Should Israel Finish Off Hamas and Take Gaza Forever More!

Should Israel Finish Off Hamas and Take Gaza Forever More!

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The great majority of Americans accept the reality that Hamas is a gangster organization and should be treated as such.
This guy thinks Hamas should disappear also.

Even before the recent Israeli ground and air operations in Gaza, the BDS movement – that would stand for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions – was gaining traction… not just in France, or Germany, or Oman: right here in America.

BDS is being sold – as everything evil and stupid is being sold these days – as a moral good. The argument goes like this: Israel, a nation formed in response to the cold, concrete reality of extermination, has let its economic and military power go to its head. They, now, are the oppressors; they now are Goliath in a main battle tank facing a brave Palestinian David with a rock in his hand; they now are the racists. They now – Israel – are the Nazis.

Are they?

Bill Whittle: The Case for Israel | Truth Revolt
The great majority of Americans accept the reality that Hamas is a gangster organization and should be treated as such.
This guy thinks Hamas should disappear also.

Even before the recent Israeli ground and air operations in Gaza, the BDS movement – that would stand for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions – was gaining traction… not just in France, or Germany, or Oman: right here in America.

BDS is being sold – as everything evil and stupid is being sold these days – as a moral good. The argument goes like this: Israel, a nation formed in response to the cold, concrete reality of extermination, has let its economic and military power go to its head. They, now, are the oppressors; they now are Goliath in a main battle tank facing a brave Palestinian David with a rock in his hand; they now are the racists. They now – Israel – are the Nazis.

Are they?

Bill Whittle: The Case for Israel | Truth Revolt

With all the proper respect to the majority, its the small part of the minority that matters, Kerry, for example is one of the idiots that can burn the entire forest.
I missed the question, so please ask again, what is that you wished to know about "effective control"? you pointed a subject, but what was the question, again?

There is no occupation in Gaza. There is a siege in Gaza. If there was an occupation, there wouldn't be a siege.

What you say is an oxymoron, you cannot possibly ignore that simple reasoning?
At the heart of every occupation is "control". The reason you occupy an area, is to control the population. You cannot have an occupation without effectively controlling the population.

Conversely, if you effectively control the area, you still have an occupation. And Israel has "effective control" over 80% of Gaza. Which means Israel is still the occupying force, even though they don't have an actual physical presence within Gazan borders.

If there was no occupation, Gazans would be free to fish without getting shot at, free to leave by sea to travel abroad, have their own airport, have their own exports and imports without any restrictions and have sovereignty over their airspace.

Do they have those? Fuck no! Why don't they have those? Because you fuckers think you have the right to tell other people what to do on their own property. I would love to have one of you pricks come over and try to pull that shit in my house!
I missed the question, so please ask again, what is that you wished to know about "effective control"? you pointed a subject, but what was the question, again?

There is no occupation in Gaza. There is a siege in Gaza. If there was an occupation, there wouldn't be a siege.

What you say is an oxymoron, you cannot possibly ignore that simple reasoning?
At the heart of every occupation is "control". The reason you occupy an area, is to control the population. You cannot have an occupation without effectively controlling the population.

Conversely, if you effectively control the area, you still have an occupation. And Israel has "effective control" over 80% of Gaza. Which means Israel is still the occupying force, even though they don't have an actual physical presence within Gazan borders.

If there was no occupation, Gazans would be free to fish without getting shot at, free to leave by sea to travel abroad, have their own airport, have their own exports and imports without any restrictions and have sovereignty over their airspace.

Do they have those? Fuck no! Because you fuckers think you have the right to tell other people what to do on their own property. I would love to have one of you pricks come over and try to pull that shit in my house!

No one's going to try that shit at your house. You don't have a pledge to kill us do you?
Your not firing rockets at my house are you? Your kids don't strap bombs to their chest do they?

There would be no blockade in Gaza was civilized.
I missed the question, so please ask again, what is that you wished to know about "effective control"? you pointed a subject, but what was the question, again?

There is no occupation in Gaza. There is a siege in Gaza. If there was an occupation, there wouldn't be a siege.

