Should Muller subpoena Trump.....or not???

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Those justices in the SCOTUS better clear up their dockets since in the next 3 or 4 months, they may have to hear arguments as to whether a sitting president needs to adhere to a subpoena...or basically set a precedent that he or she is above the law.

Of course, most legal experts have concluded that Mueller has enough evidence to NOT need testimony from Trump, to submit either before congress or just to the DOJ his damaging findings on the corruption-laden Trump administration.

If the latter option is taken up by Mueller, then the issue will strictly remain within the political arena and not a legal one.

We can all readily conclude that the 1/3 of U.S. voters who have avidly joined the Trump cult, will NOT be swayed by ANY evidence ....regardless of its turn against Trump......BUT, the remaining 2/3 of voters are, fortunately, still objective enough to bring sanity back to our government.
Supeona him for what?
Those justices in the SCOTUS better clear up their dockets since in the next 3 or 4 months, they may have to hear arguments as to whether a sitting president needs to adhere to a subpoena...or basically set a precedent that he or she is above the law.

Of course, most legal experts have concluded that Mueller has enough evidence to NOT need testimony from Trump, to submit either before congress or just to the DOJ his damaging findings on the corruption-laden Trump administration.

If the latter option is taken up by Mueller, then the issue will strictly remain within the political arena and not a legal one.

We can all readily conclude that the 1/3 of U.S. voters who have avidly joined the Trump cult, will NOT be swayed by ANY evidence ....regardless of its turn against Trump......BUT, the remaining 2/3 of voters are, fortunately, still objective enough to bring sanity back to our government.
What is the evidence?
Eh .. who really gives a fuck anymore. If Trump did anything illegal, he clearly got away with it. Just hope Mueller writes up his report soon and Trump gets the boot in 2020.
Mueller should absolutely subpoena Trump. And have him questioned under oath. His lies will be the stains on the blue dress.

1) The authority to subpoena will go to the SCOTUS.

2) Should the SCOTUS rule in Mueller's favor, Trump could simply take the 5th in protest of the altered nature of the investigation, and without evidence to indict, Mueller would be back to square one.
Remember what trump said about those taking the 5th??? ""If you're not guilty why take it??"
2) Should the SCOTUS rule in Mueller's favor, Trump could simply take the 5th in protest of the altered nature of the investigation, and without evidence to indict, Mueller would be back to square one.

There is nothing more inspiring and patriotic for a nation to have a "leader" who pleads the 5th.....Since doing so exemplifies......"........the refusal to testify on the ground that the testimony might tend to incriminate the witness in a crime. "
Those justices in the SCOTUS better clear up their dockets since in the next 3 or 4 months, they may have to hear arguments as to whether a sitting president needs to adhere to a subpoena...or basically set a precedent that he or she is above the law.

Of course, most legal experts have concluded that Mueller has enough evidence to NOT need testimony from Trump, to submit either before congress or just to the DOJ his damaging findings on the corruption-laden Trump administration.

If the latter option is taken up by Mueller, then the issue will strictly remain within the political arena and not a legal one.

We can all readily conclude that the 1/3 of U.S. voters who have avidly joined the Trump cult, will NOT be swayed by ANY evidence ....regardless of its turn against Trump......BUT, the remaining 2/3 of voters are, fortunately, still objective enough to bring sanity back to our government.
What is the evidence?
Willow You'll be the first to know ,,,, when Mueller releases it
Those justices in the SCOTUS better clear up their dockets since in the next 3 or 4 months, they may have to hear arguments as to whether a sitting president needs to adhere to a subpoena...or basically set a precedent that he or she is above the law.

Of course, most legal experts have concluded that Mueller has enough evidence to NOT need testimony from Trump, to submit either before congress or just to the DOJ his damaging findings on the corruption-laden Trump administration.

If the latter option is taken up by Mueller, then the issue will strictly remain within the political arena and not a legal one.

We can all readily conclude that the 1/3 of U.S. voters who have avidly joined the Trump cult, will NOT be swayed by ANY evidence ....regardless of its turn against Trump......BUT, the remaining 2/3 of voters are, fortunately, still objective enough to bring sanity back to our government.

from what I'm hearing tonight, he is most definitely going to subpoena Donald.
Mueller should absolutely subpoena Trump. And have him questioned under oath. His lies will be the stains on the blue dress.

1) The authority to subpoena will go to the SCOTUS.

2) Should the SCOTUS rule in Mueller's favor, Trump could simply take the 5th in protest of the altered nature of the investigation, and without evidence to indict, Mueller would be back to square one.
Remember what trump said about those taking the 5th??? ""If you're not guilty why take it??"

I would say stopping an attempted coup is reason enough.
from what I'm hearing tonight, he is most definitely going to subpoena Donald.

Well, Mueller is NOT going to take written responses (by Trump lawyers) for the questions that must be asked of Trump......So, either a subpoena....or simply a laying out of the evidence before the DOJ and/or Congress.......

Either way, it won;t be too pretty....
Mueller should absolutely subpoena Trump. And have him questioned under oath. His lies will be the stains on the blue dress.

1) The authority to subpoena will go to the SCOTUS.

