Should Israel Finish Off Hamas and Take Gaza Forever More!

Should Israel Finish Off Hamas and Take Gaza Forever More!

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Billy-Boy does that a lot... serves-up a personal opinion and tries to pass it off as fact.

In truth, aggressive war, to destroy an enemy's war-making ability, is not terrorism.
Tell that to the Nuremberg Principles that made wars of aggression, the highest crime a nation could commit.
Simply give notice that various types of poison gas will be pumped into the tunnels when found.

The USA should do that with drug tunnels on its borders.
Simply give notice that various types of poison gas will be pumped into the tunnels when found.

The USA should do that with drug tunnels on its borders.

seems like a reasonable idea to me-----but it cannot happen-----Israel has a
thing about poison gas
Billy-Boy does that a lot... serves-up a personal opinion and tries to pass it off as fact.

In truth, aggressive war, to destroy an enemy's war-making ability, is not terrorism.
Tell that to the Nuremberg Principles that made wars of aggression, the highest crime a nation could commit.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day, and you're right about that one...


"In truth, defensive war, prosecuted aggressively, to destroy an enemy's war-making ability, is not terrorism."

Good catch.

All fixed.

In truth, defensive war,

A war killing people that you occupy is not a war. It is murder. You have to remember that Gaza is occupied territory whose borders, air space and territorial sea is controlled by the occupier.
In truth, defensive war,

A war killing people that you occupy is not a war. It is murder. You have to remember that Gaza is occupied territory whose borders, air space and territorial sea is controlled by the occupier.
A war killing people who are facilitating endless barrages of rocketry is a defensive war.

Wake us up when you convince the ICC otherwise.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day, and you're right about that one...


"In truth, defensive war, prosecuted aggressively, to destroy an enemy's war-making ability, is not terrorism."

Good catch.

All fixed.

An occupying force cannot claim self defense.
In truth, defensive war,

A war killing people that you occupy is not a war. It is murder. You have to remember that Gaza is occupied territory whose borders, air space and territorial sea is controlled by the occupier.
A war killing people who are facilitating endless barrages of rocketry is a defensive war.

Wake us up when you convince the ICC otherwise.

People under siege/blockade and under occupation are allowed to defend themselves and attempt to break the siege. Basic law of war.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day, and you're right about that one...


"In truth, defensive war, prosecuted aggressively, to destroy an enemy's war-making ability, is not terrorism."

Good catch.

All fixed.

An occupying force cannot claim self defense.
Well... there ya go... all better.

Now... all you have to do is to make that operative in the Real World, in this context.

Wake us up when the ICC arraigns somebody.
In truth, defensive war,

A war killing people that you occupy is not a war. It is murder. You have to remember that Gaza is occupied territory whose borders, air space and territorial sea is controlled by the occupier.
A war killing people who are facilitating endless barrages of rocketry is a defensive war.

Wake us up when you convince the ICC otherwise.

People under siege/blockade and under occupation are allowed to defend themselves and attempt to break the siege. Basic law of war.

Stupid people who don't know when to run-up a White Flag usually end-up dead.

Dead people can't defend themselves or attempt to break a siege.

Basic law of biology.
"Occupation Law prohibits an occupying power from initiating armed force against its occupied territory. By mere virtue of the existence of military occupation, an armed attack, including one consistent with the UN Charter, has already occurred and been concluded. Therefore the right of self-defense in international law is, by definition since 1967, not available to Israel with respect to its dealings with real or perceived threats emanating from the West Bank and Gaza Strip population. To achieve its security goals, Israel can resort to no more than the police powers, or the exceptional use of militarized force, vested in it by IHL. This is not to say that Israel cannot defend itself—but those defensive measures can neither take the form of warfare nor be justified as self-defense in international law.

