Should Fleeing Motorcylists in High-Speed Chases Be Shot By Police ?

Protectionist, you know jack shit because as a woman, I love men with bald heads - if they have a mohawk, that's even sexier! I also love men with long hair, but I guess that is wrong. I should go for the old, overweight balding guys like yourself with nothing better to do than to sit behind a computer screen and masturbate.

Well, I'm not balding, and have a full head of hair like John Kerry (and he's even older than I am). Winterborn doesn't have an excuse. He shaves his head in some deluded mindlessness, that baldness could be sexy. HA HA. This is too funny. And Mohawk ? Stupid. Looks ridiculous.

As for me, "old" ? Hell no. I'm physically fit, am a sturdy 200 lbs at 6 ft, quit smoking in 1969 (including pot), quit saltshakers 10 years before that, and I've got plenty to do, with 3 girlfriends, and many more wanting to share my space, and adore me for all my superiorities, like being able to play 4 musical instruments all on a professional level, having played in a bluegrass band (true AMERICAN culture) for 5 years, and in a Rock band for 8 years.

Then there's my art collection - my paintings & drawings (100+), my poetry collection (100+), and one movie script US copyrighted and waiting to be sold into production. Got lots of more songs to learn on my guitar, fiddle, mandolin, and harmonica. Just learned "Here Comes the Sun" on my acoustic this month. Lots of stuff to do. And I'm still young. With today's medical advances, drinking my red wines, staying away from guys like Winterborn and his stinky cigar, I figure to live to about 140. Hell, I'm not even halfway there yet. :D
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Ok, I looked at all of your links.

Apparently my use of the term "rare" held up pretty well. You posted 14 links and not one single link showed a death of a car or truck driver caused by a speeding motorcyclist. Not one single example!

So with the vast resources of the internet, you were unable to find a single example of a fatality caused to a driver of a vehicle by a biker speeding.

Here is the common justification for the use of deadly force by law enforcement officers:

from: FAQ on Deadly Force | Las Vegas Review-Journal

"Q: When can police officers use deadly force?

A: Local and state law enforcement agencies create their own deadly force policies. Most follow a Justice Department policy that allows officers to use deadly force when there is “a reasonable belief that the subject of such force poses an imminent danger of death or serious physical injury to the officer or another person.”"

Now you have argued and bitched about these bikers. But you have been unable to show a single example that fits the criteria of "“a reasonable belief that the subject of such force poses an imminent danger of death or serious physical injury to the officer or another person.”.

But feel free to keep posting links. So far you have done more to prove my side of the argument.

Here is what is required of you, since you are the one advocating executing speeding bikers. You have to show that speeding motorcyclists present an imminent danger to the officer or another person. If you cannot do that your argument fails.

Provide the information or accept defeat.

As for your dumb idea of shaving your head, nice, FULL heads of hair look sexy on us guys. Bald heads are about the UNSEXIEST thing known to man, and you're just too dumb to realize that the women who told you it was sexy, were lying to you because they felt sorry for you.

Shaving your head, wearing a moustache, wearing a goatee. Any other things you can come up with to destroy any attractiveness you might have ever had ? How about wearing earrings ? Or capris ? (AKA "pedal pushers) :lol:

I had a conversation with a coworker today about this issue. And so I thought I would help you understand it better.

This also is one of the big reasons I do not believe you are 68 years old.

I shave my head and wear a goatee because I like it. I am not going to alter my preferred appearance on the off chance it would get some bimbo to spread her legs. If you truly are 68 years old and are still trying to alter your appearance to impress other people, you are truly sad.

I am who I am. I like the way I look and I like the convenience of this particular style. If someone does not think it is attractive, it is their loss. I know who I am and am confident about what I do, what I am, and how I look. The worthwhile women see that as sexy. I am 54 years old. I have a successful career, a lot of great friends, an amazing girlfriend, and a wonderful life. I am happier than most people. The worthwhile women see that as sexy too. I am not going to waste my time trying to adjust my hairstyle or facial hair to make a woman want me. It is like buying a car to get a woman. Any woman who falls for a guy because of his hairstyle or his car is not a woman who is worth my time.

Now that I have taken the time to explain why you seem much more like a 20something kid than a senior citizen, how about we continue with the topic?

You have yet to show that a speeding motorcycle is an imminent danger to anyone but the motorcycle rider. Until you do, your question from the OP is bogus.