What you say is an oxymoron, you cannot possibly ignore that simple reasoning?
At the heart of every occupation is "control". The reason you occupy an area, is to control the population. You cannot have an occupation without effectively controlling the population.

Conversely, if you effectively control the area, you still have an occupation. And Israel has "effective control" over 80% of Gaza. Which means Israel is still the occupying force, even though they don't have an actual physical presence within Gazan borders.

If there was no occupation, Gazans would be free to fish without getting shot at, free to leave by sea to travel abroad, have their own airport, have their own exports and imports without any restrictions and have sovereignty over their airspace.

Do they have those? Fuck no! Why don't they have those? Because you fuckers think you have the right to tell other people what to do on their own property. I would love to have one of you pricks come over and try to pull that shit in my house!

They could have had Gaza as a thriving area, tourist industry, export industry, cooperation in trade and development with Israel etc., but like everything they touch, the Islamists just had to go and spoil it for themselves and more importantly, for Israel's wellbeing. That is why Israel keeps them at arm's length.
Unless you commit genocide, you are correct. So is that what you are suggesting?

Genocide of a people it is then?

So I'm really kind of sick of this whole issue. I'm aware of how it all started, but you know, at this point, it really doesn't matter.

The whole history of the region doesn't matter, nor does it matter what each side wants. The only thing that matters to me at this point is the material reality on the ground, and what is logical and civilized.

Now, this previous post I made was just a plain and simple rational observation. I ask the forum membership, both those who support the Palestinian cause, and those who are avid supporters of the State of Israel, if my statement was in anyway wrong?

All I do is seek to tell the truth. A person gave me neg. rep. for telling the truth. I would think that a supporter of Israel would like me telling the truth. Here, I'll even post evidence, from a non-Jewish source, PROVING my point. Why would I get neg. rep. proving genocide is necessary taking this argument to it's logical conclusion?

If you don't want peace, and war is what you wish, isn't finishing the job basically genocide?

Hamas summer camps for kids include military training

Lordy, man, are you surprised that "al-monitor" would issue a biased and slanted article about an Islamic terrorist "summer camp"?

I'm thinking that maybe you would accept MS-13 as just a "social club". The Nazi's had summer camp for teens also. It was called the Hitler Youth.

Are you obtuse?

I think you are completely missing my point. YES, I agree with you!

It isn't a matter of just destroying Hamas. If war is what Israel and her supporters chosen solution is, my evidence points to genocide as the ONLY solution.

Nor I am trying to say that the IDF is consciously or actively engaged in trying to achieve genocide. My point is, the only way aggressive violence will ever work as a solution is by being honest and embracing genocide as a solution. Because, let's face it, the elders of the Palestinian community prefer death and non-existence over subjection.

An analogy could be drawn to any defeated people. Some defeated people will prefer subjugation, slavery or assimilation; others? Elimination.

I am tired of fighting. Our chiefs are killed. Looking Glass is dead. Toohulhulsote is dead. The old men are all dead. It is the young men who say yes or no. He who led the young men is dead.
It is cold and we have no blankets. The little children are freezing to death. My people, some of them, have run away to the hills and have no blankets, no food. No one knows where they are--perhaps freezing to death. I want to have time to look for my children and see how many I can find. Maybe I shall find them among the dead.
Hear me, my chiefs. I am tired. My heart is sick and sad. From where the sun now stands, I will fight no more forever.

Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce


A wise people. Their great grandchildren run a tidy business and don't do much work these days but feed off of conqueror's vices. . . :badgrin:

At a certain point, a culture has to let go of the past and accept the realities of the present. Hamas isn't concerned with their children or the Israeli children, they are stuck on the perceived wrongs done to the Arabs that occupied the land before European Jews immigrated to the middle east. These were their fathers battles. They needn't make them theirs.

Those people are dead. It is their descendants that live there now. The Jews that live in Israel are have no more sin on their hands for stealing land from Arabs than the European descendants of the Europeans that decimated native populations of America. History can't be undone. The sins of the father CAN'T be placed on the heads of the sons, or else their will never be peace in our world.

Does anyone care about peace?

