Should It Be Illegal For Teachers To Push Their Politics On Their Students?

all "teachers" do is abuse authority..I can't remember a teacher who wasn't abusive. They all start out as bullies in the school yard and move their way up to teaching.
How sad for you. I loved school. Subsequently that's where I chose to work.

Kids who hate school rarely succeed. What do you do for a living?
Why make this into a criminal issue? Surely it is a disciplinary matter for the school authorities?

Yea it is now. And guess what happens. They reward leftists and punish rightists. Admin knows who's signing their paychecks. I agree a teacher should be allowed to say what the hell he wants about politics within reason. But I also think that the government needs to be out of education for that to properly work.
In 1633 the Church sentenced Galielio to house arrest for writing that the earth revolves about the sun rather than the sun revolving about the earth. Galielo spent the rest of his life under arrest, but in 1992 after a 13 year investigation the church apologized to Galielio. Can anyone tell us how church schools taught the rotation of the earth or sun for all tlhose years from 1633 to 1992?

I was wondering about this. Why are teachers allowed to take a captive audience (their students) and shove their vices and their political ideology down their throats.

The students really don't have a choice but to sit there and listen to a activist teacher filling their heads full of nonsense. When the kids come home and repeat this to their parents some go nuts. Some sue. Some start home-schooling. Some meekly put up with it because they feel powerless.

When I was in school, especially H.S., we had roundtable discussions about abortion or whatever the big issue of the day was, but the teachers rarely tried to tell us that we had to think a certain way. They asked what our opinions were, not tell us what our opinions should be.

Our kids are constantly being bombarded with nonsense. Listening to the SCOTUS hearings on Obamacare it seems that clarity is rare and common-sense is hard to find.

Can't a teacher who abuses his or her authority be guilty of a crime. Why isn't there a problem with teachers that abuse the trust they have earned to be in charge of our kids for 8 hours a day? If they're screwing up our kids can't we do anything about it?


Not in a Public School, Private schools sure.
In 1633 the Church sentenced Galielio to house arrest for writing that the earth revolves about the sun rather than the sun revolving about the earth. Galielo spent the rest of his life under arrest, but in 1992 after a 13 year investigation the church apologized to Galielio. Can anyone tell us how church schools taught the rotation of the earth or sun for all tlhose years from 1633 to 1992?

Church Schools did not teach what you are claiming all the way to 1992 you fool. It simply took the Church that long to Officially Apologize.

my word you people are stupid.

I was wondering about this. Why are teachers allowed to take a captive audience (their students) and shove their vices and their political ideology down their throats.

The students really don't have a choice but to sit there and listen to a activist teacher filling their heads full of nonsense. When the kids come home and repeat this to their parents some go nuts. Some sue. Some start home-schooling. Some meekly put up with it because they feel powerless.

When I was in school, especially H.S., we had roundtable discussions about abortion or whatever the big issue of the day was, but the teachers rarely tried to tell us that we had to think a certain way. They asked what our opinions were, not tell us what our opinions should be.

Our kids are constantly being bombarded with nonsense. Listening to the SCOTUS hearings on Obamacare it seems that clarity is rare and common-sense is hard to find.

Can't a teacher who abuses his or her authority be guilty of a crime. Why isn't there a problem with teachers that abuse the trust they have earned to be in charge of our kids for 8 hours a day? If they're screwing up our kids can't we do anything about it?


I agree. Especially when it comes to history. It should be told exactly as it happened. No denying atrocities, no revisionist bullshit. To deny the past is to allow history to repeat itself.

I agree, but it seems today we have gone to the Extreme. Now we focus soley on what we did to the Indians for Example, while romanticizing and White Washing the Indians themselves. It's considered wrong to even point out such things as the fact that the Indians were not some Peace loving group of people, They warred constantly among themselves, There were 2 sides to the story, but today in the interests of showing respect and homage for what we did to them, we fail to tell the whole story.

Most kids grow up believing the Indians were like the Race in Avatar. Never did any wrong, Nobel, Perfect.

The Truth is the First white people land on these shores were for the most part not greeted by Peaceful, noble Indians, they were Killed by them.

Yes whites quickly Gained the upper Hand and in the end Wiped most of them out, and assimilated the rest, But to ignore 1 whole side of the story does nothing but make our Kids ignorant.

Another Example is the way Kids today are basically Taught the Civil war was all about slavery, with one Noble Side against an Evil Slave holding south. They are not really told how only 20% of the people in the south ever owned a Slave, or how most of the men who fought and died fighting in the war were not there to unsure slavery remained, they were there because they felt their States were being wronged by the Federal Government. But try and Point that out and you are just labeled a racist and ignored.

Or try and point out that White people didn't go to Africa and Steal slaves, they went there and Bought them, from other Blacks. Slavery was common practice between tribes in Africa, and there was always 1 Tribe willing to sell of Members of another into slavery. But in our schools our kids come out thinking Slavery was a Unique Practice of only Rich White people.

Just tell the whole story, all of it, the good and the bad from all sides. Slanting the Truth in the Name of Being Noble or Righting some Past wrong, is not the way.
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Teachers present both sides of the issues. My history teacher always challenged us to question why we believe something and to come up with sound arguments to a debate. It wasn't this "you must believe abortion is right." type mentality. In high school, I actually was a young republican and my mock trial coach was the head of young democrats but in my English class, there was never any political discussion.

