Should Obama be Tried for Treason When He Leaves Office?

Should Obama be investigated and tried for treason after he leaves office

  • Yes, treason is a serious crime and the powerful should not be exempted.

    Votes: 14 63.6%
  • No, he did nothing to deserve such an investigation.

    Votes: 7 31.8%
  • No, it would set a bad precedent for future PResidents

    Votes: 1 4.5%
  • I dunno

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Still waiting for that 'evidence of extortion' and still laughing at your lunacy.

You laughing maniacally probably isn't evidence of lunacy on my part, sploogy.

Operation Choke Point, as it has been known, was a DOJ initiative that was intentionally designed to pressure banks and lenders into avoiding certain industry-specific businesses. Ostensibly, Operation Choke Point was designed to fight money laundering and fraud. The secretive initiative was launched with little fanfare in 2013. According to the Justice Department, it was aimed at “choking out” companies the Administration considered high-risk, despite the fact that they were legal businesses that had shown no signs of fraud.

In other words, the program was aimed at punishing businesses for merely existing. One of the primary victims of Operation Chokepoint has been gun manufacturers, and legal firearm dealers. (What a shock… I’m sure that’s completely coincidental.)}

Michael Schaus - Darrell Issa Takes Aim at Eric Holder’s Extortion Racket

That is extortion per 18 USC Ch. 41: EXTORTION AND THREATS

In other words- you don't have a clue what the law is. There is no evidence that "Operation Chokepoint" was intended to punish business's- its stated goal was to

Operation Choke Point
is an initiative of the United States Department of Justice that was announced in 2013,[1] which is investigating banks in the United States and the business they do with payment processors, payday lenders, and other companies believed to be at higher risk for fraud and money laundering.

Some merchant categories that the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) had listed until July 2014 as being associated with high-risk activity include (until the FDIC revised the original policy in July 2014):[8]

  • Ammunition Sales
  • Cable Box De-scramblers
  • Coin Dealers
  • Credit Card Schemes
  • Credit Repair Services
  • Dating Services
  • Debt Consolidation Scams
  • Drug Paraphernalia
  • Escort Services
  • Firearms Sales
  • Fireworks Sales
  • Get Rich Products
  • Government Grants
  • Home-Based Charities
  • Life-Time Guarantees
  • Life-Time Memberships
  • Lottery Sales
  • Mailing Lists/Personal Info
  • Money Transfer Networks
  • On-line Gambling
  • Pawn Shops
  • Payday Loans
  • Pharmaceutical Sales
  • Ponzi Schemes
  • Pornography[9]
  • Pyramid-Type Sales
  • Racist Materials
  • Surveillance Equipment
No extortion.
His abuse of powers, play fight with ISIS while it kills Americans, his one sided deal favoring Iran, and his abuse of the IRS, Fast and Furious arming Mexican drug lords, and more all add up to treason, IMO.

After he leaves office, should the next Republican administration investigate him for treason?

If not,t hen why do we have laws against treason?
Did they teach civics when you were in school? Seriously.
Do you understand what treason is, little boy?
It's being black and Republicans hating you.
Yes, tried and then hung on the white house lawn so the people can see what happens when they think of becoming one. he has done things to us, we won't even know how much it will have hurt until he is gone. Look what he's done over in the Middle east. MILLIONS of fighting aged men invading other countries because of him. Our economy and jobs. nothing to brag about. ObamaNOcare another Government program off the backs of our children, it's just sickening
Jesus. You're fucking insane
Yes, tried and then hung on the white house lawn so the people can see what happens when they think of becoming one. he has done things to us, we won't even know how much it will have hurt until he is gone. Look what he's done over in the Middle east. MILLIONS of fighting aged men invading other countries because of him. Our economy and jobs. nothing to brag about. ObamaNOcare another Government program off the backs of our children, it's just sickening
Jesus. You're fucking insane

Jesus? When did you guys believe in Jesus?
Every president when he or she leaves office should be tried for treason, it should be automatic.
Yes, tried and then hung on the white house lawn so the people can see what happens when they think of becoming one. he has done things to us, we won't even know how much it will have hurt until he is gone. Look what he's done over in the Middle east. MILLIONS of fighting aged men invading other countries because of him. Our economy and jobs. nothing to brag about. ObamaNOcare another Government program off the backs of our children, it's just sickening
Jesus. You're fucking insane

Jesus? When did you guys believe in Jesus?
Go fuck yourself with an aids infected pineapple, dicksniff
Jesus? When did you guys believe in Jesus?

We believe in the historical Jesus, the one who rebelled against the greedy and powerful while protecting the meek & disadvantaged.

In other words we don't believe in the Steroidal Bomb Dropping Jesus, spraying his Tough Live down the throats of towel headed sand monkeys in the name of oil, making the world safe for Exxon's freedom.
Last edited:
It's always funny when partisans cry treason based on disagreements with policy decisions. :)
No one is doing that, moron.

