Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
Shut up fakey, you have never had any relevance in this thread. Or any other for that matter. You just take up space.
There has been a 10% increase in gay friendly churches from 2009 to 2013. Young people aren't attending church and the number one reason? Not inclusive enough.

Churches will adapt or die.

Sure, numbers of young people are lining up and declaring they won't seek salvation because they expect churches to drop their firm stance on morality and accomodate the Spring Break/gay pride parade crowd, right?

You DO realize why churches exist, right? It's not to cater to the devil's handiwork. You're asking churches, like marriage and every other good and decent mooring to unhinge themselves to accomodate your oversized barge in their sweet harbor of self-restraint and sobriety.

When you remove the brakes from a car and start heading downhill really fast, at first I'll admit, all that wind in your hair is really fun..
They covet what they cannot have, and they seek to destroy those who are different from themselves.

It's nothing more complicated than that. They hate Christians and Christianity because they are an obstacle to their vision of a completely depraved, disgusting world. These people are the enemy of freedom, liberty and humanity. Of course they want to eliminate God, and the people who love him.

Are you talking about libertarians?
In that case, they don't seek to destroy anyone. Force is not approved of in this ideology, instead of the social conservatism.
I and almost all other libertarians don't hate Christianity. I only dislike the people who think that religion is a thing to force upon others.
Sounds perfectly reasonable to me. You can't have it both ways.

Note this is just the facilities. I don't see anything that requires the priest or pastor of the Church perform the ceremony - unless of course he's in the business of performing wedding ceremonies for non-members for a fee.

Ok let's try this again........

What part of "The First Amendment forbids public law from forcing anything on religious institutions" did you not get?

Sorry, it doesn't. It only forbids the the government from establishing religion and from violating free exercise of religion. Renting a building for a fee to members of the public isn't a religious exercise - its a business exercise, ya fuckin' idiot.


What part of "The First Amendment forbids public law from forcing anything on religious institutions" did you not get?

Do you see "unless they rent the building for a religious ceremony" or any other clause in there?

No you do not. Why? Because they didn't intend for there to be a hundred qualifications, or rationalizations, to give an excuse to leftists to control religious organizations.

And by the way........

The way in which you are responding to me, is as if you think that I care what you think.

If I have given you that impression, I do apologize.

Let me make this as clear as is possible between two people, and everyone else on this thread, and even on this forum.

I do not care what you think about me... about my church.... about my views... or about the law. I will go to court... I will go to jail.... I will go to prison.... on this issue.

Is that clear enough for you? My church will do weddings for people, for a fee, and allow use of the entire complex. We will not do a homosexual marriage.

We intend to continue that policy. My parents church is the same way. And they will continue that policy.

If you have a problem with that.... I don't care. They don't care. WE don't care. My pastor will go to prison, and one of the others will replace him, and continue the same policy. If you send him to jail... we'll replace him, and continue the same policy. If you send all of them to jail, *I* personally will preach on Sunday, and continue the exact same policy.

You will have to jail EVERYONE on this issue. At least half of my church, and nearly all of my parents church, will be more than willing to go to PRISON over this issue.

We won't bend on this. You don't have the right to tell us how our church operates, and I will DIE before accepting your dictation over my church, or my views.

You don't seem to grasp the heritage of the Christian world view do you? Christians were slaughtered, torn apart by lions, thrown into freezing water, all because they were not willing to change their views, just because some arrogant windbags in society thought we had to be like them.

Well... we don't. And we're not going to. And I personally will fight this to my death, and be happy about it. I'll go to prison, I'll go to the chair, with a smile on my face :) But you WILL NOT change me to fit your views.

Thank you.... have a nice day sir.
This topic is classic fearmongering. No one has forced a church in America to perform a gay wedding.

The question isn't HAVE they, the question is SHOULD they.


The question isn't HAVE they, the question is SHOULD they.


That's what fearmongering is...moron. Plant the idea that they will.

When you have no evidence of harm, make shit up.
Good grief. How stupid ARE you?

I've posted multiple links to multiple examples of legislation that expresses the intent to exert state authority over churches, specifically, to force them to serve the homosexual community regardless of whether or not they want to.

Still, every couple of posts one of you assholes pops up and says "nobody has ever tried to force the churches to marry/put up with/serve faggots! Post the evidence!" So I do. And then another one pops up and says "Nobody is saying the church should be forced to accommodate queers!" Whereupon I say, "Yes they have, in this thread" whereupon they say "Post the evidence!" So I do...and two posts later...

Read the fucking thread.

You people are too stupid to breathe.

The thread is bullshit. No church in the US will ever be forced to perform a religious ceremony contrary to the tenants of their faith. This is an absolute.

Public Accommodation laws regarding businesses is another topic altogether and has NOTHING to do with civil marriage equality. (Neither does religious marriage for that matter)

The OP isn't bullshit. It's a question. It doesn't assert anything.

Though through it, we have asserted that the anti-christian hysterics are a bunch of morons.
Yes, it is.

The OP is ignorant idiocy given the fact that 14th Amendment jurisprudence doesn't apply to private organizations such as churches. As the courts continue to strike down un-Constitutional measures seeking to deny same-sex couples their civil liberties, such as those in Utah and Oklahoma today, churches will be in no way impacted or compelled to accommodate same-sex couples.
No, it's not. Nothing is made up, you fucking retard.

It's a POLL asking if you think churches should be forced to marry queers.

Multiple choice. You can't fear monger with multiple choice questions, nitwit.
You fucking idiots think that because your ANSWER to the poll is in favor of authoritarian measures leveled agains the church, that the QUESTIONS are fear mongering.

NO, they aren't.

Your answers are scary, though. And that's not the OP's fault. You guys always object when you are exposed.
This topic is classic fearmongering. No one has forced a church in America to perform a gay wedding.

Dur..... that was the poll at the start of this thread. Can't you read?

" Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?"

That was one of you people, writing that. It was a bunch of you people, supporting that.

We didn't make that up. You guys on the left did.

I'm just telling you up front.... not going to happen. In no ambiguous terms, that is not going to happen.... period.

I didn't say it did happen.... I just said... it won't. You people on the left, are not going to do it. Period.
We're not supposed to ask the fascists if they want state-controlled religion because their answers will frighten us.
The First Amendment forbids public law from forcing anything on religious institutions, just as it forbids religious institutions from imposing their will on the public.

So churches should have the right to discriminate against homosexuals?

How about against racial minorities as well?

Ah, there's the trick: If a church doesn't want to host a gay wedding, just accuse it of "discrimination" and then suggest it's akin to refusing to host a black or interracial wedding. By that logic, every time anyone or any institution does not want to provide a service that gays want, they are automatically guilty of discrimination.

Sooo, let's apply that fascist logic to other scenarios. This means that if two open Nazis want to get married in an Orthodox Jewish synagogue, well, gosh, we must force the rabbi to agree to have the wedding in the synagogue, since to deny the Nazi couple their choice of wedding location would be "discrimination."

Or, how about if two Christians want to marry in a mosque? Yeah, you bet: Using the OP's twisted logic, we should force the mosque to host the wedding, because to refuse them would be "discrimination."

Or, what if some Christians wanted to hold a seminar on the documented health risks of homosexuality in a gay bar?! Hey, sorry, boys, but you must allow the Christians to use your bar for their seminar, because to refuse them would be "discrimination."

In short, let's use the charge of "discrimination" and the banner of "equal rights" to destroy basic constitutional rights like the freedom of religion and the freedom of association.

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