Should Hip-Hop culture have been suppressed?

Music is supposed to be "primordial", you're such a monkey boy

Without the inventions of instruments by white people, you would still be butt naked dancing around a fire
This is an interesting question in my opinion.

I often here, particularly from older generations, that hip-hop culture is "disgusting" or something to that effect.

For those that would say yes; how would you feel if a culture you identified with was suppressed? what about freedom of speech?

For those that would say no; do you think it's worth advocating a culture that some would find dangerous in the name of freedom of speech?

We shouldn't suppress anything. It's freedom of speech. I do wish more had exercised their freedom of speech and called some of those nasty rappers out on the garbage they were spewing. Parents, in particular, should have put their foot down.

There have been things that have negatively influenced youth. Bands making drugs look cool, gangsta crap and other things. Usually, parents try to steer their kids in the right direction but that is sadly absent these days.

Some rappers just went too far, talking about killing cops and treating women horribly. I think too many were afraid if they blasted some of that crap, they'd be accused of racism. When people expressed concern, others would roll their eyes as if it was some harmless fad.

I find it disgusting when I see young males walking around in pants that are too big and hanging down below their underwear. I am guessing they know the meaning behind it and yet they still dress that way. Maybe practice for when they actually get to prison. Sad that they identify with convicts. And most of those little dweebs wearing that shit likely don't work, which means the parents buy this stuff for them.

Where are the parents of these kids and why don't they step in when their child decides to dress, talk and act like some bad ass criminal?

People have a right to be stupid as long as they don't harm anyone. It's just sad that so many parents are just as stupid as their kids. The rappers wouldn't be successful if people weren't listening to the really foul rap. So, people have a right to lower their standards and allow their children to go down with them. Of course, in the end, the wealthy whites will get blamed anyway.
Music is supposed to be "primordial", you're such a monkey boy

Without the inventions of instruments by white people, you would still be butt naked dancing around a fire
The only monkeys are your type. Thats why you are susceptible to catching head lice and you smell like a wet dog. Music instruments existed long before you guys crawled out of the caves to be educated. Thats why all your music genres that are worth a damn were started by Black people.
This is an interesting question in my opinion.

I often here, particularly from older generations, that hip-hop culture is "disgusting" or something to that effect.

For those that would say yes; how would you feel if a culture you identified with was suppressed? what about freedom of speech?

For those that would say no; do you think it's worth advocating a culture that some would find dangerous in the name of freedom of speech?

We shouldn't suppress anything. It's freedom of speech. I do wish more had exercised their freedom of speech and called some of those nasty rappers out on the garbage they were spewing. Parents, in particular, should have put their foot down.

There have been things that have negatively influenced youth. Bands making drugs look cool, gangsta crap and other things. Usually, parents try to steer their kids in the right direction but that is sadly absent these days.

Some rappers just went too far, talking about killing cops and treating women horribly. I think too many were afraid if they blasted some of that crap, they'd be accused of racism. When people expressed concern, others would roll their eyes as if it was some harmless fad.

I find it disgusting when I see young males walking around in pants that are too big and hanging down below their underwear. I am guessing they know the meaning behind it and yet they still dress that way. Maybe practice for when they actually get to prison. Sad that they identify with convicts. And most of those little dweebs wearing that shit likely don't work, which means the parents buy this stuff for them.

Where are the parents of these kids and why don't they step in when their child decides to dress, talk and act like some bad ass criminal?

People have a right to be stupid as long as they don't harm anyone. It's just sad that so many parents are just as stupid as their kids. The rappers wouldn't be successful if people weren't listening to the really foul rap. So, people have a right to lower their standards and allow their children to go down with them. Of course, in the end, the wealthy whites will get blamed anyway.
The only reason the garbage rappers are successful is because of the promotion of the garbage by white label owners and the consumption by white suburban kids. Its not the Black community that embraces that type of garbage. Its your white kids and white parents who give them the money to purchase it.
The only reason the garbage rappers are successful is because of the promotion of the garbage by white label owners and the consumption by white suburban kids. Its not the Black community that embraces that type of garbage. Its your white kids and white parents who give them the money to purchase it.

I don't have two white parents, but interesting that you make assumptions. And it's incredible how you automatically blame white people for marketing that shit. There are black music producers, you know. And then there are those who write and sing that garbage. None of it would be out there if people didn't buy it for themselves or their kids.