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So I'm really kind of sick of this whole issue. I'm aware of how it all started, but you know, at this point, it really doesn't matter.

The whole history of the region doesn't matter, nor does it matter what each side wants. The only thing that matters to me at this point is the material reality on the ground, and what is logical and civilized.

Now, this previous post I made was just a plain and simple rational observation. I ask the forum membership, both those who support the Palestinian cause, and those who are avid supporters of the State of Israel, if my statement was in anyway wrong?

All I do is seek to tell the truth. A person gave me neg. rep. for telling the truth. I would think that a supporter of Israel would like me telling the truth. Here, I'll even post evidence, from a non-Jewish source, PROVING my point. Why would I get neg. rep. proving genocide is necessary taking this argument to it's logical conclusion?

If you don't want peace, and war is what you wish, isn't finishing the job basically genocide?

Hamas summer camps for kids include military training

Lordy, man, are you surprised that "al-monitor" would issue a biased and slanted article about an Islamic terrorist "summer camp"?

I'm thinking that maybe you would accept MS-13 as just a "social club". The Nazi's had summer camp for teens also. It was called the Hitler Youth.

Are you obtuse?

I think you are completely missing my point. YES, I agree with you!

It isn't a matter of just destroying Hamas. If war is what Israel and her supporters chosen solution is, my evidence points to genocide as the ONLY solution.

Nor I am trying to say that the IDF is consciously or actively engaged in trying to achieve genocide. My point is, the only way aggressive violence will ever work as a solution is by being honest and embracing genocide as a solution. Because, let's face it, the elders of the Palestinian community prefer death and non-existence over subjection.

An analogy could be drawn to any defeated people. Some defeated people will prefer subjugation, slavery or assimilation; others? Elimination.

I am tired of fighting. Our chiefs are killed. Looking Glass is dead. Toohulhulsote is dead. The old men are all dead. It is the young men who say yes or no. He who led the young men is dead.
It is cold and we have no blankets. The little children are freezing to death. My people, some of them, have run away to the hills and have no blankets, no food. No one knows where they are--perhaps freezing to death. I want to have time to look for my children and see how many I can find. Maybe I shall find them among the dead.
Hear me, my chiefs. I am tired. My heart is sick and sad. From where the sun now stands, I will fight no more forever.
Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce

A wise people. Their great grandchildren run a tidy business and don't do much work these days but feed off of conqueror's vices. . . :badgrin:

At a certain point, a culture has to let go of the past and accept the realities of the present. Hamas isn't concerned with their children or the Israeli children, they are stuck on the perceived wrongs done to the Arabs that occupied the land before European Jews immigrated to the middle east. These were their fathers battles. They needn't make them theirs.

Those people are dead. It is their descendants that live there now. The Jews that live in Israel are have no more sin on their hands for stealing land from Arabs than the European descendants of the Europeans that decimated native populations of America. History can't be undone. The sins of the father CAN'T be placed on the heads of the sons, or else their will never be peace in our world.

Does anyone care about peace?


You can't have Peace when one side is dedicated itself to the destruction of the other. That's reality. We all wish there was Peace in the region and the world, but Reality sucks.

This has gone on long enough. Forever and ever, and it at some point needs to end even if it means actually taking the land and bleeding Hamas and others out of the region. This endless War serves no one but the undertaker. Better to get it over with.
Lordy, man, are you surprised that "al-monitor" would issue a biased and slanted article about an Islamic terrorist "summer camp"?

I'm thinking that maybe you would accept MS-13 as just a "social club". The Nazi's had summer camp for teens also. It was called the Hitler Youth.

Are you obtuse?

I think you are completely missing my point. YES, I agree with you!

It isn't a matter of just destroying Hamas. If war is what Israel and her supporters chosen solution is, my evidence points to genocide as the ONLY solution.

Nor I am trying to say that the IDF is consciously or actively engaged in trying to achieve genocide. My point is, the only way aggressive violence will ever work as a solution is by being honest and embracing genocide as a solution. Because, let's face it, the elders of the Palestinian community prefer death and non-existence over subjection.

An analogy could be drawn to any defeated people. Some defeated people will prefer subjugation, slavery or assimilation; others? Elimination.

