Should Obama be Tried for Treason When He Leaves Office?

Should Obama be investigated and tried for treason after he leaves office

  • Yes, treason is a serious crime and the powerful should not be exempted.

    Votes: 14 63.6%
  • No, he did nothing to deserve such an investigation.

    Votes: 7 31.8%
  • No, it would set a bad precedent for future PResidents

    Votes: 1 4.5%
  • I dunno

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Yes, tried and then hung on the white house lawn so the people can see what happens when they think of becoming one. he has done things to us, we won't even know how much it will have hurt until he is gone. Look what he's done over in the Middle east. MILLIONS of fighting aged men invading other countries because of him. Our economy and jobs. nothing to brag about. ObamaNOcare another Government program off the backs of our children, it's just sickening
It's always funny when partisans cry treason based on disagreements with policy decisions. :)
No one is doing that, moron.

Actually, that's pretty much exactly what your OP does. It's just as ridiculous as hearing that Bush should have been charged with treason.

Disagreeing with a president's policies, even considering them bad for the country, is a far cry from that president having committed treason.
His abuse of powers, play fight with ISIS while it kills Americans, his one sided deal favoring Iran, and his abuse of the IRS, Fast and Furious arming Mexican drug lords, and more all add up to treason, IMO.

After he leaves office, should the next Republican administration investigate him for treason?

If not,t hen why do we have laws against treason?
Unfortunately this sort of rightwing ignorance and stupidity won't be gone when the president leaves office.
His abuse of powers, play fight with ISIS while it kills Americans, his one sided deal favoring Iran, and his abuse of the IRS, Fast and Furious arming Mexican drug lords, and more all add up to treason, IMO.

After he leaves office, should the next Republican administration investigate him for treason?

If not,t hen why do we have laws against treason?

He's done more to advance muslim jihad in the middle-east than bin-Laden in his heyday.

And not just the Middle East. HE is allowing it to advance here in the US as well by not securing our southern border, ordering the Border Patrol to release those caught by other agencies and not pursuing leads on domestic terrorists, in fact he has ordered a lot of data to be destroyed.

That is not just grotesque incompetence, it is criminal and treasonous sabotage.
And the ridiculous lies contrived by the right likewise won't be gone, the above being one of many examples.
Preventing him from doing anything else before he leaves office is paramount, although I do not believe Congress will not make any more attempt to do so than they already have. Once Obama is out of office there is nothing to gain from attempting to THEN charge him or try him with any crimes. It would only serve to divide and weaken this nation ever further....which Barry would LOVE to happen (IMO).

Are you kidding? IF a spy leaves the FBI after decades of betraying the US, you think it is too late to put the dude on trial for treason?

No, it dont work that way, bro.

IF conservatives truly think that Obama's actions constitute a betrayal of the US, the he needs to be investigated and put on trial.

Otherwise, just shut up with the partisan posturing and blow it all off.
He does need to account for his actions; however, as I pointed out, the Washington Establishment GOP are too fearful they might offend someone if they do anything and it might cost them personally - power, profit, or prestiege. They are not motivated by 'country' but rather by SELF.
If anyone is tried for treason it should be the GOP congressmen who constantly try to sabatage the country to spite obama .
This post is living proof that the Right has created a propaganda system that would make the old Soviet Union proud.

Reagan sold weapons to Iran behind the backs of the American People, in direct violation of the Constitution.

(And we know that the OP would never denounce dear leader for crimes infinitely worse than Obama's)

George Bush used criminally flawed, cherry picked intelligence to destabilize the Middle East for generations (and we know the OP would never call for a commission to have his administration fully investigated. Even Trump has suggested that Bush/Chaney started a failed war with lies)

This post should be retitled "I've never taken a university course on political science or history but I do listen to Michael Savage & Mark Levin ... and I believe everything they say"
"Should Obama be Tried for Treason When He Leaves Office?"

The ignorance of most on the right with regard to fundamental principles of Americans law and governance is remarkable, but not surprising:

No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court. US Cont., Article III, Section 3

Now, how exactly will the president be 'tried' for 'treason' if no evidence of 'treason' exists, where no act of 'treason' occurred, no witnesses exist, and no 'confession' forthcoming.

The ignorance common to most on the right is exceeded only by their stupidity.
Betray and treason are very strong words. I disagree with Obama's actions at the border and with Iran. I think he's a naive buffoon. But do these actions rise to the level of treason? I don't think so. I think it would be a glorious waste of time and effort to try and prosecute a former POTUS. IMHO, the best way to defeat the "progressive" and neocon agendas is via the ballot box.

Felony is a strong word as well, but I have proven that Obama is guilty of felony extortion.

Betray and treason are very strong words. I disagree with Obama's actions at the border and with Iran. I think he's a naive buffoon. But do these actions rise to the level of treason? I don't think so. I think it would be a glorious waste of time and effort to try and prosecute a former POTUS. IMHO, the best way to defeat the "progressive" and neocon agendas is via the ballot box.

Felony is a strong word as well, but I have proven that Obama is guilty of felony extortion.


Oh, you think extortion is funny.

You must be a democrat.
There is a lot of rhetoric on this $150 billion and almost all of it is untrue.