1. I showed in the OP and the video both that a speeding and reckless motorcycle is an imminent danger to motorists sharing the roads.

2. Where did you get the idea that I was trying to alter my appearance to impress other people ? I don't recall ever saying anything like that. And I wouldn't have ever said that because I'm not doing anything to alter my appearance, other than shaving every day, which you would be well advised to try, so those foolish facial hairs of yours wouldn't make you look even more bald than you are. Oh, that's right, You shave your head, you said, right ? Well then YOU'RE the one who's altering his appearance.

As for the women being worth YOUR time, how worth THEIR time are YOU ? How many musical instruments can you play to serenade them with ? (which all women love) How many poems have you written that you can read to them (which they also love) Can you show them how to fish in the salt water ? Got anything special ? Got any skills ? Got anything (besides a powerfully bad cigar breath), and a lot of second hand smoke ?

And lastly, regarding this're welcome. :D
As for your dumb idea of shaving your head, nice, FULL heads of hair look sexy on us guys. Bald heads are about the UNSEXIEST thing known to man, and you're just too dumb to realize that the women who told you it was sexy, were lying to you because they felt sorry for you.

Shaving your head, wearing a moustache, wearing a goatee. Any other things you can come up with to destroy any attractiveness you might have ever had ? How about wearing earrings ? Or capris ? (AKA "pedal pushers) :lol:

I had a conversation with a coworker today about this issue. And so I thought I would help you understand it better.

This also is one of the big reasons I do not believe you are 68 years old.

I shave my head and wear a goatee because I like it. I am not going to alter my preferred appearance on the off chance it would get some bimbo to spread her legs. If you truly are 68 years old and are still trying to alter your appearance to impress other people, you are truly sad.

I am who I am. I like the way I look and I like the convenience of this particular style. If someone does not think it is attractive, it is their loss. I know who I am and am confident about what I do, what I am, and how I look. The worthwhile women see that as sexy. I am 54 years old. I have a successful career, a lot of great friends, an amazing girlfriend, and a wonderful life. I am happier than most people. The worthwhile women see that as sexy too. I am not going to waste my time trying to adjust my hairstyle or facial hair to make a woman want me. It is like buying a car to get a woman. Any woman who falls for a guy because of his hairstyle or his car is not a woman who is worth my time.

Now that I have taken the time to explain why you seem much more like a 20something kid than a senior citizen, how about we continue with the topic?

You have yet to show that a speeding motorcycle is an imminent danger to anyone but the motorcycle rider. Until you do, your question from the OP is bogus.

1. I showed in the OP and the video both that a speeding and reckless motorcycle is an imminent danger to motorists sharing the roads.

2. Where did you get the idea that I was trying to alter my appearance to impress other people ? I don't recall ever saying anything like that. And I wouldn't have ever said that because I'm not doing anything to alter my appearance, other than shaving every day, which you would be well advised to try, so those foolish facial hairs of yours wouldn't make you look even more bald than you are. Oh, that's right, You shave your head, you said, right ? Well then YOU'RE the one who's altering his appearance.

As for the women being worth YOUR time, how worth THEIR time are YOU ? How many musical instruments can you play to serenade them with ? (which all women love) How many poems have you written that you can read to them (which they also love) Can you show them how to fish in the salt water ? Got anything special ? Got any skills ? Got anything (besides a powerfully bad cigar breath), and a lot of second hand smoke ?

And lastly, regarding this're welcome. :D

You have shown that motorcycles can be dangerous to their riders. You have yet to show that they are an imminent danger to drivers of cars & trucks. And therein lies the problem with your question. Unless you can show the motorcycle riders are an imminent danger to the drivers of other vehicles, they are not putting anyone in jeopardy.

Now you want a list of my skills which women enjoy? I listen well, women find that refreshing after braggarts finish trying too hard. I can teach them to fish as well. From the art of fly fishing to bigger freshwater fish to saltwater fishing. Yes, I can write poetry as well. It does not take either long to decide whether the other is worth the time. But it is certainly not about hair. If something so trivial matters to them, then they focus on the most trivial things. And that is a sign of shallowness.

I wear my hair this way because, as I said, I like it. Whether another man does or not has not crossed my mind. I have been told by quite a few women that they find it sexy. So Noomi is certainly not alone in her tastes.
I had a conversation with a coworker today about this issue. And so I thought I would help you understand it better.

This also is one of the big reasons I do not believe you are 68 years old.

