Should Obama be Tried for Treason When He Leaves Office?

Should Obama be investigated and tried for treason after he leaves office

  • Yes, treason is a serious crime and the powerful should not be exempted.

    Votes: 14 63.6%
  • No, he did nothing to deserve such an investigation.

    Votes: 7 31.8%
  • No, it would set a bad precedent for future PResidents

    Votes: 1 4.5%
  • I dunno

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
He should be forgotten as quickly as possible. Don't waste time prosecuting his bony ass. He'd love that! He loves making everything about him. He's a narcissist. Deny him his mirror.

The best thing to do is repeal Obamacare and overturn every single thing he has done. Be so thorough that future historian will not believe he even existed.

So it sounds to me like you conservatives who have been building one case after another of Obama betraying our country were all just TALKING OUT OF YOUR ASS.

IF you really think Obama has been betraying our country, then follow through and call for him being put on trial for treason or else just shut the frack up.

I say it is treason and I want him put on trial for it.

I've never said he was committing treason or betraying our country.

You must have me confused with a wingnut.

Zander, you think that all the conservatives that are talking about Obama betraying our country in regards to the Iran treaty, or allowing just anyone, including presumed terrorists, to come across our southern border are wrong?

Why are these things not treason?
Why pursue charges without evidence or facts based in reality?

That is why there needs to be an investigation first to see if there is any substance to the claims.

And you must be pissed that Obama decided not pursue war crimes investigations against Cheney and Rumsfeld?

Dont know about that, but I was disappointed that George W Bush was not impeached for lying to the public about why we invaded Iraq.

We need to hold our politicians accountable and that we have not is why we have these crooks running our government.
Treason is a pretty serious matter... I think his actions in a lot of cases have been questionable at best, delusional at worst. Treasonous? I don't know about that one.

The Rosenburgs were put on trial for playing a critical role in giving nuclear weapons to our enemies.

Obama just gave $150 billion to Iran knowing full well that they will use that money to build nuclear weapons that will be aimed at the people of the United States.

How is that not treason?

And Clinton basically enabled Loral Systems and Hughes Corporation, major donors to the DNC, to sell IBM technology to China who has nukes aimed at us.

I never said these folks are smart..

If what you say is true, why is that not treason?

Do you think that politicians should not be held accountable for treason?
Treason is a pretty serious matter... I think his actions in a lot of cases have been questionable at best, delusional at worst. Treasonous? I don't know about that one.

The Rosenburgs were put on trial for playing a critical role in giving nuclear weapons to our enemies.

Obama just gave $150 billion to Iran knowing full well that they will use that money to build nuclear weapons that will be aimed at the people of the United States.

How is that not treason?

And Clinton basically enabled Loral Systems and Hughes Corporation, major donors to the DNC, to sell IBM technology to China who has nukes aimed at us.

I never said these folks are smart..

If what you say is true, why is that not treason?

Do you think that politicians should not be held accountable for treason?

Isn't it treason for a bunch of republican pigs like paul ryan and mcconnel meeting with the big money boys, to figure out how to deny Trump a presidency? Link below. Among them are some of the same characters that vowed to obstruct Obama even before he entered the white house.

Tech CEOs Meet with GOP Leaders to Stump Trump - Breitbart
Isn't it treason for a bunch of republican pigs like paul ryan and mcconnel meeting with the big money boys, to figure out how to deny Trump a presidency? Link below. Among them are some of the same characters that vowed to obstruct Obama even before he entered the white house.

Tech CEOs Meet with GOP Leaders to Stump Trump - Breitbart

No, they are betraying the GOP and their constituents, but not the nation as a whole, which is the basis for the charge of treason.

But never fear; I am sure that there are plenty of reasons to hang those bastards from the lamp posts too.
No he should not! The people spoke clearly at the election, and they got, what they got. To do so, would make future Presidents much more timid.

So you think that the American public can knowingly elect a traior and he would then get a pass on all the treason he might commit?

Now if he broke a rule, then yes, but for his policies, no way.

His refusal to enforce our border laws, to do due diligence investigating probably terrorists and his givng hundreds of billions of dollars to a future nuclear power that threatens our nation and armed forces on a daily basis is not just 'policy'. IT is treason to the Republic and the American people.

The more we import upon the citizens that elections have consequences, the more they will stay engaged. We need this, now more than ever! If you invest in someone by voting for them, you will FIX your vote, the next time around. Look at the rise of Trump! Look at the turnout! If we fix it with legalize, then the crossover vote would disappear. The JFK Democrats are learning, and that my friend, is a very, very, VERY, good thing.

