Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
Its been a while since you joined us on one of Sil's batshit threads. Since then, its gotten so much worse.

She's created her own website on the topic where she begs for donations for her fight against gays.

She created her own messageboard on yuku where she currently has 29 active threads on gays and sam sex marriage......where she is the only participant, talking to and responding to herself.

Along with 52 threads on this board with dozens if not hundreds of pages of Sil's elaborate pseudo-legal gibberish.

I don't post in her threads much...basically, I read, point, and laugh.
Its been a while since you joined us on one of Sil's batshit threads. Since then, its gotten so much worse.

She's created her own website on the topic where she begs for donations for her fight against gays.

She created her own messageboard on yuku where she currently has 29 active threads on gays and sam sex marriage......where she is the only participant, talking to and responding to herself.

Along with 52 threads on this board with dozens if not hundreds of pages of Sil's elaborate pseudo-legal gibberish.

I don't post in her threads much...basically, I read, point, and laugh.

Well, there's a lot more to point and laugh at.
Its been a while since you joined us on one of Sil's batshit threads. Since then, its gotten so much worse.

She's created her own website on the topic where she begs for donations for her fight against gays.

She created her own messageboard on yuku where she currently has 29 active threads on gays and sam sex marriage......where she is the only participant, talking to and responding to herself.

Along with 52 threads on this board with dozens if not hundreds of pages of Sil's elaborate pseudo-legal gibberish.

I don't post in her threads much...basically, I read, point, and laugh.

Well, there's a lot more to point and laugh at.

USMB's own Bedlam.
Hey look! Jar Jar, Skylar and, Syriusly are following each other around the boards stomping out opposition to gay marriage by spamming ad hominems together.

Wow, and I thought I'd seen it all...oh...wait...I have seen this quite a bit.
Hey look! Jar Jar, Skylar and, Syriusly are following each other around the boards stomping out opposition to gay marriage by spamming ad hominems together.

Wow, and I thought I'd seen it all...oh...wait...I have seen this quite a bit.

Says the poor hapless soul that has 52 threads on the same topic each with dozens if not hundreds of pages of the same pseudo-legal gibberish, has created a website where she begs for donations to fight gays and created her own yuku messageboard where she has 29 more threads about gays and same sex marriage....where you are the only participant, talking to yourself.

But you were saying about 'spamming'?
I don't post in her threads much...basically, I read, point, and laugh.

1. This isn't my thread, check the author in the OP. (now I'm laughing at you)

2. So you think the poll results above are "funny"? In what way?

What's you desperately trying to misrepresent the poll as indicating opposition to same sex marriage.

Or you insisting that a straw poll on some random message board represented American opposition to same sex marriage while Gallup was lying because it had been 'infiltrated by homosexuals'.

That was hilarious! I actually bookmarked it and sent a link to friends so they could laugh too.
Yes, voters weighed in on the same-sex marriage party this year, didn't they Skylar? I think Hillary feels like the numbers were misrepresented. Too bad she didn't visit the poll above before she hired her gay campaign manager who told her, like you tell us "the gay marriage issue just really isn't that important to voters".

The GOP could've run a stale cheese sandwich on the numbers in the poll above and won the election on all fronts, up and down ticket.
Perhaps churches should create and publicize that all weddings they do, especially same-sex-marriage ceremonies, come with a mandatory sermon about how homosexuality is an 'abomination' according to the Bible.

That would put a damper on interest in forcing churches to perform ceremonies htat is against their Constitutional right of religion and 'the practice thereof'. :p
Yes, voters weighed in on the same-sex marriage party this year, didn't they Skylar? I think Hillary feels like the numbers were misrepresented. Too bad she didn't visit the poll above before she hired her gay campaign manager who told her, like you tell us "the gay marriage issue just really isn't that important to voters".

The GOP could've run a stale cheese sandwich on the numbers in the poll above and won the election on all fronts, up and down ticket.
Not true, but regardless fighting for what's right is more important than winning an election
Libs pushed their transgender agenda on America, and the courts have now begun to reject it.

Libs pushed their agenda on churches by demanding religious institution-run medial facilities had to hand out abortion pills and perform abortions, and the courts struck that one down.

The Constitution guarantees religious freedom and the 'practice thereof', and libs have now attacked in to push their agenda.

Notice the trend...

To hell with the Constitution - Libs want what they want, the power to force their agenda onto others - CONTROL!

The country / government, under liberal leadership / influence, is shaping up to be the type of country / government the original settlers fled to America to escape.
Yes, voters weighed in on the same-sex marriage party this year, didn't they Skylar? I think Hillary feels like the numbers were misrepresented. Too bad she didn't visit the poll above before she hired her gay campaign manager who told her, like you tell us "the gay marriage issue just really isn't that important to voters".

The GOP could've run a stale cheese sandwich on the numbers in the poll above and won the election on all fronts, up and down ticket.
Not true, but regardless fighting for what's right is more important than winning an election

Yes, because it's "right" to throw Christians in jail and legally strip children, via contract, of either a mother or father for life, and amputate healthy genitalia in a halfling attempt to play "pretend I'm the stereotypical extreme of the opposite gender"....after the MDs make you sign a waiver that says "you know you'll never actually be the other gender, even after surgery".

