Should Nadler, Schiff, and Pelosi resign from Congress over False Impeachment?

Should Nadler, Schiff, and Pelosi be forced to resign for their role in false Impeachment Charges?

  • Yes

    Votes: 42 64.6%
  • No

    Votes: 13 20.0%
  • Nadler and Schiff only should resign

    Votes: 2 3.1%
  • Pelosi and Nadler only should resign

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Schiff and Pelosi should resign

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • I'd prefer they be censured for ignoring the AG's findings

    Votes: 2 3.1%
  • The Leftist Press who printed the lies should be held accountable with 6-month printing suspension

    Votes: 9 13.8%
  • My explanation in post below because None of the answers would fit what I think

    Votes: 5 7.7%
  • Cannot answer with available information

    Votes: 3 4.6%
  • No opinion

    Votes: 1 1.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
They have been so over the top as to be public laughingstocks. BBC gives it about 10 seconds each night with “one party tantrum over losing an election continues” in fact, BBC is only news source at this point
You don’t see serious conservative posters very active on internet anymore as libbies run amock are reeking their own self destruction and not much point in spanking the “Orange man bad” kiddies anymore.
AAAAAaaarrrrrrrrrgggggggghhhhhh! You missed a little something, my dearly demented detractor: Bill Clinton stripped women's civil rights into itty bitty shreds, and you are an unmitigated dufus defending the indefensible and ignoring the OBVIOUS to other people.

Sorry your lobotomy left you incapable of anything but cherry picking the feel good shams of life.

When did he do this?

Clinton passed the Family and Medical Leave Act, the best thing to happen to Chicks since they got the right to vote.

He passed the Violence Against Women Act,

The list can go on how he expanded rights for women, but not in ways the Bible Morons would approve of.

But you nuts think a blow job is impeachable, but treason with foreigners isn't.. interesting
That corrupt DemonRATS KNEW AND covered this up

Joe Biden worked with whistleblower when he was vice president, officials reveal
1 hour ago · The 2020 Democratic candidate with whom the CIA whistleblower had a "professional" tie is Joe Biden, according to intelligence officers and former White House officials. ... He had written earlier that while the whistleblower's complaint was credible, he had shown "some indicia of an ...
AAAAAaaarrrrrrrrrgggggggghhhhhh! You missed a little something, my dearly demented detractor: Bill Clinton stripped women's civil rights into itty bitty shreds, and you are an unmitigated dufus defending the indefensible and ignoring the OBVIOUS to other people.

Sorry your lobotomy left you incapable of anything but cherry picking the feel good shams of life.

When did he do this?

Clinton passed the Family and Medical Leave Act, the best thing to happen to Chicks since they got the right to vote.

He passed the Violence Against Women Act,

The list can go on how he expanded rights for women, but not in ways the Bible Morons would approve of.

But you nuts think a blow job is impeachable, but treason with foreigners isn't.. interesting
I never heard of a blow job until Clinton was President, and I'm not the only one. Everybody must be a nut whose parents raised them in a principled way.

The Devil is in the Details sir, and the names and details are here: Rap Sheet: The Women Who Claim to Be Victims of Bill and Hillary Clinton | Breitbart

Bill Clinton's crimes toward women are many, and according to some of his victims, in addition to his forcing himself on them with state-paid guards just outside the door guaranteeing him privacy and loyal silence. Mrs. Wiley went home and had the horror and misery of her husband who had committed suicide during her job interview at the White House. The men seemed to know if their wife went asking for a job, she'd be forced into unwanted sex. Mrs. Wiley's husband couldn't handle her working for that evil man. You can't pay someone enough money for a loss who loses a husband who killed himself because he seems to have been out of work at the time she sought work from someone she thought of as a friend, whom she knew socially.

Clinton didn't just assault women, he destroyed families. Almost all of the women were also threatened by Hillary Clinton.

Last edited:
Buttress, you are the human equivalent to a "Kick Me" sign.

I never heard of a blow job until Clinton was President, and I'm not the only one. Everybody must be a nut whose parents raised them in a principled way.

I don't know what kind of a world you live in where you never heard of oral sex. Are you fucking Amish or something? I went to a 1970s Catholic School, we all knew what blow jobs were.

The Devil is in the Details sir, and the names and details are here:

You know, those lists are bullshit. They include women like Elizabeth Ward Gracen, who admitted she had a consensual relationship with Clinton; This list also included a delusional prostitute who claimed Clinton fathered her kid, but a DNA test proved he hadn't. You also have people like "Ellen Wellstone" who only seems to exist on lists like this, there are no independent accounts of this supposed incident. You can find more attestation that a UFO crashed at Roswell than Ellen Wellstone was a real person.