So national security and treason are all beside the point to you; it is all just politics?


Jim, usually we agree, but not this time. Why? Because, if he is/was guilty of anything, then congress should have impeached him. Using the courts to get your way is what the left does, not us.

Because we might think what he does was treasonous, means nothing, nothing at all besides who we vote for this time. Congress has had the power to stop him for quite some time now, and they refused, even though they promised So before we go all crazy (where we don't have any standing believe it or not) in the courts, we need to fix our own house known as congress.

The barn door has been open, and the horse has been gone a very long time now Jim. Closing the door isn't going to bring the horse back either. If somehow we managed to get Obama in court, then the left would use that tactic to stop every Presidential idea they didn't agree with. That is no way to run a country.

The congress failed us, plain and simple, and going back and pointing at matter how good it makes us just allowing the congress to be forgiven.

Remember that if your Senator or congressperson is being primaried and did NOTHING as this whole fiasco spun out of control. Our job is to re-implement the constitutional republic, and elect people who WILL use it when ANY branch of government gets out of control!
I hope you aren't driving while under the influence of the fermented piss you are guzzling.

Say Jake, from your perspective as a far left democrat, let me ask you...

Guido got paid off by Franky to help with his bar. Specifically Franky wanted Joe's Bar down the street to go away, forever. So Guido hires Barry, Rahm, and Eric to go in and bust some heads at Joe's. But Barry is a skinny little fag, and Rahm is an embezzler by trade. So when the three goons go to Joe's, they get their asses kicked. Turns out Joe and his buddies, Nick, Ralph and Arnold are tough guys who aren't afraid of goons. Guido knows he can't directly attack this group, this NRA. So what to do? So Guido sends Eric to wait outside the bank where Joe has an account. Eric waits until closing and beats the manager with a tire iron, and tells him that if he does business with Joe or the NRA again, he will be back and go after his wife next time. Next Eric goes to grocer, and beats him, telling them if they sell food to Joe or any of the NRA, they will be back, and burn down their store.

All of the above is true, and perpetrated by Barack Obama and his criminal DOJ. Look, you're a mindless fucking hack who defends your filthy party regardless of fact or reality, so you will lie, spin, blame BOOOOOSSSSHH, and blow smoke.

Barack Obama belongs in prison for interstate extortion. He is a common thug no different than any Mafia Don.

“Operation Choke Point”
No he should not! The people spoke clearly at the election, and they got, what they got. To do so, would make future Presidents much more timid.

So you think that the American public can knowingly elect a traior and he would then get a pass on all the treason he might commit?

Now if he broke a rule, then yes, but for his policies, no way.

His refusal to enforce our border laws, to do due diligence investigating probably terrorists and his givng hundreds of billions of dollars to a future nuclear power that threatens our nation and armed forces on a daily basis is not just 'policy'. IT is treason to the Republic and the American people.

The more we import upon the citizens that elections have consequences, the more they will stay engaged. We need this, now more than ever! If you invest in someone by voting for them, you will FIX your vote, the next time around. Look at the rise of Trump! Look at the turnout! If we fix it with legalize, then the crossover vote would disappear. The JFK Democrats are learning, and that my friend, is a very, very, VERY, good thing.

So national security and treason are all beside the point to you; it is all just politics?


Jim, usually we agree, but not this time. Why? Because, if he is/was guilty of anything, then congress should have impeached him. Using the courts to get your way is what the left does, not us.

Because we might think what he does was treasonous, means nothing, nothing at all besides who we vote for this time. Congress has had the power to stop him for quite some time now, and they refused, even though they promised So before we go all crazy (where we don't have any standing believe it or not) in the courts, we need to fix our own house known as congress.

The barn door has been open, and the horse has been gone a very long time now Jim. Closing the door isn't going to bring the horse back either. If somehow we managed to get Obama in court, then the left would use that tactic to stop every Presidential idea they didn't agree with. That is no way to run a country.

The congress failed us, plain and simple, and going back and pointing at matter how good it makes us just allowing the congress to be forgiven.

Remember that if your Senator or congressperson is being primaried and did NOTHING as this whole fiasco spun out of control. Our job is to re-implement the constitutional republic, and elect people who WILL use it when ANY branch of government gets out of control!

You are conflating treason with impeachment. Yes, we both agree that Congress failed to do its duty to impeach Obama, but that has zip to do with trying him for treason.

