Should Obama be Tried for Treason When He Leaves Office?

Should Obama be investigated and tried for treason after he leaves office

  • Yes, treason is a serious crime and the powerful should not be exempted.

    Votes: 14 63.6%
  • No, he did nothing to deserve such an investigation.

    Votes: 7 31.8%
  • No, it would set a bad precedent for future PResidents

    Votes: 1 4.5%
  • I dunno

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
If you want either or both Barry and Hildabeast indicted for treason, ELECT RUBIO! He'll take the tire iron to the scumbags....never piss off a Cuban holding cold steel. :nono:
It would be a snipe hunt and a waste of time.

Best thing, IMO, would be to forget the man and learn the lesson of electing an empty suit with leftist ideologies.....

So give traitors a pass and let them slide into obscurity is how you would handle treason?

That only encourages more treason, dude.

We cannot allow for another POTUS to be the same disaster to this country that Obama has been so far.

He should be put on trial for treason and the sentence carried out.
"Give traitors a pass" small glitch in your can't just call someone a traitor and POOF! they are one. You have to prove that someone is a traitor. Your stupid stupid opinion does not count.
So it sounds to me like conservatives (who have been building one case after another of Obama betraying our country) were all just TALKING OUT OF THEIR ASS.

IF they really think Obama has been betraying our country, then they should follow through and call for him being put on trial for treason.

I say it is treason if conservatives claims are true and I want him put on trial for it.

But more than that, if conservatives dont really think it is a betrayal then shut the hell up about all these things Obama has done being a betrayal of America.

I am sick of the politics; Either mean what you say and follow through or shut the fuck up!
If you want either or both Barry and Hildabeast indicted for treason, ELECT RUBIO! He'll take the tire iron to the scumbags....never piss off a Cuban holding cold steel. :nono:
More use of national security as a shallow talking point for politics. :eusa_doh:

No, if Obama has been a traitor he needs to go on trial.

Nothing more, nothing less, and nothing else.
You say "Fast and Furious" mean the program he and his Justice Dept shut down?

Say what? Bozo approved of F&F and Holder carried it out...thousands of weapons they lost the trackers to. Hundreds of mexicans shot dead with those weapons and a US border patrol and a DEA agent. To cover up the scandal they gave the Sinaloa cowboys unfettered access to the US southwest. One of their AR-15s was found when they arrested El Chapo.
Remember the old saying....the old old saying...that "guns don't kill people...people kill people" And yet suddenly you are all about blaming the guns. :lol:
If I thought for 2 seconds anything would actually come of it, I might change my mind.

But I don't. He's protected behind too many layers of plausible deniability and rules set up to protect these people to pin anything meaningful on him.

To not pursue treason charges if you think Obama has betrayed our country but cannot get it through court is the same kind of calculated cowardace that prevents a greatmany good people from doing the right thing WHEN IT *CAN* WORK. We should engage in reconnaisance by fire, I say.

I don't agree with his actions or policies in many, many cases. My opinion is that he's done more harm than good in many ways and was in over his head from minute 1, especially in the international arena. However, that doesn't mean a treason charge could be made to stick.

His treaty with Iran, not enforcing our border laws, allowing in human trafficking and probable terrorists, etc, you dont think is treason?

How is it not? He took an oath to uphold the Constitution and to execute the laws of the United States.

He has broken that oath and has betrayed our nation by leaving us vulnerable to our enemies. His play fighting with ISIS is simply treasonous in its sheer stupidity and incompetence that simply cannot be due to anything other than deliberate negligence.

Treason trial or stop crying about it.

Who is crying? If you want to nail someone for F&F start with Holder who perjured himself and was let fly. In fact, that's where I'd start with most of these issues. If you can get something to stick with the underlings, maybe you've got a shot. If not, then not.

I don't disagree that he's been a douche, or even that he may have broken the law in some of these instances, but only that nothing would get pinned on the guy and certainly nothing that rises to the level of treason, based on what we currently know. That's not crying that's just being realistic about it.

The politicians will never, NEVER, fry one of their own, as it opens up their own asses to the fire.

It's not about Obama, it's about our system, where there's one set of rules for us and another for them. That's not crying, it's simply seeing what is.

We can spend millions and years pursuing treason charges against obama. Result? Nothing, aside from punitive harassment and attempting to smear him, IMO.

Just how I see it....
So it sounds to me like conservatives (who have been building one case after another of Obama betraying our country) were all just TALKING OUT OF THEIR ASS.

IF they really think Obama has been betraying our country, then they should follow through and call for him being put on trial for treason.

I say it is treason if conservatives claims are true and I want him put on trial for it.

But more than that, if conservatives dont really think it is a betrayal then shut the hell up about all these things Obama has done being a betrayal of America.

