Should Democrats and Republicans Compromise With Each Other?


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2011
It amazes me that so many people say no. If that's you're answer, please let me know how you would expect anything to ever get done?
Republicans have been capitulating to and appeasing progressive socialists since at least the days of FDR, and what has it got us?....Two giant Ponzi schemes (Medicare and Social Security) about to go broke, $15 trillion in right-now debt with over $50 trillion in unfunded promises to pay, military personnel in over 130 nations, gubmint schools that suck, a completely out-of-control police/nanny/snoop state, drug infested inner cities that are basically demilitarized zones, a bankrupt social welfare state, a prison-industrial complex that rivals communist China, on and on and on....And then we get brain dead twirp politicians who try and tell us the only reason that none of that crap is working is because it needs their "reforms" to fix it.

Clearly, compromising with statists has got us exactly nowhere....The less those asswipes, from both parties, do as "favors" to America or to reputedly solve our problems, the better.
Yes Democrats need to at least pretend to be American and find a way to compromise with Republicans
How about the Dems try it some time. Seems to me the only ones being asked to compromise is the Repubix :dunno:

Yes Democrats need to at least pretend to be American and find a way to compromise with Republicans

It would be nice for a 'CHANGE'.
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Were the socialist tyrants who rammed Obolshevikcare up our asses without one republican vote interested in compromise?
Okay, you guys all blame it on the Democrats (and I assume Liberals). I would certainly blame SOME of it on LibDems but do you really believe the ConservaRepubliTarians have no fault at all in the total disfunction of our government?
Okay, you guys all blame it on the Democrats (and I assume Liberals). I would certainly blame SOME of it on LibDems but do you really believe the ConservaRepubliTarians have no fault at all in the total disfunction of our government?
I blame it equally on republicans for being gutless fool appeasers and poorly closeted progressive socialist neocon dinks (see: The Bushes, Newt Gingrich, Lindsey Graham, John McCain), who argue that the only reason that the trappings of socialistic welfare state don't work is because it isn't being run by brilliant and efficient tyrants like themselves.
Okay, you guys all blame it on the Democrats (and I assume Liberals). I would certainly blame SOME of it on LibDems but do you really believe the ConservaRepubliTarians have no fault at all in the total disfunction of our government?
I blame it equally on republicans for being gutless fool appeasers and poorly closeted progressive socialist neocon dinks (see: The Bushes, Newt Gingrich, Lindsey Graham, John McCain), who argue that the only reason that the trappings of socialistic welfare state don't work is because it isn't being run by brilliant and efficient tyrants like themselves.

You left out the word "Statist". ;)

Here's a question for you.....

What's worthy of compromise with a bunch of overgrown spoiled rotten little children, who will claim that anyone who won't go along with them just wants dirty air, polluted water, the poor living in cardboard boxes, the elderly and infirm tossed over a cliff, women barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen and starving chiiillllllldrrreeeennnnnn?

Why even bother?

Here's a question for you.....

What's worthy of compromise with a bunch of overgrown spoiled rotten little children, who will claim that anyone who won't go along with them just wants dirty air, polluted water, the poor living in cardboard boxes, the elderly and infirm tossed over a cliff, women barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen and starving chiiillllllldrrreeeennnnnn?

Why even bother?

They should just shoot each other so we can clean out the old corrupt bloodlines.
I guess that last question was a real stumper. :lol:

Nah, it was just the kind of extremist hysterics and nonsense that both sides display often. Indicative that if I reply with soemthing reasonable and intelligent, it is unlikely the same will be returned in kind. But okay, let's see.

Why should the Republicans EVER compromise with the Democrats? How about special tax breaks for Big Oil?
Regan said "Any company that needs help from the government to survive, shoudln't."

I guess he was wrong in your opinion?

Because the Dems have proposed ending the special tax breaks for Big Oil and the GOP is fighting them tooth and nail on it.
Why should companies that ship jobs and tax revenues overseas get better treatment than my company or the millions of American small businesses that hire 100% American workers and pay taxes 100% in America?

Now the Liberals I have debated here, would now come up with a counterpoint and very specific reasoning to support it OR they would criticize Obama and the Dems (as they often do). Let's see what you do. Or Infidel, whose cerebral firepower seems limited to cute little icons. Actually any Conserv who can actually provide a reasonably intelligent debate would be a refershing welcome.
I knew you didn't have a cogent answer.

Hence, your diversionary tactic with all the leftist swill yapping points about eeeeevil Big Oil and offshoring. :lol:
I knew you didn't have a cogent answer.

Hence, your diversionary tactic with all the leftist swill yapping points about eeeeevil Big Oil and offshoring. :lol:

LOL! Well it's not like we expected you to counter with anything intelligent like the Liberals would have offered! :lol:

I get it. Really stupid people can't actually address points. But I KNOW there are intelligent Conservatives out there! I've met them irl. Trying to think if any are here. Obviously no evidence to that effect so far...

At least when I argue with Libs against Global warming, they're not little biotches who whine "Oooh. You brought up an issue! Oooh I won't address that!"
They provide facts, figures, links etc...

I still disagree with them but at least they're worth a little respect.
Then you must be really stupid.

Remocrats and depublicans only "compromise" when it consolidates their power over the proles.....Anything over and above that and it's the gutless GOP that is expected to cave in.

Or, as Rand put it so well...

A compromise is an adjustment of conflicting claims by mutual concessions. This means that both parties to a compromise have some valid claim and some value to offer each other. And this means that both parties agree upon some fundamental principle which serves as a base for their deal.
Then you must be really stupid.

Remocrats and depublicans only "compromise" when it consolidates their power over the proles.....Anything over and above that and it's the gutless GOP that is expected to cave in.

Or, as Rand put it so well...

A compromise is an adjustment of conflicting claims by mutual concessions. This means that both parties to a compromise have some valid claim and some value to offer each other. And this means that both parties agree upon some fundamental principle which serves as a base for their deal.

LOL! Well at least you tried...
There is one thing you can count on from Oddball, projection, conjecture and one train of thought.

Do I think that Republicans and Democrats should compromise, your damn straight they should compromise. Can they? Not with the current extremes that drive their parties. Is it smart to at least try to compromise? You know it.

I doubt there are very many successful business/corporations that don't consider all elements when devising a successful business model, that is how successful business stay that way, successful. I work in strategic planning for a very successful corporation. Every year our department produces several different approaches and ideas backed by data and demographics for the next year moving forward. Those plans are mulled over by upper management. Upper management comes back to us with their ideas based on the data we provide. Almost all the time they have taken what we have given them and integrated into a couple different approaches. In other words, different minds compromised into one or two plans. We provide upper management projected results long-term and short-term moving forward and then the final decision is made by the upper management board.

For some odd reason our two major political parties are lead by individuals were are seriously immature and lack the vision to consider all the options on the table and the result is a dysfunctional government that has failed those who have elected them and failed the country.

If Washington used a business model to govern by and compromise was instituted our country would be much better off than it is today.

To use a couple of posters on these boards, who would you rather govern, Oddball or someone like High Gravity? (I chose High Gravity because he has shown himself to be a versatile thinker)

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