Also, I see white and black kids embracing this garbage. I did not specify race when talking about the way kids dress and the garbage they listen to. I asked where the parents are on this and why they allow it. I didn't say white or black parents. Why do lefties always make assumptions like that? A lot of stupid kids think those nasty rap songs are cool, but when someone criticizes that music, they are often accused of racism because they don't get it.

Geez, I criticized some of Beyoncé's latest because I think it's too vulgar for young girls and I was blasted for that. I like Beyoncé's older songs, but the left won't stand for any criticism if the person happens to be black. As a parent, I am concerned what the young people are influenced by and we all should be.

Take your assumptions and race baiting and shove it.
The only reason the garbage rappers are successful is because of the promotion of the garbage by white label owners and the consumption by white suburban kids. Its not the Black community that embraces that type of garbage. Its your white kids and white parents who give them the money to purchase it.

I don't have two white parents, but interesting that you make assumptions. And it's incredible how you automatically blame white people for marketing that shit. There are black music producers, you know. And then there are those who write and sing that garbage. None of it would be out there if people didn't buy it for themselves or their kids.

Also, I see white and black kids embracing this garbage. I did not specify race when talking about the way kids dress and the garbage they listen to. I asked where the parents are on this and why they allow it. I didn't say white or black parents. Why do lefties always make assumptions like that? A lot of stupid kids think those nasty rap songs are cool, but when someone criticizes that music, they are often accused of racism because they don't get it.

Geez, I criticized some of Beyoncé's latest because I think it's too vulgar for young girls and I was blasted for that. I like Beyoncé's older songs, but the left won't stand for any criticism if the person happens to be black. As a parent, I am concerned what the young people are influenced by and we all should be.

Take your assumptions and race baiting and shove it.

Beyonce is mild compared to some others like Lil Kim or Nicki Minaj. They are absolutely disgusting!
The only reason the garbage rappers are successful is because of the promotion of the garbage by white label owners and the consumption by white suburban kids. Its not the Black community that embraces that type of garbage. Its your white kids and white parents who give them the money to purchase it.

I don't have two white parents, but interesting that you make assumptions. And it's incredible how you automatically blame white people for marketing that shit. There are black music producers, you know. And then there are those who write and sing that garbage. None of it would be out there if people didn't buy it for themselves or their kids.

Also, I see white and black kids embracing this garbage. I did not specify race when talking about the way kids dress and the garbage they listen to. I asked where the parents are on this and why they allow it. I didn't say white or black parents. Why do lefties always make assumptions like that? A lot of stupid kids think those nasty rap songs are cool, but when someone criticizes that music, they are often accused of racism because they don't get it.

Geez, I criticized some of Beyoncé's latest because I think it's too vulgar for young girls and I was blasted for that. I like Beyoncé's older songs, but the left won't stand for any criticism if the person happens to be black. As a parent, I am concerned what the young people are influenced by and we all should be.

Take your assumptions and race baiting and shove it.
For every Black producer there are a million white ones. Give me a break. They pay Black rappers to make that crap and when the rappers want to promote positive music they are buried. White kids by far buy the gangsta rap. White producers market it to them. Do your research. If they wanted the positive Hip Hop to be marketed then why arent they promoting those artists? Most of that is underground and away from mainstream. I dont have a problem with people criticizing bad rap. I have a problem with people labeling the entire genre because they have no clue what exists besides whats marketed.
For every Black producer there are a million white ones. Give me a break. They pay Black rappers to make that crap and when the rappers want to promote positive music they are buried. White kids by far buy the gangsta rap. White producers market it to them. Do your research. If they wanted the positive Hip Hop to be marketed then why arent they promoting those artists? Most of that is underground and away from mainstream. I dont have a problem with people criticizing bad rap. I have a problem with people labeling the entire genre because they have no clue what exists besides whats marketed.

You are full of shit. Not buying it for one second. There is a lot of decent music out there by black artists. Don't try to claim that whitey forces black people to make disgusting music. Are you really that stupid or are you putting these lies out there hoping others are that stupid?

At any rate, those vulgar rappers are living in mansions thanks to those who buy their music. So, whitey is making those rappers wealthy? I guess it's the least they can do considering they forced them to sing that shit, at least according to idiots like you.
For every Black producer there are a million white ones. Give me a break. They pay Black rappers to make that crap and when the rappers want to promote positive music they are buried. White kids by far buy the gangsta rap. White producers market it to them. Do your research. If they wanted the positive Hip Hop to be marketed then why arent they promoting those artists? Most of that is underground and away from mainstream. I dont have a problem with people criticizing bad rap. I have a problem with people labeling the entire genre because they have no clue what exists besides whats marketed.

