Should Muller subpoena Trump.....or not???

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just think if mueller were to ask 4900 questions instead of 49, we could call him mueller4900. LOL're an idiot.....but a funny one.....

BTW, how do you know that there are ONLY 49 questions???

As you well know, anyone regularly participating in discussions on these message boards has experienced the conservatives inherent expertise in all subjects.

Postgraduate degrees are required for an individual to qualify as an expert in fields such as constitutional law, scientific theory, Biblical studies, economics, and many more subjects. However, if an OP cites experts’ conclusions that do NOT support a point in the repressive right wing agenda, conservatives with little more than a fifth grade level education will argue they know more than the authority cited, regardless of subject.

How else would a conservative know the number of questions Mueller plans to ask the idiot trump? One, ten, or one hundred, depending on the response, more questions are often needed to draw the truth from the person being interviewed or interrogated.

Depositions are not games of “20 Questions”, despite what the inherent expertise of conservatives would have everyone believe.


Nice verbose word salad there kid.

There is only one problem, which I pointed out with my first post. The OP is a fantasy, there is not any supporting documentation to begin with. There is no inkling that Mueller will ever want Trump to testify for an investigation, b/c Trump has volunteered before.

Trump is not even under any suspicion of a crime.

The left has become unhinged and can't even face the fact that Trump is here to stay, he is not under any suspicion, and in fact, never was.

The investigation was started to pacify a great body of the electorate because they just could not tolerate the fact that the establishment had told them so many lies, it had led them astray and it continues to lie to them to this very day.

The situation is becoming dangerous.
Look, Trump acolytes, this is neither an attempted coup nor a witch hunt as Trump likes to brain wash his followers to believe.....

What Mueller is doing is this country's rule of law.....allegations of corruption, collusion bordering on conspiracy, breach of emolument clauses and, most of all, obstruction of justice, must ALL be investigated and exposed.
Throw in a little money laundering
Look, Trump acolytes, this is neither an attempted coup nor a witch hunt as Trump likes to brain wash his followers to believe.....

What Mueller is doing is implementing this country's rule of law.....allegations of corruption, collusion bordering on conspiracy, breach of emolument clauses and, most of all, obstruction of justice, must ALL be investigated and exposed.

"...allegations of corruption, collusion bordering on conspiracy, breach of emolument clauses and, most of all, obstruction of justice, must ALL be investigated and exposed"

I thought Mueller was investigating Trump, not the Clinton foundation? WTH?
I thought Mueller was investigating Trump, not the Clinton foundation? WTH?

"Great" response........something mirroring,
"......and FOX news will be back after these brief commercials..."
Look, Trump acolytes, this is neither an attempted coup nor a witch hunt as Trump likes to brain wash his followers to believe.....

What Mueller is doing is implementing this country's rule of law.....allegations of corruption, collusion bordering on conspiracy, breach of emolument clauses and, most of all, obstruction of justice, must ALL be investigated and exposed.

Based on the above, if Trump refuses to cooperate, that will certainly tell all of us something (of course, except for the kool-aid drinkers.)
Mueller should absolutely subpoena Trump. And have him questioned under oath. His lies will be the stains on the blue dress.

1) The authority to subpoena will go to the SCOTUS.

2) Should the SCOTUS rule in Mueller's favor, Trump could simply take the 5th in protest of the altered nature of the investigation, and without evidence to indict, Mueller would be back to square one.
Remember what trump said about those taking the 5th??? ""If you're not guilty why take it??"

I would say stopping an attempted coup is reason enough.
Pence isn't even close to smart enough to stage a coup

Pence is the most invisible VP I've seen during my entire life-time.
Mueller should absolutely subpoena Trump. And have him questioned under oath. His lies will be the stains on the blue dress.

1) The authority to subpoena will go to the SCOTUS.

2) Should the SCOTUS rule in Mueller's favor, Trump could simply take the 5th in protest of the altered nature of the investigation, and without evidence to indict, Mueller would be back to square one.
Remember what trump said about those taking the 5th??? ""If you're not guilty why take it??"

I would say stopping an attempted coup is reason enough.
Pence isn't even close to smart enough to stage a coup

Pence is the most invisible VP I've seen during my entire life-time.
Think that's a wise thing to do
Those justices in the SCOTUS better clear up their dockets since in the next 3 or 4 months, they may have to hear arguments as to whether a sitting president needs to adhere to a subpoena...or basically set a precedent that he or she is above the law.

Of course, most legal experts have concluded that Mueller has enough evidence to NOT need testimony from Trump, to submit either before congress or just to the DOJ his damaging findings on the corruption-laden Trump administration.

If the latter option is taken up by Mueller, then the issue will strictly remain within the political arena and not a legal one.

We can all readily conclude that the 1/3 of U.S. voters who have avidly joined the Trump cult, will NOT be swayed by ANY evidence ....regardless of its turn against Trump......BUT, the remaining 2/3 of voters are, fortunately, still objective enough to bring sanity back to our government.

It would be unfair for him not to solicit the input of the key defendant. Trump would be crazy to go under oath; Mueller would be guilty of malpractice to not insist that interviews be done under oath. We're headed for a constitutional crisis.

I'd say 10-15% are incapable of accepting any evidence; 15-20% will accept it but not care....which is some ways is even more disgusting...70% are still able to tell right from wrong.
Those justices in the SCOTUS better clear up their dockets since in the next 3 or 4 months, they may have to hear arguments as to whether a sitting president needs to adhere to a subpoena...or basically set a precedent that he or she is above the law.

Of course, most legal experts have concluded that Mueller has enough evidence to NOT need testimony from Trump, to submit either before congress or just to the DOJ his damaging findings on the corruption-laden Trump administration.

If the latter option is taken up by Mueller, then the issue will strictly remain within the political arena and not a legal one.

We can all readily conclude that the 1/3 of U.S. voters who have avidly joined the Trump cult, will NOT be swayed by ANY evidence ....regardless of its turn against Trump......BUT, the remaining 2/3 of voters are, fortunately, still objective enough to bring sanity back to our government.

It would be unfair for him not to solicit the input of the key defendant. Trump would be crazy to go under oath; Mueller would be guilty of malpractice to not insist that interviews be done under oath. We're headed for a constitutional crisis.

I'd say 10-15% are incapable of accepting any evidence; 15-20% will accept it but not care....which is some ways is even more disgusting...70% are still able to tell right from wrong.

Trump is a defendant? What court of law has accused him of anything?
Thread will remain closed. 18 posts about hair growth and Melania's sex life and facial expression. If the OP can't take his topic seriously -- who should??? Deleted 19..
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