But let's boil this list down to the big three- the three liars who made a career out of the Clinton Hating Circuit.

You have Paula Jones, who claimed Clinton's Penis had a "Distinguishing Characteristic". Clinton's medical record and the accounts of women who had consensual sex with him said "No". Paula Jones is a liar.

You have Kathleen Willey, whose crooked husband offed himself. Willey claimed Clinton assaulted her, yet she was still sending emails and making phone calls to the White House looking for a job afterwards. Kathleen Willey is a Liar.

Bill Clinton's crimes toward women are many, and according to some of his victims, in addition to his forcing himself on them with state-paid guards just outside the door guaranteeing him privacy and loyal silence. Mrs. Wiley went home and had the horror and misery of her husband who had committed suicide during her job interview at the White House. The men seemed to know if their wife went asking for a job, she'd be forced into unwanted sex. Mrs. Wiley's husband couldn't handle her working for that evil man.

Except she kept asking for a job with the Clinton White House after the Groping/Suicide.

Following is the text of letters from Kathleen E. Willey to President Clinton or his secretary – and one from the president to Willey. All but the first note date from after the November 29, 1993, meeting during which Willey says Clinton groped her. The White House released the letters on March 16 in an effort to bolster the president's insistence that his contacts with Willey were above board.

Clinton didn't just assault women, he destroyed families. Almost all of the women were also threatened by Hillary Clinton.

Now we get to the biggest liar of all, Juanita Brodderick. A woman who claims she had an encounter with Clinton when she was cheating on her husband with another man.

Let's go into the full list of why she's a liar.

First, here's the easy one. She filed TWO- count them TWO affidavits in Jones v. Clinton saying she NEVER had sex with Clinton.

When she did change her story (after Kenny Starr pressured her) she couldn't remember the date it happened, the room number, or other key details. Neither she nor Governor Clinton were guests at that hotel in the general time period listed. Even Ken Starr, who was happy to repeat any salacious claim about Bill Clinton's sex life, didn't find her credible.

Finally, even after this supposed Rape, Brodderick continued to attend Clinton events, and accepted an appointment by Clinton to a state advisory board. Not the kind of thing rape victims do.

Ex-Clinton Adviser: Juanita Broaddrick Is ‘Full of Sh*t’ | National Review

Also, at the time she changed her story in 1999, she didn't say squat about Mrs. Clinton. Her stories about how Mrs. Clinton "Threatened" her by thanking her at a Clinton event (which she was still mysteriously attending after Clinton raped her)

Here's a more detailed list describing the holes in Juanita's story.

Must We 'Believe' Juanita Broaddrick? No. | RealClearPolitics

Broaddrick had submitted an affidavit calling her story of sexual assault "untrue." She later recanted. Appearing on "Dateline" in 1999, Broaddrick couldn't remember the month of the alleged violent assault.

In "The Hunting of the President," Joe Conason and Gene Lyons describe the concerns over Broaddrick's witnesses. Two were sisters enraged that Clinton had commuted the death sentence of their father's convicted killer. A third was the man with whom Broaddrick was having an affair at the time, a man she later married.

Another woman insisted she had seen her friend's swollen lip and torn pantyhose the day of the alleged crime. But Broaddrick's then-husband said he had not noticed an injury. Nor did he recall her telling him about the incident as she said she had.

Now, not that I expect you to actually learn anything... I expect you to sputter some nonsense after this.
It doesn't really matter what I think about Barack the Kenyan. His dad was a Kenyan, and he likely enjoys dual-citizenship. His mom was a U.S. Citizen. It's not my fault that I vaguely remember Michelle's quote: "My husband is a Kenyan." I also recollect other things she said, but this thread is about neither her nor her husband. It's about President Trump's adversaries who deserve to be dumped, but probably won't be unless Ms. Pelosi's ministrokes become a major one. I have a little prayer for Obama: Thank you Lord, for all that Obama stuff to be in and stay in the past. And please help President Trump go after that high National Debt after he wins re-election. Thanks, whatever you decide, O Lord. Amen. :hands:
And our debt is exploding under Trump. That's God's choice?


What does that even mean?
What you think it means.

You used the word. You tell me. Trolling again, Taz?
You getting frustrated that you're whining about me is being ignored?