2) Should the SCOTUS rule in Mueller's favor, Trump could simply take the 5th in protest of the altered nature of the investigation, and without evidence to indict, Mueller would be back to square one.
Remember what trump said about those taking the 5th??? ""If you're not guilty why take it??"

I would say stopping an attempted coup is reason enough.
Pence isn't even close to smart enough to stage a coup
Mueller should absolutely subpoena Trump. And have him questioned under oath. His lies will be the stains on the blue dress.

1) The authority to subpoena will go to the SCOTUS.

2) Should the SCOTUS rule in Mueller's favor, Trump could simply take the 5th in protest of the altered nature of the investigation, and without evidence to indict, Mueller would be back to square one.
Remember what trump said about those taking the 5th??? ""If you're not guilty why take it??"

I would say stopping an attempted coup is reason enough.
Some may call it a coup, some, justice American style
IOW, you are making shit up, you don't have a thing.

This whole thread is an attack thread and a big nothing burger.

You need a crime to have a subpoena, and you don't have one.

Give it up.

No, do NOT need "a crime" to have a need a subpoena to INVESTIGATE a possible crime......Did you graduate junior high?

(BTW, you forgot in your tirade to include "witch hunt".....hannity will be pissed.)

err. . . . right.

Let me re-phrase that. What possible crime could the subpoena be investigating?
Those justices in the SCOTUS better clear up their dockets since in the next 3 or 4 months, they may have to hear arguments as to whether a sitting president needs to adhere to a subpoena...or basically set a precedent that he or she is above the law.

Of course, most legal experts have concluded that Mueller has enough evidence to NOT need testimony from Trump, to submit either before congress or just to the DOJ his damaging findings on the corruption-laden Trump administration.

If the latter option is taken up by Mueller, then the issue will strictly remain within the political arena and not a legal one.

We can all readily conclude that the 1/3 of U.S. voters who have avidly joined the Trump cult, will NOT be swayed by ANY evidence ....regardless of its turn against Trump......BUT, the remaining 2/3 of voters are, fortunately, still objective enough to bring sanity back to our government.
What is the evidence?
Willow You'll be the first to know ,,,, when Mueller releases it
Releases what?
from what I'm hearing tonight, he is most definitely going to subpoena Donald.

Well, Mueller is NOT going to take written responses (by Trump lawyers) for the questions that must be asked of Trump......So, either a subpoena....or simply a laying out of the evidence before the DOJ and/or Congress.......

Either way, it won;t be too pretty....

no it won't be.... which is why the trumpscum are so desperate.
1) The authority to subpoena will go to the SCOTUS.

2) Should the SCOTUS rule in Mueller's favor, Trump could simply take the 5th in protest of the altered nature of the investigation, and without evidence to indict, Mueller would be back to square one.
Remember what trump said about those taking the 5th??? ""If you're not guilty why take it??"

I would say stopping an attempted coup is reason enough.
Pence isn't even close to smart enough to stage a coup

Yer thick, aren't you. I bet they were disappointed in you.
You have to clue me in to your delusions first if you expect me to respond to them

You can't make a simple connection, so I of course expect nothing.
just think if mueller were to ask 4900 questions instead of 49, we could call him mueller4900. LOL're an idiot.....but a funny one.....

BTW, how do you know that there are ONLY 49 questions???

As you well know, anyone regularly participating in discussions on these message boards has experienced the conservatives inherent expertise in all subjects.

Postgraduate degrees are required for an individual to qualify as an expert in fields such as constitutional law, scientific theory, Biblical studies, economics, and many more subjects. However, if an OP cites experts’ conclusions that do NOT support a point in the repressive right wing agenda, conservatives with little more than a fifth grade level education will argue they know more than the authority cited, regardless of subject.

How else would a conservative know the number of questions Mueller plans to ask the idiot trump? One, ten, or one hundred, depending on the response, more questions are often needed to draw the truth from the person being interviewed or interrogated.

Depositions are not games of “20 Questions”, despite what the inherent expertise of conservatives would have everyone believe.

If I recall the seating correctly, she appears judging by the position of her eyes to be drilling a hole through the head of that bastard Obama. could have come up with something a bit more credible....maybe that Melania was a bit constipated....or that a nail was sticking up from her seat???
If I recall the seating correctly, she appears judging by the position of her eyes to be drilling a hole through the head of that bastard Obama. could have come up with something a bit more credible....maybe that Melania was a bit constipated....or that a nail was sticking up from her seat???

Unlike you, my world does not revolve around the bodily functions of others.
I don't think hes getting any , that's why he's so mean See the way she looks at him ?

Yep.....the "love" is certainly there......

Sorry BK I've seen pictures of Obama and her, laughing smiling enjoying their company

If I recall the seating correctly, she appears judging by the position of her eyes to be drilling a hole through the head of that bastard Obama.
Look, Trump acolytes, this is neither an attempted coup nor a witch hunt as Trump likes to brain wash his followers to believe.....

What Mueller is doing is implementing this country's rule of law.....allegations of corruption, collusion bordering on conspiracy, breach of emolument clauses and, most of all, obstruction of justice, must ALL be investigated and exposed.
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