Should Gov. Walker be Recalled?

Yes or NO?

  • Yes

    Votes: 8 25.8%
  • No

    Votes: 23 74.2%

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Was the elimination of public sector unions something Walker campaigned on?
no, and thats not what he is doing
What would you call it after a union is stripped of collective bargaining rights? I call it a coffee clatch. Certainly not a labor union.

And if the elimination of collective bargaining rights was not a campaign issue, why is Walker doing it? I know you'll say to balance the state budget as if that's the only way that can happen. But we both know Walker is settling some political scores.
they are not being stripped of collective bargaining rights
What would you call it after a union is stripped of collective bargaining rights? I call it a coffee clatch. Certainly not a labor union.

And if the elimination of collective bargaining rights was not a campaign issue, why is Walker doing it? I know you'll say to balance the state budget as if that's the only way that can happen. But we both know Walker is settling some political scores.
The only bargaining *privilege* being removed is that dealing with benefits.

They will still have the *privilege* of bargaining over pay.

What the union goons (not to be mistaken with the employees themselves) have their knickers in a knot over is the fact that dues will no longer be withheld from paychecks....But they can't go around admitting so, because then the gig will really be up.
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no, and thats not what he is doing
What would you call it after a union is stripped of collective bargaining rights? I call it a coffee clatch. Certainly not a labor union.

And if the elimination of collective bargaining rights was not a campaign issue, why is Walker doing it? I know you'll say to balance the state budget as if that's the only way that can happen. But we both know Walker is settling some political scores.
they are not being stripped of collective bargaining rights

You know full well these people do not give one rats ass about the facts. For them it is all about being as sensational as possible.
There's no "right" of collective bargaining.

The *privilege* was extended by the state...It only follows that it may be taken away.

On top if that, the only part of collective bargaining being taken away is that involving benefits, not pay.

when the state agreed to give them collective bargaining "rights" its became a given right. (not the same as an inalienable right) thats what i meant by right.

A right is something you are entitled to. If a government has to give it to you, then you arent entitled to it.
There's no "right" of collective bargaining.

The *privilege* was extended by the state...It only follows that it may be taken away.

On top if that, the only part of collective bargaining being taken away is that involving benefits, not pay.

when the state agreed to give them collective bargaining "rights" its became a given right. (not the same as an inalienable right) thats what i meant by right.

A right is something you are entitled to. If a government has to give it to you, then you arent entitled to it.
The government does not 'give' you rights. They are SUPPOSED to protect them.
People don't get recalled for keeping their promises.
Was the elimination of public sector unions something Walker campaigned on?

No Eliminating a 3.6 Billion dollar Budget shortfall is what he campaigned on. He is not attempting to "eliminate public Sector Unions, He is not even trying to take away all their Bargaining Power, His plan would allow them to continue collective Bargaining over Pay, only on Benefits would they lose any power.

Do you people even care about facts at all?
when the state agreed to give them collective bargaining "rights" its became a given right. (not the same as an inalienable right) thats what i meant by right.

A right is something you are entitled to. If a government has to give it to you, then you arent entitled to it.
The government does not 'give' you rights. They are SUPPOSED to protect them.

Show me where Collective Bargaining is a protected right?
To answer the OP's question if a Majority of people in Wisconsin want him Recalled then he should be, but that cuts both ways, if a majority wants to recall the Democrats in Hiding, then they must go as well.
youre correct. they were granted the rights of collective bargaining per the contract. the semantics of this isnt the issue i wanted to discuss.

i simply see this as a contract dispute. the unions have a contract in place with the state. the state no longer likes that contract, so they need to negotiate a new one. instead walker simply wants to take away their ability to negotiate for the whole, and that is wrong.

Got you. It's semantics because reality doesnt corrolate with what you are trying to argue. And since it's semantics it can be ignored with no thought or effort to dispute it.

As far as Im concerned the contracts are broken and will continue to be broken until the employees get off their butts and get back to work.

Oh and rights given by government can be taken by government. Rights given by God, can't be taken by government.
when the state agreed to give them collective bargaining "rights" its became a given right. (not the same as an inalienable right) thats what i meant by right.

A right is something you are entitled to. If a government has to give it to you, then you arent entitled to it.
The government does not 'give' you rights. They are SUPPOSED to protect them.

Yes. They are supposed to protect them. But that's beside the point. I can only conclude that you agree with the assessment that since the government gave them the power to collectively bargain it's not a right.
There's no "right" of collective bargaining.

The *privilege* was extended by the state...It only follows that it may be taken away.

On top if that, the only part of collective bargaining being taken away is that involving benefits, not pay.

so you don't believe in contracted for rights either?
To answer the OP's question if a Majority of people in Wisconsin want him Recalled then he should be, but that cuts both ways, if a majority wants to recall the Democrats in Hiding, then they must go as well.
it ought to be an interesting summer
dueling recalls in WI
There's no "right" of collective bargaining.

The *privilege* was extended by the state...It only follows that it may be taken away.

On top if that, the only part of collective bargaining being taken away is that involving benefits, not pay.

so you don't believe in contracted for rights either?
Where is the contract being breached?
There's no "right" of collective bargaining.

The *privilege* was extended by the state...It only follows that it may be taken away.

On top if that, the only part of collective bargaining being taken away is that involving benefits, not pay.

so you don't believe in contracted for rights either?
a contract can be changed
can it not?

btw, if it cant, then how come athletes get to renegotiate contracts?
when the state agreed to give them collective bargaining "rights" its became a given right. (not the same as an inalienable right) thats what i meant by right.

A right is something you are entitled to. If a government has to give it to you, then you arent entitled to it.
The government does not 'give' you rights. They are SUPPOSED to protect them.


And therefore, collective bargaining, which was given by the government, is not a right.
It was a negotiated item.
There's no "right" of collective bargaining.

The *privilege* was extended by the state...It only follows that it may be taken away.

On top if that, the only part of collective bargaining being taken away is that involving benefits, not pay.

so you don't believe in contracted for rights either?

You have the right to negotiate a contract and you have the right to leave a job if you are not happy with the results.

You do NOT have the right to inist your employer give you what you want. You have the right to ask and the right to walk away.
There's no "right" of collective bargaining.

The *privilege* was extended by the state...It only follows that it may be taken away.

On top if that, the only part of collective bargaining being taken away is that involving benefits, not pay.

so you don't believe in contracted for rights either?
a contract can be changed
can it not?

btw, if it cant, then how come athletes get to renegotiate contracts?
If it's codified in law, then it can be changed at will by the legislature....Just like the tax code.

There's no contractual *right* to collective bargaining anywhere....Red herring.
There's no "right" of collective bargaining.

The *privilege* was extended by the state...It only follows that it may be taken away.

On top if that, the only part of collective bargaining being taken away is that involving benefits, not pay.

when the state agreed to give them collective bargaining "rights" its because a give right. (not the same as an inalienable right) thats what i meant by right.


no kidding.:lol:

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