Should Fleeing Motorcylists in High-Speed Chases Be Shot By Police ?

The only thing projectionist has proven with this thread is that he is a raving lunatic. I think somebody on a motorcycle must have startled him while he was text messaging instead of watching the road. Now he thinks they should all be executed. The guy is certifiable.

SJ = Stupid Jerk.

NOOMI = Not Outside of Mindless Idiocy.
Sorry, you have failed to show that these types of motorcycles present a clear danger that jeopardizes anyone's lives except on rare occasions.

You have shown no evidence that there is a serious danger. What you are doing is advocating executing someone for something that MIGHT happen.

You forgot one little item. Common sense. You may now return to idiotland. :badgrin:

PS - the next life that is jeopardized on a "rare occasion" by a motorcyclist, MAY BE YOURS. Then you can contemplate the importance of the word "rare".

Here's a few images of cars wrecked in crashes caused by motorcycles >>

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Ok, I looked at all of your links.

Apparently my use of the term "rare" held up pretty well. You posted 14 links and not one single link showed a death of a car or truck driver caused by a speeding motorcyclist. Not one single example!

So with the vast resources of the internet, you were unable to find a single example of a fatality caused to a driver of a vehicle by a biker speeding.

Here is the common justification for the use of deadly force by law enforcement officers:

from: FAQ on Deadly Force | Las Vegas Review-Journal

"Q: When can police officers use deadly force?

A: Local and state law enforcement agencies create their own deadly force policies. Most follow a Justice Department policy that allows officers to use deadly force when there is “a reasonable belief that the subject of such force poses an imminent danger of death or serious physical injury to the officer or another person.”"

Now you have argued and bitched about these bikers. But you have been unable to show a single example that fits the criteria of "“a reasonable belief that the subject of such force poses an imminent danger of death or serious physical injury to the officer or another person.”.

But feel free to keep posting links. So far you have done more to prove my side of the argument.

Here is what is required of you, since you are the one advocating executing speeding bikers. You have to show that speeding motorcyclists present an imminent danger to the officer or another person. If you cannot do that your argument fails.

Provide the information or accept defeat.

I haven't been unable to do anything in this thread, except for one thing >> ie. to get an answer from you to this question >> "Why should law abiding drivers have their lives jeopardized, when they could be protected just by having the cops blast this loon right off his vehicle, when the chase encounters an open road, free of traffic ?"

As for your dumb idea of shaving your head, nice, FULL heads of hair look sexy on us guys. Bald heads are about the UNSEXIEST thing known to man, and you're just too dumb to realize that the women who told you it was sexy, were lying to you because they felt sorry for you.

Shaving your head, wearing a moustache, wearing a goatee. Any other things you can come up with to destroy any attractiveness you might have ever had ? How about wearing earrings ? Or capris ? (AKA "pedal pushers) :lol:

PS - "when there is “a reasonable belief that the subject of such force poses an imminent danger of death or serious physical injury to the officer or another person.”" >> AKA other motorists on the road up ahead. (OBVIOUSLY)

Not that I needed it, but irregardless, > Thanks for the confirmation.
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Sorry, you have failed to show that these types of motorcycles present a clear danger that jeopardizes anyone's lives except on rare occasions.

You have shown no evidence that there is a serious danger. What you are doing is advocating executing someone for something that MIGHT happen.

You forgot one little item. Common sense. You may now return to idiotland. :badgrin:

PS - the next life that is jeopardized on a "rare occasion" by a motorcyclist, MAY BE YOURS. Then you can contemplate the importance of the word "rare".

