Should Nadler, Schiff, and Pelosi resign from Congress over False Impeachment?

Should Nadler, Schiff, and Pelosi be forced to resign for their role in false Impeachment Charges?

  • Yes

    Votes: 42 64.6%
  • No

    Votes: 13 20.0%
  • Nadler and Schiff only should resign

    Votes: 2 3.1%
  • Pelosi and Nadler only should resign

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Schiff and Pelosi should resign

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • I'd prefer they be censured for ignoring the AG's findings

    Votes: 2 3.1%
  • The Leftist Press who printed the lies should be held accountable with 6-month printing suspension

    Votes: 9 13.8%
  • My explanation in post below because None of the answers would fit what I think

    Votes: 5 7.7%
  • Cannot answer with available information

    Votes: 3 4.6%
  • No opinion

    Votes: 1 1.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
All rape accusers are liars.

No, just Juanita Brodderick... Even Ken Starr didn't believe her, after he bullied her into making a statement to start with.

Thank's Mr. Weinstein.

So to recap, rape victims are all sluts, right Harvey?

So if a woman accused you of rape, even though you never met her, you would be totally cool with going to jail and sucking up a conviction, because "the Sisterhood" or something?

Of course not.

I look at the actual case.

Juanita Brodderick changed her story multiple times.
Couldn't recall key details, including the Date, room number, etc.
Filed TWO affidavits with the court denying the rape happened.

No ethical prosecutor would have every put her on the stand.
All rape accusers are liars.

No, just Juanita Brodderick... Even Ken Starr didn't believe her, after he bullied her into making a statement to start with.

Thank's Mr. Weinstein.

So to recap, rape victims are all sluts, right Harvey?

So if a woman accused you of rape, even though you never met her, you would be totally cool with going to jail and sucking up a conviction, because "the Sisterhood" or something?

Of course not.

I look at the actual case.

Juanita Brodderick changed her story multiple times.
Couldn't recall key details, including the Date, room number, etc.
Filed TWO affidavits with the court denying the rape happened.

No ethical prosecutor would have every put her on the stand.
Women who are raped and assaulted with biting have several things going against their memory, Joe. And Ken Starr did not do the bullying. The bullying and biting was done by William Jefferson Clinton who was wanted in Great Britain for brutality against several women when he fulfilled his Fulbright Scholarship, which he ever tarnished in the British Isles.

You do wear blinders, and you ought to take them off. Instead, you will turn around and blame me for crimes worse than Clinton committed if you're in your usual burn form. :47: Ya big galoot. You're almost as phony as Shifty Adam when you go on a tear. Bleh!
I wonder how long it will take for so much of America to understand that no law be broken in impeach cases? Maybe it is unrealistic to expect this.
Of course they should resign, but they won't. And since they live in solid blue gerrymandered districts it's doubtful they will be voted out.
I say this: We told you so. It was only a matter of time before Trump's disregard of the law brought him to this point. I can't believe it took so long for him to fuck up in a way he can't just laugh off. You want to blame everyone in the world except the man who picked up a phone and flushed his presidency against the advice of the people who are supposed to keep him from doing impeachable acts. If you simply can't blame Trump then blame his staff for being pussies.

Picking up a phone is not breaking a Federal Law. He did NOT ask Ukraine to help him in the 2020 election. This is all supposition by the democrats and their witnesses who witnessed what they "think" Trump was thinking. Fucking BS!...... Obstruction of Congress? Trump wanted to exercise his right to stand up against the Democrats in the House, and take it to the Supreme Court. The Democrats didnt want to take that long and would prefer to call it obstruction, but its not. They are Idiots. They wanted to impeach Trump before the Ukraine phone call ever happened, and they said they could not win the election if they impeached him. Hell, some of these clowns were talking about impeaching Trump before he ever took office.Therefore, the Democrats in the House are biased. Their decisions, suppositions are all suspect and should be taken with a grain of salt.
Pelosi still has not handed over articles of impeachment.
President Trump has been pushed to his limit by Congressional bullies since before he took office for threatening to impeach, and after 3 years, he's been found free of wrongdoing by the Attorney General, yet, the repeat impeachment-related performance is in full swing right now.
Trump's day of rage: Profanity, false accusations and a press spat

What say you?

These folks are patriots doing their constitutional duty.

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I hope when you learn what they have done to raise false narratives about President Trump and his staff and family--after their criminal trials you will keep a door open on your kindly opinion. Meanwhile, I'm waiting for when their offshore numbered bank accounts are revealed, because dear man, they're stuffing their pockets full of money the federal government supplied to countries in need, and I believe that point man Joe Biden's threats to the Ukraine are just the tip of the multi-million dollar takehomes from these partisan criminals who are playing games. Oh, and their unnecessary false narrative accusations have taken 6 major inquiries that you and I paid for through taxes for $100,000,000.00 Indeed, that's in words, ONE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS they spent to see if they could find one tiny speck of error on the part of our duly elected President in his administration or out of it, and they found ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, JUST LIKE HE TOLD THEM.