As explained by Ian Scobbie:

To equate the two is simply to confuse the legal with the linguistic denotation of the term ”defense.“ Just as ”negligence,“ in law, does not mean ”carelessness” but, rather, refers to an elaborate doctrinal structure, so ”self-defense” refers to a complex doctrine that has a much more restricted scope than ordinary notions of ”defense.“

To argue that Israel is employing legitimate “self-defense” when it militarily attacks Gaza affords the occupying power the right to use both police and military force in occupied territory. An occupying power cannot justify military force as self-defense in territory for which it is responsible as the occupant. The problem is that Israel has never regulated its own behavior in the West Bank and Gaza as in accordance with Occupation Law.

No, Israel Does Not Have the Right to Self-Defense In International Law Against Occupied Palestinian Territory
Your pointless claim is not a fact.
I do have a point and it is a fact when you target civilian infrastructure for political gains, that is terrorism.

What "political gains"?
All you Hamas lovers are claiming that exactly the OPPOSITE is happening; not that it is.
Israel has NEVER gained politically from military action.
The shock this time around is how CNN and BBC are trying their best to remain honest.

But I forget, CNN and BBC aren't good enough.
What question didn't I answr?
The issue of "effective control" and how it applies to the Gazan occupation.

And it's not "your".

It's "You're"
My bad. Thanks for the correction.

You see, it isn't that hard. Try it, some time.

You're the cause of all the problem. Which you really are, Billo.
What problem did I cause?

I missed the question, so please ask again, what is that you wished to know about "effective control"? you pointed a subject, but what was the question, again?

There is no occupation in Gaza. There is a siege in Gaza. If there was an occupation, there wouldn't be a siege.

What you say is an oxymoron, you cannot possibly ignore that simple reasoning?
"Occupation Law prohibits an occupying power from initiating armed force against its occupied territory. By mere virtue of the existence of military occupation, an armed attack, including one consistent with the UN Charter, has already occurred and been concluded. Therefore the right of self-defense in international law is, by definition since 1967, not available to Israel with respect to its dealings with real or perceived threats emanating from the West Bank and Gaza Strip population. To achieve its security goals, Israel can resort to no more than the police powers, or the exceptional use of militarized force, vested in it by IHL. This is not to say that Israel cannot defend itself—but those defensive measures can neither take the form of warfare nor be justified as self-defense in international law.

As explained by Ian Scobbie:

To equate the two is simply to confuse the legal with the linguistic denotation of the term ”defense.“ Just as ”negligence,“ in law, does not mean ”carelessness” but, rather, refers to an elaborate doctrinal structure, so ”self-defense” refers to a complex doctrine that has a much more restricted scope than ordinary notions of ”defense.“

To argue that Israel is employing legitimate “self-defense” when it militarily attacks Gaza affords the occupying power the right to use both police and military force in occupied territory. An occupying power cannot justify military force as self-defense in territory for which it is responsible as the occupant. The problem is that Israel has never regulated its own behavior in the West Bank and Gaza as in accordance with Occupation Law.

No, Israel Does Not Have the Right to Self-Defense In International Law Against Occupied Palestinian Territory

:eusa_boohoo: etc..., etc..., etc...
"Occupation Law prohibits an occupying power from initiating armed force against its occupied territory. By mere virtue of the existence of military occupation, an armed attack, including one consistent with the UN Charter, has already occurred and been concluded. Therefore the right of self-defense in international law is, by definition since 1967, not available to Israel with respect to its dealings with real or perceived threats emanating from the West Bank and Gaza Strip population. To achieve its security goals, Israel can resort to no more than the police powers, or the exceptional use of militarized force, vested in it by IHL. This is not to say that Israel cannot defend itself—but those defensive measures can neither take the form of warfare nor be justified as self-defense in international law.

