Should It Be Illegal For Teachers To Push Their Politics On Their Students?

Depends on the subject. Of course a teacher can offer his or her opinion. I think they should make it clear to the students that it is their opinion on a matter and encourage the student to observe/reseach the facts of a matter and develop their own opinions. Offering as fact a political opinion should be frowned upon and depending on the situation the school administrators should take some corrective action. Now pushing some kind of dogma like many forms of Creationism in science class that too should be frown upon and ......

Damn I forgot.

Van Halen - Hot For Teacher (HQ music video) - YouTube

Creationism is a perfectly valid topic...

Creationism should be taught as an alternate theory...

You just cant shut the door on Creationism - that would be wrong.
Depends on the subject. Of course a teacher can offer his or her opinion. I think they should make it clear to the students that it is their opinion on a matter and encourage the student to observe/reseach the facts of a matter and develop their own opinions. Offering as fact a political opinion should be frowned upon and depending on the situation the school administrators should take some corrective action. Now pushing some kind of dogma like many forms of Creationism in science class that too should be frown upon and ......

Damn I forgot.

Van Halen - Hot For Teacher (HQ music video) - YouTube

Creationism is a perfectly valid topic...

Creationism should be taught as an alternate theory...

You just cant shut the door on Creationism - that would be wrong.
Who told you, that.......Santa Claus or The Easter Bunny?

Depends on the subject. Of course a teacher can offer his or her opinion. I think they should make it clear to the students that it is their opinion on a matter and encourage the student to observe/reseach the facts of a matter and develop their own opinions. Offering as fact a political opinion should be frowned upon.....
They'll need to consult Porky Limbaugh on such issues.​
No idea should be off limits in a proper education, this discussion is more about who's indoctrination is the best rather than the obvious answer that none of them are the bottom line if the art of critical, scientific thinking is taught.
It should be denounced in every class except political classes!

The same with Theology, should be illegal in every class except Theological classes!
Depends on the subject. Of course a teacher can offer his or her opinion. I think they should make it clear to the students that it is their opinion on a matter and encourage the student to observe/reseach the facts of a matter and develop their own opinions. Offering as fact a political opinion should be frowned upon and depending on the situation the school administrators should take some corrective action. Now pushing some kind of dogma like many forms of Creationism in science class that too should be frown upon and ......

Damn I forgot.

Van Halen - Hot For Teacher (HQ music video) - YouTube

Creationism is a perfectly valid topic...

Creationism should be taught as an alternate theory...

You just cant shut the door on Creationism - that would be wrong.

Creationism a valid topic for a religion class, or a mythology class, or a Creative Writing (Scifi) English class. I like Larry Nivens' Known Universe myself......Gives Scientology a run for it's money.

Science Fiction Timeline Site . . . Larry Niven's Known Space . . . Timeline . . . (minor frame)
Depends on the subject. Of course a teacher can offer his or her opinion. I think they should make it clear to the students that it is their opinion on a matter and encourage the student to observe/reseach the facts of a matter and develop their own opinions. Offering as fact a political opinion should be frowned upon and depending on the situation the school administrators should take some corrective action. Now pushing some kind of dogma like many forms of Creationism in science class that too should be frown upon and ......

Damn I forgot.

Van Halen - Hot For Teacher (HQ music video) - YouTube

Creationism is a perfectly valid topic...

Creationism should be taught as an alternate theory...

You just cant shut the door on Creationism - that would be wrong.

Then we can teach alchemy alongside chemistry too, right?
Yep neither teachers nor preachers should preach politics.

So you would outlaw pastors making statements that are political and not in accordance to the democratic party?

Would you put the pastors in prison? What of the congregation? Would you arrest them? Chain the doors and burn the church with them inside?

What would the proper penalty for dissent be?
It should be denounced in every class except political classes!

The same with Theology, should be illegal in every class except Theological classes!

And you would assign thought police to ensure such laws were followed, right?

Standard Disclaimer: We know you voted for Obama....
Yep neither teachers nor preachers should preach politics.


Are you about to throw the first Progressive President under the bus???

"The use of a university is to make young gentleman as unlike their fathers as possible."

Woodrow Wilson
Yep neither teachers nor preachers should preach politics.

So you would outlaw pastors making statements that are political and not in accordance to the democratic party?

Would you put the pastors in prison? What of the congregation? Would you arrest them? Chain the doors and burn the church with them inside?

What would the proper penalty for dissent be?
Lemme guess....should is too-big a word for you to tackle, right?

Depends on the subject. Of course a teacher can offer his or her opinion. I think they should make it clear to the students that it is their opinion on a matter and encourage the student to observe/reseach the facts of a matter and develop their own opinions. Offering as fact a political opinion should be frowned upon and depending on the situation the school administrators should take some corrective action. Now pushing some kind of dogma like many forms of Creationism in science class that too should be frown upon and ......

Damn I forgot.

Van Halen - Hot For Teacher (HQ music video) - YouTube

Creationism is a perfectly valid topic...

Creationism should be taught as an alternate theory...

