Should Hip-Hop culture have been suppressed?

I know you said it in jest. You just look dumb for doing that. Trying to pretend the source is invalid is a fools game. :itsok:

It's just an opinion. Nothing more.

If there was only vulgar rap music out there, you might be more believable. Since there is way more good music by black artists than cRAP, I disagree with your assumption that white producers want the nasty stuff over the better quality music.

Everyone buys music they like. I think the majority of people prefer the music that isn't promoting violence and find it sad that there is even a market for garbage some create. But it is what it is and I repeat that more minorities should be creating companies if they aren't completely happy with the way some are run now. Don't bitch, just get busy.
Thats my point exactly. There is plenty of good hip hop out there. Yet instill we have this thread which lets you know that the image is bad. Why is that if the good hip hop is really getting marketed? You say dont bitch just get busy which I agree with. I'm not bitching. I'm correcting your wrong assumption. How does one crack the industry enough to put out the good music and override all the bad music being marketed by whites?

You change the music you make. Record companies want to make money and they don't hold back trying to make a profit. There is a big market for the good music.

How it is that we have so many successful black artists who don't promote violence? You don't see the late night shows inviting nasty rappers to sing on their shows, do you? At least not to sing the vile crap. I don't see a lot of advertisement for music at all and usually hear new songs on the radio or on television when artists make appearances. And it seems pretty diverse.
The music has already been changed. They have to bypass powerful music execs that have the radio stations in their pocket along with other outlets. Like I said before you need to do some research on how it works. There is some incredible music that never sees the light of day simply because they lack exposure. Ever wonder what happened to Lauryn Hill? She didnt conform to what the music labels wanted.

I don't really believe any of your strange stories, however I do like Lauryn Hill.
I didnt ask you to believe them. That was never the point. The point was the information was laid out for you to see for yourself. Since you dont want to believe it then thats your prerogative. I have no issue with you remaining ignorant at all.
Hip-hop culture is just a reflection, so trying to suppress it is pointless.

"Rappers" who can't sing, "musicians" simulated on a keyboard, and lyrics glorifying crime and misogyny are all just examples of lowered cultural standards.

Rappers arent supposed to be singing. Thats why its called rap dufus. However, one of the greatest female rappers every was also so good of a singer her album will be inducted into the Library of Congress. Meet the beautiful and insanely talented Lauryn Hill.

The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill Will Be Entered Into the Library of Congress - The Root


Her band the Fugees rented my Fender Rhodes for a concert at the civic center years ago.

I love their cover of Killing Me Softly. I like it more than the original, I think.
I think they needed the Rhodes specifically for that song, now that you mention it.
There you go again making assumptions. If someone disagrees with an opinion due to evidence to the contrary, you still assume racism. That makes you the real problem here.

You are saying that companies only want black rappers to sing about violence or they won't sign them up, yet you are quoting a guy who sings the crap. Has this guy even tried another style or music or tried to start his own company to change things? Otherwise, he is just pissing in the wind and shouldn't be taken seriously.
There was no evidence to the contrary. When there is no evidence to the contrary presented I know its just a emotional reaction.

All a person has to do is read it, and then they will all know it's crap. :biggrin:
I read it and knew it wasnt crap. You had an emotional reaction in response to the lack of contradicting evidence.

Nope, it evoked absolutely no emotion but I did think "wow, what a bunch of crapola!" There are all KINDS of ridiculous stories! It's just like the National Enquirer.
See you cant even lie good. First you say it evoked no emotion then you use the interjection "wow" and ended your thought with an exclamation point. You do realize that means emotion was evoked in you right?

Okay, I did have an emotion of "I can't believe someone would take this rag seriously." :wink_2:
“For the past several years, I have remained what others would consider underground. I did this in order to build a community of people, like-minded in their desire for freedom and the right to pursue their goals and lives without being manipulated and controlled by a media protected military industrial complex with a completely different agenda. Having put the lives and needs of other people before my own for multiple years, and having made hundreds of millions of dollars for certain institutions, under complex and sometimes severe circumstances, I began to require growth and more equitable treatment, but was met with resistance. I entered into my craft full of optimism (which I still possess), but immediately saw the suppressive force with which the system attempts to maintain it’s control over a given paradigm. I’ve seen people promote addiction, use sabotage, black listing, media bullying and any other coercion technique they could, to prevent artists from knowing their true value, or exercising their full power. These devices of control, no matter how well intentioned (or not), can have a devastating outcome on the lives of people, especially creative types who must grow and exist within a certain environment and according to a certain pace, in order to live and create optimally.”
-Lauryn Hill

Read more: Lauryn Hill addiction sabotage bullying and exploitation the miseducation Patrick Wanis PhD
I told my son when he was in high school that he could pull up his pants and wear a belt, or I could use a staple gun to keep them up.