I shave my head and wear a goatee because I like it. I am not going to alter my preferred appearance on the off chance it would get some bimbo to spread her legs. If you truly are 68 years old and are still trying to alter your appearance to impress other people, you are truly sad.

I am who I am. I like the way I look and I like the convenience of this particular style. If someone does not think it is attractive, it is their loss. I know who I am and am confident about what I do, what I am, and how I look. The worthwhile women see that as sexy. I am 54 years old. I have a successful career, a lot of great friends, an amazing girlfriend, and a wonderful life. I am happier than most people. The worthwhile women see that as sexy too. I am not going to waste my time trying to adjust my hairstyle or facial hair to make a woman want me. It is like buying a car to get a woman. Any woman who falls for a guy because of his hairstyle or his car is not a woman who is worth my time.

Now that I have taken the time to explain why you seem much more like a 20something kid than a senior citizen, how about we continue with the topic?

You have yet to show that a speeding motorcycle is an imminent danger to anyone but the motorcycle rider. Until you do, your question from the OP is bogus.

1. I showed in the OP and the video both that a speeding and reckless motorcycle is an imminent danger to motorists sharing the roads.

2. Where did you get the idea that I was trying to alter my appearance to impress other people ? I don't recall ever saying anything like that. And I wouldn't have ever said that because I'm not doing anything to alter my appearance, other than shaving every day, which you would be well advised to try, so those foolish facial hairs of yours wouldn't make you look even more bald than you are. Oh, that's right, You shave your head, you said, right ? Well then YOU'RE the one who's altering his appearance.

As for the women being worth YOUR time, how worth THEIR time are YOU ? How many musical instruments can you play to serenade them with ? (which all women love) How many poems have you written that you can read to them (which they also love) Can you show them how to fish in the salt water ? Got anything special ? Got any skills ? Got anything (besides a powerfully bad cigar breath), and a lot of second hand smoke ?

And lastly, regarding this're welcome. :D

You have shown that motorcycles can be dangerous to their riders. You have yet to show that they are an imminent danger to drivers of cars & trucks. And therein lies the problem with your question. Unless you can show the motorcycle riders are an imminent danger to the drivers of other vehicles, they are not putting anyone in jeopardy.

Now you want a list of my skills which women enjoy? I listen well, women find that refreshing after braggarts finish trying too hard. I can teach them to fish as well. From the art of fly fishing to bigger freshwater fish to saltwater fishing. Yes, I can write poetry as well. It does not take either long to decide whether the other is worth the time. But it is certainly not about hair. If something so trivial matters to them, then they focus on the most trivial things. And that is a sign of shallowness.

I wear my hair this way because, as I said, I like it. Whether another man does or not has not crossed my mind. I have been told by quite a few women that they find it sexy. So Noomi is certainly not alone in her tastes.

Looks like we've reached a bit of an impasse. You say I need to show that motorcycles can be dangerous to drivers of cars & trucks. I say that is idiocy, as any motorcycle driven too too fast, is reckless and OF COURSE, a danger to motorists down the road a bit. So you say no they're not. I, (and probably 90% of most people with common sense), say yes they are.

OK. We've heard from you. We've got your take on it. 10-4. Message received, dude. No need for the replays. Looks like you're not gonna to change, and there's absolutely no chance that I'm going to.

I have nothing against you wearing your hair how you wish, I just thought I'd put in a word of advice. And I think all those who call the look you have, "sexy" or positive in any way are leading you on, and are disingenous while trying to be polite, that's all.
Hey, as we used to say in the 60s, do you own thing, not anybody else's, and if you ever want to catch some good fish in numbers, come down here to Tampa (or St Pete), and fish off the piers for Spanish Mackerel and Florida Pompano, especially in April, during the middle of any tide, on the leeward side of the pier (or bridge). You fish in the middle of the water column, with ether white/red jigs or frozen shrimp on a # 2 hook, and twitch the rod tip repeatedly.
Do all that, and you'll never catch more fish in a shorter period of time (good eating too), in all your life. Just be careful extracting the hook or lure. Spanish have teeth like a hacksaw.
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Protectionist, you know jack shit because as a woman, I love men with bald heads - if they have a mohawk, that's even sexier! I also love men with long hair, but I guess that is wrong. I should go for the old, overweight balding guys like yourself with nothing better to do than to sit behind a computer screen and masturbate.