If he has committed treason, he should be investigated and tried if sufficient evidence found., If not, then conservatives should stop it with the 'Obama treason' partisan propaganda.

In other words, put up or shut up.
Bush and the Republicans have been truly treasonous.

Lying about the Bush Tax cuts, tricking innocent people into believing trickle down would create jobs.

Lying us into Iraq. Even Trump knows it was all lies.

All the young Americans dead because of GOP lies.

Obstructing everything in an attempt to bring down both the government and the president.

Blocking millions from health care.

Creating trillions in deficit.

Threatening to secede.

Bringing government to a halt.

Racist and anti American behavior.

Republicans should be ashamed for their treasonous behavior, but of course they aren't. Otherwise, they might not be treasonous.
No he should not! The people spoke clearly at the election, and they got, what they got. To do so, would make future Presidents much more timid.

So you think that the American public can knowingly elect a traior and he would then get a pass on all the treason he might commit?

Now if he broke a rule, then yes, but for his policies, no way.

His refusal to enforce our border laws, to do due diligence investigating probably terrorists and his givng hundreds of billions of dollars to a future nuclear power that threatens our nation and armed forces on a daily basis is not just 'policy'. IT is treason to the Republic and the American people.

The more we import upon the citizens that elections have consequences, the more they will stay engaged. We need this, now more than ever! If you invest in someone by voting for them, you will FIX your vote, the next time around. Look at the rise of Trump! Look at the turnout! If we fix it with legalize, then the crossover vote would disappear. The JFK Democrats are learning, and that my friend, is a very, very, VERY, good thing.

So national security and treason are all beside the point to you; it is all just politics?


Jim, usually we agree, but not this time. Why? Because, if he is/was guilty of anything, then congress should have impeached him. Using the courts to get your way is what the left does, not us.

Because we might think what he does was treasonous, means nothing, nothing at all besides who we vote for this time. Congress has had the power to stop him for quite some time now, and they refused, even though they promised So before we go all crazy (where we don't have any standing believe it or not) in the courts, we need to fix our own house known as congress.

The barn door has been open, and the horse has been gone a very long time now Jim. Closing the door isn't going to bring the horse back either. If somehow we managed to get Obama in court, then the left would use that tactic to stop every Presidential idea they didn't agree with. That is no way to run a country.

The congress failed us, plain and simple, and going back and pointing at matter how good it makes us just allowing the congress to be forgiven.

Remember that if your Senator or congressperson is being primaried and did NOTHING as this whole fiasco spun out of control. Our job is to re-implement the constitutional republic, and elect people who WILL use it when ANY branch of government gets out of control!

You are conflating treason with impeachment. Yes, we both agree that Congress failed to do its duty to impeach Obama, but that has zip to do with trying him for treason.

If he has committed treason, he should be investigated and tried if sufficient evidence found., If not, then conservatives should stop it with the 'Obama treason' partisan propaganda.

In other words, put up or shut up.

With that I agree. People should not be talking about Obama and treason. What they should be talking about is-------------> if you think Obama was treasonous, elect Hillary and by her own admission. you get at least 4 more years of the same crap sandwich. Elect Bernie, and the White House becomes the Kremlin, then back both statements up with youtube speeches by these two clowns, that prove you are correct!
His abuse of powers, play fight with ISIS while it kills Americans, his one sided deal favoring Iran, and his abuse of the IRS, Fast and Furious arming Mexican drug lords, and more all add up to treason, IMO.

After he leaves office, should the next Republican administration investigate him for treason?

If not,t hen why do we have laws against treason?
Did they teach civics when you were in school? Seriously.
His abuse of powers, play fight with ISIS while it kills Americans, his one sided deal favoring Iran, and his abuse of the IRS, Fast and Furious arming Mexican drug lords, and more all add up to treason, IMO.

After he leaves office, should the next Republican administration investigate him for treason?

If not,t hen why do we have laws against treason?
Did they teach civics when you were in school? Seriously.
Do you understand what treason is, little boy?
He should be forgotten as quickly as possible. Don't waste time prosecuting his bony ass. He'd love that! He loves making everything about him. He's a narcissist. Deny him his mirror.

The best thing to do is repeal Obamacare and overturn every single thing he has done. Be so thorough that future historian will not believe he even existed.

So it sounds to me like you conservatives who have been building one case after another of Obama betraying our country were all just TALKING OUT OF YOUR ASS.

IF you really think Obama has been betraying our country, then follow through and call for him being put on trial for treason or else just shut the frack up.