Here's a few images of cars wrecked in crashes caused by motorcycles >>

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The second link shows a badly damaged car. But there is no indication that a motorcycle was responsible for that damage. The site did have some interesting information:

from your second link:


An animal in the road caused almost 9,000 crashes in rural areas.
1,676 wrecks resulted when drivers changed lanes in an unsafe manner.
More than 3,300 accidents occurred because of defective headlights.
Almost 4,000 rural crashes were the result of drivers disregarding stop signs, stoplights, and stop and go signals.
2,817 wrecks were caused by a distraction in the vehicle.
16,355 Texas accidents were ascribed to driver inattention.
21,637 rural crashes were attributed to drivers speeding.
Another over 13,000 wrecks were attributed to unsafe speeds under the speed limit.
More than 6,000 accidents resulted from drivers failing to stay in a single lane.
Over 10,000 rural crashes were caused by driver's failure to yield right-of-way.
4,183 wrecks occurred because drivers were fatigued or asleep at the wheel.
Almost 8.000 crashes resulted from flawed evasive action in a dangerous situation.
Slightly over 2,500 accidents resulted from following too closely.
And alcohol or drugs caused around 9.500 rural crashes.
1.226 wrecks consisted of wrong-way crashes.
And just over 2,000 accidents resulted from making an unsafe turn.

Our Houston crash injury attorneys note that it can be interesting to compare the numbers for URBAN CRASHES:

Wrecks caused by animals in the road go down to about 1.500.
But crashes caused by backing up unsafely go up from almost nothing to 5,931.
Changing lanes unsafely caused more than 17.000 urban crashes.
Nearly 20,000 wrecks resulted from disregarding stop signals.
Almost 60,000 accidents occurred because of driver inattention.
78,399 urban crashes resulted from speeding.
Around 54,000 wrecks resulted from failure to yield right-of-way.
Drivers following too closely caused 18,680 accidents.
Alcohol or drugs caused about 22,500 urban crashes.

The overwhelming numbers of Texas traffic accidents in 2011 reveal that the odds of having a wreck are high for all drivers. And motorcyclists experience about a 35 times greater risk of suffering a fatal accident than occupants of other vehicles."

I see nothing about a motorcycle rider causing deaths.

That's because your seeing lacks one basic ingredient >> Common Sense!
Sorry, you have failed to show that these types of motorcycles present a clear danger that jeopardizes anyone's lives except on rare occasions.

You have shown no evidence that there is a serious danger. What you are doing is advocating executing someone for something that MIGHT happen.

You forgot one little item. Common sense. You may now return to idiotland. :badgrin:

PS - the next life that is jeopardized on a "rare occasion" by a motorcyclist, MAY BE YOURS. Then you can contemplate the importance of the word "rare".

Here's a few images of cars wrecked in crashes caused by motorcycles >>

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If you are going to debate (and I really wish you would), you might want to actually LOOK at the links you post.

Link #6 on your list does indeed show an accident. But it was someone losing control of a Lamborghini crashing into a line of parked motorcycles! Do you really think a sports car crashing into a line of parked motorcycles proves your point at all?? LMAO!!!

I'll give you that one but all the links were under the google search of "Crashes caused by motorcycles" and except for one of two oddballs like this Lamborghini example, crashes caused by motorcycles is what they were. No internet list is perfect.
Sorry, you have failed to show that these types of motorcycles present a clear danger that jeopardizes anyone's lives except on rare occasions.

You have shown no evidence that there is a serious danger. What you are doing is advocating executing someone for something that MIGHT happen.

You forgot one little item. Common sense. You may now return to idiotland. :badgrin:

PS - the next life that is jeopardized on a "rare occasion" by a motorcyclist, MAY BE YOURS. Then you can contemplate the importance of the word "rare".

Here's a few images of cars wrecked in crashes caused by motorcycles >>

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Thanks! The link above shows that passenger vehicles do harm to motorcyclists. But there is not one example of a motorcycle rider causing the death of the driver of a car or truck. In other words, your link proves MY point, not yours.

NO, my link proves MY point, and you DON'T HAVE a point. And the OP clearly says "or badly injured", so we're not just talking about "a motorcycle rider causing the death of the driver of a car or truck", as you suddenly have decided to limit the discussion to.

And even if we had limited it to that, you have no evidence to allow you to conclude that the links I presented are not where a motorcycle rider caused the death of the driver of a car or truck, and gauging by the looks of many of those cars, one would would hard-pressed to say that nobody got killed in any of those wreckages. In any case, you don't have the info to say it, so you shouldn't say it.