Well, I'm not balding, and have a full head of hair like John Kerry (and he's even older than I am). Winterborn doesn't have an excuse. He shaves his head in some deluded mindlessness, that baldness could be sexy. HA HA. This is too funny. And Mohawk ? Stupid. Looks ridiculous.

As for me, "old" ? Hell no. I'm physically fit, am a sturdy 200 lbs at 6 ft, quit smoking in 1969 (including pot), quit saltshakers 10 years before that, and I've got plenty to do, with 3 girlfriends, and many more wanting to share my space, and adore me for all my superiorities, like being able to play 4 musical instruments all on a professional level, having played in a bluegrass band (true AMERICAN culture) for 5 years, and in a Rock band for 8 years.

Then there's my art collection - my paintings & drawings (100+), my poetry collection (100+), and one movie script US copyrighted and waiting to be sold into production. Got lots of more songs to learn on my guitar, fiddle, mandolin, and harmonica. Just learned "Here Comes the Sun" on my acoustic this month. Lots of stuff to do. And I'm still young. With today's medical advances, drinking my red wines, staying away from guys like Winterborn and his stinky cigar, I figure to live to about 140. Hell, I'm not even halfway there yet. :D

How much are the tickets? You seem to have a lot to sell.
Protectionist, you know jack shit because as a woman, I love men with bald heads - if they have a mohawk, that's even sexier! I also love men with long hair, but I guess that is wrong. I should go for the old, overweight balding guys like yourself with nothing better to do than to sit behind a computer screen and masturbate.

Well, I'm not balding, and have a full head of hair like John Kerry (and he's even older than I am). Winterborn doesn't have an excuse. He shaves his head in some deluded mindlessness, that baldness could be sexy. HA HA. This is too funny. And Mohawk ? Stupid. Looks ridiculous.

As for me, "old" ? Hell no. I'm physically fit, am a sturdy 200 lbs at 6 ft, quit smoking in 1969 (including pot), quit saltshakers 10 years before that, and I've got plenty to do, with 3 girlfriends, and many more wanting to share my space, and adore me for all my superiorities, like being able to play 4 musical instruments all on a professional level, having played in a bluegrass band (true AMERICAN culture) for 5 years, and in a Rock band for 8 years.

Then there's my art collection - my paintings & drawings (100+), my poetry collection (100+), and one movie script US copyrighted and waiting to be sold into production. Got lots of more songs to learn on my guitar, fiddle, mandolin, and harmonica. Just learned "Here Comes the Sun" on my acoustic this month. Lots of stuff to do. And I'm still young. With today's medical advances, drinking my red wines, staying away from guys like Winterborn and his stinky cigar, I figure to live to about 140. Hell, I'm not even halfway there yet. :D

How much are the tickets? You seem to have a lot to sell.

What tickets ??????????
Protectionist, you know jack shit because as a woman, I love men with bald heads - if they have a mohawk, that's even sexier! I also love men with long hair, but I guess that is wrong. I should go for the old, overweight balding guys like yourself with nothing better to do than to sit behind a computer screen and masturbate.

Well, I'm not balding, and have a full head of hair like John Kerry (and he's even older than I am). Winterborn doesn't have an excuse. He shaves his head in some deluded mindlessness, that baldness could be sexy. HA HA. This is too funny. And Mohawk ? Stupid. Looks ridiculous.

As for me, "old" ? Hell no. I'm physically fit, am a sturdy 200 lbs at 6 ft, quit smoking in 1969 (including pot), quit saltshakers 10 years before that, and I've got plenty to do, with 3 girlfriends, and many more wanting to share my space, and adore me for all my superiorities, like being able to play 4 musical instruments all on a professional level, having played in a bluegrass band (true AMERICAN culture) for 5 years, and in a Rock band for 8 years.

Then there's my art collection - my paintings & drawings (100+), my poetry collection (100+), and one movie script US copyrighted and waiting to be sold into production. Got lots of more songs to learn on my guitar, fiddle, mandolin, and harmonica. Just learned "Here Comes the Sun" on my acoustic this month. Lots of stuff to do. And I'm still young. With today's medical advances, drinking my red wines, staying away from guys like Winterborn and his stinky cigar, I figure to live to about 140. Hell, I'm not even halfway there yet. :D

How much are the tickets? You seem to have a lot to sell.
Only nobody's buying.
Well, I'm not balding, and have a full head of hair like John Kerry (and he's even older than I am). Winterborn doesn't have an excuse. He shaves his head in some deluded mindlessness, that baldness could be sexy. HA HA. This is too funny. And Mohawk ? Stupid. Looks ridiculous.

