Should parents get jail time if they fail to send their kids to public school?

60k per year isn't even close to middle class anywhere in the country. For that an employer cannot expect much. Nor should they get much effort.

That may be your opinion, but the Pew Research Center says different..................

The latest census numbers indicate what income ranges constitute the middle class (as of 2020). This will depend on family size. For a single individual, a middle-class income ranges from $30,000 - $90,000 per year. For a couple it starts at $42,430 up to $127,300; for a family of three, $60,000 - $180,000; and four $67,100 - $201,270.
That may be your opinion, but the Pew Research Center says different..................

The latest census numbers indicate what income ranges constitute the middle class (as of 2020). This will depend on family size. For a single individual, a middle-class income ranges from $30,000 - $90,000 per year. For a couple it starts at $42,430 up to $127,300; for a family of three, $60,000 - $180,000; and four $67,100 - $201,270
A couple making 42 grand sounds like a life of misery. No need to do that. Awful.
I'm not talking about a kid who goes to the doctor a lot and the parent forgets to get a note and can't take time off work just to go back and get a note. I'm talking about a parent who fails to register their child for he next school year, and then tells callers from school that it's none of their business if their kids are in private school or home schooled. Should they be jailed, or fined with the real threat of jail to force them to pay the fine?
Or should we say, ok, you really don't want them to go, it's not worth putting you in jail over?
There's private schools and home schooling.
Of course it doesn't. That's why one gets a degree or training to not make a pittance like 60k.
When you come out of college, all you have proven is you can finish a task. I've known more men than I can count who spent those four years in a productive trade, learning real world skills and problem solving. An education far more useful than a piece of paper. After their four years, the majority of those make, maybe $25/hr and you think a fresh college grad is worth $60K? Sixty grand for a newly graduated new hire is ridiculous. Good luck.
I'm not talking about a kid who goes to the doctor a lot and the parent forgets to get a note and can't take time off work just to go back and get a note. I'm talking about a parent who fails to register their child for he next school year, and then tells callers from school that it's none of their business if their kids are in private school or home schooled. Should they be jailed, or fined with the real threat of jail to force them to pay the fine?
Or should we say, ok, you really don't want them to go, it's not worth putting you in jail over?

With what the left has done to public schools, I’d rather see public schools shut down and government completely out of the business of indoctrinating children.
I'm not talking about a kid who goes to the doctor a lot and the parent forgets to get a note and can't take time off work just to go back and get a note. I'm talking about a parent who fails to register their child for he next school year, and then tells callers from school that it's none of their business if their kids are in private school or home schooled. Should they be jailed, or fined with the real threat of jail to force them to pay the fine?
Or should we say, ok, you really don't want them to go, it's not worth putting you in jail over?
Smells like Communism
When you come out of college, all you have proven is you can finish a task. I've known more men than I can count who spent those four years in a productive trade, learning real world skills and problem solving. An education far more useful than a piece of paper. After their four years, the majority of those make, maybe $25/hr and you think a fresh college grad is worth $60K? Sixty grand for a newly graduated new hire is ridiculous. Good luck.
Come out of college with a degree in a field that pays somewhat, not quite but close to fair such as $40 per hour and one is not starting out at $25 per hour which is barely like being paid.
My grandaughtwr got a 6 year degree. She started out at 84k and her husband also started out just under that. She was 27 when she got her first job. As a couple they decided that kids were not going to be an option so they could focus on careers. This was years ago. They stuck to their plan and now are both making considerably more. They have a big house and all the amenities. They travel and are living a full life just the two of them. That degree has served them well.
Come out of college with a degree in a field that pays somewhat, not quite but close to fair such as $40 per hour and one is not starting out at $25 per hour which is barely like being paid.
The job market in which you are located has a lot to do with what wage you can command as well. Job seekers in SF, NYC, Seattle, Portland etc. are going to see jobs with higher salaries than places like Sacramento, Tucson, El Paso or Topeka. Most business BA's will start out in the 50-60K range and if your degree is in education, chances are it will take a couple of years to reach that range. I don't know of many six year degrees that work for hourly wages. My daughter and her husband also completed their education and they match closely to the description of your kids with the exception of having children. They had two. They both have productive, well paying jobs for the area that they live in, but six figure salaries are pretty much delegated to doctors, lawyers and such until people are well established in their careers.
I think it would be a profound mistake, by Democrats, if they go that way. They need to give up on trying to legally block opponents and get to work rebuilding their brand instead.
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