Schiff is doing a great job, btw, the Cheeto -in-Chief is blowing a few fuses. Funny stuff. Much funnier then Obummer.
On the other hand.....Democrats are acting as saboteurs.....which is the same as political terrorists....and if this is what you voted for then you got your wish. Trump took an oath to defend the constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic. That includes Democrats.

It says something about a prick like you if this is how you like your government to operate. After all....Democrats cannot be trusted to do what is right. They can only be counted on to do what is destructive......and dickheads love that. :iagree:
Buttress, you are the human equivalent to a "Kick Me" sign.

I never heard of a blow job until Clinton was President, and I'm not the only one. Everybody must be a nut whose parents raised them in a principled way.

I don't know what kind of a world you live in where you never heard of oral sex. Are you fucking Amish or something? I went to a 1970s Catholic School, we all knew what blow jobs were.

The Devil is in the Details sir, and the names and details are here:

You know, those lists are bullshit. They include women like Elizabeth Ward Gracen, who admitted she had a consensual relationship with Clinton; This list also included a delusional prostitute who claimed Clinton fathered her kid, but a DNA test proved he hadn't. You also have people like "Ellen Wellstone" who only seems to exist on lists like this, there are no independent accounts of this supposed incident. You can find more attestation that a UFO crashed at Roswell than Ellen Wellstone was a real person.

But let's boil this list down to the big three- the three liars who made a career out of the Clinton Hating Circuit.

You have Paula Jones, who claimed Clinton's Penis had a "Distinguishing Characteristic". Clinton's medical record and the accounts of women who had consensual sex with him said "No". Paula Jones is a liar.

You have Kathleen Willey, whose crooked husband offed himself. Willey claimed Clinton assaulted her, yet she was still sending emails and making phone calls to the White House looking for a job afterwards. Kathleen Willey is a Liar.

Bill Clinton's crimes toward women are many, and according to some of his victims, in addition to his forcing himself on them with state-paid guards just outside the door guaranteeing him privacy and loyal silence. Mrs. Wiley went home and had the horror and misery of her husband who had committed suicide during her job interview at the White House. The men seemed to know if their wife went asking for a job, she'd be forced into unwanted sex. Mrs. Wiley's husband couldn't handle her working for that evil man.

Except she kept asking for a job with the Clinton White House after the Groping/Suicide.

Following is the text of letters from Kathleen E. Willey to President Clinton or his secretary – and one from the president to Willey. All but the first note date from after the November 29, 1993, meeting during which Willey says Clinton groped her. The White House released the letters on March 16 in an effort to bolster the president's insistence that his contacts with Willey were above board.

Clinton didn't just assault women, he destroyed families. Almost all of the women were also threatened by Hillary Clinton.

Now we get to the biggest liar of all, Juanita Brodderick. A woman who claims she had an encounter with Clinton when she was cheating on her husband with another man.

Let's go into the full list of why she's a liar.

First, here's the easy one. She filed TWO- count them TWO affidavits in Jones v. Clinton saying she NEVER had sex with Clinton.

When she did change her story (after Kenny Starr pressured her) she couldn't remember the date it happened, the room number, or other key details. Neither she nor Governor Clinton were guests at that hotel in the general time period listed. Even Ken Starr, who was happy to repeat any salacious claim about Bill Clinton's sex life, didn't find her credible.

Finally, even after this supposed Rape, Brodderick continued to attend Clinton events, and accepted an appointment by Clinton to a state advisory board. Not the kind of thing rape victims do.

Ex-Clinton Adviser: Juanita Broaddrick Is ‘Full of Sh*t’ | National Review

Also, at the time she changed her story in 1999, she didn't say squat about Mrs. Clinton. Her stories about how Mrs. Clinton "Threatened" her by thanking her at a Clinton event (which she was still mysteriously attending after Clinton raped her)

Here's a more detailed list describing the holes in Juanita's story.

Must We 'Believe' Juanita Broaddrick? No. | RealClearPolitics

Broaddrick had submitted an affidavit calling her story of sexual assault "untrue." She later recanted. Appearing on "Dateline" in 1999, Broaddrick couldn't remember the month of the alleged violent assault.

In "The Hunting of the President," Joe Conason and Gene Lyons describe the concerns over Broaddrick's witnesses. Two were sisters enraged that Clinton had commuted the death sentence of their father's convicted killer. A third was the man with whom Broaddrick was having an affair at the time, a man she later married.

Another woman insisted she had seen her friend's swollen lip and torn pantyhose the day of the alleged crime. But Broaddrick's then-husband said he had not noticed an injury. Nor did he recall her telling him about the incident as she said she had.