Really, this whole discussion is absurd, Mr. Statistics. Just seeing a motorcycle speeding recklessly down a road, and knowing there is traffic up ahead, is plenty enough to conclude that motorists in the road up ahead are in serious danger. Simple as that.
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Sorry, you have failed to show that these types of motorcycles present a clear danger that jeopardizes anyone's lives except on rare occasions.

You have shown no evidence that there is a serious danger. What you are doing is advocating executing someone for something that MIGHT happen.

You forgot one little item. Common sense. You may now return to idiotland. :badgrin:

PS - the next life that is jeopardized on a "rare occasion" by a motorcyclist, MAY BE YOURS. Then you can contemplate the importance of the word "rare".

Here's a few images of cars wrecked in crashes caused by motorcycles >>

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Ok, I looked at all of your links.

Apparently my use of the term "rare" held up pretty well. You posted 14 links and not one single link showed a death of a car or truck driver caused by a speeding motorcyclist. Not one single example!

So with the vast resources of the internet, you were unable to find a single example of a fatality caused to a driver of a vehicle by a biker speeding.

Here is the common justification for the use of deadly force by law enforcement officers:

from: FAQ on Deadly Force | Las Vegas Review-Journal

"Q: When can police officers use deadly force?

A: Local and state law enforcement agencies create their own deadly force policies. Most follow a Justice Department policy that allows officers to use deadly force when there is “a reasonable belief that the subject of such force poses an imminent danger of death or serious physical injury to the officer or another person.”"

Now you have argued and bitched about these bikers. But you have been unable to show a single example that fits the criteria of "“a reasonable belief that the subject of such force poses an imminent danger of death or serious physical injury to the officer or another person.”.

But feel free to keep posting links. So far you have done more to prove my side of the argument.

Here is what is required of you, since you are the one advocating executing speeding bikers. You have to show that speeding motorcyclists present an imminent danger to the officer or another person. If you cannot do that your argument fails.

Provide the information or accept defeat.

Sure. Here is the information >>

Now you may answer this question, or CONTINUE the defeat you've BEEN accepting for days now >>

"Why should law abiding drivers have their lives jeopardized, when they could be protected just by having the cops blast this loon right off his vehicle, when the chase encounters an open road, free of traffic ? "
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You forgot one little item. Common sense. You may now return to idiotland. :badgrin:

PS - the next life that is jeopardized on a "rare occasion" by a motorcyclist, MAY BE YOURS. Then you can contemplate the importance of the word "rare".

Here's a few images of cars wrecked in crashes caused by motorcycles >>

The second link shows a badly damaged car. But there is no indication that a motorcycle was responsible for that damage. The site did have some interesting information:

from your second link:


An animal in the road caused almost 9,000 crashes in rural areas.
1,676 wrecks resulted when drivers changed lanes in an unsafe manner.
More than 3,300 accidents occurred because of defective headlights.
Almost 4,000 rural crashes were the result of drivers disregarding stop signs, stoplights, and stop and go signals.
2,817 wrecks were caused by a distraction in the vehicle.
16,355 Texas accidents were ascribed to driver inattention.
21,637 rural crashes were attributed to drivers speeding.
Another over 13,000 wrecks were attributed to unsafe speeds under the speed limit.
More than 6,000 accidents resulted from drivers failing to stay in a single lane.
Over 10,000 rural crashes were caused by driver's failure to yield right-of-way.
4,183 wrecks occurred because drivers were fatigued or asleep at the wheel.
Almost 8.000 crashes resulted from flawed evasive action in a dangerous situation.
Slightly over 2,500 accidents resulted from following too closely.
And alcohol or drugs caused around 9.500 rural crashes.
1.226 wrecks consisted of wrong-way crashes.
And just over 2,000 accidents resulted from making an unsafe turn.

