something else.
Meanwhile- no one is telling any Church that they have to marry anyone- except the Church hierarchy and rules.
And no one is saying same-sex marriage or being married by judges, notary publics, and churches who don't mid doing it is illegal.

It is legal only because of the efforts of liberals to overturn the unconstitutional laws passed by your Conservative Christians.

But yes- Silhouette- the OP- says that such marriages are indeed illegal.
Your churches can discriminate anyway you want- you can refuse to marry black couples, you can refuse to marry mixed race couples, you can refuse to marry Mexican couples, or blind couples or Catholic couples.

Being black, mixed races, being Mexican, blind or catholic is not called an 'abomination' in the Bible and is not against religious beliefs.

But I love continuing to read the steady flow of your false narratives and BS....please continue.
Your churches can discriminate anyway you want- you can refuse to marry black couples, you can refuse to marry mixed race couples, you can refuse to marry Mexican couples, or blind couples or Catholic couples.

Being black, mixed races, being Mexican, blind or catholic is not called an 'abomination' in the Bible and is not against religious beliefs..

Nor did I say that they were called an abomination in the Bible.

I was pointing out that your church can discriminate anyway it wants to- you can refuse to marry black couples, you can refuse to marry mixed race couples, you can refuse to marry Mexican couples, or blind couples or Catholic couples.

And that is absolutely true- no law prevents you from preventing anyone from marrying in your church.

And no one is trying to change that- despite what you snowflakes claim.
And just to go back to the OP.

No one is trying to force churches to marry anyone that they don't want to marry.

The OP itself is just a dog whistle for the gullible who believe the headlines without any facts.
Perhaps we need to start rounding up people who would force churches to embrace such filth, and start burning the little wankers at the stake.

We could outsource the American Fruitcake Inquisition to the Jesuits of Spain...

After all, igniting the woodpile is historically known as 'lighting the faggots', isn't it?

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Perhaps we need to start rounding up people who would force churches to embrace such filth, and burn the little wankers at the stake.

Perhaps you should find anyone who wants to force churches to do anything.

So far no one has come up with anyone.
Perhaps we need to start rounding up people who would force churches to embrace such filth, and burn the little wankers at the stake.

Perhaps you should find anyone who wants to force churches to do anything.

So far no one has come up with anyone.
Yeah? 17 people who voted 'Yes' in the poll say otherwise.

LOL- apparently the only 17 people in America.

Since no one is out there trying to do any such thing.

Unlike Christians who actually did ban certain types of sex and banned birth control.
Perhaps we need to start rounding up people who would force churches to embrace such filth, and burn the little wankers at the stake.

Perhaps you should find anyone who wants to force churches to do anything.

So far no one has come up with anyone.

Anyone to be taken serious that is. There isn't any real push anywhere to force churches to marry anyone against their wishes. It's just a lame scare tactic. Nothing more.
Perhaps we need to start rounding up people who would force churches to embrace such filth, and burn the little wankers at the stake.

Perhaps you should find anyone who wants to force churches to do anything.

So far no one has come up with anyone.

Anyone to be taken serious that is. There isn't any real push anywhere to force churches to marry anyone against their wishes. It's just a lame scare tactic. Nothing more.

There are more people who are seriously trying to make it illegal for Americans to have sex, or to have access to birth control.
'Christian' Pastor Calls for Constitutional Amendment to Imprison Gays for 'Ten Years Hard Labor' (Video)
‘Christian’ Pastor Calls for Constitutional Amendment to Imprison Gays for ‘Ten Years Hard Labor’
There are more people who are seriously trying to make it illegal for Americans to have sex, or to have access to birth control.
'Christian' Pastor Calls for Constitutional Amendment to Imprison Gays for 'Ten Years Hard Labor' (Video)
‘Christian’ Pastor Calls for Constitutional Amendment to Imprison Gays for ‘Ten Years Hard Labor’

He can 'call' for whatever he wishes, but such a move isn't seriously being considered anywhere. You could likely fit all of his supporters in a small Winnebago. lol
There are more people who are seriously trying to make it illegal for Americans to have sex, or to have access to birth control.
'Christian' Pastor Calls for Constitutional Amendment to Imprison Gays for 'Ten Years Hard Labor' (Video)
‘Christian’ Pastor Calls for Constitutional Amendment to Imprison Gays for ‘Ten Years Hard Labor’

He can 'call' for whatever he wishes, but such a move isn't seriously being considered anywhere. You could likely fit all of his supporters in a small Winnebago. lol

Silhouette would be driving the Winnebago.
Your churches can discriminate anyway you want- you can refuse to marry black couples, you can refuse to marry mixed race couples, you can refuse to marry Mexican couples, or blind couples or Catholic couples.