Now, not that I expect you to actually learn anything... I expect you to sputter some nonsense after this.
This isn't nonsense: the Clintons are misogynists extraordinaire. Both of them have lying ways that justify putting human beings-namely themselves-in neck and body chains with tongues removed in a dungeon where nobody's mind will be poisoned, with the advantage that food will drop from a hole in the ceiling until they come to their senses about the damages they did to other human beings by humiliating them publicly using their media worshippers and spinners who notified 300 million people in America that the woman du jour was a liar, a slut, and beneath contempt of civilized people.
And in the corner of their cell, sitting under the toilet sewer leakage of the nation should be George Soros and all the dirty money he laundered to keep the creeps in power until he got the satisfaction he wanted out of the deal of humiliating raped and disgraced women. It takes two to tango, and the Clintons did the Dance of Lies against women in the nation and dirtied the minds of the children of this nation for 50 years, not to mention the simpleton males who slurped all that calumny up, nor the abused womens' husbands and boyfriends who committed suicide.

Fortunately, the Clintons have arranged not to be punished ever for their joint conspiracies against womanhood, but they can't fool St. Peter, whom they can't bullshit to hell and back, where they are going with the stipulation that they have only each other to blame and will be forever joined down there for eternity for the dissolution of this blessed nation they tried to destroy with their example at the top, where small boys and girls are influenced, whether irresponsible Democrats like it or not. Wealth may influence the greedy for it down here, but it doesn't mean a single thing to God. His judgment is good. He looks on the heart, not on the size of someone's nest egg/numbered bank accounts/number and beauty of possessions/bad judgments as well as criminal judgments against people blamed for their own crimes/number of backstabs against friends and enemies alike.

You can laugh at God all you want, buster, but he has the last word, and it is truth. Truth that you and your lockstepping comrades think you can avoid forever. Ask any prisoner about his life sentence. If he is guilty, he will hate that he lost his liberty by damaging someone else and their family. If he is innocent and was falsely charged, he will be free for eternity, and released at death. For the Clintons, that's when their true incarceration starts.

Is my current "nonsense" inane and ridiculous enough for you, Mr. JoeB? You seem to revel in the humiliation these poor women have suffered in their lives on account of the main stream media playing along with the lying bullshit and criminal acts to solicit power the Clintons have engaged in long before they graduated from college with sexual and power exploitation their future hope based on a Machavellian pattern of using people until they are no longer advantageous to themselves, at which they are dumped into the sewer created for them by the evil-minded pair who also hate each other in addition to the people whose characters they have fried to a crisp in public without a grain of self-decency anywhere in sight for multiple abuses.
It doesn't really matter what I think about Barack the Kenyan. His dad was a Kenyan, and he likely enjoys dual-citizenship. His mom was a U.S. Citizen. It's not my fault that I vaguely remember Michelle's quote: "My husband is a Kenyan." I also recollect other things she said, but this thread is about neither her nor her husband. It's about President Trump's adversaries who deserve to be dumped, but probably won't be unless Ms. Pelosi's ministrokes become a major one. I have a little prayer for Obama: Thank you Lord, for all that Obama stuff to be in and stay in the past. And please help President Trump go after that high National Debt after he wins re-election. Thanks, whatever you decide, O Lord. Amen. :hands:
And our debt is exploding under Trump. That's God's choice?


What does that even mean?
What you think it means.

You used the word. You tell me. Trolling again, Taz?
You getting frustrated that you're whining about me is being ignored?

Schiff is doing a great job, btw, the Cheeto -in-Chief is blowing a few fuses. Funny stuff. Much funnier then Obummer.
Schiff is a parasite. You and he have a lot in common. Cannot wait for Schiff to be impeached.
AAAAAaaarrrrrrrrrgggggggghhhhhh! You missed a little something, my dearly demented detractor: Bill Clinton stripped women's civil rights into itty bitty shreds, and you are an unmitigated dufus defending the indefensible and ignoring the OBVIOUS to other people.

Sorry your lobotomy left you incapable of anything but cherry picking the feel good shams of life.

When did he do this?

Clinton passed the Family and Medical Leave Act, the best thing to happen to Chicks since they got the right to vote.

He passed the Violence Against Women Act,

The list can go on how he expanded rights for women, but not in ways the Bible Morons would approve of.