As for me, "old" ? Hell no. I'm physically fit, am a sturdy 200 lbs at 6 ft, quit smoking in 1969 (including pot), quit saltshakers 10 years before that, and I've got plenty to do, with 3 girlfriends, and many more wanting to share my space, and adore me for all my superiorities, like being able to play 4 musical instruments all on a professional level, having played in a bluegrass band (true AMERICAN culture) for 5 years, and in a Rock band for 8 years.

Then there's my art collection - my paintings & drawings (100+), my poetry collection (100+), and one movie script US copyrighted and waiting to be sold into production. Got lots of more songs to learn on my guitar, fiddle, mandolin, and harmonica. Just learned "Here Comes the Sun" on my acoustic this month. Lots of stuff to do. And I'm still young. With today's medical advances, drinking my red wines, staying away from guys like Winterborn and his stinky cigar, I figure to live to about 140. Hell, I'm not even halfway there yet. :D

How much are the tickets? You seem to have a lot to sell.
Only nobody's buying.

Buying what ?
Just for the record >> According to the MOTORCYCLE ACCIDENT CAUSE FACTORS AND
H.H. Hurt, Jr., J.V. Ouellet, D.R. Thom

Traffic Safety Center, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California 90007

"In the single vehicle accidents, motorcycle rider error was present as the accident precipitating factor in about two-thirds of the cases, with the typical error being a slide-out and fall, due to overbraking or running wide on a curve due to excess speed or under-cornering."

"Lack of attention to the driving task is a common factor for the motorcyclist in an accident."

"The typical motorcycle accident allows the motorcyclist just less than 2 seconds to complete all collision avoidance action."

"Motorcycle modifications such as those associated with the Semi-Chopper or Cafe Racer are definitely overrepresented in accidents."

"Seventy-three percent of the accident-involved motorcycle riders used no eye protection, and it is likely that the wind on the unprotected eyes contributed an impairment of vision which delayed hazard detection." (goggles)
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1. I showed in the OP and the video both that a speeding and reckless motorcycle is an imminent danger to motorists sharing the roads.

2. Where did you get the idea that I was trying to alter my appearance to impress other people ? I don't recall ever saying anything like that. And I wouldn't have ever said that because I'm not doing anything to alter my appearance, other than shaving every day, which you would be well advised to try, so those foolish facial hairs of yours wouldn't make you look even more bald than you are. Oh, that's right, You shave your head, you said, right ? Well then YOU'RE the one who's altering his appearance.

As for the women being worth YOUR time, how worth THEIR time are YOU ? How many musical instruments can you play to serenade them with ? (which all women love) How many poems have you written that you can read to them (which they also love) Can you show them how to fish in the salt water ? Got anything special ? Got any skills ? Got anything (besides a powerfully bad cigar breath), and a lot of second hand smoke ?

And lastly, regarding this're welcome. :D

You have shown that motorcycles can be dangerous to their riders. You have yet to show that they are an imminent danger to drivers of cars & trucks. And therein lies the problem with your question. Unless you can show the motorcycle riders are an imminent danger to the drivers of other vehicles, they are not putting anyone in jeopardy.

Now you want a list of my skills which women enjoy? I listen well, women find that refreshing after braggarts finish trying too hard. I can teach them to fish as well. From the art of fly fishing to bigger freshwater fish to saltwater fishing. Yes, I can write poetry as well. It does not take either long to decide whether the other is worth the time. But it is certainly not about hair. If something so trivial matters to them, then they focus on the most trivial things. And that is a sign of shallowness.

I wear my hair this way because, as I said, I like it. Whether another man does or not has not crossed my mind. I have been told by quite a few women that they find it sexy. So Noomi is certainly not alone in her tastes.

Looks like we've reached a bit of an impasse. You say I need to show that motorcycles can be dangerous to drivers of cars & trucks. I say that is idiocy, as any motorcycle driven too too fast, is reckless and OF COURSE, a danger to motorists down the road a bit. So you say no they're not. I, (and probably 90% of most people with common sense), say yes they are.

OK. We've heard from you. We've got your take on it. 10-4. Message received, dude. No need for the replays. Looks like you're not gonna to change, and there's absolutely no chance that I'm going to.