I am sick of the politics; Either mean what you say and follow through or shut the fuck up!

thats living in a fantasyland.Presidents can get away with anything.Politicians get away with crimes everyday we go to jail for including murder. that describes every president going back to 1980.the result will not all of a sudden change now.

You gotta start somewhere, might as well start with a Shroomhead.
If not,t hen why do we have laws against treason?

For actual treason.

Not the whining of right wing partisan nut jobs.

Not fulfilling his oath of office and allowing our enemies entry into our country to do us harm is treason, doofus.

Frankly if 'not fulfilling his oath of office' were considered treason, then many of our Presidents committed treason.

At least in the eyes of their partisan political opponents.

What you want to do is create a precedent for the United States- to make us a Banana Republic- so that when a political party loses the White House or the Congress- the winning Party then uses their new political power to prosecute those who are in office before.

The first time a party manages to do this, every change in party from that point on will be claims of 'Treason'!- and hearings and attempts of prosecution.

Because you despise our Constitution that much.
If I thought for 2 seconds anything would actually come of it, I might change my mind.

But I don't. He's protected behind too many layers of plausible deniability and rules set up to protect these people to pin anything meaningful on him.

To not pursue treason charges if you think Obama has betrayed our country but cannot get it through court is the same kind of calculated cowardace that prevents a greatmany good people from doing the right thing WHEN IT *CAN* WORK. We should engage in reconnaisance by fire, I say.

I don't agree with his actions or policies in many, many cases. My opinion is that he's done more harm than good in many ways and was in over his head from minute 1, especially in the international arena. However, that doesn't mean a treason charge could be made to stick.

His treaty with Iran, not enforcing our border laws, allowing in human trafficking and probable terrorists, etc, you dont think is treason?

How is it not? He took an oath to uphold the Constitution and to execute the laws of the United States.

He has broken that oath and has betrayed our nation by leaving us vulnerable to our enemies. His play fighting with ISIS is simply treasonous in its sheer stupidity and incompetence that simply cannot be due to anything other than deliberate negligence.

Treason trial or stop crying about it.

Who is crying? If you want to nail someone for F&F start with Holder who perjured himself and was let fly. In fact, that's where I'd start with most of these issues. If you can get something to stick with the underlings, maybe you've got a shot. If not, then not.

I don't disagree that he's been a douche, or even that he may have broken the law in some of these instances, but only that nothing would get pinned on the guy and certainly nothing that rises to the level of treason, based on what we currently know. That's not crying that's just being realistic about it.

The politicians will never, NEVER, fry one of their own, as it opens up their own asses to the fire.

It's not about Obama, it's about our system, where there's one set of rules for us and another for them. That's not crying, it's simply seeing what is.

We can spend millions and years pursuing treason charges against obama. Result? Nothing, aside from punitive harassment and attempting to smear him, IMO.

Just how I see it....

Conservatives have crying bout it on talk radio and FOX for the last seven years.

And great, lets start with Holder, turn the cock sucker and then go after his boss.
Remember the old saying....the old old saying...that "guns don't kill people...people kill people" And yet suddenly you are all about blaming the guns. :lol:

Maybe you're not aware Mehicans aren't allowed to own guns. That's why their people are fleeing here to get away from tyranny. So only the Federales and drug gangs have firearms. And Barry gave them a whole fucking arsenal under the guise of tracking their whereabouts. He and Holder couldn't plan a one-man funeral without gridlocking an entire city.
If not,t hen why do we have laws against treason?

For actual treason.

Not the whining of right wing partisan nut jobs.

Not fulfilling his oath of office and allowing our enemies entry into our country to do us harm is treason, doofus.

Frankly if 'not fulfilling his oath of office' were considered treason, then many of our Presidents committed treason.

At least in the eyes of their partisan political opponents.

What you want to do is create a precedent for the United States- to make us a Banana Republic- so that when a political party loses the White House or the Congress- the winning Party then uses their new political power to prosecute those who are in office before.

The first time a party manages to do this, every change in party from that point on will be claims of 'Treason'!- and hearings and attempts of prosecution.

Because you despise our Constitution that much.

I want accountability. I want to dampen down the political rhetoric and make people be serious about making charges against their opponents in office.

We should start investigating such claims for two reasons:

1. to punish law breakers whether they are former POTUS or not

2. To discourage the irresponsible use of such rhetoric. This partisan rhetoric is *normalizing* treason and that is as bad as treason itself.
Treason is a pretty serious matter... I think his actions in a lot of cases have been questionable at best, delusional at worst. Treasonous? I don't know about that one.

The Rosenburgs were put on trial for playing a critical role in giving nuclear weapons to our enemies.

Obama just gave $150 billion to Iran knowing full well that they will use that money to build nuclear weapons that will be aimed at the people of the United States.