Our Houston crash injury attorneys note that it can be interesting to compare the numbers for URBAN CRASHES:

Wrecks caused by animals in the road go down to about 1.500.
But crashes caused by backing up unsafely go up from almost nothing to 5,931.
Changing lanes unsafely caused more than 17.000 urban crashes.
Nearly 20,000 wrecks resulted from disregarding stop signals.
Almost 60,000 accidents occurred because of driver inattention.
78,399 urban crashes resulted from speeding.
Around 54,000 wrecks resulted from failure to yield right-of-way.
Drivers following too closely caused 18,680 accidents.
Alcohol or drugs caused about 22,500 urban crashes.

The overwhelming numbers of Texas traffic accidents in 2011 reveal that the odds of having a wreck are high for all drivers. And motorcyclists experience about a 35 times greater risk of suffering a fatal accident than occupants of other vehicles."

I see nothing about a motorcycle rider causing deaths.

That's because your seeing lacks one basic ingredient >> Common Sense!

All you need to do is show that the speeding motorcyclist present a clear danger to anyone but himself. You have not done that. You have posted over a dozen links that show motorcyclists get hurt and killed. But none showing the biker harming anyone else because he was going too fast.
You forgot one little item. Common sense. You may now return to idiotland. :badgrin:

PS - the next life that is jeopardized on a "rare occasion" by a motorcyclist, MAY BE YOURS. Then you can contemplate the importance of the word "rare".

Here's a few images of cars wrecked in crashes caused by motorcycles >>

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Thanks! The link above shows that passenger vehicles do harm to motorcyclists. But there is not one example of a motorcycle rider causing the death of the driver of a car or truck. In other words, your link proves MY point, not yours.

NO, my link proves MY point, and you DON'T HAVE a point. And the OP clearly says "or badly injured", so we're not just talking about "a motorcycle rider causing the death of the driver of a car or truck", as you suddenly have decided to limit the discussion to.

And even if we had limited it to that, you have no evidence to allow you to conclude that the links I presented are not where a motorcycle rider caused the death of the driver of a car or truck, and gauging by the looks of many of those cars, one would would hard-pressed to say that nobody got killed in any of those wreckages. In any case, you don't have the info to say it, so you shouldn't say it.

Really, this whole discussion is absurd, Mr. Statistics. Just seeing a motorcycle speeding recklessly down a road, and knowing there is traffic up ahead, is plenty enough to conclude that motorists in the road up ahead are in serious danger. Simple as that.

There is nothing in that link that mentions any person being injured except the biker.

And I have not limited anything. That was your original premise. You have repeatedly asked ""Why should law abiding drivers have their lives jeopardized, when they could be protected just by having the cops blast this loon right off his vehicle, when the chase encounters an open road, free of traffic ? "

Every link you posted except one details the injuries & deaths of the motorcycle riders. The ONLY one that has any mention of injuries to the other drivers is the one in which the biker fell off his motorcycle. There is no evidence that his speed was a factor. The vehicle accident was caused by the car driver reacting badly to the motorcycle in the road. And those injuries were "non-life threatening".

So not one link talks about anyone's lives being in jeopardy (other than the biker's).
You forgot one little item. Common sense. You may now return to idiotland. :badgrin:

PS - the next life that is jeopardized on a "rare occasion" by a motorcyclist, MAY BE YOURS. Then you can contemplate the importance of the word "rare".

Here's a few images of cars wrecked in crashes caused by motorcycles >>

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Thanks! The link above shows that passenger vehicles do harm to motorcyclists. But there is not one example of a motorcycle rider causing the death of the driver of a car or truck. In other words, your link proves MY point, not yours.

NO, my link proves MY point, and you DON'T HAVE a point. And the OP clearly says "or badly injured", so we're not just talking about "a motorcycle rider causing the death of the driver of a car or truck", as you suddenly have decided to limit the discussion to.

And even if we had limited it to that, you have no evidence to allow you to conclude that the links I presented are not where a motorcycle rider caused the death of the driver of a car or truck, and gauging by the looks of many of those cars, one would would hard-pressed to say that nobody got killed in any of those wreckages. In any case, you don't have the info to say it, so you shouldn't say it.