I have nothing against you wearing your hair how you wish, I just thought I'd put in a word of advice. And I think all those who call the look you have, "sexy" or positive in any way are leading you on, and are disingenous while trying to be polite, that's all.
Hey, as we used to say in the 60s, do you own thing, not anybody else's, and if you ever want to catch some good fish in numbers, come down here to Tampa (or St Pete), and fish off the piers for Spanish Mackerel and Florida Pompano, especially in April, during the middle of any tide, on the leeward side of the pier (or bridge). You fish in the middle of the water column, with ether white/red jigs or frozen shrimp on a # 2 hook, and twitch the rod tip repeatedly.
Do all that, and you'll never catch more fish in a shorter period of time (good eating too), in all your life. Just be careful extracting the hook or lure. Spanish have teeth like a hacksaw.

If speeding motorcycles caused the deaths of drivers of cars & trucks, you should be able to find some evidence of it. To be unable to do so means it does not happen with enough regularity to make the assumption that any speeding motorcycle is an imminent danger. Therefore you have no case for executing the bikers.

As for my hairstyle, that was obviously just an aside for you. You intentionally diverted away from the topic. No problem. I understand why. As for your proclamation that it is unsexy, I think you claiming to know what is sexy to everyone is rather ludicrous.

I have actually fished off the piers in St. Pete. I worked in Tampa and Sarasota for several years when Verizon was doing the big fiber build. While I was there I made friends with a guy in Venice who has a nice boat. That makes for great fishing.
Just for the record >> According to the MOTORCYCLE ACCIDENT CAUSE FACTORS AND
H.H. Hurt, Jr., J.V. Ouellet, D.R. Thom

Traffic Safety Center, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California 90007

"In the single vehicle accidents, motorcycle rider error was present as the accident precipitating factor in about two-thirds of the cases, with the typical error being a slide-out and fall, due to overbraking or running wide on a curve due to excess speed or under-cornering."

"Lack of attention to the driving task is a common factor for the motorcyclist in an accident."

"The typical motorcycle accident allows the motorcyclist just less than 2 seconds to complete all collision avoidance action."

"Motorcycle modifications such as those associated with the Semi-Chopper or Cafe Racer are definitely overrepresented in accidents."

"Seventy-three percent of the accident-involved motorcycle riders used no eye protection, and it is likely that the wind on the unprotected eyes contributed an impairment of vision which delayed hazard detection." (goggles)

Yes, riding a motorcycle can be dangerous. No one has denied that the biker is open to injury & death. But you would be hard pressed to make a case for shooting a speeding motorcyclist to save his life.

Still nothing showing it jeopardizes the lives of those in cars.
To answer the question of the OP title, perhaps we should evaluate the cost/benefit analysis of it. If cops don't shoot the jerk, rampaging through traffic at 100 MPH (or even at much lesser speeds), then a number of motorists might get killed, or badly injured. At some points in a high speed chase, the motorcylist may have full control of his vehicle (as on straightaways where traffic is absent). But as soon as he gets into traffic, everyone there is at huge risk.

Question is why ? Why should law abiding drivers have their lives jeopardized, when they could be protected just by having the cops blast this loon right off his vehicle, when the chase encounters an open road, free of traffic ? Shouldn't we take action to protect the public, and if the motorcycle criminal fool dies, from being shot, wouldn't that cop who shot him have done us all a favor ? (other than the guy who has to come along and clean up the mess)

I say blast him. :drillsergeant: :Boom2: :evil: :blowup:

Pre-emptive execution, without due process huh? Let me guess, you voted for Cheney.
You forgot one little item. Common sense. You may now return to idiotland. :badgrin:

PS - the next life that is jeopardized on a "rare occasion" by a motorcyclist, MAY BE YOURS. Then you can contemplate the importance of the word "rare".

Here's a few images of cars wrecked in crashes caused by motorcycles >>

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Ok, I looked at all of your links.

Apparently my use of the term "rare" held up pretty well. You posted 14 links and not one single link showed a death of a car or truck driver caused by a speeding motorcyclist. Not one single example!

So with the vast resources of the internet, you were unable to find a single example of a fatality caused to a driver of a vehicle by a biker speeding.

Here is the common justification for the use of deadly force by law enforcement officers:

from: FAQ on Deadly Force | Las Vegas Review-Journal

"Q: When can police officers use deadly force?

A: Local and state law enforcement agencies create their own deadly force policies. Most follow a Justice Department policy that allows officers to use deadly force when there is “a reasonable belief that the subject of such force poses an imminent danger of death or serious physical injury to the officer or another person.”"

