Should Obama be Tried for Treason When He Leaves Office?

Should Obama be investigated and tried for treason after he leaves office

  • Yes, treason is a serious crime and the powerful should not be exempted.

    Votes: 14 63.6%
  • No, he did nothing to deserve such an investigation.

    Votes: 7 31.8%
  • No, it would set a bad precedent for future PResidents

    Votes: 1 4.5%
  • I dunno

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
He should be forgotten as quickly as possible. Don't waste time prosecuting his bony ass. He'd love that! He loves making everything about him. He's a narcissist. Deny him his mirror.

The best thing to do is repeal Obamacare and overturn every single thing he has done. Be so thorough that future historian will not believe he even existed.

So it sounds to me like you conservatives who have been building one case after another of Obama betraying our country were all just TALKING OUT OF YOUR ASS.

IF you really think Obama has been betraying our country, then follow through and call for him being put on trial for treason or else just shut the frack up.

I say it is treason and I want him put on trial for it.

I've never said he was committing treason or betraying our country.

You must have me confused with a wingnut.

Zander, you think that all the conservatives that are talking about Obama betraying our country in regards to the Iran treaty, or allowing just anyone, including presumed terrorists, to come across our southern border are wrong?

Why are these things not treason?

IF it was Treason for the Rosenburgs, then why is it not treason for Obama?

When did President Obama provide the blueprints for a nuclear bomb to Iran?
Betray and treason are very strong words. I disagree with Obama's actions at the border and with Iran. I think he's a naive buffoon. But do these actions rise to the level of treason? I don't think so. I think it would be a glorious waste of time and effort to try and prosecute a former POTUS. IMHO, the best way to defeat the "progressive" and neocon agendas is via the ballot box.

Felony is a strong word as well, but I have proven that Obama is guilty of felony extortion.
And Obama knows this.....according to who?

First of all- President Obama didn't give any money to Iran- that '150 billion' is the approximate amount of Iran's own money frozen in bank accounts due to the embargo.

Secondly the treaty is designed to prevent Iran from making nuclear weapons.

Thirdly- treason is specifically defined in the United States Constitution- and so far not one of your claims is Constitutional.

Why do you think that that $150 billion was frozen in the first place? Because the Iranian government was engaging in state sponsored terrorism and viewed the USA and Israel as its implacable enemy.

Iran is close to acquiring an atomic bomb, but no one knows how close it really is, but any idiot can figure out that this got a whole lot easier for them with an extra $150 billion and a treaty with toothless enforcement mechanisms.
Betray and treason are very strong words. I disagree with Obama's actions at the border and with Iran. I think he's a naive buffoon. But do these actions rise to the level of treason? I don't think so. I think it would be a glorious waste of time and effort to try and prosecute a former POTUS. IMHO, the best way to defeat the "progressive" and neocon agendas is via the ballot box.

Felony is a strong word as well, but I have proven that Obama is guilty of felony extortion.
You have not legally proven it, of course, but I think you have show that there is reasonable cause to investigate officially.
So it sounds to me like you conservatives who have been building one case after another of Obama betraying our country were all just TALKING OUT OF YOUR ASS.

IF you really think Obama has been betraying our country, then follow through and call for him being put on trial for treason or else just shut the frack up.

I say it is treason and I want him put on trial for it.

I've never said he was committing treason or betraying our country.

You must have me confused with a wingnut.

Zander, you think that all the conservatives that are talking about Obama betraying our country in regards to the Iran treaty, or allowing just anyone, including presumed terrorists, to come across our southern border are wrong?

Why are these things not treason?

IF it was Treason for the Rosenburgs, then why is it not treason for Obama?

When did President Obama provide the blueprints for a nuclear bomb to Iran?

Wow, that was truly stupid.

There are many ways to give aid to a nation doing A-Bomb research other than outright giving them plans, like giving them the money to build the damned thing.
He should be forgotten as quickly as possible. Don't waste time prosecuting his bony ass. He'd love that! He loves making everything about him. He's a narcissist. Deny him his mirror.

The best thing to do is repeal Obamacare and overturn every single thing he has done. Be so thorough that future historian will not believe he even existed.

So it sounds to me like you conservatives who have been building one case after another of Obama betraying our country were all just TALKING OUT OF YOUR ASS.

IF you really think Obama has been betraying our country, then follow through and call for him being put on trial for treason or else just shut the frack up.

I say it is treason and I want him put on trial for it.

I've never said he was committing treason or betraying our country.

You must have me confused with a wingnut.

Zander, you think that all the conservatives that are talking about Obama betraying our country in regards to the Iran treaty, or allowing just anyone, including presumed terrorists, to come across our southern border are wrong?

Why are these things not treason?

Betray and treason are very strong words. I disagree with Obama's actions at the border and with Iran. I think he's a naive buffoon. But do these actions rise to the level of treason? I don't think so. I think it would be a glorious waste of time and effort to try and prosecute a former POTUS. IMHO, the best way to defeat the "progressive" and neocon agendas is via the ballot box.

