Zone1 Should Google be forced to reveal it's search engine algorithms and change it if bias is found?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
One of the most powerful weapons in the control of information is the Google search engine algorithm (SEO). For example enter any search string related to Trump and it is a guarantee the first two pages of search hits will be negative. That is an extremely powerful and subtle way to influence minds and that is exactly what the Ultra Liberal Google company is doing. IMHO there should be a highly visible and televised Congressional hearing on Google's SEO to determine how and why they bias string searches the way they do.

Secondly, they should be forced to remove the political bias from their SEO and if there is no change to the stacking of search string hits, they should be heavily penalized. Google's abuse of their considerable power in control of information flies in the face of our fundamental concept of a "Free and Independent Press".
No they should be forced to post a diclaimer on their sesrch engine landing page which outlines any bias and also their largest ad donors. Citizens can then decide if the wish to reveal their search data to the company or not, or, choose duckduckgo instead.
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One of the most powerful weapons in the control of information is the Google search engine algorithm (SEO). For example enter any search string related to Trump and it is a guarantee the first two pages of search hits will be negative. That is an extremely powerful and subtle way to influence minds and that is exactly what the Ultra Liberal Google company is doing. IMHO there should be a highly visible and televised Congressional hearing on Google's SEO to determine how and why they bias string searches the way they do.

Secondly, they should be forced to remove the political bias from their SEO and if there is no change to the stacking of search string hits, they should be heavily penalized. Google's abuse of their considerable power in control of information flies in the face of our fundamental concept of a "Free and Independent Press".

They are a private entity not tied to the Govt in any way.

They are allowed to be as biased as they wish.

Don't like it, create your own.
I don't believe disclaimers are sufficient to remove the bias. I'm sure most of what they do is to key off of known Leftwing sites and prioritize their results over known rightwing or lesser known sites. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to match "Trump" with "NYTimes" "Washington Post" "The Atlantic" "NPR" etc.
One of the most powerful weapons in the control of information is the Google search engine algorithm (SEO). For example enter any search string related to Trump and it is a guarantee the first two pages of search hits will be negative. That is an extremely powerful and subtle way to influence minds and that is exactly what the Ultra Liberal Google company is doing. IMHO there should be a highly visible and televised Congressional hearing on Google's SEO to determine how and why they bias string searches the way they do.

Secondly, they should be forced to remove the political bias from their SEO and if there is no change to the stacking of search string hits, they should be heavily penalized. Google's abuse of their considerable power in control of information flies in the face of our fundamental concept of a "Free and Independent Press".
Those are disparate questions.
Even the CFPB ,far as I know(been awhile out of the financial statistics job) only required statistical compliance in results and NOT verifiction of your methods.

Let me ask you, If you KNOW they bias searches, what really are you asking ?????
I don't believe disclaimers are sufficient to remove the bias. I'm sure most of what they do is to key off of known Leftwing sites and prioritize their results over known rightwing or lesser known sites. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to match "Trump" with "NYTimes" "Washington Post" "The Atlantic" "NPR" etc.
Every conpany and human is biased, corpooraions wrse than most. Being transparent about it is far sjperior as it creates a better informed citizen.
They are a private entity not tied to the Govt in any way.

They are allowed to be as biased as they wish.

Don't like it, create your own.
They are THE primary source of information on the planet. And they are clearly ultra-Liberal and doing all they can to shift opinion against the GOP and Trump. That is antithetical to a Free and Independent Press.
They are THE primary source of information on the planet. And they are clearly ultra-Liberal and doing all they can to shift opinion against the GOP and Trump. That is antithetical to a Free and Independent Press.

Is there any problem that you do not think it is the job of the Govt to fix?
One of the most powerful weapons in the control of information is the Google search engine algorithm (SEO). For example enter any search string related to Trump and it is a guarantee the first two pages of search hits will be negative. That is an extremely powerful and subtle way to influence minds and that is exactly what the Ultra Liberal Google company is doing. IMHO there should be a highly visible and televised Congressional hearing on Google's SEO to determine how and why they bias string searches the way they do.

Secondly, they should be forced to remove the political bias from their SEO and if there is no change to the stacking of search string hits, they should be heavily penalized. Google's abuse of their considerable power in control of information flies in the face of our fundamental concept of a "Free and Independent Press".
Channeling Putin? If a free and independent business offends you, don't use it, but don't destroy it for others.
They are a private entity not tied to the Govt in any way.

They are allowed to be as biased as they wish.

Don't like it, create your own.
While I do agree with this. . .

I don't think they should be allowed to do the bidding of the government with out the citizenry knowing.

That? Is the very definition of dirigisme, which is the economic system used by fascist nations.

That is not how America should operate.

It would be giving Google a de facto monopoly and government favoritism in the regulatory arena.

Don't Throw Big Tech in the Briar Patch! - #PropagandaWatch

Corbett • 05/14/2019 • 20 Comments


. . . . but after that twitter file scandal proved how the system put its toe into propagandizing the public for its own agenda? Scary dystopian shit right there.

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Channeling Putin? If a free and independent business offends you, don't use it, but don't destroy it for others.
Anyone with a functioning brain can see Google is ANYTHING BUT a free and independent business. They are an Ultra-Liberal tool of the Democratic Party and their "business" happens to be the primary vehicle for control of information on the internet. Democrat supporters like yourself are just being disingenuous pretending you don't see the bias.
Or how about this? Invite GOOGLE, Bing, Yahoo and duckduckgo and do a comparison of the SEOs of each. That would be interesting to see how different/similar they all are and more importantly WHY. Maybe duckduckgo has a right wing bias that should be removed in order to restore a balanced view of information on the internet.

Should Google be forced to reveal it's search engine algorithms and change it if bias is found?​

Why do you hate the free market? Why are you kneeling at the altar of big government regulation?
Anyone with a functioning brain can see Google is ANYTHING BUT a free and independent business. They are an Ultra-Liberal tool of the Democratic Party and their "business" happens to be the primary vehicle for control of information on the internet. Democrat supporters like yourself are just being disingenuous pretending you don't see the bias.
I never said they were not biased but they are not connected to the DNC. They may share a similar philosophy at the top but their first priority is profit. There are plenty of other competitors on the internet, are you saying we need to police them too? Not possible, the internet is global and Google's servers can be anywhere on it.
Or how about this? Invite GOOGLE, Bing, Yahoo and duckduckgo and do a comparison of the SEOs of each. That would be interesting to see how different/similar they all are and more importantly WHY. Maybe duckduckgo has a right wing bias that should be removed in order to restore a balanced view of information on the internet.

you are clearly living in the wrong country. Perhaps China would be more to your liking.
I'll speak for me...

I understand that those who prosper from controlling power will advocate for abusing that power.

I understand that there's a bottleneck of information that is filtered by the global leftist powers

I know that google enforces leftist power onto the populace, and they censor and suppress opposing points of view

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