I am tired of fighting. Our chiefs are killed. Looking Glass is dead. Toohulhulsote is dead. The old men are all dead. It is the young men who say yes or no. He who led the young men is dead.
It is cold and we have no blankets. The little children are freezing to death. My people, some of them, have run away to the hills and have no blankets, no food. No one knows where they are--perhaps freezing to death. I want to have time to look for my children and see how many I can find. Maybe I shall find them among the dead.
Hear me, my chiefs. I am tired. My heart is sick and sad. From where the sun now stands, I will fight no more forever.
Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce

A wise people. Their great grandchildren run a tidy business and don't do much work these days but feed off of conqueror's vices. . . :badgrin:

At a certain point, a culture has to let go of the past and accept the realities of the present. Hamas isn't concerned with their children or the Israeli children, they are stuck on the perceived wrongs done to the Arabs that occupied the land before European Jews immigrated to the middle east. These were their fathers battles. They needn't make them theirs.

Those people are dead. It is their descendants that live there now. The Jews that live in Israel are have no more sin on their hands for stealing land from Arabs than the European descendants of the Europeans that decimated native populations of America. History can't be undone. The sins of the father CAN'T be placed on the heads of the sons, or else their will never be peace in our world.

Does anyone care about peace?


You can't have Peace when one side is dedicated itself to the destruction of the other. That's reality. We all wish there was Peace in the region and the world, but Reality sucks.

This has gone on long enough. Forever and ever, and it at some point needs to end even if it means actually taking the land and bleeding Hamas and others out of the region. This endless War serves no one but the undertaker. Better to get it over with.

Precisely. I agree. Don't beat around the bush then, call a spade a spade. USE THE WORD. Shout it out loud. You believe in genocide. Shout it from the roof tops. In your opinion, anyone who identifies as a "Palestinian" should be liquidated. If they are of combat age, they will be your Israel's enemy. And are we not in agreement, through many decades of experience now, that when they come of age, they will become an enemy? So you just as well might as nip this whole thing in the bud. Liquidate the children and breeders of hate as well?
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The great majority of Americans accept the reality that Hamas is a gangster organization and should be treated as such.
This guy thinks Hamas should disappear also.

Even before the recent Israeli ground and air operations in Gaza, the BDS movement – that would stand for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions – was gaining traction… not just in France, or Germany, or Oman: right here in America.

BDS is being sold – as everything evil and stupid is being sold these days – as a moral good. The argument goes like this: Israel, a nation formed in response to the cold, concrete reality of extermination, has let its economic and military power go to its head. They, now, are the oppressors; they now are Goliath in a main battle tank facing a brave Palestinian David with a rock in his hand; they now are the racists. They now – Israel – are the Nazis.

Are they?

Bill Whittle: The Case for Israel | Truth Revolt

With all the proper respect to the majority, its the small part of the minority that matters, Kerry, for example is one of the idiots that can burn the entire forest.

No, it is not Kerry who is the fire within the forest, that is Hamas. The leaders of Hamas have to be stepped down, voluntarily or otherwise. When the rockets stop, talks can proceed. In the meantime, gassing every tunnel found is a requirement.
Peace will not come until the Arab Palestinians accept a future without an Islamic state in Israel.
Are you obtuse?

I think you are completely missing my point. YES, I agree with you!

It isn't a matter of just destroying Hamas. If war is what Israel and her supporters chosen solution is, my evidence points to genocide as the ONLY solution.

Nor I am trying to say that the IDF is consciously or actively engaged in trying to achieve genocide. My point is, the only way aggressive violence will ever work as a solution is by being honest and embracing genocide as a solution. Because, let's face it, the elders of the Palestinian community prefer death and non-existence over subjection.

An analogy could be drawn to any defeated people. Some defeated people will prefer subjugation, slavery or assimilation; others? Elimination.

Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce

A wise people. Their great grandchildren run a tidy business and don't do much work these days but feed off of conqueror's vices. . . :badgrin:

At a certain point, a culture has to let go of the past and accept the realities of the present. Hamas isn't concerned with their children or the Israeli children, they are stuck on the perceived wrongs done to the Arabs that occupied the land before European Jews immigrated to the middle east. These were their fathers battles. They needn't make them theirs.

