CDZ Should Officer Wilson Be Promoted ?

He may resign simply because of his notoriety and risk factor related to the number of people who hate him and make a target of him. But none of that stops the Ferguson Police from honoring Wilson with a medal and promotion, before anything else.

Would you like to make a bet on whether or not Officer Wilson will be honored as a hero?

No, not especially. Why ?

I was willing to bet that he wouldn't get honored and was wondering if you wanted to bet. If you wonder why I think he won't be honored ... It is very unlikely the powers that be would honor an individual involved in a racially charged situation and risk further inflaming the situation ... Regardless of any possible merit. **

** Unless he represented a minority and the department could gain recognition for being fair without the threat of violence from the offended party.


We GOT the facts. Brown's blood was inside the police car, and his palms could not have been facing the cop. So all these hands up pictures we keep seeing are ad hominem BS.

This person in the picture has it right.
He may resign simply because of his notoriety and risk factor related to the number of people who hate him and make a target of him. But none of that stops the Ferguson Police from honoring Wilson with a medal and promotion, before anything else.

Would you like to make a bet on whether or not Officer Wilson will be honored as a hero?

No, not especially. Why ?

I was willing to bet that he wouldn't get honored and was wondering if you wanted to bet. If you wonder why I think he won't be honored ... It is very unlikely the powers that be would honor an individual involved in a racially charged situation and risk further inflaming the situation ... Regardless of any possible merit. **

** Unless he represented a minority and the department could gain recognition for being fair without the threat of violence from the offended party.

You could well be right. Just like the jellyfish wimp Florida Governor Rick Scott who caved in to the race hustlers in the Zimmerman issue.

On the other hand, maybe they will finally stand up tall, and refuse to be bullied by these uncivilized, barbaric, savages, and all their rioting, and make a statement, that we're not going to be coerced. If you riot, you're going to get arrested, and maybe get the crap kicked out of you in the process.

I'm old enough to remember the Vietnam anti-war demonstrations. After I got out of the Army National Guard, I became a protestor, and saw the protests close up. The New York and Washington DC cops didn't play. They kicked ass, with billy clubs to the head and legs. Lot of skulls got cracked. Lot of legs got broken. They restored order.
You could well be right. Just like the jellyfish wimp Florida Governor Rick Scott who caved in to the race hustlers in the Zimmerman issue.

On the other hand, maybe they will finally stand up tall, and refuse to be bullied by these uncivilized, barbaric, savages, and all their rioting, and make a statement, that we're not going to be coerced. If you riot, you're going to get arrested, and maybe get the crap kicked out of you in the process.

I'm old enough to remember the Vietnam anti-war demonstrations. After I got out of the Army National Guard, I became a protestor, and saw the protests close up. The New York and Washington DC cops didn't play. They kicked ass, with billy clubs to the head and legs. Lot of skulls got cracked. Lot of legs got broken. They restored order.

Well ... I am a strange breed I guess.

Although I don't wish harm on the citizens ... I am all for the idea the criminal and racial elements should be allowed to expose themselves as who they are. As long as they want to be pissed off about situations they are putting themselves in ... Why not let them act like the fools they are?

Nothing will ever change in those aspects until both peaceful sides get sick of their behavior.

You could well be right. Just like the jellyfish wimp Florida Governor Rick Scott who caved in to the race hustlers in the Zimmerman issue.

On the other hand, maybe they will finally stand up tall, and refuse to be bullied by these uncivilized, barbaric, savages, and all their rioting, and make a statement, that we're not going to be coerced. If you riot, you're going to get arrested, and maybe get the crap kicked out of you in the process.

I'm old enough to remember the Vietnam anti-war demonstrations. After I got out of the Army National Guard, I became a protestor, and saw the protests close up. The New York and Washington DC cops didn't play. They kicked ass, with billy clubs to the head and legs. Lot of skulls got cracked. Lot of legs got broken. They restored order.

Well ... I am a strange breed I guess.

Although I don't wish harm on the citizens ... I am all for the idea the criminal and racial elements should be allowed to expose themselves as who they are. As long as they want to be pissed off about situations they are putting themselves in ... Why not let them act like the fools they are?

Nothing will ever change in those aspects until both peaceful sides get sick of their behavior.

Here's one reason to not let them act like the fools they are >>

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Wilson should be given early retirement. Through no fault of his own, he is no longer capable of doing his job.
You could well be right. Just like the jellyfish wimp Florida Governor Rick Scott who caved in to the race hustlers in the Zimmerman issue.

On the other hand, maybe they will finally stand up tall, and refuse to be bullied by these uncivilized, barbaric, savages, and all their rioting, and make a statement, that we're not going to be coerced. If you riot, you're going to get arrested, and maybe get the crap kicked out of you in the process.