You are full of shit. Not buying it for one second. There is a lot of decent music out there by black artists. Don't try to claim that whitey forces black people to make disgusting music. Are you really that stupid or are you putting these lies out there hoping others are that stupid?

At any rate, those vulgar rappers are living in mansions thanks to those who buy their music. So, whitey is making those rappers wealthy? I guess it's the least they can do considering they forced them to sing that shit, at least according to idiots like you.
I didnt say they were forced. I said the white producers are not interested in marketing the good music. Dont get emotional about it and I'm not asking you to buy anything. This is not to convince you. I am informing you. Like I said, dont just take it from me do your research.

Scarface Says Whites Control And Destroy Hip Hop And It ll Be Stolen Like Rock N Roll In 25 Years THE AFRO LOUNGE
For every Black producer there are a million white ones. Give me a break. They pay Black rappers to make that crap and when the rappers want to promote positive music they are buried. White kids by far buy the gangsta rap. White producers market it to them. Do your research. If they wanted the positive Hip Hop to be marketed then why arent they promoting those artists? Most of that is underground and away from mainstream. I dont have a problem with people criticizing bad rap. I have a problem with people labeling the entire genre because they have no clue what exists besides whats marketed.

You are full of shit. Not buying it for one second. There is a lot of decent music out there by black artists. Don't try to claim that whitey forces black people to make disgusting music. Are you really that stupid or are you putting these lies out there hoping others are that stupid?

At any rate, those vulgar rappers are living in mansions thanks to those who buy their music. So, whitey is making those rappers wealthy? I guess it's the least they can do considering they forced them to sing that shit, at least according to idiots like you.
I didnt say they were forced. I said the white producers are not interested in marketing the good music. Dont get emotional about it and I'm not asking you to buy anything. This is not to convince you. I am informing you. Like I said, dont just take it from me do your research.

Scarface Says Whites Control And Destroy Hip Hop And It ll Be Stolen Like Rock N Roll In 25 Years THE AFRO LOUNGE

No kidding. If it was written in the "Afro Lounge" it must be like gospel! :lol:
I didnt say they were forced. I said the white producers are not interested in marketing the good music. Dont get emotional about it and I'm not asking you to buy anything. This is not to convince you. I am informing you. Like I said, dont just take it from me do your research.

Scarface Says Whites Control And Destroy Hip Hop And It ll Be Stolen Like Rock N Roll In 25 Years THE AFRO LOUNGE

Again, there is a lot of wonderful music by black artists. You are full of shit. Don't know who Scarface is, but not taking his word for anything. I see the music out there and the successful artists who create it. When people approach record companies, they demonstrate what they have to offer. If it's garbage and there is a market, they will get a contract. If it's not garbage and it's good, they will get a contract.

There are lots of record companies owned by blacks and they sign up talented musicians all the time.

Don't give me that shit that no one will get a contract without singing about killing cops.

Blacks should start more record companies. They should start more companies, period. Why don't you encourage that instead of whining about something that is not true?
I didnt say they were forced. I said the white producers are not interested in marketing the good music. Dont get emotional about it and I'm not asking you to buy anything. This is not to convince you. I am informing you. Like I said, dont just take it from me do your research.

Scarface Says Whites Control And Destroy Hip Hop And It ll Be Stolen Like Rock N Roll In 25 Years THE AFRO LOUNGE

Again, there is a lot of wonderful music by black artists. You are full of shit. Don't know who Scarface is, but not taking his word for anything. I see the music out there and the successful artists who create it. When people approach record companies, they demonstrate what they have to offer. If it's garbage and there is a market, they will get a contract. If it's not garbage and it's good, they will get a contract.

There are lots of record companies owned by blacks and they sign up talented musicians all the time.

Don't give me that shit that no one will get a contract without singing about killing cops.

Blacks should start more record companies. They should start more companies, period. Why don't you encourage that instead of whining about something that is not true?
Scarface is a rapper. The fact that you dont know who he is just highlights your ignorance of the subject. If you dont take his word for it then you are full of shit.
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I didnt say they were forced. I said the white producers are not interested in marketing the good music. Dont get emotional about it and I'm not asking you to buy anything. This is not to convince you. I am informing you. Like I said, dont just take it from me do your research.

