Should men feel ashamed about the criminality of the Male Gender?

Man of Ethics

Gold Member
Feb 28, 2021
I do not and can not deny that men commit much more severe crimes then women. According to FBI crime data, men are guilty of 97% of rape and sexual assault, 88% of murder, and 76.5% of aggravated assault.

Even though 71% of those arrested for simple assault are men, it is possible/likely that women commit most simple assault. For example, according to many studies, women hit their intimate partners more then men. Few of them are arrested.

Nevertheless, the point stands that men commit a big majority of sexual offenses (97%), murder (88%), and aggravated assault (76.5%). According to a 2002 study, 6.5% of all men have committed rape. Other studies give higher numbers. Based on conviction data alone, only 1% of all men in USA are sex offenders -- about 230,000 in prison and 830,000 under lifetime supervision.

On the other hand, over 80% of men are not guilty of any major crime. Are men the morally inferior gender? Many women think so. A few express this sentiment overtly, while most express it in a slightly veiled form -- like ``men are pigs", ``men are trash", ``men are the worst". Should men view themselves as the morally inferior gender? Many men do. They second sentiments mentioned above or at least take no offense.

In Liberal circles, disagreeing with any negative generalization about men is considered unacceptable. "Not all men" is a famous meme making fun of those who disagree with these generalizations.
I do not and can not deny that men commit much more severe crimes then women. According to FBI crime data, men are guilty of 97% of rape and sexual assault, 88% of murder, and 76.5% of aggravated assault.

Even though 71% of those arrested for simple assault are men, it is possible/likely that women commit most simple assault. For example, according to many studies, women hit their intimate partners more then men. Few of them are arrested.

Nevertheless, the point stands that men commit a big majority of sexual offenses (97%), murder (88%), and aggravated assault (76.5%). According to a 2002 study, 6.5% of all men have committed rape. Other studies give higher numbers. Based on conviction data alone, only 1% of all men in USA are sex offenders -- about 230,000 in prison and 830,000 under lifetime supervision.

On the other hand, over 80% of men are not guilty of any major crime. Are men the morally inferior gender? Many women think so. A few express this sentiment overtly, while most express it in a slightly veiled form -- like ``men are pigs", ``men are trash", ``men are the worst". Should men view themselves as the morally inferior gender? Many men do. They second sentiments mentioned above or at least take no offense.

In Liberal circles, disagreeing with any negative generalization about men is considered unacceptable. "Not all men" is a famous meme making fun of those who disagree with these generalizations.
I have no idea what you said but you are a GREAT WRITER
Your writing and grammar skills are like a PHD level

how did you become so great at this subject
I have no idea what you said but you are a GREAT WRITER
Your writing and grammar skills are like a PHD level

how did you become so great at this subject
I am sorry -- not in a mood for joking right now. Neither me nor you have any size of audience. Only some people on major Social Media do.
  • Men had the strength.
  • Men created the weapons.
  • Men started wars usually.
  • Men were usually the leaders.
  • Most of history, women were in not much of a position to do any of these things.

You wouldn't say that if you'd tasted my first wife's cooking. What she did to to that poor food should have been a felony.
  • Men had the strength.
  • Men created the weapons.
  • Men started wars usually.
  • Men were usually the leaders.
  • Most of history, women were in not much of a position to do any of these things.
Inject a woman with all that aggressive evil testosterone and all of a sudden they become mass shooters

Or at least, that seems to be what is happening now.
  • Men had the strength.
  • Men created the weapons.
  • Men started wars usually.
  • Men were usually the leaders.
  • Most of history, women were in not much of a position to do any of these things.
Perhaps, there are innate gender differences.

But that does not make either gender inferior.
I do not and can not deny that men commit much more severe crimes then women. According to FBI crime data, men are guilty of 97% of rape and sexual assault, 88% of murder, and 76.5% of aggravated assault.

Even though 71% of those arrested for simple assault are men, it is possible/likely that women commit most simple assault. For example, according to many studies, women hit their intimate partners more then men. Few of them are arrested.

Nevertheless, the point stands that men commit a big majority of sexual offenses (97%), murder (88%), and aggravated assault (76.5%). According to a 2002 study, 6.5% of all men have committed rape. Other studies give higher numbers. Based on conviction data alone, only 1% of all men in USA are sex offenders -- about 230,000 in prison and 830,000 under lifetime supervision.