The reason they found ABSOLUTELY NOTHING wrong is because President Trump is an honest and straight shooter in business, and he always has been. He hires the best of the best Certified Public Accountants and Business Attorneys to help him manage his holdings personally, and he doesn't have to do anything that is underhanded, and you can better believe that he does absolutely nothing wrong on a huge purpose--he is determined to make his life useful to other people. In business, he opened hotels busy people would be happy and comfortable in with restaurants that offered the finest nutrition and taste in the world.

But the partisans in the Democrat Party think that since so many of them are corrupt, everybody else in the world must be just as corrupt as they are. Many of them have never had to run a business, but they do know how to make people laugh and think they are charming people, and they in fact are charming. But they don't play fair with money, they play by the Dickens' thesis that "You have to pick a pocket or two."

President Trump doesn't do that because good businessmen keep their noses clean and do not allow corrupt people to destroy their reputations. He has fought the good fight and he has won it.

And that just pisses the hell out of the pickpockets in Congress who play fast and loose with the truth, and their Clintonesque shady pickpocketing is in the millions. And that's what I think
President Trump has been pushed to his limit by Congressional bullies since before he took office for threatening to impeach, and after 3 years, he's been found free of wrongdoing by the Attorney General, yet, the repeat impeachment-related performance is in full swing right now.
Trump's day of rage: Profanity, false accusations and a press spat

What say you?

Trump is a criminal President who brought impeachment on himself with his pressuring the Ukrainians for dirt on his political foes, abusing the power of his office, and inviting foreign governments to interfere in American elections.

Trump was not found free of wrong doing. 7 of his campaign and administraiton staffers have been jailed or are awaiting sentencing for crimes they committed at his behest. Another group will likely be indicted at the end of the impeachment process, including the Secretary of State, Acting Chief of Staff, and Trump's personal attorney - the guy who replaced Trump's first personal attorney who is in jail for paying off Stormy Daniels.

Trump has been creditably accused of obstruction of justice. William Barr was hired by Trump to be "his" attorney general and Barr has done yeoman's work, chasing down conspiracy theories, and slagging the US intelligence services, but Barr has no credability. None. Especially after his refusal to investigate the Ukrainian matter.

All Trump has to protect him, are lying Russians and idiot American cultists, like the Republicans who parrot Putin's anti-American propaganda and lies.
President Trump has been pushed to his limit by Congressional bullies since before he took office for threatening to impeach, and after 3 years, he's been found free of wrongdoing by the Attorney General, yet, the repeat impeachment-related performance is in full swing right now.
Trump's day of rage: Profanity, false accusations and a press spat

What say you?

I say that you're repeated the lies, false accusations and slanders of Donald Trump. The Attorney General is on the record as believing that the President has absolute power (not according to the Constitution), and the President cannot be charged with a crime. The DOJ did not review the transcript, and only opined that this was not a campaign finance violation. They did no comment on the illegality of the extortion attempt. Sadly the AG is a partisan hack who is putting the interests of the President ahead of the interests of the American people.

You support a man who lies to you, abuses small children, and is willing to sell out his country for power. But with over 9000 posts in the past year, I strongly suspect that you Russians are thrilled with all of this.
Liar. Not only am I not a Russian, I have genes that relate me mainly to their enemies, who are everybody else who doesn't revere the Bolsehviks for without trial, murdering their country's Czar's wife, himself, their INFANT children, and their other children, too. That was about 15 people all toll.

Exactly what are the names of these "small children" you claim the man I support who were allegedly abused by him, you needle-nosed liar? Oh, and guess what's coming out. Not only did President Trump not collude, Obama, who gave some of the State of Alaska's Aleutian Islands with huge oil reserves to Russia for nothing in return, and Hillary Clinton, who pushed through giving the Russians 20% of America's Uranium reserves, all for the Russians putting a couple of million dollars in the Clinton Library Foundation within the week of this dastardly transaction that relieved the United States of America's citizens, particularly Alaska and Wyoming, out of energy money they would have received for selling the oil and keeping the uranium for power plants, etc. that would have directly benefitted american Citizens for a century. AND YOU DEMOCRATS LOOK THE OTHER WAY LIKE GETTING BOMBED BY SOME CRAZY PAL OF THE RUSSIANS WITH OUR OWN WEAPONIZED URANIUM DESERVES THE DISREGARD YOU GAVE IT!!!!!

Holy cow, madam, have you lost yer marbles?

You better clean up your Clinton Cartel's giveaways to the Russians before you land all over President Trump whose done nothing but make sure Russia doesn't go back on a tear to kill millions more Ukrainians than Stalin did in WWII. (The total of all Russians killed by Russia was 20,000,000, and others think the number was high as a hundred million. I don't know, but they killed a lot of their own farmers in the 1940s for their reasons. The destroyed their own bread basket and grocery-supplying farmers by starving them to death. And that's who your Demonrat leaders decided they were going to do in their fellow American Donald Trump, just because he averted their little plots and plans for self-enrichment forever with the power of the Federal Government. And it should thrill you that President Trump has lost one third of his holdings since he became President and refused to accept the salary, and I hear he's doing a lot of charitable things as he finds as president those hardest hit with undeserved hardships of one kind or another, and he is not partisan in his giving. You have no idea who you're smutting on.