Scarface Says Whites Control And Destroy Hip Hop And It ll Be Stolen Like Rock N Roll In 25 Years THE AFRO LOUNGE

Again, there is a lot of wonderful music by black artists. You are full of shit. Don't know who Scarface is, but not taking his word for anything. I see the music out there and the successful artists who create it. When people approach record companies, they demonstrate what they have to offer. If it's garbage and there is a market, they will get a contract. If it's not garbage and it's good, they will get a contract.

There are lots of record companies owned by blacks and they sign up talented musicians all the time.

Don't give me that shit that no one will get a contract without singing about killing cops.

Blacks should start more record companies. They should start more companies, period. Why don't you encourage that instead of whining about something that is not true?
Scarface is a rapper. If you dont take his word for it then you are full of shit.

No, this is scar face! Say hello to my little friend!

For every Black producer there are a million white ones. Give me a break. They pay Black rappers to make that crap and when the rappers want to promote positive music they are buried. White kids by far buy the gangsta rap. White producers market it to them. Do your research. If they wanted the positive Hip Hop to be marketed then why arent they promoting those artists? Most of that is underground and away from mainstream. I dont have a problem with people criticizing bad rap. I have a problem with people labeling the entire genre because they have no clue what exists besides whats marketed.

You are full of shit. Not buying it for one second. There is a lot of decent music out there by black artists. Don't try to claim that whitey forces black people to make disgusting music. Are you really that stupid or are you putting these lies out there hoping others are that stupid?

At any rate, those vulgar rappers are living in mansions thanks to those who buy their music. So, whitey is making those rappers wealthy? I guess it's the least they can do considering they forced them to sing that shit, at least according to idiots like you.
I didnt say they were forced. I said the white producers are not interested in marketing the good music. Dont get emotional about it and I'm not asking you to buy anything. This is not to convince you. I am informing you. Like I said, dont just take it from me do your research.

Scarface Says Whites Control And Destroy Hip Hop And It ll Be Stolen Like Rock N Roll In 25 Years THE AFRO LOUNGE

No kidding. If it was written in the "Afro Lounge" it must be like gospel! :lol:
Exactly. If it was written in a white environment then it would need to be taken with a grain of salt. The fact that its for Black people to consume lets you know its legit.
I didnt say they were forced. I said the white producers are not interested in marketing the good music. Dont get emotional about it and I'm not asking you to buy anything. This is not to convince you. I am informing you. Like I said, dont just take it from me do your research.

Scarface Says Whites Control And Destroy Hip Hop And It ll Be Stolen Like Rock N Roll In 25 Years THE AFRO LOUNGE

Again, there is a lot of wonderful music by black artists. You are full of shit. Don't know who Scarface is, but not taking his word for anything. I see the music out there and the successful artists who create it. When people approach record companies, they demonstrate what they have to offer. If it's garbage and there is a market, they will get a contract. If it's not garbage and it's good, they will get a contract.

There are lots of record companies owned by blacks and they sign up talented musicians all the time.

Don't give me that shit that no one will get a contract without singing about killing cops.

Blacks should start more record companies. They should start more companies, period. Why don't you encourage that instead of whining about something that is not true?
Scarface is a rapper. If you dont take his word for it then you are full of shit.

No, this is scar face! Say hello to my little friend!

When you start acting silly I know you are the end of your rope. :laugh:
For every Black producer there are a million white ones. Give me a break. They pay Black rappers to make that crap and when the rappers want to promote positive music they are buried. White kids by far buy the gangsta rap. White producers market it to them. Do your research. If they wanted the positive Hip Hop to be marketed then why arent they promoting those artists? Most of that is underground and away from mainstream. I dont have a problem with people criticizing bad rap. I have a problem with people labeling the entire genre because they have no clue what exists besides whats marketed.

You are full of shit. Not buying it for one second. There is a lot of decent music out there by black artists. Don't try to claim that whitey forces black people to make disgusting music. Are you really that stupid or are you putting these lies out there hoping others are that stupid?

At any rate, those vulgar rappers are living in mansions thanks to those who buy their music. So, whitey is making those rappers wealthy? I guess it's the least they can do considering they forced them to sing that shit, at least according to idiots like you.
I didnt say they were forced. I said the white producers are not interested in marketing the good music. Dont get emotional about it and I'm not asking you to buy anything. This is not to convince you. I am informing you. Like I said, dont just take it from me do your research.