But you do n ot run the talk shows and FOX shows that almost daily present stories that make the POTUS out to be a traitor.

But here is a question if you could possibly see yourself able to answer it.

Obama gave Iran $150 billion he knows full well that they will use to build nuclear weapons and those weapons will be in part aimed at the USA.

IF it was Treason for the Rosenburgs, then why is it not treason for Obama?

There is a lot of rhetoric on this $150 billion and almost all of it is untrue.

First off, It’s not money we are giving to Iran. It’s Iranian money that sits in other countries that was locked up because of international nuclear sanctions that were designed to bring them to the table to negotiate a nuclear agreement. Secondly it's not $150 billion - it is closer to $50 Billion. Part of the severe sanctions that were imposed on Iran included restrictions on banking. Iran had sold, and delivered, large quantities of oil to several countries, including China, India, Japan, and South Korea. But they were not able to pay for the oil (due to the Petro Dollar), so the money was kept in banks in those countries. The Chinese owe the greatest portion at $20 to $30B, while India, Japan, and S. Korea each owe about $5.5B. Also, not all of this money will actually be returned as a cash transfer. Iran will be forced to accept some of in the form of goods and services to be purchased from those countries holding it.

The treaty supposedly doesn't allow Iran to build nuclear weapons. If Iran wanted a nuke they could buy one on the open market. You don't think N Korea or Russia would sell them one?
His abuse of powers, play fight with ISIS while it kills Americans, his one sided deal favoring Iran, and his abuse of the IRS, Fast and Furious arming Mexican drug lords, and more all add up to treason, IMO.

After he leaves office, should the next Republican administration investigate him for treason?

If not,t hen why do we have laws against treason?

what a joke.:cuckoo:
I've never said he was committing treason or betraying our country.

You must have me confused with a wingnut.

Zander, you think that all the conservatives that are talking about Obama betraying our country in regards to the Iran treaty, or allowing just anyone, including presumed terrorists, to come across our southern border are wrong?

Why are these things not treason?

IF it was Treason for the Rosenburgs, then why is it not treason for Obama?

When did President Obama provide the blueprints for a nuclear bomb to Iran?

Wow, that was truly stupid.

There are many ways to give aid to a nation doing A-Bomb research other than outright giving them plans, like giving them the money to build the damned thing.

no. your o/p was stupid.....
This is all this thread deserves.


His abuse of powers, play fight with ISIS while it kills Americans, his one sided deal favoring Iran, and his abuse of the IRS, Fast and Furious arming Mexican drug lords, and more all add up to treason, IMO.

After he leaves office, should the next Republican administration investigate him for treason?

If not,t hen why do we have laws against treason?
None of these problems today are Barry The Blamer's fault. The fault lies with the fools that voted for him.

Much like what you Trump dopes are doing... WAKEY WAKEY....he's got a tailored suicide-vest and the Rats got the cell phone number to detonate it.
The bigger question is it one of them free Obamaphones?
His abuse of powers, play fight with ISIS while it kills Americans, his one sided deal favoring Iran, and his abuse of the IRS, Fast and Furious arming Mexican drug lords, and more all add up to treason, IMO.

After he leaves office, should the next Republican administration investigate him for treason?

If not,t hen why do we have laws against treason?
I do not think your OP rises to the level of treason. It is very poor administering to the office and the country. Not actionable
There is a lot of rhetoric on this $150 billion and almost all of it is untrue.

First off, It’s not money we are giving to Iran. It’s Iranian money that sits in other countries that was locked up because of international nuclear sanctions that were designed to bring them to the table to negotiate a nuclear agreement.

Semantics are the thinnest form of defense. Iran is going to have the equivalent of $150 billion in goods and cash, and it is all fungible. PArt of that money will go to building nuclear weapons aimed at America.

Secondly it's not $150 billion - it is closer to $50 Billion. Part of the severe sanctions that were imposed on Iran included restrictions on banking. Iran had sold, and delivered, large quantities of oil to several countries, including China, India, Japan, and South Korea. But they were not able to pay for the oil (due to the Petro Dollar), so the money was kept in banks in those countries. The Chinese owe the greatest portion at $20 to $30B, while India, Japan, and S. Korea each owe about $5.5B. Also, not all of this money will actually be returned as a cash transfer. Iran will be forced to accept some of in the form of goods and services to be purchased from those countries holding it.

Everyone I am reading says it is $150 billion.

$150 Billion to Iran is Worth $8 Trillion to the U.S.

Where do you get this $50 billion amount from? In proportion to our economies, IRan is getting what would be the eequivalent of $2 TRILLION even if you are right and it is only $50 billion, lol. Plenty of bombs can be made with such a paltry sum.

The treaty supposedly doesn't allow Iran to build nuclear weapons. If Iran wanted a nuke they could buy one on the open market. You don't think N Korea or Russia would sell them one?