How is that not treason?
His abuse of powers, play fight with ISIS while it kills Americans, his one sided deal favoring Iran, and his abuse of the IRS, Fast and Furious arming Mexican drug lords, and more all add up to treason, IMO.

After he leaves office, should the next Republican administration investigate him for treason?

If not,t hen why do we have laws against treason?

No. You should be tried for treason.
What duty have I betrayed? How have I betrayed the American people?

This is the sort of partisan abuse of treason that I am deploring.

If Obama committed treason, then put his ass on trial. If it is not treason, then shut the fuck up about him betraying the public.

Of course, we all know why that would make Democrats nervous.
Treason is a pretty serious matter... I think his actions in a lot of cases have been questionable at best, delusional at worst. Treasonous? I don't know about that one.

The Rosenburgs were put on trial for playing a critical role in giving nuclear weapons to our enemies.

Obama just gave $150 billion to Iran knowing full well that they will use that money to build nuclear weapons that will be aimed at the people of the United States.

How is that not treason?

And Clinton basically enabled Loral Systems and Hughes Corporation, major donors to the DNC, to sell IBM technology to China who has nukes aimed at us.

I never said these folks are smart..
If I thought for 2 seconds anything would actually come of it, I might change my mind.

But I don't. He's protected behind too many layers of plausible deniability and rules set up to protect these people to pin anything meaningful on him.

To not pursue treason charges if you think Obama has betrayed our country but cannot get it through court is the same kind of calculated cowardace that prevents a greatmany good people from doing the right thing WHEN IT *CAN* WORK. We should engage in reconnaisance by fire, I say.

I don't agree with his actions or policies in many, many cases. My opinion is that he's done more harm than good in many ways and was in over his head from minute 1, especially in the international arena. However, that doesn't mean a treason charge could be made to stick.

His treaty with Iran, not enforcing our border laws, allowing in human trafficking and probable terrorists, etc, you dont think is treason?

How is it not? He took an oath to uphold the Constitution and to execute the laws of the United States.

He has broken that oath and has betrayed our nation by leaving us vulnerable to our enemies. His play fighting with ISIS is simply treasonous in its sheer stupidity and incompetence that simply cannot be due to anything other than deliberate negligence.

Treason trial or stop crying about it.

Who is crying? If you want to nail someone for F&F start with Holder who perjured himself and was let fly. In fact, that's where I'd start with most of these issues. If you can get something to stick with the underlings, maybe you've got a shot. If not, then not.

I don't disagree that he's been a douche, or even that he may have broken the law in some of these instances, but only that nothing would get pinned on the guy and certainly nothing that rises to the level of treason, based on what we currently know. That's not crying that's just being realistic about it.

The politicians will never, NEVER, fry one of their own, as it opens up their own asses to the fire.

It's not about Obama, it's about our system, where there's one set of rules for us and another for them. That's not crying, it's simply seeing what is.

We can spend millions and years pursuing treason charges against obama. Result? Nothing, aside from punitive harassment and attempting to smear him, IMO.

Just how I see it....

Conservatives have crying bout it on talk radio and FOX for the last seven years.

And great, lets start with Holder, turn the cock sucker and then go after his boss.

Exactly. If there's a path to him it's through these people. If he told them to do these things and they admit it, then maybe you've got him on something actionable.....
So it sounds to me like conservatives (who have been building one case after another of Obama betraying our country) were all just TALKING OUT OF THEIR ASS.

IF they really think Obama has been betraying our country, then they should follow through and call for him being put on trial for treason.

I say it is treason if conservatives claims are true and I want him put on trial for it.

But more than that, if conservatives dont really think it is a betrayal then shut the hell up about all these things Obama has done being a betrayal of America.

I am sick of the politics; Either mean what you say and follow through or shut the fuck up!
Ah..large red font. That's convincing.
He should be forgotten as quickly as possible. Don't waste time prosecuting his bony ass. He'd love that! He loves making everything about him. He's a narcissist. Deny him his mirror.

The best thing to do is repeal Obamacare and overturn every single thing he has done. Be so thorough that future historian will not believe he even existed.

So it sounds to me like you conservatives who have been building one case after another of Obama betraying our country were all just TALKING OUT OF YOUR ASS.

IF you really think Obama has been betraying our country, then follow through and call for him being put on trial for treason or else just shut the frack up.

I say it is treason and I want him put on trial for it.

I've never said he was committing treason or betraying our country.

You must have me confused with a wingnut.

His abuse of powers, play fight with ISIS while it kills Americans, his one sided deal favoring Iran, and his abuse of the IRS, Fast and Furious arming Mexican drug lords, and more all add up to treason, IMO.

After he leaves office, should the next Republican administration investigate him for treason?

If not,t hen why do we have laws against treason?

Why pursue charges without evidence or facts based in reality?

And you must be pissed that Obama decided not pursue war crimes investigations against Cheney and Rumsfeld?

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