Should Jerusalem be made an international city?

Haha. SO there's no freedom now ?

Please tell me how having 'Palestine' control part of Jerusalem would bring those three ???
Haha. SO there's no freedom now ?

Please tell me how having 'Palestine' control part of Jerusalem would bring those three ???
ESPECIALLY in light of the dictatorial regime of Hamas that the Gazans foolishly voted into power and are now enthralled to...
All religious sites in Jerusalem are open to the public (only place in the Middle East that allows this), but I guess that's not enough for the pro - Palis.
Haha. SO there's no freedom now ?

Please tell me how having 'Palestine' control part of Jerusalem would bring those three ???

You don't think Muslims have a right to rule over a Muslim holy place?

Nice deflection. Can you please elaborate how there is no freedom , justice or equality now, and how giving the Palestinian control over part of Jerusalem would achieve those three?
Or you can admit your mistake :cool:
Nice deflection. Can you please elaborate how there is no freedom , justice or equality now, and how giving the Palestinian control over part of Jerusalem would achieve those three?
Or you can admit your mistake :cool:

Jews control when and how Muslims may enter their holy places.

That is not freedom or justice.
Nice deflection. Can you please elaborate how there is no freedom , justice or equality now, and how giving the Palestinian control over part of Jerusalem would achieve those three?
Or you can admit your mistake :cool:

Jews control when and how Muslims may enter their holy places.

That is not freedom or justice.

I think the Muslims pretty much control the Temple Mount now anyway. It's called the Wakf or something.
Justice does not apply to this situation.
Since when does Israel tell them what time they can go to the Al Aqsa mosque?
One thing is for sure, the IDF controlling movement within Jerusalem's holy places is for security reasons. Why else would they do that ?
The fact of the matter is, there is peace in Jerusalem, and that included no more suicide bombing on buses and cafe's .

Once again, you failed to explain how giving the Palestinians control over E. Jerusalem, which contains some of the holiest sites for Jewish people, would achieve freedom and equality.

Look, I understand the desire of the Palestinians to have control over part of Al - Quds, but I'm telling you now one more time, that it is never going to happen. Like ever. Never ever. Even if somehow the Israeli Prime Minister decided to give control of E. Jerusalem to the Palestinians, you can bet the Jewish citizens (and probably Christian ones as well) would lynch him before the transfer of control would even take place.
Sorry, but you need to move on
Nice deflection. Can you please elaborate how there is no freedom , justice or equality now, and how giving the Palestinian control over part of Jerusalem would achieve those three?
Or you can admit your mistake :cool:

Jews control when and how Muslims may enter their holy places.

That is not freedom or justice.
How does that differ from all the centuries during which Muslims controlled when and how Jews and Christians might enter their holy places?

How does that differ from all the centuries (late Roman Empire, Eastern [Byzantine] Empire, Crusades, Mandate) during which Christians controlled when and how Jews and Muslims might enter their holy places?

It's simply the Jews' turn in the barrel again...
Justice does not apply to this situation....

of course you would say that. :)

....Once again, you failed to explain how giving the Palestinians control over E. Jerusalem, which contains some of the holiest sites for Jewish people, would achieve freedom and equality....[/quote

I NEVER said "all" of EJ.

....Look, I understand the desire of the Palestinians to have control over part of Al - Quds, but I'm telling you now one more time, that it is never going to happen. Like ever. Never ever....

Like, never? Ever? Getting back together? (Taylor Swift)

....Even if somehow the Israeli Prime Minister decided to give control of E. Jerusalem to the Palestinians, you can bet the Jewish citizens (and probably Christian ones as well) would lynch him before the transfer of control would even take place....

You think the Jews would murder their Prime Minister if he gives up even parts of Jerusalem? Wow, talk about low expectations of the Jewish people!!!!
Justice does not apply to this situation....

of course you would say that. :)

....Once again, you failed to explain how giving the Palestinians control over E. Jerusalem, which contains some of the holiest sites for Jewish people, would achieve freedom and equality....[/quote

I NEVER said "all" of EJ.

Like, never? Ever? Getting back together? (Taylor Swift)

....Even if somehow the Israeli Prime Minister decided to give control of E. Jerusalem to the Palestinians, you can bet the Jewish citizens (and probably Christian ones as well) would lynch him before the transfer of control would even take place....

You think the Jews would murder their Prime Minister if he gives up even parts of Jerusalem? Wow, talk about low expectations of the Jewish people!!!!

LOL you failed to see the point of the 'lynch' comment. What I meant was the citizens of Jerusalem and probably other cities would protest it to the point where the P.M would have to reverse his decision.
Geez, are you 12 years old ?

You still havent answered my question however, so I;m gonna go ahead and assume you have no clue what you're talking about when discussing transfer of control.

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