Those people are dead. It is their descendants that live there now. The Jews that live in Israel are have no more sin on their hands for stealing land from Arabs than the European descendants of the Europeans that decimated native populations of America. History can't be undone. The sins of the father CAN'T be placed on the heads of the sons, or else their will never be peace in our world.

Does anyone care about peace?


You can't have Peace when one side is dedicated itself to the destruction of the other. That's reality. We all wish there was Peace in the region and the world, but Reality sucks.

This has gone on long enough. Forever and ever, and it at some point needs to end even if it means actually taking the land and bleeding Hamas and others out of the region. This endless War serves no one but the undertaker. Better to get it over with.

Precisely. I agree. Don't beat around the bush then, call a spade a spade. USE THE WORD. Shout it out load. You believe in genocide. Shout it from the roof tops. In your opinion, anyone who identifies as a "Palestinian" should be liquidated. If they are of combat age, they will be your Israel's enemy. And are we not in agreement, through many decades of experience now, that when they come of age, they will become an enemy? So you just as well might as nip this whole thing in the bud. Liquidate the children and breeders of hate as well?
Mr Beale likes to direct the conversation and put words into other people's mouths-
Mr. Beale, like all extremists try to frame their opponents as some how Godwinites but uses that language themselves. The Arabs hopefully are more aware of reality now in Gaza than the Native Americans in the 19th century.
Are you obtuse?

I think you are completely missing my point. YES, I agree with you!

It isn't a matter of just destroying Hamas. If war is what Israel and her supporters chosen solution is, my evidence points to genocide as the ONLY solution.

Nor I am trying to say that the IDF is consciously or actively engaged in trying to achieve genocide. My point is, the only way aggressive violence will ever work as a solution is by being honest and embracing genocide as a solution. Because, let's face it, the elders of the Palestinian community prefer death and non-existence over subjection.

An analogy could be drawn to any defeated people. Some defeated people will prefer subjugation, slavery or assimilation; others? Elimination.

Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce

A wise people. Their great grandchildren run a tidy business and don't do much work these days but feed off of conqueror's vices. . . :badgrin:

At a certain point, a culture has to let go of the past and accept the realities of the present. Hamas isn't concerned with their children or the Israeli children, they are stuck on the perceived wrongs done to the Arabs that occupied the land before European Jews immigrated to the middle east. These were their fathers battles. They needn't make them theirs.

Those people are dead. It is their descendants that live there now. The Jews that live in Israel are have no more sin on their hands for stealing land from Arabs than the European descendants of the Europeans that decimated native populations of America. History can't be undone. The sins of the father CAN'T be placed on the heads of the sons, or else their will never be peace in our world.

Does anyone care about peace?


You can't have Peace when one side is dedicated itself to the destruction of the other. That's reality. We all wish there was Peace in the region and the world, but Reality sucks.

This has gone on long enough. Forever and ever, and it at some point needs to end even if it means actually taking the land and bleeding Hamas and others out of the region. This endless War serves no one but the undertaker. Better to get it over with.

Precisely. I agree. Don't beat around the bush then, call a spade a spade. USE THE WORD. Shout it out load. You believe in genocide. Shout it from the roof tops. In your opinion, anyone who identifies as a "Palestinian" should be liquidated. If they are of combat age, they will be your Israel's enemy. And are we not in agreement, through many decades of experience now, that when they come of age, they will become an enemy? So you just as well might as nip this whole thing in the bud. Liquidate the children and breeders of hate as well?

Is that truly genocide or reacting to reinforced inter-generation training and behavior?
For instance, Egypt and Jordan have kept their side of the bargain and pretty much find themselves in the same boat as Israel.
Do I have any desire to eradicate either nation? No.
...At the heart of every occupation is "control". The reason you occupy an area, is to control the population. You cannot have an occupation without effectively controlling the population...
Israel does not control Gazans. Israel merely controls the interactions of the outside world with them; what happens beyond their borders. Consequently, it is no occupation, even if a hundred self-serving, biased, anti-Israel, predisposed UN Human Rights Rapporteurs crawl out from under the woodwork to pontificate otherwise.