But you nuts think a blow job is impeachable, but treason with foreigners isn't.. interesting
Give us our money back you ph kn diseased piece of vermin. You let the government become your god to the point it is becoming authoritarian. From a Republic to a Democracy to an Authoritarian beheamouth spouting freedom as a lie.
This isn't nonsense: the Clintons are misogynists extraordinaire. Both of them have lying ways that justify putting human beings-namely themselves-in neck and body chains with tongues removed in a dungeon where nobody's mind will be poisoned, with the advantage that food will drop from a hole in the ceiling until they come to their senses about the damages they did to other human beings by humiliating them publicly using their media worshippers and spinners who notified 300 million people in America that the woman du jour was a liar, a slut, and beneath contempt of civilized people.

well, no, the reason why these women were branded as liars is they were caught.. you know, lying.

Kathleen Willey claimed she was groped, but spent a year begging the White House for an executive level job she never got.
Juanita Brodderick spent 20 years denying she ever had sex with Clinton until Kenny Starr threatened her with Jail. Now she sings whatever song the Clinton haters want to hear.

And in the corner of their cell, sitting under the toilet sewer leakage of the nation should be George Soros and all the dirty money he laundered to keep the creeps in power until he got the satisfaction he wanted out of the deal of humiliating raped and disgraced women. It takes two to tango, and the Clintons did the Dance of Lies against women in the nation and dirtied the minds of the children of this nation for 50 years, not to mention the simpleton males who slurped all that calumny up, nor the abused womens' husbands and boyfriends who committed suicide.

Okay, once again, these women were all liars, and most of them did pretty well for their lies... As James Carville once observed, you can drag a $100 bill through a trailer park and find something.

The thing is, none of these women's stories stand up to scrutiny. The only thing that has changed is that 20 years have passed,and everyone forgot how these women were exposed as liars 20 years ago. That and the sheer idiocy of the "PoundMeToo" movement which let's every slutty actress who slept her way into a slasher movie now whine that the producers took advantage of them.

Fortunately, the Clintons have arranged not to be punished ever for their joint conspiracies against womanhood, but they can't fool St. Peter, whom they can't bullshit to hell and back, where they are going with the stipulation that they have only each other to blame and will be forever joined down there for eternity for the dissolution of this blessed nation they tried to destroy with their example at the top, where small boys and girls are influenced, whether irresponsible Democrats like it or not. Wealth may influence the greedy for it down here, but it doesn't mean a single thing to God. His judgment is good. He looks on the heart, not on the size of someone's nest egg/numbered bank accounts/number and beauty of possessions/bad judgments as well as criminal judgments against people blamed for their own crimes/number of backstabs against friends and enemies alike.

I'd be more impressed with your God if he punished ACTUAL wrongdoers in this life, instead of waiting for the "You're going to get yours" bullshit that Christianity has been peddling for 2000 years.

You can laugh at God all you want, buster, but he has the last word, and it is truth. Truth that you and your lockstepping comrades think you can avoid forever. Ask any prisoner about his life sentence. If he is guilty, he will hate that he lost his liberty by damaging someone else and their family. If he is innocent and was falsely charged, he will be free for eternity, and released at death. For the Clintons, that's when their true incarceration starts.

Yeah, here's the thing. Christian Salvation is kind of fucked up! Essentially, Jeff Dahmner gets forgiven for his sins, but Ann Frank burns in Hell for all eternity for not embracing Jesus...

Is my current "nonsense" inane and ridiculous enough for you, Mr. JoeB? You seem to revel in the humiliation these poor women have suffered in their lives on account of the main stream media playing along with the lying bullshit and criminal acts to solicit power the Clintons have engaged in long before they graduated from college with sexual and power exploitation their future hope based on a Machavellian pattern of using people until they are no longer advantageous to themselves, at which they are dumped into the sewer created for them by the evil-minded pair who also hate each other in addition to the people whose characters they have fried to a crisp in public without a grain of self-decency anywhere in sight for multiple abuses.

Okay, you can scream all day, but you really didn't address the points made.

There were SERIOUS questions raised about the veracity of these women at the time.

Any one can accuse you of anything, that's kind of the point. But in this country, we have rule of law. Ken Starr didn't believe these women, and he was truly out to get the Clintons. When someone like Ken Starr had to admit there were serious credibility issues with all of these women, you have to kind of wonder.
One problem. It's not a false impeachment hearing. Rump broke a number of federal laws in the last 3 years. And he broke a bunch before that but they can't impeach for what he did before he took office. This last one is pretty cut and dried. If he does weather it, it's only because he's a real live died in the wool Mob Boss and the US Federal government has become another run in the mill organized crime syndicate.
The Congress falsified the charges against President Trump, and there is no getting around that elephant in the living room. President broke no law whatever, and the Mueller report made that crystal clear, regardless of the bru-ha-ha that Mueller created by turning over a second opinion to his staff and not even knowing what they wrote before he signed onto it. That should have disqualified the entire $45,000,000 Mueller Report, because it was a disgrace that Mueller as chairman of the Special Council didn't even know what was in the report that bears his name, and he had all the time in the world to know what his fellow inspectors adden-dumb said.
Once the GOP retakes the majority they may need to expel Schiff. His lying about what Trump said during the phone call and his illicit possession of phone records likely make him unfit to continue in Federal service.