Really, this whole discussion is absurd, Mr. Statistics. Just seeing a motorcycle speeding recklessly down a road, and knowing there is traffic up ahead, is plenty enough to conclude that motorists in the road up ahead are in serious danger. Simple as that.

Bullshit. You want to base your argument to execute motorcyclists on what you claim is common sense, but you can find no proof or evidence of??

You have been shown to be wrong and simply refuse to admit it.

That you scream "OFF TOPIC" when someone posts a minor deviation from the topic, and yet you spend several posts discussing my hair and my occasional smoking of a cigar? You are a raving lunatic.
You forgot one little item. Common sense. You may now return to idiotland. :badgrin:

PS - the next life that is jeopardized on a "rare occasion" by a motorcyclist, MAY BE YOURS. Then you can contemplate the importance of the word "rare".

Here's a few images of cars wrecked in crashes caused by motorcycles >>

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Ok, I looked at all of your links.

Apparently my use of the term "rare" held up pretty well. You posted 14 links and not one single link showed a death of a car or truck driver caused by a speeding motorcyclist. Not one single example!

So with the vast resources of the internet, you were unable to find a single example of a fatality caused to a driver of a vehicle by a biker speeding.

Here is the common justification for the use of deadly force by law enforcement officers:

from: FAQ on Deadly Force | Las Vegas Review-Journal

"Q: When can police officers use deadly force?

A: Local and state law enforcement agencies create their own deadly force policies. Most follow a Justice Department policy that allows officers to use deadly force when there is “a reasonable belief that the subject of such force poses an imminent danger of death or serious physical injury to the officer or another person.”"

Now you have argued and bitched about these bikers. But you have been unable to show a single example that fits the criteria of "“a reasonable belief that the subject of such force poses an imminent danger of death or serious physical injury to the officer or another person.”.

But feel free to keep posting links. So far you have done more to prove my side of the argument.

Here is what is required of you, since you are the one advocating executing speeding bikers. You have to show that speeding motorcyclists present an imminent danger to the officer or another person. If you cannot do that your argument fails.

Provide the information or accept defeat.

Sure. Here is the information >>

Now you may answer this question, or CONTINUE the defeat you've BEEN accepting for days now >>

"Why should law abiding drivers have their lives jeopardized, when they could be protected just by having the cops blast this loon right off his vehicle, when the chase encounters an open road, free of traffic ? "

Your stubborn refusal to admit you have nothing does not change what you have.

Your question ""Why should law abiding drivers have their lives jeopardized, when they could be protected just by having the cops blast this loon right off his vehicle, when the chase encounters an open road, free of traffic ? "" is worthless.

It is based on the premise that lives are in jeopardy due to the biker going too fast. You have shown no evidence to back that up. Once that is removed, you have no basis for executing bikers.

In order for a LEO to shoot someone, there must be a reasonable belief of imminent danger. There is no basis for such a belief.

You have been ranting but providing no evidence. You lose. The rest of your argument is simply tantrums.

Please try and conduct a serious debate or admit your supposition is wrong.
Hell fucking NO what the hell is wrong with you people.!!!!!!!

You want which is typical of most,an authoritarian make life and death designation about a speeder,

Hint no chase no high speed chasing a kid on a bike over a traffic ticket,and that's what most are,and you want then to gun them down.

You people are some scary fucked up individuals.

Absolutely OFF TOPIC!! This isn't about a "traffic ticket", and nobody said anything about a "kid"

Learn to READ, before you come bursting into a thread, talking like a fool.

This is what I found amusing. Someone mentions speeding and you post " OFF TOPIC!! ". But somehow comments about my shaved head and cigar are on topic??

Hypocrisy is always funny coming from people like you.

That you think you, as a 68 year old man, know what all women find attractive is simply hilarious! It shows you have no argument and have to go with personal insults.
Is this thread still going??? Damn, projectionist, you are a glutton for punishment, aren't you?
You forgot one little item. Common sense. You may now return to idiotland. :badgrin:

PS - the next life that is jeopardized on a "rare occasion" by a motorcyclist, MAY BE YOURS. Then you can contemplate the importance of the word "rare".