Now you have argued and bitched about these bikers. But you have been unable to show a single example that fits the criteria of "“a reasonable belief that the subject of such force poses an imminent danger of death or serious physical injury to the officer or another person.”.

But feel free to keep posting links. So far you have done more to prove my side of the argument.

Here is what is required of you, since you are the one advocating executing speeding bikers. You have to show that speeding motorcyclists present an imminent danger to the officer or another person. If you cannot do that your argument fails.

Provide the information or accept defeat.

Sure. Here is the information >>

Now you may answer this question, or CONTINUE the defeat you've BEEN accepting for days now >>

"Why should law abiding drivers have their lives jeopardized, when they could be protected just by having the cops blast this loon right off his vehicle, when the chase encounters an open road, free of traffic ? "

Surely you realise that police are not allowed to shoot from moving vehicles right? Or are you ignorant even of that fact?
You have shown that motorcycles can be dangerous to their riders. You have yet to show that they are an imminent danger to drivers of cars & trucks. And therein lies the problem with your question. Unless you can show the motorcycle riders are an imminent danger to the drivers of other vehicles, they are not putting anyone in jeopardy.

Now you want a list of my skills which women enjoy? I listen well, women find that refreshing after braggarts finish trying too hard. I can teach them to fish as well. From the art of fly fishing to bigger freshwater fish to saltwater fishing. Yes, I can write poetry as well. It does not take either long to decide whether the other is worth the time. But it is certainly not about hair. If something so trivial matters to them, then they focus on the most trivial things. And that is a sign of shallowness.

I wear my hair this way because, as I said, I like it. Whether another man does or not has not crossed my mind. I have been told by quite a few women that they find it sexy. So Noomi is certainly not alone in her tastes.

Looks like we've reached a bit of an impasse. You say I need to show that motorcycles can be dangerous to drivers of cars & trucks. I say that is idiocy, as any motorcycle driven too too fast, is reckless and OF COURSE, a danger to motorists down the road a bit. So you say no they're not. I, (and probably 90% of most people with common sense), say yes they are.

OK. We've heard from you. We've got your take on it. 10-4. Message received, dude. No need for the replays. Looks like you're not gonna to change, and there's absolutely no chance that I'm going to.

I have nothing against you wearing your hair how you wish, I just thought I'd put in a word of advice. And I think all those who call the look you have, "sexy" or positive in any way are leading you on, and are disingenous while trying to be polite, that's all.
Hey, as we used to say in the 60s, do you own thing, not anybody else's, and if you ever want to catch some good fish in numbers, come down here to Tampa (or St Pete), and fish off the piers for Spanish Mackerel and Florida Pompano, especially in April, during the middle of any tide, on the leeward side of the pier (or bridge). You fish in the middle of the water column, with ether white/red jigs or frozen shrimp on a # 2 hook, and twitch the rod tip repeatedly.
Do all that, and you'll never catch more fish in a shorter period of time (good eating too), in all your life. Just be careful extracting the hook or lure. Spanish have teeth like a hacksaw.

If speeding motorcycles caused the deaths of drivers of cars & trucks, you should be able to find some evidence of it. To be unable to do so means it does not happen with enough regularity to make the assumption that any speeding motorcycle is an imminent danger. Therefore you have no case for executing the bikers.

As for my hairstyle, that was obviously just an aside for you. You intentionally diverted away from the topic. No problem. I understand why. As for your proclamation that it is unsexy, I think you claiming to know what is sexy to everyone is rather ludicrous.

I have actually fished off the piers in St. Pete. I worked in Tampa and Sarasota for several years when Verizon was doing the big fiber build. While I was there I made friends with a guy in Venice who has a nice boat. That makes for great fishing.

I actually caught more fish off the piers than boats I went out in . Piers are great fish attracters at middle tides.

As for the evidence of speeding motorcycles causing the deaths of drivers of cars & trucks,, should, and did. ANd you're straying off topic. The TOPIC isn't a "case for executing the bikers", the topic is a case for not executing the other motorists on the road who are driving properly, which, incidentally besides car and trucks, could also be other motorcylists as well.
Just for the record >> According to the MOTORCYCLE ACCIDENT CAUSE FACTORS AND
H.H. Hurt, Jr., J.V. Ouellet, D.R. Thom

Traffic Safety Center, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California 90007

"In the single vehicle accidents, motorcycle rider error was present as the accident precipitating factor in about two-thirds of the cases, with the typical error being a slide-out and fall, due to overbraking or running wide on a curve due to excess speed or under-cornering."