I'm old enough to remember the Vietnam anti-war demonstrations. After I got out of the Army National Guard, I became a protestor, and saw the protests close up. The New York and Washington DC cops didn't play. They kicked ass, with billy clubs to the head and legs. Lot of skulls got cracked. Lot of legs got broken. They restored order.

Well ... I am a strange breed I guess.

Although I don't wish harm on the citizens ... I am all for the idea the criminal and racial elements should be allowed to expose themselves as who they are. As long as they want to be pissed off about situations they are putting themselves in ... Why not let them act like the fools they are?

Nothing will ever change in those aspects until both peaceful sides get sick of their behavior.

Here's one reason to not let them act like the fools they are >>

I just believe that we as a country need to grow out of the old bigoted ideas that drive racial conflict.

Growing pains are part of any process. If we continue to stifle attempts to let things run their course ... Then go ahead and get the growing pains and process behind us ... Nothing will ever change. I am just under the impression things will have to get a lot worse before we as a country figure out the blame is spread across all parties ... And we will get to a better place when we can leave this one behind.

It wouldn't be the first time I will have been called callous for wishing we could go ahead and get the crud over with ... And on with more productive measures.

I doubt that the Officer wishes to have a promotion for shooting anyone. He by what I see and what I have seen in the past tells me he did what he felt he had to do. I doubt he received any pleasure from the shooting. His career as a police officer is unfortunately over, no matter what the grand jury decides. He obviously can not work in the area where he is now and nobody will hire him as an officer anywhere. That is a shame if it comes out that he did his job.
I doubt that the Officer wishes to have a promotion for shooting anyone. He by what I see and what I have seen in the past tells me he did what he felt he had to do. I doubt he received any pleasure from the shooting. His career as a police officer is unfortunately over, no matter what the grand jury decides. He obviously can not work in the area where he is now and nobody will hire him as an officer anywhere. That is a shame if it comes out that he did his job.
Nobody wants anybody to be shot. But when that is what has to be done to prevent further harm, then that is what should be done, and the officer should be commended for doing it, under those circumstances.
Shouldn't we wait and see if he is indicted before we decide about his promotion?
Shouldn't we wait and see if he is indicted before we decide about his promotion?
If I thought that, I wouldn't have written this OP, would I ?

As I explained in Post # 22, we already have the forensics and the facts. Brown attacked Wilson. He had no reason to be at the police car and could/should have just gotten out of the middle of the street, as he was told. But Brown, not having respect for the police, like the rest of us are taught to do, had to be a tough guy and a wise guy (and an idiot), and go after the cop, thereby getting himself shot, with his blood found in side the police car.

It was also reported that the forensics determined that from the way the bullet holes were formed in the body, Brown's hands could not have been held up, palms facing the cop, and he was facing the cop when shot, not moving away.

This is the proof. what the grand jury says could be a reflection of this, OR it could be a reflection of the Grand Jury's decision to pacify the race hustlers and rabble rousers, and bring an indictment to prevent more rioting, regardless of the facts of the case (as was done by Florida jellyfish-wimp Governor, Rick Scott, in the Zimmerman case, which never would have gone to trial, except that Z was Hispanic & White, and not Black).
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Shouldn't we wait and see if he is indicted before we decide about his promotion?
If I thought that, I wouldn't have written this OP, would I ?

Do you have access to all the information that the Grand Jury has?

It helps if you wait until I finish posting. You may now go back and finish reading the post.

Tip: generally allow at least 5 minutes before responding.

And what information I have (see Post # 36) is enough to warrant my posting this OP.
Shouldn't we wait and see if he is indicted before we decide about his promotion?
If I thought that, I wouldn't have written this OP, would I ?

Do you have access to all the information that the Grand Jury has?

It helps if you wait until I finish posting. You may now go back and finish reading the post.

Tip: generally allow at least 5 minutes before responding.

And what information I have (see Post # 36) is enough to warrant my posting this OP.

It helps if you go ahead and say what you want to BEFORE you hit the "POST REPLY" button.

I wait until you post. After that, it is fair game.
The best kind of cop IS A DEAD COP
You should be BANNED from this forum entirely for posting that. Let's see if the moderators will have the balls to do that, after they get my report.

Ashtara is free to make as big an ass of herself as she wishes.
I got banned from a forum for saying something a lot less nasty than what she said.

Which has no relevancy to this forum, now, does it. Drop it and move on.
So, what you are saying is that Officer Wilson was correct in telling the two teens to stop walking in the middle of the street. And then he was attacked by Brown and was fighting for his life. If that about it?

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