You got a hard sell there pal. Good luck to you. You're going to need it. Might want to look at the poll above and the number of pages in this thread to gauge how difficult that fight is going to be. Better to just go see a therapist; much less of a fight that way. Though I do understand that those in deep deep denial fight viciously to preserve it. The fight is with yourself though: society has planted its heels.
Yes, voters weighed in on the same-sex marriage party this year, didn't they Skylar? I think Hillary feels like the numbers were misrepresented. Too bad she didn't visit the poll above before she hired her gay campaign manager who told her, like you tell us "the gay marriage issue just really isn't that important to voters".

The GOP could've run a stale cheese sandwich on the numbers in the poll above and won the election on all fronts, up and down ticket.
Not true, but regardless fighting for what's right is more important than winning an election

Yes, because it's "right" to throw Christians in jail and legally strip children, via contract, of either a mother or father for life, and amputate healthy genitalia in a halfling attempt to play "pretend I'm the stereotypical extreme of the opposite gender"....after the MDs make you sign a waiver that says "you know you'll never actually be the other gender, even after surgery".

You got a hard sell there pal. Good luck to you. You're going to need it. Might want to look at the poll above and the number of pages in this thread to gauge how difficult that fight is going to be. Better to just go see a therapist; much less of a fight that way. Though I do understand that those in deep deep denial fight viciously to preserve it. The fight is with yourself though: society has planted its heels.
^ weird shit that's typically said by screeching loons on the wrong side of history
Here is the extensive list of churches that have been forced to marry anyone against their wishes:


Poor Sil is so desperate to keep this tired thread alive. lol
Yes, voters weighed in on the same-sex marriage party this year, didn't they Skylar? I think Hillary feels like the numbers were misrepresented. Too bad she didn't visit the poll above before she hired her gay campaign manager who told her, like you tell us "the gay marriage issue just really isn't that important to voters".

The GOP could've run a stale cheese sandwich on the numbers in the poll above and won the election on all fronts, up and down ticket.

You voted for Hillary b/c you felt Trump was too pro-gay for your liking. Jobs, economy, and, Hillary being an uncommonly poor candidate is what cost her the election, not gay marriage. This issue may be the moon that revolves around your world, but most people don't care or have moved on.
Perhaps churches should create and publicize that all weddings they do, especially same-sex-marriage ceremonies, come with a mandatory sermon about how homosexuality is an 'abomination' according to the Bible.

That would put a damper on interest in forcing churches to perform ceremonies htat is against their Constitutional right of religion and 'the practice thereof'. :p

Now easy wants the state to force churches to make mandatory sermons.

No one is forcing any churches to marry anyone they don't want to- but easy wants to mandate churches make mandatory sermons if the church dare marry a gay couple.

Do you think Easy also will make it mandatory for Churches to come with a mandatory sermon about how marrying for the second or third time is an abomination?
Notice the trend...

Yep- the trend is that Conservative Christians want to mandate what kind of sex Americans can have in the privacy of their bedroom, and want to mandate which Americans can get married.

Liberals however support the Constitution- and support the Courts decisions overturning unconstitutional laws passed by Conservative Christians.
Yes, voters weighed in on the same-sex marriage party this year, didn't they Skylar? I think Hillary feels like the numbers were misrepresented. Too bad she didn't visit the poll above before she hired her gay campaign manager who told her, like you tell us "the gay marriage issue just really isn't that important to voters".

The GOP could've run a stale cheese sandwich on the numbers in the poll above and won the election on all fronts, up and down ticket.
Not true, but regardless fighting for what's right is more important than winning an election

Yes, because it's "right" to throw Christians in jail .

Why do you believe Christians should be exempt from the law, unlike Jews and Muslims and atheists?
Yep- the trend is that Conservative Christians want to mandate what kind of sex Americans can have in the privacy of their bedroom, and want to mandate which Americans can get married.

1. We don't care what you do in your own bedroom.

2. We don't care who gets married - just like with abortions, don't force those who do not believe in it participate.

FACT: Same Sex Couples are not being denied the right to marry!
There are more than enough judges, notary publics, and even church leaders 'pastors, reverends, etc) that will be / are glad to accommodate same-sex couples by marrying them.

What is being denied is the Liberals' ability to CONTROL EVERYONE, control everyone's lives, to force compliance with how Liberals intolerantly believe the world should be run and work!

So a church's beliefs prohibit participating in a same-sex union. As pointed out - there are many other churches that will, many judges that will, notary publics who why focus on this one church that won't. BECAUSE A 'POCKET OF RESISTANCE' HAS BEEN IDENTIFIED AND RESISTANCE TO COMPLY WITH LIBERAL MANDATES BY ANYONE MUST BE SNUFFED OUT., CONSTITUION BE DAMNED.

That's the bottom line.

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