Should Maxine Waters Resign ?


I'm a GOP party official and have an extraordinary low opinion of Maxine. But stupid, asshole behavior is not grounds for removing her.

Had she made an express call for violence I'd have a different opinion. She didn't. she called for asshole behavior.

I think she should have been chucked out way back when she made excuses to justify the LA riots.

But as I said, I reserve most of my scorn for the people who continue to choose her as a representation and reflection of who and what THEY are.
This, incidentally, is politics at its most disingenuous and repulsive. Waters was commenting on family separation at the border. She surely knows — unlike, no doubt, her supporters — that the practice was the result of the Clinton administration’s Flores Settlement Agreement, made law by a Democratic Congress and reinterpreted by the left-wing 9th Circuit Court of Appeals during Obama’s presidency (read more about that here, for starters).

I don't know that I'd be willing to stipulate to Maxine Waters knowing much of anything.
Because of her age and the changing demographics of California, she will soon be out of Congress anyway.

Let the poor soul enjoy her last hurrah.
Rep. Andy Biggs Calls for Waters's Resignation, Civility Goes the Way of the Dodo Bird

Rep. Andy Biggs, R-Az., compelled Waters to do three things:

  • Apologize to the Trump administration for “endangering their lives and sowing seeds of discord”
  • Resign from her position as congresswoman
  • Issue a public statement decrying violence and harassment as protest
Biggs claimed Waters’s comments at a Los Angeles rally Saturday could “directly and unnecessarily lead to public unrest, physical violence, and physical injury.”

We know she is nuts.

Should she resign ?
/----/ Maxine for President 2020. It's the democRATs only chance at winning.
Tell me, what should be done with trump and pigpence? Forced to resign? Handcuffs? Prison? They are ignorant bitches who will say anything. How about jail?
It is actually good to have her in the public spotlight acting like a dumbass hate mongering moron.

It just highlights what the Democrat Party has become. A party of scumbags.

As long as those idiot welfare queens in the ghetto of LA continue to elect a hateful dumber than a door knob bitch like that then that is a warning for the rest of America to not vote for Democrats.

Maxine Waters and Shelia Jackson Lee should be the Democrat Presidential ticket for 2020. With a combined IQ of about 45 they would be a perfect demographic match for the Democrat voters.

Waters/Lee 2020! Make America a Shithole Again
Yes, she should resign, but then I support term limits, so I think there are a lot of them that should resign..

In the case of mrs waters, I find it troubling that she is advocating civil disobedience, and as we all know, it doesnt take much for civil disobedience to turn violent. She knows this and she should know better.

She is advocating for the targeting of people on the opposite political ideology, and that is not her job. She has shown that she is advocating for one side only, in a job where you are supposed to be working for all people, she has demonstrated that she is only for the left leaning.

To me, this whole political division in the country is getting out of hand. Look at the supreme court. Justice is supposed to be blind, but we have major upheavals when a justice retires because each side is wanting to put one of their own on the bench.

Justice is not supposed to be political, it should not be left and it should not be right, it should be itself without regard to influence of politics.

Yet, we all get worried about who is on the supreme court because we want them to make "interpretations" that fit our own views. This alone should show that justice is tainted. The law should be the law, and in justice, there is no interpretation. You have what is supposed to be, and then what is not. The fact that these justices are using their own political ideology to determine cases is disturbing. It is not supposed to be this way.

I feel that all politicians should be trying to unite the country, but when you have politicians advocating division, we have a problem.

I've said it before. We need to clean house in Washington. Our elected officials have forgotten why they are there. We need to reboot and send them all a clear message, that we the people want our country back.

This November, I dont care if you vote left or right, what we should do is vote for new blood. Abandon supporting the incumbent and elect someone new. Over time, we can completely replace everyone in Washington, and at the same time, let them know that they too will be held accountable.
Rep. Andy Biggs Calls for Waters's Resignation, Civility Goes the Way of the Dodo Bird

Rep. Andy Biggs, R-Az., compelled Waters to do three things:

  • Apologize to the Trump administration for “endangering their lives and sowing seeds of discord”
  • Resign from her position as congresswoman
  • Issue a public statement decrying violence and harassment as protest
Biggs claimed Waters’s comments at a Los Angeles rally Saturday could “directly and unnecessarily lead to public unrest, physical violence, and physical injury.”

We know she is nuts.

Should she resign ?
Biggs is a liar. Water's should be President. The one we have now threatened her life.

I'm a GOP party official and have an extraordinary low opinion of Maxine. But stupid, asshole behavior is not grounds for removing her.

Had she made an express call for violence I'd have a different opinion. She didn't. she called for asshole behavior.
Sure, Jake
Rep. Andy Biggs Calls for Waters's Resignation, Civility Goes the Way of the Dodo Bird

Rep. Andy Biggs, R-Az., compelled Waters to do three things:

  • Apologize to the Trump administration for “endangering their lives and sowing seeds of discord”
  • Resign from her position as congresswoman
  • Issue a public statement decrying violence and harassment as protest
Biggs claimed Waters’s comments at a Los Angeles rally Saturday could “directly and unnecessarily lead to public unrest, physical violence, and physical injury.”

We know she is nuts.

Should she resign ?
/----/ democRATS wining ticket for November. Take people's money away.
MAXINE’S MELTDOWN: Waters Vows to ‘REVERSE’ Tax Cuts, Says Trump ‘UNDERMINING’ Obama’s Economy
Hannity Staff

July 30, 2018 11:39 AMCalifornia Congresswoman Maxine Waters revealed her post-midterm plans to American voters over the weekend; vowing to “reverse” the “GOP tax scam” should Democrats retake control of the House this November.

Waters was speaking with MSNBC when she was asked to comment on the stunning 4.1% growth in American GDP, bizarrely suggesting Trump’s economic proposals were “undermining” Obama’s legacy.
If Ms. Maxine was a republican the liberal media would have forced her resignation years ago. The political double standard prevents hysteria and outrage over her craziness so we have to put up with it. Personally I hope she sticks around (unless the voters kick her out) because she is so typical of the hatred boiling in the democrat party and it makes it easier to choose a candidate in the votiing booth.

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