Was that suppressing hip hop "culture?"

Good for you but that does not sound libertarian? Its sounds like the imposition by force of learned values on the next generation.
I told my son when he was in high school that he could pull up his pants and wear a belt, or I could use a staple gun to keep them up.

Was that suppressing hip hop "culture?"

Good for you but that does not sound libertarian? Its sounds like the imposition by force of learned values on the next generation.
Then you have no understanding of what a libertarian is (surprise)

You have an obligation and duty to raise your children with a proper and strong moral compass. A libertarian society does not work any other way.
I told my son when he was in high school that he could pull up his pants and wear a belt, or I could use a staple gun to keep them up.

Was that suppressing hip hop "culture?"

Good for you but that does not sound libertarian? Its sounds like the imposition by force of learned values on the next generation.
Then you have no understanding of what a libertarian is (surprise)

You have an obligation and duty to raise your children with a proper and strong moral compass. A libertarian society does not work any other way.

so parents have a right to violently impose values by force but they don't have a right to elect a govt to impose values by force??
The music has already been changed. They have to bypass powerful music execs that have the radio stations in their pocket along with other outlets. Like I said before you need to do some research on how it works. There is some incredible music that never sees the light of day simply because they lack exposure. Ever wonder what happened to Lauryn Hill? She didnt conform to what the music labels wanted.

Actually, it was more that her last album bombed, she didn't release much after it, and she went to the can for tax evasion.
“For the past several years, I have remained what others would consider underground. I did this in order to build a community of people, like-minded in their desire for freedom and the right to pursue their goals and lives without being manipulated and controlled by a media protected military industrial complex with a completely different agenda. Having put the lives and needs of other people before my own for multiple years, and having made hundreds of millions of dollars for certain institutions, under complex and sometimes severe circumstances, I began to require growth and more equitable treatment, but was met with resistance. I entered into my craft full of optimism (which I still possess), but immediately saw the suppressive force with which the system attempts to maintain it’s control over a given paradigm. I’ve seen people promote addiction, use sabotage, black listing, media bullying and any other coercion technique they could, to prevent artists from knowing their true value, or exercising their full power. These devices of control, no matter how well intentioned (or not), can have a devastating outcome on the lives of people, especially creative types who must grow and exist within a certain environment and according to a certain pace, in order to live and create optimally.”
-Lauryn Hill

Read more: Lauryn Hill addiction sabotage bullying and exploitation the miseducation Patrick Wanis PhD

Translation: "My music sucks, and I will blame others for my failure."
I know, Hip Hop is the most primitive "music" in the world.

It's not music. It is poetry recited to a beat (generally one on the complexity level of a nursery rhyme).

Art can be very powerful and should be carefully used to inspire human kind. Hip Hop art, if you can call it that, is used to degrade human kind and probably should be banned.
I know, Hip Hop is the most primitive "music" in the world.

It's not music. It is poetry recited to a beat (generally one on the complexity level of a nursery rhyme).

Art can be very powerful and should be carefully used to inspire human kind. Hip Hop art, if you can call it that, is used to degrade human kind and probably should be banned.

I disagree. Just because you don't like something, doesn't mean it should be illegal. To each their own.
Funny, how conservatives are always talking about personal responsibility and stuff, so then . . . YOU take control of what your child is listening to. It's not up to the government to babysit your kids. :wink_2:
Funny, how conservatives are always talking about personal responsibility and stuff, so then . . . YOU take control of what your child is listening to. It's not up to the government to babysit your kids. :wink_2:
Has a conservative in this thread advocated for government censorship?
To those that believe the government is the answer to everything it is assumed that everyone is talking about government solutions.

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