Disregard all that corruption of Democrats taking percentages from people the Federal Government supports at your own peril, but don't you ever expect me to. :47:
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President Trump has been pushed to his limit by Congressional bullies since before he took office for threatening to impeach, and after 3 years, he's been found free of wrongdoing by the Attorney General, yet, the repeat impeachment-related performance is in full swing right now.
Trump's day of rage: Profanity, false accusations and a press spat

What say you?

Trump is a criminal President who brought impeachment on himself with his pressuring the Ukrainians for dirt on his political foes, abusing the power of his office, and inviting foreign governments to interfere in American elections.

Trump was not found free of wrong doing. 7 of his campaign and administraiton staffers have been jailed or are awaiting sentencing for crimes they committed at his behest. Another group will likely be indicted at the end of the impeachment process, including the Secretary of State, Acting Chief of Staff, and Trump's personal attorney - the guy who replaced Trump's first personal attorney who is in jail for paying off Stormy Daniels.

Trump has been creditably accused of obstruction of justice. William Barr was hired by Trump to be "his" attorney general and Barr has done yeoman's work, chasing down conspiracy theories, and slagging the US intelligence services, but Barr has no credability. None. Especially after his refusal to investigate the Ukrainian matter.

All Trump has to protect him, are lying Russians and idiot American cultists, like the Republicans who parrot Putin's anti-American propaganda and lies.
I'll take your post in the best light I possibly can: you bought the whole enchilada full of the usual Democrat deceit and moving the field goals to confuse their enemies. Actually they do not have enemies in America except when they go on one of their offshoot lying sprees to right the wrongs of being distrusted by regular people who are up to here and higher with DNC fabrications and outright lies to make themselves look good and their opponents look like what is actually the corruption inside of their greedy little innards. The leaders of the DNC are asocial, amoral, unkindly animals who project every last trick and fault they have on somebody else to take the public onus off their evil doings. Because you're little different from other DNC followers of foul leaders, we will have to take this thing to its conclusion through the courts who really don't want to take the cases, plus we have to get rid of the collaborator judges first who are lenient to Dems and harsh on Republicans, when they should be like lady justice, blindfolded as to who's who. We will have our challenges, but America has swung too far left on the pendulum, which is hell for everybody else.

This situation would not be if the Democrats ever learned to play without cheating everybody they cross, but they're not nearly about to stop cheating the voter and the taxpayer now. Your leader views others as easy pushovers and the righteous who have to be eliminated through character assassination and other devious means.
When Republicans impeached their Republican president one of the charges was that the Republican president had yelled at the Republican Congress.
President Trump has been pushed to his limit by Congressional bullies since before he took office for threatening to impeach, and after 3 years, he's been found free of wrongdoing by the Attorney General, yet, the repeat impeachment-related performance is in full swing right now.
Trump's day of rage: Profanity, false accusations and a press spat

What say you?

NO! They are true patriots.

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People with so much disrespect for taxpayers they'd charge us $100,000,000.00 for inquiries they don't have to pay for is illegitimate in its best light.
People with so much disrespect for taxpayers they'd charge us $100,000,000.00 for inquiries they don't have to pay for is illegitimate in its best light.

Your side spent $70,000,000 to determine if Bill Clinton got a blow job or not.
People with so much disrespect for taxpayers they'd charge us $100,000,000.00 for inquiries they don't have to pay for is illegitimate in its best light.

Your side spent $70,000,000 to determine if Bill Clinton got a blow job or not.

<<<<<< G O N G !!! >>>>>>

Y O U ' R E . W R O N G !!!​
As usual. * yawn *

That's the best you got.

Ken Starr spent 70 million and five years investigating the Clintons... and all he proved was... Bill Clinton doesn't consider a blow job to be sex.
President Trump has been pushed to his limit by Congressional bullies since before he took office for threatening to impeach, and after 3 years, he's been found free of wrongdoing by the Attorney General, yet, the repeat impeachment-related performance is in full swing right now.
Trump's day of rage: Profanity, false accusations and a press spat

What say you?

These folks are patriots doing their constitutional duty.

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The House constitutional duty is to pass laws. Today's House thinks it can use its power to explore already disproven myths created by Hillary Clinton's team who made certain a spy in England named Steele who passed it along to someone who reported it to the FBI, who leaked it like a sieve. in order to bait the press into doing the will of the House, which was to find and rub dirt in on President Trump, even if not one word of it was true, which is exactly what they did and are doing.

Homeland Security is going to be paying a visit to some people who should be doing legislation, not spying, leaking, conspiring with press to damage an person innocent of Hillary's dirty dossier created to embarrass and interrupt the Presidency of the United States.

There has never been a sorrier plot created by a jealous woman which brings me to thinking so far, the alleged feminists who were supposed to bring a gentle touch to politics have brought the dirtiest false narrative ever painted, projecting everything Hillary did onto the account of President Trump.

And the Demmies call this good man a Tramp while Hillary acts like Lady MacBeth with her fellow plotters Nancy and Maxine stirring the pot, stirring the pot, stirring the sorry lying pot plot.

Ain't working for me.

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