There is no effective enforcement of this treaty. It doesnt prevent Iran from doing jack, and their current missile tests are in violation of that toothless agreement.

Yeah, the Ropsenburgs did far less to harm our nation than Obama has done.
He should be impeached and tried for Gross malfeasance. Then all the benefits of office removed. No secret service protection, no pension, nothing.
The bigger question is it one of them free Obamaphones?

Au contraire, a small thing I agreed with Hussein on. The phone carriers could certainly afford it and the unemployed had a way to be contacted for a job. :thup:
He should be impeached and tried for Gross malfeasance. Then all the benefits of office removed. No secret service protection, no pension, nothing.

He belongs in Leavenworth sharing a cell with Eric ("I'll look into it and get back to you") Holder.
There is a lot of rhetoric on this $150 billion and almost all of it is untrue.

First off, It’s not money we are giving to Iran. It’s Iranian money that sits in other countries that was locked up because of international nuclear sanctions that were designed to bring them to the table to negotiate a nuclear agreement.

Semantics are the thinnest form of defense. Iran is going to have the equivalent of $150 billion in goods and cash, and it is all fungible. PArt of that money will go to building nuclear weapons aimed at America.

Secondly it's not $150 billion - it is closer to $50 Billion. Part of the severe sanctions that were imposed on Iran included restrictions on banking. Iran had sold, and delivered, large quantities of oil to several countries, including China, India, Japan, and South Korea. But they were not able to pay for the oil (due to the Petro Dollar), so the money was kept in banks in those countries. The Chinese owe the greatest portion at $20 to $30B, while India, Japan, and S. Korea each owe about $5.5B. Also, not all of this money will actually be returned as a cash transfer. Iran will be forced to accept some of in the form of goods and services to be purchased from those countries holding it.

Everyone I am reading says it is $150 billion.

$150 Billion to Iran is Worth $8 Trillion to the U.S.

Where do you get this $50 billion amount from? In proportion to our economies, IRan is getting what would be the eequivalent of $2 TRILLION even if you are right and it is only $50 billion, lol. Plenty of bombs can be made with such a paltry sum.

The treaty supposedly doesn't allow Iran to build nuclear weapons. If Iran wanted a nuke they could buy one on the open market. You don't think N Korea or Russia would sell them one?

There is no effective enforcement of this treaty. It doesnt prevent Iran from doing jack, and their current missile tests are in violation of that toothless agreement.

Yeah, the Ropsenburgs did far less to harm our nation than Obama has done.

I think the Iran treaty was a huge foreign policy blunder on par with "W"'s decision to invade Iraq.

But the facts are simple- the US is not giving the Iranians $150 billion. It is coming from China, Korea, Japan, and others that were unable to pay for the oil they bought from Iran due to banking system sanctions. The $50 billion figure comes from the following:

Treasury Secretary Jack Lew testified to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs that some $115 billion in frozen Iranian assets would be “theoretically available” under sanctions relief, but that Iran would only have access to $56 billion because most of the money was tied up in unpaid debts around the world.

“Over $20 billion is committed to projects with China where it cannot be spent, and tens of billions in additional funds are in nonperforming loans to Iran’s energy and banking sector,” said Mr. Lew, who called on lawmakers to “be measured and realistic in understanding what sanctions relief will really mean to Iran.”

“I am not going to say $56 billion is not a lot of money, but it’s not $150 billion, and it cannot be all used because they need to keep some foreign reserves to run their economy,” he said. “If you look at the demands in Iran’s economy for the use of that money, we see at least $500 billion of competing demands for that $50 billion.”

Mr. Lew also noted that Iran had managed — even with sanctions in place — to put several million dollars a year to underwrite shady foreign groups.

“We can’t say that there won’t be any more money going toward malign purposes,” he said. “But in order of magnitude, [it] is way, way smaller, and it’s in line with the kinds of spending they have been doing anyway.”
Iran claims $100 billion windfall from sanctions relief — double what White House estimated

The sanctions enacted by the United States and Europe in 2011 and 2012 included the freezing of Iranian assets in many international banks. Nobody knows the total amount of frozen assets, but it’s probably about $100 billion. Estimates go as high as $150 billion, the number some critics of the nuclear deal use to make the “windfall” coming to Iran seem larger than it probably is.

The deal would release those assets, allowing Iran full access to them. But the money belongs to Iran in the first place; it’s not coming from some other country. Iran owes some major debts to countries such as China, and it would use perhaps $50 billion to pay those, according to an analysis by the Brookings Institution. The big question is what it will do with the rest of the money.

If Iran pumped $50 billion into terrorist networks such as Hezbollah, or shared it with unsavory dictators such as Syria’s Bashar al-Assad, it would undoubtedly be destabilizing and lead to the kind of bloodshed Cruz warns about. But many analysts think Iran won’t use the money to fund terrorism and will instead pump it into the Iranian economy, which needs some help.

Here's how much money Iran will get from the nuclear deal

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