Should one's voting power be based on his/her tax liability?

So, you hate America and want us to be a plutocracy?

Many want the cost of government to burden some people WAY more than others, but they don't want to give those bearing the greater burden any incentive to do so.

That's the point. There has got to be a better solution than Tax-Fucking producers.

ought to return to only property owners get to vote

only property owners
women can't own property
blacks are 2/3 a person
blacks are property
only white male christian property owners can vote or hold public office...

please tell me again how YOU are NOT a fascist!

how YOU are a FREEDOM LOVING American.....
First, twerp, where were split tails mentioned? They own land, in their name, they should get to vote.
Second, twerp, at what point were persons of African (or Asian, Central, South, or Caribbean, or Aboriginal) descent mentioned? They own land in their name, they should get to vote.
Third, twerp, where was Christian (or Jew, Anabaptist, Zen Buddist, Druid, Agnostic, Hindu, Muslim) mentioned? They own land in their name, they should get to vote.
Fourth, twerp, you clearly haven’t a clue what constitutes fascism so, shut the fuck up and get some education before you further embarrass yourself.
Should the amount of taxation be proportional to one's representation, or one's voting power.

Effective tax rate = the number votes one gets in every election, and scale it down from there? Zero tax liability gets you ZERO votes?


That way, slimy little communist shit twinkle-toed cocksuckers can tax the SHIT out of billionaires, but billionaires are justly compensated.


I think I can live with that.....

let's republicans pay NO no votes for them!

even better;

a conservative male with a house wife and 5 kids, earning 70k a year, pays NO TAXES because he has a wife and 5 kids!

he gets no votes.

A male homosexual, earning 70k a year, can't marry, no kids, so he pays LOTS in taxes...

he gets VOTES!


I like this plan......


I think I can live with that.....

let's republicans pay NO no votes for them!

even better;

a conservative male with a house wife and 5 kids, earning 70k a year, pays NO TAXES because he has a wife and 5 kids!

he gets no votes.

A male homosexual, earning 70k a year, can't marry, no kids, so he pays LOTS in taxes...

he gets VOTES!


I like this plan......
Yep. I like it too.

You want a voice? Get some skin in the game.


So you are happy with conservatives having LESS votes than gays?

Haha,,,you thought you had something super clever going didn’t you....Let me spoil your fun with that thing you hate so much....TRUTH!
ought to return to only property owners get to vote

only property owners
women can't own property
blacks are 2/3 a person
blacks are property
only white male christian property owners can vote or hold public office...

please tell me again how YOU are NOT a fascist!

how YOU are a FREEDOM LOVING American.....

I’m a fascist-ly bigoted racist...and yep....only property owners should vote.
There’s no way in hell taxpayer robbing ShaQuita with her fo baby daddy’s and Gustavo with his litter of human cockroaches should have the same say in elections as the hard working, law abiding, self funded, positive contributing middle classer. NO FUCKING WAY!

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