Actually, that's pretty much exactly what your OP does. It's just as ridiculous as hearing that Bush should have been charged with treason.

Disagreeing with a president's policies, even considering them bad for the country, is a far cry from that president having committed treason.
I have called for G W Bushes impeachment, and he committed no treason.

This is not about disagreements on foreign policy, it is about Obama aiding and abetting the enemies of our nation.
Jesus? When did you guys believe in Jesus?

We believe in the historical Jesus, the one who rebelled against the greedy and powerful while protecting the meek & disadvantaged.

In other words we don't believe in the Steroidal Bomb Dropping Jesus, spraying his Tough Live down the throats of towel headed sand monkeys in the name of oil, making the world safe for Exxon's freedom.
Fucking heretics!

His abuse of powers, play fight with ISIS while it kills Americans, his one sided deal favoring Iran, and his abuse of the IRS, Fast and Furious arming Mexican drug lords, and more all add up to treason, IMO.

After he leaves office, should the next Republican administration investigate him for treason?

If not,t hen why do we have laws against treason?

Look, I am not an Obama fan but do not waste my time or money on what amounts to some BS. If someone needs to be entertained, there are still some reality tv shows out there.
Obama has been a complete embarrassment. How folks want him out there representing America is mind blowing. Our first clue was when he sent the Churchhill bust back to England then went on his apology tour


In other words- you don't have a clue what the law is. There is no evidence that "Operation Chokepoint" was intended to punish business's- its stated goal was to

Operation Choke Point
is an initiative of the United States Department of Justice that was announced in 2013,[1] which is investigating banks in the United States and the business they do with payment processors, payday lenders, and other companies believed to be at higher risk for fraud and money laundering.

Some merchant categories that the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) had listed until July 2014 as being associated with high-risk activity include (until the FDIC revised the original policy in July 2014):[8]

  • Ammunition Sales
  • Cable Box De-scramblers
  • Coin Dealers
  • Credit Card Schemes
  • Credit Repair Services
  • Dating Services
  • Debt Consolidation Scams
  • Drug Paraphernalia
  • Escort Services
  • Firearms Sales
  • Fireworks Sales
  • Get Rich Products
  • Government Grants
  • Home-Based Charities
  • Life-Time Guarantees
  • Life-Time Memberships
  • Lottery Sales
  • Mailing Lists/Personal Info
  • Money Transfer Networks
  • On-line Gambling
  • Pawn Shops
  • Payday Loans
  • Pharmaceutical Sales
  • Ponzi Schemes
  • Pornography[9]
  • Pyramid-Type Sales
  • Racist Materials
  • Surveillance Equipment
No extortion.


What is it you think extortion is, sploogy?

Look moron, are the two bolded references legal businesses? Does the criminal DOJ have the authority to haze, harass, and intimidate third party business for dealing with legal businesses?

This is Mafia level extortion and Barack Obama belongs in prison for it. This is EXACTLY this shit the Chicago mob did - big surprise given that Emanuel and Holder are both Chicago mobsters. YOU want a government run by the Mafia, as long as they have "D" after their name. I prefer a nation of laws, not one of criminal gangs like the Obama administration.
Yes, tried and then hung on the white house lawn so the people can see what happens when they think of becoming one. he has done things to us, we won't even know how much it will have hurt until he is gone. Look what he's done over in the Middle east. MILLIONS of fighting aged men invading other countries because of him. Our economy and jobs. nothing to brag about. ObamaNOcare another Government program off the backs of our children, it's just sickening
Jesus. You're fucking insane

What do you mean by "Obama Akbar?"
In other words- you don't have a clue what the law is. There is no evidence that "Operation Chokepoint" was intended to punish business's- its stated goal was to

Operation Choke Point
is an initiative of the United States Department of Justice that was announced in 2013,[1] which is investigating banks in the United States and the business they do with payment processors, payday lenders, and other companies believed to be at higher risk for fraud and money laundering.

Some merchant categories that the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) had listed until July 2014 as being associated with high-risk activity include (until the FDIC revised the original policy in July 2014):[8]

  • Ammunition Sales
  • Cable Box De-scramblers
  • Coin Dealers
  • Credit Card Schemes
  • Credit Repair Services
  • Dating Services
  • Debt Consolidation Scams
  • Drug Paraphernalia
  • Escort Services
  • Firearms Sales
  • Fireworks Sales
  • Get Rich Products
  • Government Grants
  • Home-Based Charities
  • Life-Time Guarantees
  • Life-Time Memberships
  • Lottery Sales
  • Mailing Lists/Personal Info
  • Money Transfer Networks
  • On-line Gambling
  • Pawn Shops
  • Payday Loans
  • Pharmaceutical Sales
  • Ponzi Schemes
  • Pornography[9]
  • Pyramid-Type Sales
  • Racist Materials
  • Surveillance Equipment
No extortion.

This is Mafia level extortion and Barack Obama belongs in prison for it. .

You right wing nut jobs are a hoot.

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