THE BULL SEES THE CAPE, NOT THE SWORD: This week federal judiciary became one-fifth Trump-appointed, while media focused on Fat Jerry Nadler.
Yes she should resign. Impeachment and endless investigations and witch hunts are the most divisive thing a person like her can do to this country. Political violence has increased exponentially since Obama, Clinton & Pelosi launches “The Resistance”.

And right now, The American People are being Watwrboarded Nightly for the past three years, with a Propaganda Campaign that could have only been designed by The Nazis or Soviets.

Sacramento State student appears to slap former College Republicans president on video — Fox News
This isn't nonsense: the Clintons are misogynists extraordinaire. Both of them have lying ways that justify putting human beings-namely themselves-in neck and body chains with tongues removed in a dungeon where nobody's mind will be poisoned, with the advantage that food will drop from a hole in the ceiling until they come to their senses about the damages they did to other human beings by humiliating them publicly using their media worshippers and spinners who notified 300 million people in America that the woman du jour was a liar, a slut, and beneath contempt of civilized people.

well, no, the reason why these women were branded as liars is they were caught.. you know, lying.

Kathleen Willey claimed she was groped, but spent a year begging the White House for an executive level job she never got.
Juanita Brodderick spent 20 years denying she ever had sex with Clinton until Kenny Starr threatened her with Jail. Now she sings whatever song the Clinton haters want to hear.

And in the corner of their cell, sitting under the toilet sewer leakage of the nation should be George Soros and all the dirty money he laundered to keep the creeps in power until he got the satisfaction he wanted out of the deal of humiliating raped and disgraced women. It takes two to tango, and the Clintons did the Dance of Lies against women in the nation and dirtied the minds of the children of this nation for 50 years, not to mention the simpleton males who slurped all that calumny up, nor the abused womens' husbands and boyfriends who committed suicide.

Okay, once again, these women were all liars, and most of them did pretty well for their lies... As James Carville once observed, you can drag a $100 bill through a trailer park and find something.

The thing is, none of these women's stories stand up to scrutiny. The only thing that has changed is that 20 years have passed,and everyone forgot how these women were exposed as liars 20 years ago. That and the sheer idiocy of the "PoundMeToo" movement which let's every slutty actress who slept her way into a slasher movie now whine that the producers took advantage of them.

Fortunately, the Clintons have arranged not to be punished ever for their joint conspiracies against womanhood, but they can't fool St. Peter, whom they can't bullshit to hell and back, where they are going with the stipulation that they have only each other to blame and will be forever joined down there for eternity for the dissolution of this blessed nation they tried to destroy with their example at the top, where small boys and girls are influenced, whether irresponsible Democrats like it or not. Wealth may influence the greedy for it down here, but it doesn't mean a single thing to God. His judgment is good. He looks on the heart, not on the size of someone's nest egg/numbered bank accounts/number and beauty of possessions/bad judgments as well as criminal judgments against people blamed for their own crimes/number of backstabs against friends and enemies alike.

I'd be more impressed with your God if he punished ACTUAL wrongdoers in this life, instead of waiting for the "You're going to get yours" bullshit that Christianity has been peddling for 2000 years.

You can laugh at God all you want, buster, but he has the last word, and it is truth. Truth that you and your lockstepping comrades think you can avoid forever. Ask any prisoner about his life sentence. If he is guilty, he will hate that he lost his liberty by damaging someone else and their family. If he is innocent and was falsely charged, he will be free for eternity, and released at death. For the Clintons, that's when their true incarceration starts.

Yeah, here's the thing. Christian Salvation is kind of fucked up! Essentially, Jeff Dahmner gets forgiven for his sins, but Ann Frank burns in Hell for all eternity for not embracing Jesus...

Is my current "nonsense" inane and ridiculous enough for you, Mr. JoeB? You seem to revel in the humiliation these poor women have suffered in their lives on account of the main stream media playing along with the lying bullshit and criminal acts to solicit power the Clintons have engaged in long before they graduated from college with sexual and power exploitation their future hope based on a Machavellian pattern of using people until they are no longer advantageous to themselves, at which they are dumped into the sewer created for them by the evil-minded pair who also hate each other in addition to the people whose characters they have fried to a crisp in public without a grain of self-decency anywhere in sight for multiple abuses.