On the other hand, over 80% of men are not guilty of any major crime. Are men the morally inferior gender? Many women think so. A few express this sentiment overtly, while most express it in a slightly veiled form -- like ``men are pigs", ``men are trash", ``men are the worst". Should men view themselves as the morally inferior gender? Many men do. They second sentiments mentioned above or at least take no offense.

In Liberal circles, disagreeing with any negative generalization about men is considered unacceptable. "Not all men" is a famous meme making fun of those who disagree with these generalizations.

And 99%of thw individuals who risk their lives catching these violent and dangerous criminals are men....

This continuous attack on men is stupid......
I don’t always get all over the sillier posts. But sometimes one just must say, “oh for the love of God, man! Give the bullshit a damn rest.”

And Man of Faith. It’s your turn. Get a grip.
Perhaps, there are innate gender differences.

But that does not make either gender inferior.
Males of our species are simply more aggressive and have been from the beginning of the race, competing to get ahead, stay ahead, seek, gather and claim, often by rule of strength.
No. It is part of the natural design, though not excusable in an ordered society.
Males of our species are simply more aggressive and have been from the beginning of the race, competing to get ahead, stay ahead, seek, gather and claim, often by rule of strength.
Women can also be aggressive in different ways. But men do commit most severe crimes.
Perhaps, there are innate gender differences.

Or perhaps it is merely a matter of opportunity, just as the Blacks have long complained about white privilege and oppression, yet the instant they get a little social power, what did they do? They tried to institute their own form of Black privilege along with oppression of others via BLM.

Apparently two wrong DO make a right! :smoke:

One has to wonder what would have happened had Africa had ocean sailing ships in the year 1600 and had sailed to Portugal or the Americas with a lot of money and met up with people willing to sell captives into slavery or had the guns to just take them outright? A powerful inducement if back home they had industries of cotton, textiles, manufacturing, agriculture and such where much labor was needed and they had the opportunity to make a great deal of money the cheaper it was, what THEY would have done?
  • Men had the strength.
  • Men created the weapons.
  • Men started wars usually.
  • Men were usually the leaders.
  • Most of history, women were in not much of a position to do any of these things.
The Iron Lady ( Margret Thatcher ) threatens To use Tactical Nukes on Argentina if they sank the British Carrier involved in the Falklands Conflict and she meant it
Perhaps what?

Think about it. Hormones are one of the things that divides the sexes. Natural born males have had to deal with their increased aggression gradually over time, as they try to curb it without harming anyone while having to live in a world of poo of injustice toward themselves and everyone else in it. It takes a lifetime to master. I hear testosterone even does brain damage to some degree.

But women who transition into men and suddenly have all of that testosterone injected into them as they have not had a life time of learning to cope with it and still not harm anyone. That is why all of these trans women to men types are increasingly becoming mass shooters.

The Left is supporting the creation of a whole group of mass shooters. They are creating this monster.

There is no speculation, rather, them is just the facts Jack.
I do not and can not deny that men commit much more severe crimes then women. According to FBI crime data, men are guilty of 97% of rape and sexual assault, 88% of murder, and 76.5% of aggravated assault.

Even though 71% of those arrested for simple assault are men, it is possible/likely that women commit most simple assault. For example, according to many studies, women hit their intimate partners more then men. Few of them are arrested.

Nevertheless, the point stands that men commit a big majority of sexual offenses (97%), murder (88%), and aggravated assault (76.5%). According to a 2002 study, 6.5% of all men have committed rape. Other studies give higher numbers. Based on conviction data alone, only 1% of all men in USA are sex offenders -- about 230,000 in prison and 830,000 under lifetime supervision.

On the other hand, over 80% of men are not guilty of any major crime. Are men the morally inferior gender? Many women think so. A few express this sentiment overtly, while most express it in a slightly veiled form -- like ``men are pigs", ``men are trash", ``men are the worst". Should men view themselves as the morally inferior gender? Many men do. They second sentiments mentioned above or at least take no offense.

In Liberal circles, disagreeing with any negative generalization about men is considered unacceptable. "Not all men" is a famous meme making fun of those who disagree with these generalizations.

Im not a part of those statistics. So why the hell should I be ashamed for what others did?

To even pose that question is pure idiocy. That's as dumb as asking me if I feel bad because of what white slavers did. Well, I didnt own any slaves so I have nothing to feel bad about.

Somehow our society is turning men into some evil entity, particularly white men. Well, fuck that noise.

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