Should Japan stay Japanese..Should Japanese politicians write policy so it doesn’t?

What about Singapore?
Why aren’t these nations following the U.S. if diversity is so awesome for natives? Why aren’t their politicians encouraging thirdworld nations to send them their flunkies?

Japan has been increasing immigration for the past several decades.
What, to 10 people a year?

He/she is a liar...Japan hasn’t imported a single thirdworlder.

Ignorant buffoon
What about Singapore?
Why aren’t these nations following the U.S. if diversity is so awesome for natives? Why aren’t their politicians encouraging thirdworld nations to send them their flunkies?

Japan has been increasing immigration for the past several decades.
What, to 10 people a year?

He/she is a liar...Japan hasn’t imported a single thirdworlder.

Ignorant buffoon are so full of shit.

Now back to the premise of the thread...we get it, you’re totally ecstatic about illegals being paid to fuck the place tell us how are natives benefiting from this “melting pot”?
The Melting Pot is still working just fine.

Hahaha....especially in Mexifornia where the poverty level is near 30%, where hundreds of thousands are homeless, where 12% of the US population lives as does 33% of the nations welfare recipients, where quality of life is ranked last, where it’s feast or famine, where strangers can’t communicate, where Americans are foreigners on their own soil, where learning English is the primary curriculum in elementary schools, where illegal aliens are considered our best “citizens”.
Yep, it’s working sweet for the Brown doubt about it.

Oh, the little girl is still scared.

I’m terrified.

Clearly you are. Immigrants today are assimilating culturally, linguistically, and economically just as those who came before them did. If anything, they are doing so faster than previous generations of immigrants did. Stop being a hysterical little bitch.

illegals being paid to fuck the place up....?

The big irony behind iceberg's post is the fact that the "racial diversification" (code word for genocide) of America, Britain, Canada and so many other western nations was implemented totally against the will of their populations who were NEVER consulted about the outrage through a plebiscite.

Oh, you're one of those, are you?

Breaking news. The rich see your dumb white trash ass as no better than the darkies they are bringing in to replace you. That person of color next to you is in the same boat you are in.
Originally posted by JoeB
Oh, you're one of those, are you?

Breaking news. The rich see your dumb white trash ass as no better than the darkies they are bringing in to replace you. That person of color next to you is in the same boat you are in.

Nobody is talking about class struggle here, JoeB...

This is not the topic of the thread....

The topic is a mental disease thinly disguised as a socio-political ideology known as multiracialism according to which America has to destroy one of the fundamental pillars of the nation, a pillar that identifies America as part of the western civilization: its white majority, just like the Asian majority identifies Japan and China as part of the asian civilization.

Stop sounding like a patient of Bellevue walking down the corridors shouting "I AM JESUS!!", "I AM NAPOLEON BONAPART!!" and denounce the multiracialist ideology for what it really is:

An ideology that is not only politically absurd (a nation destroying one of its fundamental elements) but also a genocidal ideology that aims at "destroying in whole or in part a racial or ethnic group" (UN definition of genocide).
You would have to look long and hard to find any Japanese or Chinese or Korean for that matter person who would use a term as stupid as “the Asian civilization. “
Asian civilization is an umbrella designation for all the civilizations that flourished in the Far East.

And I didn't have to look long and hard to find a total ignoramus with the IQ of a mentally retarded oyster who failed miserably at refuting the point I made in my previous post.
What about Singapore?
Why aren’t these nations following the U.S. if diversity is so awesome for natives? Why aren’t their politicians encouraging thirdworld nations to send them their flunkies?
Japan just relaxed its immigration rules unfortunately. The white man needs to regain his viking spirit and fight for what is right.
Israel needs to open its borders! They push invasion on ALL other nations but don't allow it for themselves.
Asian civilization is an umbrella designation for all the civilizations that flourished in the Far East.


Made up and used exclusively by racist dumbasses attempting to generalize a great variety of cultures and societies histories peoples languages etc.
Israel needs to open its borders! They push invasion on ALL other nations but don't allow it for themselves.

So, every thread has to be about your stupid cowardly anti-Semitism? Is that what you’re saying?
Are there any another nations with politicians pushing policies to encourage diversification and illegal migration?
Why or why not?
I’m genuinely curious.
Europe and Australia. Thing is its not usually actual people of that nation ALL these people that push invasion are Jews or Jewish Lackey's. Just look who was behind the 1965 immigration act. Sure Kennedy was the gentile face of it but Jews were pushing from behind the scenes. By having a white gentile face to it,it was made to seem OK and fine....
Are there any another nations with politicians pushing policies to encourage diversification and illegal migration?
Why or why not?
I’m genuinely curious.
Europe and Australia. Thing is its not usually actual people of that nation ALL these people that push invasion are Jews or Jewish Lackey's. Just look who was behind the 1965 immigration act. Sure Kennedy was the gentile face of it but Jews were pushing from behind the scenes. By having a white gentile face to it,it was made to seem OK and fine....

Off topic idiot trolling.
What about Singapore?
Why aren’t these nations following the U.S. if diversity is so awesome for natives? Why aren’t their politicians encouraging thirdworld nations to send them their flunkies?

Okay, here's the problem. While I greatly admire the Japanese and their culture, the fact is, their anti-immigrant policies have locked them into a demographic Death Spiral.

'This is death to the family': Japan's fertility crisis is creating economic and social woes never seen before

In fact, the Japanese are giving away houses in some areas because they have no one to live in them.
They said the same thing for Russia and Hungary BOTH of which have reversed those trends and do not NEED invaders. Its the entire goal,make things so harsh for the native population that they reduce the amount of children they are having then claim we need to bring in more invaders that don't belong here to replace them. Its called genocide according to the UN definition.
This country is changing rapidly, and no amount of dreaming or fussing can change that fact.

It is what it is. Deal with it. For a change.
Oh it will be either returned to what MY founding fathers intended this to be or we will insure it won't exist at all.
This country is changing rapidly, and no amount of dreaming or fussing can change that fact.

It is what it is. Deal with it. For a change.
Oh it will be either returned to what MY founding fathers intended this to be or we will insure it won't exist at all.

Who is “we,” and how do you imagine doing ANYTHING?
What about Singapore?
Why aren’t these nations following the U.S. if diversity is so awesome for natives? Why aren’t their politicians encouraging thirdworld nations to send them their flunkies?

Singapore is a very culturally diverse country with four official languages and diversity quotas in 70% of the housing estates.
Quit moving the goalposts.
Are you brain dead? You don't know what moving goalposts are.

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