Okay, you can scream all day, but you really didn't address the points made.

There were SERIOUS questions raised about the veracity of these women at the time.

Any one can accuse you of anything, that's kind of the point. But in this country, we have rule of law. Ken Starr didn't believe these women, and he was truly out to get the Clintons. When someone like Ken Starr had to admit there were serious credibility issues with all of these women, you have to kind of wonder.
All rape accusers are liars.
Blame the victim.

Clintons are both out of office. You can stop giving them Lewinskis now.
This isn't nonsense: the Clintons are misogynists extraordinaire. Both of them have lying ways that justify putting human beings-namely themselves-in neck and body chains with tongues removed in a dungeon where nobody's mind will be poisoned, with the advantage that food will drop from a hole in the ceiling until they come to their senses about the damages they did to other human beings by humiliating them publicly using their media worshippers and spinners who notified 300 million people in America that the woman du jour was a liar, a slut, and beneath contempt of civilized people.

well, no, the reason why these women were branded as liars is they were caught.. you know, lying.

Kathleen Willey claimed she was groped, but spent a year begging the White House for an executive level job she never got.
Juanita Brodderick spent 20 years denying she ever had sex with Clinton until Kenny Starr threatened her with Jail. Now she sings whatever song the Clinton haters want to hear.

And in the corner of their cell, sitting under the toilet sewer leakage of the nation should be George Soros and all the dirty money he laundered to keep the creeps in power until he got the satisfaction he wanted out of the deal of humiliating raped and disgraced women. It takes two to tango, and the Clintons did the Dance of Lies against women in the nation and dirtied the minds of the children of this nation for 50 years, not to mention the simpleton males who slurped all that calumny up, nor the abused womens' husbands and boyfriends who committed suicide.

Okay, once again, these women were all liars, and most of them did pretty well for their lies... As James Carville once observed, you can drag a $100 bill through a trailer park and find something.

The thing is, none of these women's stories stand up to scrutiny. The only thing that has changed is that 20 years have passed,and everyone forgot how these women were exposed as liars 20 years ago. That and the sheer idiocy of the "PoundMeToo" movement which let's every slutty actress who slept her way into a slasher movie now whine that the producers took advantage of them.

Fortunately, the Clintons have arranged not to be punished ever for their joint conspiracies against womanhood, but they can't fool St. Peter, whom they can't bullshit to hell and back, where they are going with the stipulation that they have only each other to blame and will be forever joined down there for eternity for the dissolution of this blessed nation they tried to destroy with their example at the top, where small boys and girls are influenced, whether irresponsible Democrats like it or not. Wealth may influence the greedy for it down here, but it doesn't mean a single thing to God. His judgment is good. He looks on the heart, not on the size of someone's nest egg/numbered bank accounts/number and beauty of possessions/bad judgments as well as criminal judgments against people blamed for their own crimes/number of backstabs against friends and enemies alike.

I'd be more impressed with your God if he punished ACTUAL wrongdoers in this life, instead of waiting for the "You're going to get yours" bullshit that Christianity has been peddling for 2000 years.

You can laugh at God all you want, buster, but he has the last word, and it is truth. Truth that you and your lockstepping comrades think you can avoid forever. Ask any prisoner about his life sentence. If he is guilty, he will hate that he lost his liberty by damaging someone else and their family. If he is innocent and was falsely charged, he will be free for eternity, and released at death. For the Clintons, that's when their true incarceration starts.

Yeah, here's the thing. Christian Salvation is kind of fucked up! Essentially, Jeff Dahmner gets forgiven for his sins, but Ann Frank burns in Hell for all eternity for not embracing Jesus...

Is my current "nonsense" inane and ridiculous enough for you, Mr. JoeB? You seem to revel in the humiliation these poor women have suffered in their lives on account of the main stream media playing along with the lying bullshit and criminal acts to solicit power the Clintons have engaged in long before they graduated from college with sexual and power exploitation their future hope based on a Machavellian pattern of using people until they are no longer advantageous to themselves, at which they are dumped into the sewer created for them by the evil-minded pair who also hate each other in addition to the people whose characters they have fried to a crisp in public without a grain of self-decency anywhere in sight for multiple abuses.

Okay, you can scream all day, but you really didn't address the points made.

There were SERIOUS questions raised about the veracity of these women at the time.

