CDZ Should Officer Wilson Be Promoted ?

He is not deserving of promotion or termination...but he will get terminated from his job.

What does this event tell every white cop in the nation?

And why are you playing the race card here in the CDZ?

If you do not think this event has much to do about race, you are a fool.

If Wilson were black, we would not even know about this shooting.

And your proof of this?


Oh brother...

Common sense is something you lack.
Wilson is fighting to be allowed to resign not fired.

He will not be promoted.
He is not deserving of promotion or termination...but he will get terminated from his job.

What does this event tell every white cop in the nation?

And why are you playing the race card here in the CDZ?

If you do not think this event has much to do about race, you are a fool.

If Wilson were black, we would not even know about this shooting.

And your proof of this?


Oh brother...

Common sense is something you lack.

I have it in abundance. I just have no tolerance for race baiters like you.
I don't think he should be promoted just because he's been through hell. I don't know what can be done for him. I suppose move him to another state and change his appearance and the family's name. A sort of 'witness protection' arrangement.

But, what kind of occupation would he have? His whole life has been interrupted because of this.

I agree with part of your statement, and find it to be humane and kind. What you don't add is that he himself added to this aggravation.

How so?
I have been retired from law enforcement some time. As a State Trooper in a rural area we were required to notify our supervisor when a shooting took place. I had to call my supervisor in a shooting and his first question was "was he black". I said no that he was white and his statement then was "thank God". That is crazy. We should never be afraid to do our job and who cares what race he is.

Absolutely true. Race should have no bearing on how our law enforcement reacts and how their superiors handle the situations.
His point was there would be less turmoil if he was white than if he was black. It was a stupid point. My view is if the shooting is right it does not matter if it hair lips the governor or if it creates a riot that burns the town down and 200 others are killed trying to stop them.
He is not deserving of promotion or termination...but he will get terminated from his job.

What does this event tell every white cop in the nation?

And why are you playing the race card here in the CDZ?

If you do not think this event has much to do about race, you are a fool.

If Wilson were black, we would not even know about this shooting.

And your proof of this?


Oh brother...

Common sense is something you lack.

I have it in abundance. I just have no tolerance for race baiters like you.

Then you must want to take Obama to task then no?

Let's get realistic. If the Grand Jury decides not to indict this guy, he's not getting his old job back.

He wouldn't last a day out there.

Wilson will join the 1% for such a small task. Books and movie deals galore

Lots of people are suggesting that Ferguson Police officer Darren Wilson be promoted for his heroism in the Michael Brown incident. I agree. Wilson appears to have handled the situation properly, and courageously.

When first encountering Brown and Johnson walking in the middle of the street, and deliberately blocking traffic, he told them to stop doing that. First of all, the 2 idiots should not have been doing that, and their delinquency is not Wilson's fault. Then, instead of following the police command, and just going to the side of the street (out from the traffic), Brown attacked Wilson, as evidenced by Brown's blood being found in the police car by forensic experts.

What was Brown doing at the police car ? He only needed to get out of the middle of the street, not be at the police car. Obviously, Brown was a thug who attacked Wilson, just like he attacked the convenience store clerk, grabbing him and the throat, shoving him, and starting to attack him again.

Looks like Wilson did what he had to do, and nothing more, and did it bravely and decisively, as police officers should. Wilson should be honored with a medal and promotion. What a bunch of cop-hater lunatic fringers do or say is flat-out irrelevant.

Support grows for Darren Wilson officer who shot teen -


If you wanna see Ferguson burned to the ground go ahead and promote Officer Wilson.

While Officer Wilson did nothing unlawful, he also didn't do anything worthy of a promotion. And giving the context and ongoing unrest, such a promotion would go above and beyond the pale to further enrage protestors.
I don't know why the first article won't hot link but here's the link to the grand jury transcript.

Darren Wilson s grand jury testimony released -

Michael Brown shooting: What Darren Wilson told the Ferguson grand jury

-- Grand jury proceedings are secret, and when no indictment is handed down -- as was the case for Ferguson police Officer Darren Wilson -- the files remain locked up.
But in an unusual step after a grand jury deliberation, transcripts of testimony that jurors heard considering Michael Brown's death have been released to the public.

Late Monday night, officials made available 24 volumes of material, covering 23 meetings that the grand jury held between August 20 and November 21.

- and -

Photos of Darren Wilson after the attack
And why are you playing the race card here in the CDZ?

If you do not think this event has much to do about race, you are a fool.

If Wilson were black, we would not even know about this shooting.

And your proof of this?


Oh brother...

Common sense is something you lack.

I have it in abundance. I just have no tolerance for race baiters like you.

Then you must want to take Obama to task then no?


Obama called for peace.

Surely you don't object to that?
If you do not think this event has much to do about race, you are a fool.

If Wilson were black, we would not even know about this shooting.

And your proof of this?


Oh brother...

Common sense is something you lack.

I have it in abundance. I just have no tolerance for race baiters like you.

Then you must want to take Obama to task then no?


Obama called for peace.

Surely you don't object to that?

He's a liar.. So yes, I object

BTW- What does the 'CDZ' mean next to your AVI?

And your proof of this?


Oh brother...

Common sense is something you lack.

I have it in abundance. I just have no tolerance for race baiters like you.

Then you must want to take Obama to task then no?


Obama called for peace.

Surely you don't object to that?

He's a liar.. So yes, I object

BTW- What does the 'CDZ' mean next to your AVI?


You say that calling for peace is "lying"?

CDZ = Civil Defense Zone

No, just kidding.

It means Clean Debate Zone but I don't see it next to my avi or anyone elses
Oh brother...

Common sense is something you lack.

I have it in abundance. I just have no tolerance for race baiters like you.

Then you must want to take Obama to task then no?


Obama called for peace.

Surely you don't object to that?

He's a liar.. So yes, I object

BTW- What does the 'CDZ' mean next to your AVI?


You say that calling for peace is "lying"?

CDZ = Civil Defense Zone

No, just kidding.

It means Clean Debate Zone but I don't see it next to my avi or anyone elses

I see it against yours and a couple others. Just curious what is was


Now I get it. We're in the CDZ... I best pay attention before the mods give me a hiatus


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