Here's a few images of cars wrecked in crashes caused by motorcycles >>

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Ok, I looked at all of your links.

Apparently my use of the term "rare" held up pretty well. You posted 14 links and not one single link showed a death of a car or truck driver caused by a speeding motorcyclist. Not one single example!

So with the vast resources of the internet, you were unable to find a single example of a fatality caused to a driver of a vehicle by a biker speeding.

Here is the common justification for the use of deadly force by law enforcement officers:

from: FAQ on Deadly Force | Las Vegas Review-Journal

"Q: When can police officers use deadly force?

A: Local and state law enforcement agencies create their own deadly force policies. Most follow a Justice Department policy that allows officers to use deadly force when there is “a reasonable belief that the subject of such force poses an imminent danger of death or serious physical injury to the officer or another person.”"

Now you have argued and bitched about these bikers. But you have been unable to show a single example that fits the criteria of "“a reasonable belief that the subject of such force poses an imminent danger of death or serious physical injury to the officer or another person.”.

But feel free to keep posting links. So far you have done more to prove my side of the argument.

Here is what is required of you, since you are the one advocating executing speeding bikers. You have to show that speeding motorcyclists present an imminent danger to the officer or another person. If you cannot do that your argument fails.

Provide the information or accept defeat.

As for your dumb idea of shaving your head, nice, FULL heads of hair look sexy on us guys. Bald heads are about the UNSEXIEST thing known to man, and you're just too dumb to realize that the women who told you it was sexy, were lying to you because they felt sorry for you.

Shaving your head, wearing a moustache, wearing a goatee. Any other things you can come up with to destroy any attractiveness you might have ever had ? How about wearing earrings ? Or capris ? (AKA "pedal pushers) :lol:

I had a conversation with a coworker today about this issue. And so I thought I would help you understand it better.

This also is one of the big reasons I do not believe you are 68 years old.

I shave my head and wear a goatee because I like it. I am not going to alter my preferred appearance on the off chance it would get some bimbo to spread her legs. If you truly are 68 years old and are still trying to alter your appearance to impress other people, you are truly sad.

I am who I am. I like the way I look and I like the convenience of this particular style. If someone does not think it is attractive, it is their loss. I know who I am and am confident about what I do, what I am, and how I look. The worthwhile women see that as sexy. I am 54 years old. I have a successful career, a lot of great friends, an amazing girlfriend, and a wonderful life. I am happier than most people. The worthwhile women see that as sexy too. I am not going to waste my time trying to adjust my hairstyle or facial hair to make a woman want me. It is like buying a car to get a woman. Any woman who falls for a guy because of his hairstyle or his car is not a woman who is worth my time.

Now that I have taken the time to explain why you seem much more like a 20something kid than a senior citizen, how about we continue with the topic?

You have yet to show that a speeding motorcycle is an imminent danger to anyone but the motorcycle rider. Until you do, your question from the OP is bogus.
Protectionist, you know jack shit because as a woman, I love men with bald heads - if they have a mohawk, that's even sexier! I also love men with long hair, but I guess that is wrong. I should go for the old, overweight balding guys like yourself with nothing better to do than to sit behind a computer screen and masturbate.
Protectionist, you know jack shit because as a woman, I love men with bald heads - if they have a mohawk, that's even sexier! I also love men with long hair, but I guess that is wrong. I should go for the old, overweight balding guys like yourself with nothing better to do than to sit behind a computer screen and masturbate.

Thank you, Noomi. After I started shaving my head I found that many women feel the same way. It's not why I keep my head shiny, but it doesn't hurt.
Is this thread still going??? Damn, projectionist, you are a glutton for punishment, aren't you?

Yeah, apparently he is. He has been reduced to giving fashion advice concerning hairstyles. lol
Anything to change the subject, after getting his ass handed to him a thousand times. :lol:

I think he has decided he has had enough. lol

Smartest thing I have seen him do.

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