Any one can accuse you of anything, that's kind of the point. But in this country, we have rule of law. Ken Starr didn't believe these women, and he was truly out to get the Clintons. When someone like Ken Starr had to admit there were serious credibility issues with all of these women, you have to kind of wonder.

Thank's Mr. Weinstein.

So to recap, rape victims are all sluts, right Harvey?
This isn't nonsense: the Clintons are misogynists extraordinaire. Both of them have lying ways that justify putting human beings-namely themselves-in neck and body chains with tongues removed in a dungeon where nobody's mind will be poisoned, with the advantage that food will drop from a hole in the ceiling until they come to their senses about the damages they did to other human beings by humiliating them publicly using their media worshippers and spinners who notified 300 million people in America that the woman du jour was a liar, a slut, and beneath contempt of civilized people.

well, no, the reason why these women were branded as liars is they were caught.. you know, lying.

Kathleen Willey claimed she was groped, but spent a year begging the White House for an executive level job she never got.
Juanita Brodderick spent 20 years denying she ever had sex with Clinton until Kenny Starr threatened her with Jail. Now she sings whatever song the Clinton haters want to hear.

And in the corner of their cell, sitting under the toilet sewer leakage of the nation should be George Soros and all the dirty money he laundered to keep the creeps in power until he got the satisfaction he wanted out of the deal of humiliating raped and disgraced women. It takes two to tango, and the Clintons did the Dance of Lies against women in the nation and dirtied the minds of the children of this nation for 50 years, not to mention the simpleton males who slurped all that calumny up, nor the abused womens' husbands and boyfriends who committed suicide.

Okay, once again, these women were all liars, and most of them did pretty well for their lies... As James Carville once observed, you can drag a $100 bill through a trailer park and find something.

The thing is, none of these women's stories stand up to scrutiny. The only thing that has changed is that 20 years have passed,and everyone forgot how these women were exposed as liars 20 years ago. That and the sheer idiocy of the "PoundMeToo" movement which let's every slutty actress who slept her way into a slasher movie now whine that the producers took advantage of them.

Fortunately, the Clintons have arranged not to be punished ever for their joint conspiracies against womanhood, but they can't fool St. Peter, whom they can't bullshit to hell and back, where they are going with the stipulation that they have only each other to blame and will be forever joined down there for eternity for the dissolution of this blessed nation they tried to destroy with their example at the top, where small boys and girls are influenced, whether irresponsible Democrats like it or not. Wealth may influence the greedy for it down here, but it doesn't mean a single thing to God. His judgment is good. He looks on the heart, not on the size of someone's nest egg/numbered bank accounts/number and beauty of possessions/bad judgments as well as criminal judgments against people blamed for their own crimes/number of backstabs against friends and enemies alike.

I'd be more impressed with your God if he punished ACTUAL wrongdoers in this life, instead of waiting for the "You're going to get yours" bullshit that Christianity has been peddling for 2000 years.

You can laugh at God all you want, buster, but he has the last word, and it is truth. Truth that you and your lockstepping comrades think you can avoid forever. Ask any prisoner about his life sentence. If he is guilty, he will hate that he lost his liberty by damaging someone else and their family. If he is innocent and was falsely charged, he will be free for eternity, and released at death. For the Clintons, that's when their true incarceration starts.

Yeah, here's the thing. Christian Salvation is kind of fucked up! Essentially, Jeff Dahmner gets forgiven for his sins, but Ann Frank burns in Hell for all eternity for not embracing Jesus...

Is my current "nonsense" inane and ridiculous enough for you, Mr. JoeB? You seem to revel in the humiliation these poor women have suffered in their lives on account of the main stream media playing along with the lying bullshit and criminal acts to solicit power the Clintons have engaged in long before they graduated from college with sexual and power exploitation their future hope based on a Machavellian pattern of using people until they are no longer advantageous to themselves, at which they are dumped into the sewer created for them by the evil-minded pair who also hate each other in addition to the people whose characters they have fried to a crisp in public without a grain of self-decency anywhere in sight for multiple abuses.

Okay, you can scream all day, but you really didn't address the points made.

There were SERIOUS questions raised about the veracity of these women at the time.

Any one can accuse you of anything, that's kind of the point. But in this country, we have rule of law. Ken Starr didn't believe these women, and he was truly out to get the Clintons. When someone like Ken Starr had to admit there were serious credibility issues with all of these women, you have to kind of wonder.

Thank's Mr. Weinstein.

So to recap, rape victims are all sluts, right Harvey?
You tell us.

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