As explained by Ian Scobbie:

To equate the two is simply to confuse the legal with the linguistic denotation of the term ”defense.“ Just as ”negligence,“ in law, does not mean ”carelessness” but, rather, refers to an elaborate doctrinal structure, so ”self-defense” refers to a complex doctrine that has a much more restricted scope than ordinary notions of ”defense.“

To argue that Israel is employing legitimate “self-defense” when it militarily attacks Gaza affords the occupying power the right to use both police and military force in occupied territory. An occupying power cannot justify military force as self-defense in territory for which it is responsible as the occupant. The problem is that Israel has never regulated its own behavior in the West Bank and Gaza as in accordance with Occupation Law.

No, Israel Does Not Have the Right to Self-Defense In International Law Against Occupied Palestinian Territory

There is no "occupying power", at least not until recently.
Simply give notice that various types of poison gas will be pumped into the tunnels when found.

The USA should do that with drug tunnels on its borders.

seems like a reasonable idea to me-----but it cannot happen-----Israel has a
thing about poison gas

I get the point, but it is one of they will have to get over if they want to shutdown the underground entrances into Israel.
The great majority of Americans accept the reality that Hamas is a gangster organization and should be treated as such.
Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu vows Israel will do 'whatever is necessary' in fight with Hamas

Published July 27, 2014 -


July 27, 2014: Smoke rises during an Israeli offensive in the east of Gaza City. A humanitarian truce in the Gaza Strip collapsed on Sunday after a barrage of rockets fired by Palestinian militants was met with fierce Israeli shelling, in a fresh setback to efforts to secure a permanent ceasefire.AP

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday vowed to do "whatever is necessary" in the country's latest weeks-long battle with Islamic militant group Hamas.

“Hamas has broken five cease-fires,” Netanyahu told "Fox News Sunday.” “They’ve violated their own cease-fires. They are firing on us now. … We’ll do whatever is necessary to achieve our goal of a sustained quiet.”

Hamas announced earlier Sunday that it has agreed to a 24-hour holiday truce in Gaza, hours after Israel resumed its ground offensive and airstrikes against the militant group for firing a salvo of rockets at the southern part of the country.

After Israel announced a 24-hour truce late Saturday, Palestinian militants fired rockets deep into Israel, prompting it to resume an offensive aimed at destroying rocket launchers and cross-border attack tunnels used by Hamas, the Islamic militant group ruling the coastal strip.

But hours after the renewal of hostilities, Hamas said it would be willing to abide by a new 24-hour humanitarian truce ahead of the Eid al-Fitr holiday marking the end of the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan. The three-day Eid al-Fitr holiday is expected to begin Monday or Tuesday, depending on the sighting of the new moon.

Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri said the truce would go into effect at 2 p.m. local time Sunday (7 a.m. ET). However, shortly after the truce was to have started, warning sirens wailed in southern Israel and the military said three rockets landed in the area, without causing casualties or damage.

Lt. Col. Peter Lerner, an Israeli Army spokesman, did not say if Israel would hold its fire during the time requested by Hamas, but said troops would continue demolishing militant tunnels — the central goal of the Israeli ground operation in Gaza.


Israel had offered a 24-hour truce late Saturday, but Hamas -- which has demanded the lifting of the Israeli and Egyptian blockade on Gaza as well as the release of Palestinian prisoners -- rejected it.


The military had earlier said about a dozen rockets were fired toward Israel since midnight -- without causing casualties or damage -- and that as a result it would "resume its aerial, naval and ground activity in the Gaza Strip." The Israeli military released a video showing a rocket being fired from what it said was a Gaza school.

"The military is aiming its fire at terror sites, but if citizens are accidentally harmed Hamas is responsible for this since it once again violated an offer for a humanitarian lull that Israel accepted," Netanyahu's office said in a statement.

The 12-hour lull on Saturday -- agreed to by both sides following intense U.S. and U.N. mediation efforts -- saw Palestinians return to neighborhoods reduced to rubble and allowed medics to collect close to 150 bodies, Palestinian health official Ashraf al-Kidra said.


Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu vows Israel will do 'whatever is necessary' in fight with Hamas | Fox News


Looks like Bibi et al are done screwing around with Hamas...

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