Should It Be Illegal For Teachers To Push Their Politics On Their Students?

Why don't you ask one or two who won the War of 1812? By the way who did win and what did they win?

I will answer, but first, who do you think the combatants were? I've seen a dozen on the left get that wrong, recently.
In NJ they do. HS teachers major in their subject and minor in ed. They also have to pass the Praxis in that discipline.

that's the way it is everywhere I know of.

to teach special ed, I needed a masters.

But then, none of us know anything. We are all stupid and lazy.
Why don't more conservatives become teachers?
I mean the pay is lousy. You get NO respect. Contard asshats are CONSTANTLY saying you earn too much. You have to think that giving back to your community is at least as important as your own personal wealth. Oh, and you will probably spend a lot of your own money on other people's you kinda have to be a socialist, by the CON definition.

Oh. THAT'S why there aren't more CONZ in the teaching profession.
So, now you want to even the playing field by saying no proselytizing?
Get your ass into the classroom yourselves or STFU.

When one considers the pay, benefits, hours, and lack of accountability associated with being a teacher, it turns out to be a pretty good gig, especially in this economy.

Funny that you think the answer to the problem of teachers imparting political opinion into their classroom is solved by having a diverse range of political views expressed. For you, the classroom is the right place for political proselytizing, and conservatives just have not caught on. Very telling.

if it's such a great gig, why aren't you a teacher?
I doubt it.

California is 47th in educational prowess. The teachers I encounter are from California. I ride a train to work and government workers ride free, so there are lots of them. (The rest of us pay $400+ a month, public masters get more than the peasants.)

Most of those I encounter couldn't put a proper English sentence together if their life depended on the act. Maybe the quality of teachers is significantly better in other parts of the country. But I would be astounded if 5% of the teachers I've encountered could name the participants of the War of 1812 and the victor in the conflict.

Why don't you ask one or two who won the War of 1812? By the way who did win and what did they win?

Napoleon won a bottle of brandy, got drunk and was exiled to the island of Greased Elbow
Why don't more conservatives become teachers?
I mean the pay is lousy. You get NO respect. Contard asshats are CONSTANTLY saying you earn too much. You have to think that giving back to your community is at least as important as your own personal wealth. Oh, and you will probably spend a lot of your own money on other people's you kinda have to be a socialist, by the CON definition.

Oh. THAT'S why there aren't more CONZ in the teaching profession.
So, now you want to even the playing field by saying no proselytizing?
Get your ass into the classroom yourselves or STFU.

When one considers the pay, benefits, hours, and lack of accountability associated with being a teacher, it turns out to be a pretty good gig, especially in this economy.

Funny that you think the answer to the problem of teachers imparting political opinion into their classroom is solved by having a diverse range of political views expressed. For you, the classroom is the right place for political proselytizing, and conservatives just have not caught on. Very telling.

if it's such a great gig, why aren't you a teacher?

I have taught at various periods of time in my life. And I made the mistake of quitting one lucrative business in order to move with my wife to San Diego. We did this right as the economy went over the edge. Our plan at the time was to get a couple jobs as teachers. However, what happened is that the teaching jobs, along with the bar tending and food service jobs, dried up as professionals saturated the market for teachers and bartenders. Right now, and for the last several years, teaching jobs are very hard to come by.
When one considers the pay, benefits, hours, and lack of accountability associated with being a teacher, it turns out to be a pretty good gig, especially in this economy.

Funny that you think the answer to the problem of teachers imparting political opinion into their classroom is solved by having a diverse range of political views expressed. For you, the classroom is the right place for political proselytizing, and conservatives just have not caught on. Very telling.

if it's such a great gig, why aren't you a teacher?

I have taught at various periods of time in my life. And I made the mistake of quitting one lucrative business in order to move with my wife to San Diego. We did this right as the economy went over the edge. Our plan at the time was to get a couple jobs as teachers. However, what happened is that the teaching jobs, along with the bar tending and food service jobs, dried up as professionals saturated the market for teachers and bartenders. Right now, and for the last several years, teaching jobs are very hard to come by.

special ed teachers are an area of need
When one considers the pay, benefits, hours, and lack of accountability associated with being a teacher, it turns out to be a pretty good gig, especially in this economy.

Funny that you think the answer to the problem of teachers imparting political opinion into their classroom is solved by having a diverse range of political views expressed. For you, the classroom is the right place for political proselytizing, and conservatives just have not caught on. Very telling.

if it's such a great gig, why aren't you a teacher?

I have taught at various periods of time in my life. And I made the mistake of quitting one lucrative business in order to move with my wife to San Diego. We did this right as the economy went over the edge. Our plan at the time was to get a couple jobs as teachers. However, what happened is that the teaching jobs, along with the bar tending and food service jobs, dried up as professionals saturated the market for teachers and bartenders. Right now, and for the last several years, teaching jobs are very hard to come by.

In other words, you weren't good enough.
all "teachers" do is abuse authority..I can't remember a teacher who wasn't abusive. They all start out as bullies in the school yard and move their way up to teaching.

You're full of shit.
Should It Be Illegal For Teachers To Push Their Politics On Their Students?


otherwise you get sickening things like this

[ame=]Paramilitary Obama Youth Corps - YouTube[/ame]

Where have I seen that before
oh yes

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