First off, It’s not money we are giving to Iran. It’s Iranian money that sits in other countries that was locked up because of international nuclear sanctions that were designed to bring them to the table to negotiate a nuclear agreement.

Semantics are the thinnest form of defense. Iran is going to have the equivalent of $150 billion in goods and cash, and it is all fungible. PArt of that money will go to building nuclear weapons aimed at America.

According to you.

But since when do we convict persons of treason for negotiating a treaty that you think is bad?
Betray and treason are very strong words. I disagree with Obama's actions at the border and with Iran. I think he's a naive buffoon. But do these actions rise to the level of treason? I don't think so. I think it would be a glorious waste of time and effort to try and prosecute a former POTUS. IMHO, the best way to defeat the "progressive" and neocon agendas is via the ballot box.

Felony is a strong word as well, but I have proven that Obama is guilty of felony extortion.


Oh, you think extortion is funny.

You must be a democrat.

No- I think you are funny.

In a bedlam kind of funny way.
"Should Obama be Tried for Treason When He Leaves Office?"

The ignorance of most on the right with regard to fundamental principles of Americans law and governance is remarkable, but not surprising:

No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court. US Cont., Article III, Section 3

Now, how exactly will the president be 'tried' for 'treason' if no evidence of 'treason' exists, where no act of 'treason' occurred, no witnesses exist, and no 'confession' forthcoming.

The ignorance common to most on the right is exceeded only by their stupidity.

How about interstate extortion, you ignorant sot?


Obama sending Eric Holder to threaten banks that did business with law abiding companies on Obama's enemies lists meets the definition of extortion, Obama and holder did it across state lines.

Put the fucker in prison where he belongs.

Oh, you're dismissed to go piss yourself in fear, C_Coward, you lack the brains and legal training to actually debate.
Betray and treason are very strong words. I disagree with Obama's actions at the border and with Iran. I think he's a naive buffoon. But do these actions rise to the level of treason? I don't think so. I think it would be a glorious waste of time and effort to try and prosecute a former POTUS. IMHO, the best way to defeat the "progressive" and neocon agendas is via the ballot box.

Felony is a strong word as well, but I have proven that Obama is guilty of felony extortion.


Oh, you think extortion is funny.

You must be a democrat.

No- I think you are funny.

In a bedlam kind of funny way.

So you're a hack, and laugh off the wrongs of your party,

Meh, democrats are scum, no new information here.
"Should Obama be Tried for Treason When He Leaves Office?"

The ignorance of most on the right with regard to fundamental principles of Americans law and governance is remarkable, but not surprising:

No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court. US Cont., Article III, Section 3

Now, how exactly will the president be 'tried' for 'treason' if no evidence of 'treason' exists, where no act of 'treason' occurred, no witnesses exist, and no 'confession' forthcoming.

The ignorance common to most on the right is exceeded only by their stupidity.

How about interstate extortion, you ignorant sot?


Obama sending Eric Holder to threaten banks that did business with law abiding companies on Obama's enemies lists meets the definition of extortion, Obama and holder did it across state lines..

Still waiting for that 'evidence of extortion' and still laughing at your lunacy.
Betray and treason are very strong words. I disagree with Obama's actions at the border and with Iran. I think he's a naive buffoon. But do these actions rise to the level of treason? I don't think so. I think it would be a glorious waste of time and effort to try and prosecute a former POTUS. IMHO, the best way to defeat the "progressive" and neocon agendas is via the ballot box.

Felony is a strong word as well, but I have proven that Obama is guilty of felony extortion.


Oh, you think extortion is funny.

You must be a democrat.

No- I think you are funny.

In a bedlam kind of funny way.

So you're a hack, and laugh off the wrongs of your party,

Meh, democrats are scum, no new information here.

No- I laugh at you.
His abuse of powers, play fight with ISIS while it kills Americans, his one sided deal favoring Iran, and his abuse of the IRS, Fast and Furious arming Mexican drug lords, and more all add up to treason, IMO.

After he leaves office, should the next Republican administration investigate him for treason?

If not,t hen why do we have laws against treason?

Um, no.

And we have laws against treason to punish people that commit treason. Not to punish your imagination.
Still waiting for that 'evidence of extortion' and still laughing at your lunacy.

You laughing maniacally probably isn't evidence of lunacy on my part, sploogy.

Operation Choke Point, as it has been known, was a DOJ initiative that was intentionally designed to pressure banks and lenders into avoiding certain industry-specific businesses. Ostensibly, Operation Choke Point was designed to fight money laundering and fraud. The secretive initiative was launched with little fanfare in 2013. According to the Justice Department, it was aimed at “choking out” companies the Administration considered high-risk, despite the fact that they were legal businesses that had shown no signs of fraud.

In other words, the program was aimed at punishing businesses for merely existing. One of the primary victims of Operation Chokepoint has been gun manufacturers, and legal firearm dealers. (What a shock… I’m sure that’s completely coincidental.)}

Michael Schaus - Darrell Issa Takes Aim at Eric Holder’s Extortion Racket

That is extortion per 18 USC Ch. 41: EXTORTION AND THREATS

Now look, I get that you're a hack, Obama could rape a small boy in live TV and you would claim that Obama is innocent and it was all due to BOOOSHH.

But that you are a hack has no effect on reality.

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