Scarface Says Whites Control And Destroy Hip Hop And It ll Be Stolen Like Rock N Roll In 25 Years THE AFRO LOUNGE

No kidding. If it was written in the "Afro Lounge" it must be like gospel! :lol:
Exactly. If it was written in a white environment then it would need to be taken with a grain of salt. The fact that its for Black people to consume lets you know its legit.

I said it in jest. Your source is not really different than the National Enquirer.
I didnt say they were forced. I said the white producers are not interested in marketing the good music. Dont get emotional about it and I'm not asking you to buy anything. This is not to convince you. I am informing you. Like I said, dont just take it from me do your research.

Scarface Says Whites Control And Destroy Hip Hop And It ll Be Stolen Like Rock N Roll In 25 Years THE AFRO LOUNGE

Again, there is a lot of wonderful music by black artists. You are full of shit. Don't know who Scarface is, but not taking his word for anything. I see the music out there and the successful artists who create it. When people approach record companies, they demonstrate what they have to offer. If it's garbage and there is a market, they will get a contract. If it's not garbage and it's good, they will get a contract.

There are lots of record companies owned by blacks and they sign up talented musicians all the time.

Don't give me that shit that no one will get a contract without singing about killing cops.

Blacks should start more record companies. They should start more companies, period. Why don't you encourage that instead of whining about something that is not true?
Scarface is a rapper. If you dont take his word for it then you are full of shit.

No, this is scar face! Say hello to my little friend!

When you start acting silly I know you are the end of your rope. :laugh:

Sorry, but he is THE Scar Face.
For every Black producer there are a million white ones. Give me a break. They pay Black rappers to make that crap and when the rappers want to promote positive music they are buried. White kids by far buy the gangsta rap. White producers market it to them. Do your research. If they wanted the positive Hip Hop to be marketed then why arent they promoting those artists? Most of that is underground and away from mainstream. I dont have a problem with people criticizing bad rap. I have a problem with people labeling the entire genre because they have no clue what exists besides whats marketed.

You are full of shit. Not buying it for one second. There is a lot of decent music out there by black artists. Don't try to claim that whitey forces black people to make disgusting music. Are you really that stupid or are you putting these lies out there hoping others are that stupid?

At any rate, those vulgar rappers are living in mansions thanks to those who buy their music. So, whitey is making those rappers wealthy? I guess it's the least they can do considering they forced them to sing that shit, at least according to idiots like you.
I didnt say they were forced. I said the white producers are not interested in marketing the good music. Dont get emotional about it and I'm not asking you to buy anything. This is not to convince you. I am informing you. Like I said, dont just take it from me do your research.

Scarface Says Whites Control And Destroy Hip Hop And It ll Be Stolen Like Rock N Roll In 25 Years THE AFRO LOUNGE

No kidding. If it was written in the "Afro Lounge" it must be like gospel! :lol:
Exactly. If it was written in a white environment then it would need to be taken with a grain of salt. The fact that its for Black people to consume lets you know its legit.

I said it in jest. Your source is not really different than the National Enquirer.
I know you said it in jest. You just look dumb for doing that. Trying to pretend the source is invalid is a fools game. :itsok:
You are full of shit. Not buying it for one second. There is a lot of decent music out there by black artists. Don't try to claim that whitey forces black people to make disgusting music. Are you really that stupid or are you putting these lies out there hoping others are that stupid?

At any rate, those vulgar rappers are living in mansions thanks to those who buy their music. So, whitey is making those rappers wealthy? I guess it's the least they can do considering they forced them to sing that shit, at least according to idiots like you.
I didnt say they were forced. I said the white producers are not interested in marketing the good music. Dont get emotional about it and I'm not asking you to buy anything. This is not to convince you. I am informing you. Like I said, dont just take it from me do your research.

Scarface Says Whites Control And Destroy Hip Hop And It ll Be Stolen Like Rock N Roll In 25 Years THE AFRO LOUNGE

No kidding. If it was written in the "Afro Lounge" it must be like gospel! :lol:
Exactly. If it was written in a white environment then it would need to be taken with a grain of salt. The fact that its for Black people to consume lets you know its legit.

I said it in jest. Your source is not really different than the National Enquirer.
I know you said it in jest. You just look dumb for doing that. Trying to pretend the source is invalid is a fools game. :itsok:

Well, I'm just acknowledging that your source is ridiculous, kind of like you only not quite AS ridiculous.

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