"Lack of attention to the driving task is a common factor for the motorcyclist in an accident."

"The typical motorcycle accident allows the motorcyclist just less than 2 seconds to complete all collision avoidance action."

"Motorcycle modifications such as those associated with the Semi-Chopper or Cafe Racer are definitely overrepresented in accidents."

"Seventy-three percent of the accident-involved motorcycle riders used no eye protection, and it is likely that the wind on the unprotected eyes contributed an impairment of vision which delayed hazard detection." (goggles)

Yes, riding a motorcycle can be dangerous. No one has denied that the biker is open to injury & death. But you would be hard pressed to make a case for shooting a speeding motorcyclist to save his life.

Still nothing showing it jeopardizes the lives of those in cars.

Nobody said anything about "shooting a speeding motorcyclist to save his life" until you here, now. The lives I'm interested in, are those of the innocent, and responsible other drivers on the roads. How anybody could not see how a reckless, speeding motorcyclist jeopardizes the lives of those in cars (or trucks or other motorcycles as well) is really quite amazing. Just the first one of the Traffic Safety Center, University of Southern California quotes you quoted alone, sums it up.
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To answer the question of the OP title, perhaps we should evaluate the cost/benefit analysis of it. If cops don't shoot the jerk, rampaging through traffic at 100 MPH (or even at much lesser speeds), then a number of motorists might get killed, or badly injured. At some points in a high speed chase, the motorcylist may have full control of his vehicle (as on straightaways where traffic is absent). But as soon as he gets into traffic, everyone there is at huge risk.

Question is why ? Why should law abiding drivers have their lives jeopardized, when they could be protected just by having the cops blast this loon right off his vehicle, when the chase encounters an open road, free of traffic ? Shouldn't we take action to protect the public, and if the motorcycle criminal fool dies, from being shot, wouldn't that cop who shot him have done us all a favor ? (other than the guy who has to come along and clean up the mess)

I say blast him. :drillsergeant: :Boom2: :evil: :blowup:

Pre-emptive execution, without due process huh? Let me guess, you voted for Cheney.

Wrong. I voted for Virgil Goode.

EARTH TO DUNE: Law enforcement is like being in a war. In both, the # 1 issue is SELF-DEFENSE. In a war, you don't offer a soldier on a battlefield due process of law. Cops who are up against armed criminals don't say "I can't shoot you because you haven't had due process yet."

If they did say that, they'd be dead, right then and there > just like motorists sharing roads with reckless speeding motorcyclists.
Ok, I looked at all of your links.

Apparently my use of the term "rare" held up pretty well. You posted 14 links and not one single link showed a death of a car or truck driver caused by a speeding motorcyclist. Not one single example!

So with the vast resources of the internet, you were unable to find a single example of a fatality caused to a driver of a vehicle by a biker speeding.

Here is the common justification for the use of deadly force by law enforcement officers:

from: FAQ on Deadly Force | Las Vegas Review-Journal

"Q: When can police officers use deadly force?

A: Local and state law enforcement agencies create their own deadly force policies. Most follow a Justice Department policy that allows officers to use deadly force when there is “a reasonable belief that the subject of such force poses an imminent danger of death or serious physical injury to the officer or another person.”"

Now you have argued and bitched about these bikers. But you have been unable to show a single example that fits the criteria of "“a reasonable belief that the subject of such force poses an imminent danger of death or serious physical injury to the officer or another person.”.

But feel free to keep posting links. So far you have done more to prove my side of the argument.

Here is what is required of you, since you are the one advocating executing speeding bikers. You have to show that speeding motorcyclists present an imminent danger to the officer or another person. If you cannot do that your argument fails.

Provide the information or accept defeat.

Sure. Here is the information >>

Now you may answer this question, or CONTINUE the defeat you've BEEN accepting for days now >>

"Why should law abiding drivers have their lives jeopardized, when they could be protected just by having the cops blast this loon right off his vehicle, when the chase encounters an open road, free of traffic ? "

Surely you realise that police are not allowed to shoot from moving vehicles right? Or are you ignorant even of that fact?

That is IRRELEVANT to the OP, which is a PROPOSAL, get it ? As in a request for legislation (if necessary)
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