After a while, I decided my own political views outside of my families and the only people I see having a problem with politics in schools is republicans when it's talking about the choice of abortion. I don't see them with a problem if it is a teacher who believes what they believe.
In 1633 the Church sentenced Galielio to house arrest for writing that the earth revolves about the sun rather than the sun revolving about the earth. Galielo spent the rest of his life under arrest, but in 1992 after a 13 year investigation the church apologized to Galielio. Can anyone tell us how church schools taught the rotation of the earth or sun for all tlhose years from 1633 to 1992?

Church Schools did not teach what you are claiming all the way to 1992 you fool. It simply took the Church that long to Officially Apologize.

my word you people are stupid.
So when did the Church begin teaching the earth revolves about the sun? Did all schools change on orders or did schools change on their own? Was the state involved in the decision. When did the changes begin? Anyone know the history?
Teachers present both sides of the issues. My history teacher always challenged us to question why we believe something and to come up with sound arguments to a debate. It wasn't this "you must believe abortion is right." type mentality. In high school, I actually was a young republican and my mock trial coach was the head of young democrats but in my English class, there was never any political discussion.

After a while, I decided my own political views outside of my families and the only people I see having a problem with politics in schools is republicans when it's talking about the choice of abortion. I don't see them with a problem if it is a teacher who believes what they believe.

Sorry but some, maybe even most Teachers try and present Both sides, but I had my share of Teachers who clearly did not.

I even had a Teacher rail and rail about how Reagan had to be defeated, this was when I was in Junior High.

I am sorry but in a Public School, and Teacher paid by our Tax Dollars should not have been able to rail to us about how Reagan had to be defeated. No way.
In 1633 the Church sentenced Galielio to house arrest for writing that the earth revolves about the sun rather than the sun revolving about the earth. Galielo spent the rest of his life under arrest, but in 1992 after a 13 year investigation the church apologized to Galielio. Can anyone tell us how church schools taught the rotation of the earth or sun for all tlhose years from 1633 to 1992?

Church Schools did not teach what you are claiming all the way to 1992 you fool. It simply took the Church that long to Officially Apologize.

my word you people are stupid.
So when did the Church begin teaching the earth revolves about the sun? Did all schools change on orders or did schools change on their own? Was the state involved in the decision. When did the changes begin? Anyone know the history?

They all changed at their own Pace. Some of the More Fundamentalist ones still teach crazy shit like the earth is only 4000 Years old, however with modern Tech it pretty much Impossible for them to ignore that we do indeed Revolved around the sun, and most if not all Church Schools have adjusted their Teaching.

I wouldn't send my kids to one, but I am going to point out when someone makes an erroneous claim like they were teaching the Sun Revolved around the earth all the way up till 1992. lol
Years ago I had a teacher go on some political rant. I raised my hand and asked 'Do you believe in God?'. She said of course. I said good for you! I don't wanna hear about that either.
Libs became teachers to do exactly what they are doing. Teachers have a mission, to undo all the damage done at home by parents.

DING DING DING, and welfare is intended to undo the home.....and it's working....
[ame=]Loveline - 5 kids/5 fathers - YouTube[/ame]
Years ago I had a teacher go on some political rant. I raised my hand and asked 'Do you believe in God?'. She said of course. I said good for you! I don't wanna hear about that either.

No political agenda should be pushed by a teacher, especially in regular classrooms. In highschool classes, the topic of politics may come up, but the teacher is the key to keeping the class on topic of the curriculum.
Years ago I had a teacher go on some political rant. I raised my hand and asked 'Do you believe in God?'. She said of course. I said good for you! I don't wanna hear about that either.

Because you're a pussy. I have no problem with hearing anyone's positions on anything. I think the problem is why should we have to pay to have teachers indoctrinating our children?

I was wondering about this. Why are teachers allowed to take a captive audience (their students) and shove their vices and their political ideology down their throats.

The students really don't have a choice but to sit there and listen to a activist teacher filling their heads full of nonsense. When the kids come home and repeat this to their parents some go nuts. Some sue. Some start home-schooling. Some meekly put up with it because they feel powerless.

When I was in school, especially H.S., we had roundtable discussions about abortion or whatever the big issue of the day was, but the teachers rarely tried to tell us that we had to think a certain way. They asked what our opinions were, not tell us what our opinions should be.

Our kids are constantly being bombarded with nonsense. Listening to the SCOTUS hearings on Obamacare it seems that clarity is rare and common-sense is hard to find.

Can't a teacher who abuses his or her authority be guilty of a crime. Why isn't there a problem with teachers that abuse the trust they have earned to be in charge of our kids for 8 hours a day? If they're screwing up our kids can't we do anything about it?


Not illegal, but it shouldn't be allowed. I am sure the school authorities could intervene if a teacher was pushing their personal beliefs on the students.
I think it is absolutely fantastic that every nutter here was so grounded and insightful as a kid that they resisted indoctrination at the hands of their evil lib teachers.

What little wonders they must have been. So much brighter than all the average pupils....who fell victim to the spell and are now limp-wristed, flaming, thuggish libs!
I think it is absolutely fantastic that every nutter here was so grounded and insightful as a kid that they resisted indoctrination at the hands of their evil lib teachers.

What little wonders they must have been. So much brighter than all the average pupils....who fell victim to the spell and are now limp-wristed, flaming, thuggish libs!

Mostly due to parenting.

It is amazing how you can raise a child if you dont kill it out of convenience before birth.
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^Awesome segue right there. You've gone from teaching to abortion seemingly effortlessly.

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