I say it is treason and I want him put on trial for it.

I've never said he was committing treason or betraying our country.

You must have me confused with a wingnut.

Zander, you think that all the conservatives that are talking about Obama betraying our country in regards to the Iran treaty, or allowing just anyone, including presumed terrorists, to come across our southern border are wrong?

Why are these things not treason?

Betray and treason are very strong words. I disagree with Obama's actions at the border and with Iran. I think he's a naive buffoon. But do these actions rise to the level of treason? I don't think so. I think it would be a glorious waste of time and effort to try and prosecute a former POTUS. IMHO, the best way to defeat the "progressive" and neocon agendas is via the ballot box.
He should be forgotten as quickly as possible. Don't waste time prosecuting his bony ass. He'd love that! He loves making everything about him. He's a narcissist. Deny him his mirror.

The best thing to do is repeal Obamacare and overturn every single thing he has done. Be so thorough that future historian will not believe he even existed.

So it sounds to me like you conservatives who have been building one case after another of Obama betraying our country were all just TALKING OUT OF YOUR ASS.

IF you really think Obama has been betraying our country, then follow through and call for him being put on trial for treason or else just shut the frack up.

I say it is treason and I want him put on trial for it.

I've never said he was committing treason or betraying our country.

You must have me confused with a wingnut.

Zander, you think that all the conservatives that are talking about Obama betraying our country in regards to the Iran treaty, or allowing just anyone, including presumed terrorists, to come across our southern border are wrong?

Why are these things not treason?

Betray and treason are very strong words. I disagree with Obama's actions at the border and with Iran. I think he's a naive buffoon. But do these actions rise to the level of treason? I don't think so. I think it would be a glorious waste of time and effort to try and prosecute a former POTUS. IMHO, the best way to defeat the "progressive" and neocon agendas is via the ballot box.

But you do n ot run the talk shows and FOX shows that almost daily present stories that make the POTUS out to be a traitor.

But here is a question if you could possibly see yourself able to answer it.

Obama gave Iran $150 billion he knows full well that they will use to build nuclear weapons and those weapons will be in part aimed at the USA.

IF it was Treason for the Rosenburgs, then why is it not treason for Obama?
His abuse of powers, play fight with ISIS while it kills Americans, his one sided deal favoring Iran, and his abuse of the IRS, Fast and Furious arming Mexican drug lords, and more all add up to treason, IMO.

After he leaves office, should the next Republican administration investigate him for treason?

If not,t hen why do we have laws against treason?

A charge of treason must consist of more than nonsensical tabloid accusations, which every person possessing a modicum of human reason can see right through.
So it sounds to me like conservatives (who have been building one case after another of Obama betraying our country) were all just TALKING OUT OF THEIR ASS.

Yep- that pretty much covers it.

Conservatives have been pulling this all out of their asses.
He should be forgotten as quickly as possible. Don't waste time prosecuting his bony ass. He'd love that! He loves making everything about him. He's a narcissist. Deny him his mirror.

The best thing to do is repeal Obamacare and overturn every single thing he has done. Be so thorough that future historian will not believe he even existed.

So it sounds to me like you conservatives who have been building one case after another of Obama betraying our country were all just TALKING OUT OF YOUR ASS.

IF you really think Obama has been betraying our country, then follow through and call for him being put on trial for treason or else just shut the frack up.

I say it is treason and I want him put on trial for it.

I've never said he was committing treason or betraying our country.

You must have me confused with a wingnut.

Zander, you think that all the conservatives that are talking about Obama betraying our country in regards to the Iran treaty, or allowing just anyone, including presumed terrorists, to come across our southern border are wrong?

Why are these things not treason?

Betray and treason are very strong words. I disagree with Obama's actions at the border and with Iran. I think he's a naive buffoon. But do these actions rise to the level of treason? I don't think so. I think it would be a glorious waste of time and effort to try and prosecute a former POTUS. IMHO, the best way to defeat the "progressive" and neocon agendas is via the ballot box.

Obama gave Iran $150 billion he knows full well that they will use to build nuclear weapons and those weapons will be in part aimed at the USA.

And Obama knows this.....according to who?

First of all- President Obama didn't give any money to Iran- that '150 billion' is the approximate amount of Iran's own money frozen in bank accounts due to the embargo.

Secondly the treaty is designed to prevent Iran from making nuclear weapons.

Thirdly- treason is specifically defined in the United States Constitution- and so far not one of your claims is Constitutional.

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