Should Maxine Waters Resign ?

Rep. Andy Biggs Calls for Waters's Resignation, Civility Goes the Way of the Dodo Bird

Rep. Andy Biggs, R-Az., compelled Waters to do three things:

  • Apologize to the Trump administration for “endangering their lives and sowing seeds of discord”
  • Resign from her position as congresswoman
  • Issue a public statement decrying violence and harassment as protest
Biggs claimed Waters’s comments at a Los Angeles rally Saturday could “directly and unnecessarily lead to public unrest, physical violence, and physical injury.”

We know she is nuts.

Should she resign ?
/----/ Maxine for President 2020. It's the democRATs only chance at winning.

Why should she resign when we've got fucking monkeys like trump, pence, Macconnel, gohmert, cornyn. still in office?
Of. forgot. We've got betsy bitch and sandra here as well.
Why should she resign when we've got fucking monkeys like trump, pence, Macconnel, gohmert, cornyn. still in office?
Of. forgot. We've got betsy bitch and sandra here as well.
The left elects such rock stars...............which one thought Guam would tip over. LOL
Why should she resign when we've got fucking monkeys like trump, pence, Macconnel, gohmert, cornyn. still in office?
Of. forgot. We've got betsy bitch and sandra here as well.
The left elects such rock stars...............which one thought Guam would tip over. LOL
Do you defend such people??? trump, pence, Macconnel, gohmert, cornyn? They are thugs.
Why should she resign when we've got fucking monkeys like trump, pence, Macconnel, gohmert, cornyn. still in office?
Of. forgot. We've got betsy bitch and sandra here as well.
The left elects such rock stars...............which one thought Guam would tip over. LOL
Do you defend such people??? trump, pence, Macconnel, gohmert, cornyn? They are thugs.
Absolutely..................I love that Trump is keeping his campaign promises and love how he ticks off people like you.
Why should she resign when we've got fucking monkeys like trump, pence, Macconnel, gohmert, cornyn. still in office?
Of. forgot. We've got betsy bitch and sandra here as well.
The left elects such rock stars...............which one thought Guam would tip over. LOL
Do you defend such people??? trump, pence, Macconnel, gohmert, cornyn? They are thugs.
Absolutely..................I love that Trump is keeping his campaign promises and love how he ticks off people like you.
I don't like people who ruin our nation.

I'm a GOP party official and have an extraordinary low opinion of Maxine. But stupid, asshole behavior is not grounds for removing her.

Had she made an express call for violence I'd have a different opinion. She didn't. she called for asshole behavior.
Yes it is. At any other place of employment threats,aggressive and hostile language and harassment directed at other employees is considered hate behavior and grounds for dismissal on the spot.
Why should she resign when we've got fucking monkeys like trump, pence, Macconnel, gohmert, cornyn. still in office?
Of. forgot. We've got betsy bitch and sandra here as well.
The left elects such rock stars...............which one thought Guam would tip over. LOL
Do you defend such people??? trump, pence, Macconnel, gohmert, cornyn? They are thugs.
Absolutely..................I love that Trump is keeping his campaign promises and love how he ticks off people like you.
I don't like people who ruin our nation. HATE LIBERALS TOO...............Nice.
Why should she resign when we've got fucking monkeys like trump, pence, Macconnel, gohmert, cornyn. still in office?
Of. forgot. We've got betsy bitch and sandra here as well.
The left elects such rock stars...............which one thought Guam would tip over. LOL
Do you defend such people??? trump, pence, Macconnel, gohmert, cornyn? They are thugs.
Absolutely..................I love that Trump is keeping his campaign promises and love how he ticks off people like you.
I don't like people who ruin our nation.
/---/ Then you must hate clinton and obozo with a passion.
I see your Maxime Waters and raise you a Louie Gohmert.
Maxine Waters said she cant get out of her head how Trump mocked that disabled veteran and i believe her.

President Trump is the one who should resign for the trauma he caused Congressman Waters
Rep. Andy Biggs Calls for Waters's Resignation, Civility Goes the Way of the Dodo Bird

Rep. Andy Biggs, R-Az., compelled Waters to do three things:

  • Apologize to the Trump administration for “endangering their lives and sowing seeds of discord”
  • Resign from her position as congresswoman
  • Issue a public statement decrying violence and harassment as protest
Biggs claimed Waters’s comments at a Los Angeles rally Saturday could “directly and unnecessarily lead to public unrest, physical violence, and physical injury.”

We know she is nuts.

Should she resign ?
Not gonna happen. Sorry, trumpanzees......have a tissue.
Rep. Andy Biggs Calls for Waters's Resignation, Civility Goes the Way of the Dodo Bird

Rep. Andy Biggs, R-Az., compelled Waters to do three things:

  • Apologize to the Trump administration for “endangering their lives and sowing seeds of discord”
  • Resign from her position as congresswoman
  • Issue a public statement decrying violence and harassment as protest
Biggs claimed Waters’s comments at a Los Angeles rally Saturday could “directly and unnecessarily lead to public unrest, physical violence, and physical injury.”

We know she is nuts.

Should she resign ?


She is out there calling for DNC jihad and associating with ardent racists and Jew haters while the entire DNC continues to embrace her.

And she is corrupt and dumber than a rock.

Next to Hillary and Nancy Pelosi, Maxine is the best recruiting tool the GOP has.

I'm convinced every time she opens her mouth Trump's approval rating goes up 5 points.
Rep. Andy Biggs Calls for Waters's Resignation, Civility Goes the Way of the Dodo Bird

Rep. Andy Biggs, R-Az., compelled Waters to do three things:

  • Apologize to the Trump administration for “endangering their lives and sowing seeds of discord”
  • Resign from her position as congresswoman
  • Issue a public statement decrying violence and harassment as protest
Biggs claimed Waters’s comments at a Los Angeles rally Saturday could “directly and unnecessarily lead to public unrest, physical violence, and physical injury.”

We know she is nuts.

Should she resign ?


She is out there calling for DNC jihad and associating with ardent racists and Jew haters while the entire DNC continues to embrace her.

And she is corrupt and dumber than a rock.

Next to Hillary and Nancy Pelosi, Maxine is the best recruiting tool the GOP has.

I'm convinced every time she opens her mouth Trump's approval rating goes up 5 points.

Again, she is stupid

She advocates violence in the streets against her political foes

She is corrupt

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) Named One of the Most Corrupt Members of Congress - CREW

She is a racist

WATCH: Dem. Rep. Maxine Waters Greets Anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan With Open, Loving Arms

Maxine Waters is a train wreck and with the DNC refusing to do anything about her, they are publically saying that they are all OK with this corrupt racist behavior cuz she is a black woman and bullet proof and can't be removed from office because of that, at least according to Maxine Waters.
Rep. Andy Biggs Calls for Waters's Resignation, Civility Goes the Way of the Dodo Bird

Rep. Andy Biggs, R-Az., compelled Waters to do three things:

  • Apologize to the Trump administration for “endangering their lives and sowing seeds of discord”
  • Resign from her position as congresswoman
  • Issue a public statement decrying violence and harassment as protest
Biggs claimed Waters’s comments at a Los Angeles rally Saturday could “directly and unnecessarily lead to public unrest, physical violence, and physical injury.”

We know she is nuts.

Should she resign ?


She is out there calling for DNC jihad and associating with ardent racists and Jew haters while the entire DNC continues to embrace her.

And she is corrupt and dumber than a rock.

Next to Hillary and Nancy Pelosi, Maxine is the best recruiting tool the GOP has.

I'm convinced every time she opens her mouth Trump's approval rating goes up 5 points.

I was referreing to Waters.

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