You just cant shut the door on Creationism - that would be wrong.

Then we can teach alchemy alongside chemistry too, right?

I think they should teach:

Defense Against The Dark Arts
Magical Creatures
Ancient Runes
Advanced Spells
Wand Repair
The History of Quiddich
I think they should teach:

Defense Against The Dark Arts
Magical Creatures
Ancient Runes
Advanced Spells
Wand Repair
The History of Quiddich

That would indeed prepare them for a career working in the Obama administration....
It's poor practice as a teacher to veer far enough off topic you land in politics for most topics. In general, it's considered good practice to inform students when you are giving your opinion, even if it is informed, and encourage critical analysis.

Of course, the problem here is that folks want to make literally everything political. Evolution shouldn't be a politicized topic, for example.
Libs became teachers to do exactly what they are doing. Teachers have a mission, to undo all the damage done at home by parents.

Who made them God and decide the damage? They are their to educate and give each student self confidence to be the best they can be.
Depends on the subject. Of course a teacher can offer his or her opinion. I think they should make it clear to the students that it is their opinion on a matter and encourage the student to observe/reseach the facts of a matter and develop their own opinions. Offering as fact a political opinion should be frowned upon and depending on the situation the school administrators should take some corrective action. Now pushing some kind of dogma like many forms of Creationism in science class that too should be frown upon and ......

Damn I forgot.

Van Halen - Hot For Teacher (HQ music video) - YouTube

Creationism is a perfectly valid topic...

Creationism should be taught as an alternate theory...

You just cant shut the door on Creationism - that would be wrong.

Creationism a valid topic for a religion class, or a mythology class, or a Creative Writing (Scifi) English class. I like Larry Nivens' Known Universe myself......Gives Scientology a run for it's money.

Science Fiction Timeline Site . . . Larry Niven's Known Space . . . Timeline . . . (minor frame)

It is valid because the Bible is the most selling book of all time...

Oh yeah, lets not forget evolution isn't a fact either...

Both ideas should be taught...

There is nothing wrong with teaching kids basic religious ideas ....

If they can handle sex then they can handle religious ideas...
Creationism is a perfectly valid topic...

Creationism should be taught as an alternate theory...

You just cant shut the door on Creationism - that would be wrong.

Creationism a valid topic for a religion class, or a mythology class, or a Creative Writing (Scifi) English class. I like Larry Nivens' Known Universe myself......Gives Scientology a run for it's money.

Science Fiction Timeline Site . . . Larry Niven's Known Space . . . Timeline . . . (minor frame)

It is valid because the Bible is the most selling book of all time...

Oh yeah, lets not forget evolution isn't a fact either...

Both ideas should be taught...

There is nothing wrong with teaching kids basic religious ideas ....

If they can handle sex then they can handle religious ideas...

I have no problem teaching religion in a religion class.
Back in the day, when I was in High School,all of my history teachers stated that you will never know my political beliefs.

The issue of teachers indoctrinating their students into any political philosophy, should be fired.
What has changed is that School Principles do not pay attention to these issues until parents rise up.
School Boards have the most power. Unfortunately, sometimes their political views are very evident.

Parents need to know what is taking place in the class rooms and should attend School Board Meetings.

I was wondering about this. Why are teachers allowed to take a captive audience (their students) and shove their vices and their political ideology down their throats.

The students really don't have a choice but to sit there and listen to a activist teacher filling their heads full of nonsense. When the kids come home and repeat this to their parents some go nuts. Some sue. Some start home-schooling. Some meekly put up with it because they feel powerless.

When I was in school, especially H.S., we had roundtable discussions about abortion or whatever the big issue of the day was, but the teachers rarely tried to tell us that we had to think a certain way. They asked what our opinions were, not tell us what our opinions should be.

Our kids are constantly being bombarded with nonsense. Listening to the SCOTUS hearings on Obamacare it seems that clarity is rare and common-sense is hard to find.

Can't a teacher who abuses his or her authority be guilty of a crime. Why isn't there a problem with teachers that abuse the trust they have earned to be in charge of our kids for 8 hours a day? If they're screwing up our kids can't we do anything about it?


Where's all that conservative love of 'free speech' here?
Depends on the subject. Of course a teacher can offer his or her opinion. I think they should make it clear to the students that it is their opinion on a matter and encourage the student to observe/reseach the facts of a matter and develop their own opinions. Offering as fact a political opinion should be frowned upon and depending on the situation the school administrators should take some corrective action. Now pushing some kind of dogma like many forms of Creationism in science class that too should be frown upon and ......

Damn I forgot.

Van Halen - Hot For Teacher (HQ music video) - YouTube

Creationism is a perfectly valid topic...

Creationism should be taught as an alternate theory...

You just cant shut the door on Creationism - that would be wrong.

The only way to honestly and properly teach Creationism as a theory is to teach that it is a theory for which there is no supporting evidence.

Kind of like teaching Aristotle's theory of spontaneous generation, or the Lamarckian principles of soft inheritance.

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