Being black, mixed races, being Mexican, blind or catholic is not called an 'abomination' in the Bible and is not against religious beliefs..

Nor did I say that they were called an abomination in the Bible.

I was pointing out that your church can discriminate anyway it wants to- you can refuse to marry black couples, you can refuse to marry mixed race couples, you can refuse to marry Mexican couples, or blind couples or Catholic couples.

And that is absolutely true- no law prevents you from preventing anyone from marrying in your church.

And no one is trying to change that- despite what you snowflakes claim.

There is a specific reference to how Christians must handle homosexuals if they want to escape the eternal pit of fire for failing the warning. That's Jude 1 of the New Testament.
Perhaps churches should create and publicize that all weddings they do, especially same-sex-marriage ceremonies, come with a mandatory sermon about how homosexuality is an 'abomination' according to the Bible.

That would put a damper on interest in forcing churches to perform ceremonies htat is against their Constitutional right of religion and 'the practice thereof'. :p

Dear easyt65
Since terms on marriage are relative, and open to people's beliefs,
why not let taxpayers choose what policies they want to fund, enforce and distribute benefits under?

It's totally possible for groups to establish an agreed policy for their members that any couples who plan to
get married, have sex, and/or have children go through screening for for any
addiction or abuse issues that could otherwise endanger healthy relationships.

And set up methods of "spiritual healing and counseling" to diagnose patterns of
addiction or abuse, so that people can get help, similar to medical diagnoses.
These same methods, which cure spiritual causes and cycles of abuse and addiction,
are the same ones that people use to heal from unnatural/unwanted homosexual attractions
caused by abuse ie are not their natural status.

Since people don't agree on terms of marriage, why not split into separate tracks with
separate rules for marriage and benefits, etc:
1. so the liberal public option track through govt can include same sex marriage and benefits
(while requiring insurance or enrollment in exchanges to manage health benefits through govt
which conservatives don't believe in mandating)
2. while the conservative free market track can require spiritual healing (where this applies to
ALL couples not just homosexual) and no drugs/addiction in order to reduce costs of health care
without requiring insurance

Unless the state ALLOWS for free exercise of people's beliefs, to fund or not to fund marriage
and benefits policies, then taxpayers can argue it is unconstitutional to impose biases they don't believe in.
Thus, why not organize tracks per state, such as managing taxes and benefit per PARTY,
and let citizens CHOOSE their membership and democratically vote on terms and elect representatives
to manage their health care, welfare benefits and marriage policies?
There is a specific reference to how Christians must handle homosexuals if they want to escape the eternal pit of fire for failing the warning. That's Jude 1 of the New Testament.

Dear Silhouette
Christians should treat homosexual people the same as any other fallible human being or sinner:
People should handle relations with each other with forgiveness, offer help with healing and correction of anything
causing wrong, ill, harm or abuse that is otherwise detrimental to health of body mind spirit relations and community/society/humanity as a whole.

And let God's will work through our relations as neighbors to make things right.
Whatever ill karma is manifesting in relationships, whether homosexual or whatever else you find unnatural and/or disordered, that takes the same forgiveness and correction process as healing any conflicted relationship.

Disturbing as it may seem at first, the same forgiveness process that heals people of unwanted homosexual attractions caused by unnatural abuse, also heals people of other physical mental emotional spiritual and social ills.

The first step is always forgiving and letting go, if things are going to change.
That's true in any situation, not just with the homosexuality you seek to address as a problem.

So whatever you find wrong and in need of correction and healing, in cases of homosexual people and relationships,
you will also find similar roots of problems with dysfunction and disorder
to be healed in all people, all relations and in society in general.

We all have different problems, but the common solution is
forgiveness that allows healing, recovery, and restoration of health of individuals, relations and collective society
instead of repeating ills from the past by not forgiving and continuing to project negative patterns from generation to generation.[/QUOTE]
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Perhaps we need to start rounding up people who would force churches to embrace such filth, and burn the little wankers at the stake.

Perhaps you should find anyone who wants to force churches to do anything.

So far no one has come up with anyone.

Anyone to be taken serious that is. There isn't any real push anywhere to force churches to marry anyone against their wishes. It's just a lame scare tactic. Nothing more.
Given how far you Lefties have gone already with forcing exposure to homosexuality (in all its perverse forms) onto the American Public... see how easy it is to believe such a thing?

It's part of the reason why you feebs just lost the White House, the Senate, the House, the Supreme Court (for a generation or more), and so many State mansions and legislatures, and why you're now on the sidelines.

You've let that filth encroach so far into American Public life that folks are ready to believe that you're capable of such fascist tactics.

Way to shoot yourselves in the foot.
Progressives are always control freaks, the snowflake wants what the snowflake wants...

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