...Conversely, if you effectively control the area, you still have an occupation...
Good thing for Israel that they don't control that land-mass then, eh? Merely what surrounds it on all four sides.

...And Israel has 'effective control' over 80% of Gaza...
Only according to the school of thought that you are trying to sell here - and a very great many people of goodwill and common sense simply aren't buying.

...Which means Israel is still the occupying force, even though they don't have an actual physical presence within Gazan borders...
Controlling how the outside world interacts with them is not the same as controlling them.

...If there was no occupation, Gazans would be free to fish without getting shot at, free to leave by sea to travel abroad, have their own airport, have their own exports and imports without any restrictions and have sovereignty over their airspace...
NATO blockaded Yugoslavia (controlling how the outside world interacted with the blockaded country) in the 1990s but that does not mean that they controlled nor occupied Yugoslavia prior to the ground intervention.

Muslim Turkey blockades Christian Armenia, but that does not mean that Turkey controls nor occupies Armenia.

The UK blockaded the Falklands once the Argentinians invaded but that does not mean that the UK controlled nor occupied the Falkland Islands immediately prior to the UK - Argentina War over the Falklands during Margaret Thatcher's tenure.

The Egyptians blockaded Israel during the 1973 Yom Kippur War but that does not mean that Egypt controlled nor occupied Israel.

The US blockaded Cuba during the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis but that does not mean that the US controlled nor occupied Cuba.

...and on and on and on, dozens of examples and dozens of variations on the theme, to fit every occasion.

...Do they have those? Fuck no! Why don't they have those? Because you fuckers think you have the right to tell other people what to do on their own property...
Somebody has to tell the irresponsible children "No". Israel was good enough to take that thankless job.

...I would love to have one of you pricks come over and try to pull that shit in my house!
Yes, yes, yes... very nice, I'm sure.

None of us gives a rat's ass what you do in your own internal little world.

But if you insist upon picking fights with your neighbor - who is 1000 times stronger than you - if you insist upon pissing in the wind - you're gonna end-up with wet, smelly pants.

Your choice.
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There can be no discussion of "occupation" and no end to the war until Hamas is destroyed root and branch.

It is every bit a gangster organization, has murdered repeatedly, and the Israeli leadership and its people have sentenced it to death.

So let it be.
Mr. Beale, like all extremists try to frame their opponents as some how Godwinites but uses that language themselves. The Arabs hopefully are more aware of reality now in Gaza than the Native Americans in the 19th century.

The Native Americans were outnumbered. The Arabs outnumber the Jews 50+ to 1. Eventually, demographics will takeover. Jews should make a good deal while the can or end up like the white Rhodesians.
Mr. Beale, like all extremists try to frame their opponents as some how Godwinites but uses that language themselves. The Arabs hopefully are more aware of reality now in Gaza than the Native Americans in the 19th century.

The Native Americans were outnumbered. The Arabs outnumber the Jews 50+ to 1. Eventually, demographics will takeover. Jews should make a good deal while the can or end up like the white Rhodesians.

Technology says otherwise.
Mr. Beale, like all extremists try to frame their opponents as some how Godwinites but uses that language themselves. The Arabs hopefully are more aware of reality now in Gaza than the Native Americans in the 19th century.

The Native Americans were outnumbered. The Arabs outnumber the Jews 50+ to 1. Eventually, demographics will takeover. Jews should make a good deal while the can or end up like the white Rhodesians.

The Jews have nukes, while the Native Americans did not. The Jews will use them, period, if necessary.

In the meantime, Hamas is being executed, have you not understood?
Mr. Beale, like all extremists try to frame their opponents as some how Godwinites but uses that language themselves. The Arabs hopefully are more aware of reality now in Gaza than the Native Americans in the 19th century.

The Native Americans were outnumbered. The Arabs outnumber the Jews 50+ to 1. Eventually, demographics will takeover. Jews should make a good deal while the can or end up like the white Rhodesians.

Technology says otherwise.

Tell the white South Africans. They had nukes, just like Israel.

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