Should President Trump be allowed a 3rd term? extra-ordinary times we need extraordinary leaders like Trump or FDR during WW2 who was allowed 4 terms

The ill-considered impeachment efforts against President Donald Trump have seriously interfered with his first term as president. Thus, argues constitutional scholar William Mattox in The Wall Street Journal, if acquitted, Trump should be eligible for a third term, notwithstanding the two-term limit in the 22nd Amendment.

Mattox deploys a sports analogy: “In the National Football League, teams can challenge a call on the field — but there’s a risk. If instant replay doesn’t merit overturning the call, the challenging team loses one of its three timeouts. That discourages frivolous challenges and keeps the game flowing, while also providing a way to reverse egregious errors.”

Hence, a third term for the president: “That would allow him to make up for the time lost advancing the agenda that voters elected him to enact. It would preserve impeachment for genuine offenses but discourage its use for disputed ones and for mere politics. Absent such an amendment, and in an era when government is divided more often than not, impeachment seems likely to become an increasingly common means of opposition.”

Trying to be more like Russia in numbeer of years served? Vlad got 12 years. Wikipedia
The president is elected directly through a popular vote to a six-year term. The law prohibits anyone from ever being elected to the presidency for a third consecutive term. In all, three individuals have served four presidencies spanning six full terms. In May 2012, Vladimir Putin became the fourth president; he was re-elected in March 2018 and inaugurated in May to a six-year term.
Let's pretend it ever gets that far.

Trump runs for 3rd term.
Obama runs for 3rd term.

It's OVER.

Obama would destroy Dotard trump in any election.

You are so yesterday....people have woken up and understand obama was nothing but a phoney propped up by the media.

He could not put two sentences together unless he had a teleprompter in front of him. extra-ordinary times we need extraordinary leaders like Trump or FDR during WW2 who was allowed 4 terms

The ill-considered impeachment efforts against President Donald Trump have seriously interfered with his first term as president. Thus, argues constitutional scholar William Mattox in The Wall Street Journal, if acquitted, Trump should be eligible for a third term, notwithstanding the two-term limit in the 22nd Amendment.

Mattox deploys a sports analogy: “In the National Football League, teams can challenge a call on the field — but there’s a risk. If instant replay doesn’t merit overturning the call, the challenging team loses one of its three timeouts. That discourages frivolous challenges and keeps the game flowing, while also providing a way to reverse egregious errors.”

Hence, a third term for the president: “That would allow him to make up for the time lost advancing the agenda that voters elected him to enact. It would preserve impeachment for genuine offenses but discourage its use for disputed ones and for mere politics. Absent such an amendment, and in an era when government is divided more often than not, impeachment seems likely to become an increasingly common means of opposition.”

Trying to be more like Russia in numbeer of years served? Vlad got 12 years. Wikipedia
The president is elected directly through a popular vote to a six-year term. The law prohibits anyone from ever being elected to the presidency for a third consecutive term. In all, three individuals have served four presidencies spanning six full terms. In May 2012, Vladimir Putin became the fourth president; he was re-elected in March 2018 and inaugurated in May to a six-year term.

Libtards are hung up on Russia......why?

America is a nation of laws and laws can be changed and have been many times. We are a republilc if the people demand a third term for Trump he will get it.
The Republican Party could not withstand a third term.

Hell, there's some considerable reason to believe that they could not withstand second.

It's going to take them years to recovery from one. Hell, I'm not sure they're even a party anymore, they certainly aren't the Republicans I signed onto when I was 18.

At this point, they should just change their name to TOP (Trump's Own Party) because they are no longer the GOP.
Another few years of this and a Republican won't be able to get elected Town Dogcatcher...

That's what they say every election and yet both parties come back like herpes, stronger than ever for a few days.

Some are so stupid they cannot grasp how well we are doing.
The Republican Party could not withstand a third term.

Hell, there's some considerable reason to believe that they could not withstand a second.

Every ten minutes, Republicans have to rally to Trump's defense over his latest gaffe or faux pas or scandalous behavior.

You'd think they'd get tired of it after a few years and be ready to back somebody who actually thinks before he talks and acts and tweets.

Republicans really do need a breather... some competent, likable front-man (or -woman) that's a bit more Low Maintenance than this one.

This is what I've always wondered about Republicans support of Trump. If they are weary of dealing with his baggage, why wouldn't they just cut their losses and toss him under the bus? And then back a reasonable candidate. Then you take a look at Trump's popularity among registered Republicans (something like 92%) and you start to see why they have to go all in on Trump. To go against him is political suicide. All of the reasonable voices in the Republican Party have gone silent out of fear..or retired because they know the battle is lost.

Yep- it is no longer the Republican Party- it is the Trump Party.

hehheh you say that like it is a bad thing....I was one of the few to predict Trump would win and I knew he would win because of the power of the white working class....they are the ones who elected him and will continue to elect him....because he is the only President since about 1948 that has stood up for the white working many clueless people on this board....who know a lot less about politics than they could ever imagine.
Stupid question

well, mattox is a constitutional scholar and works for the wall street journal.
Well, Mattox is apparently an idiot.

How do you feel about FDR being allowed 4 terms?
Irrelevant since the constitutional amendment did not apply to him.

Yet he was very popular and even if there had been a law against him doing that at the time would have been changed.
Stupid question

well, mattox is a constitutional scholar and works for the wall street journal.
Well, Mattox is apparently an idiot.

How do you feel about FDR being allowed 4 terms?
Irrelevant since the constitutional amendment did not apply to him.

Yet he was very popular and even if there had been a law against him doing that at the time would have been changed.
It's not a law, it's the constitution. You don't just "change" it on a whim.

It takes a massive majority in DC and 2/3rds of the states to ratify it.

Thread is stupid
Oh shit I thought you said 2nd term!! Yes def 3 terms!

hehheh...actually if Trump can accomplish what he wants to accomplish in his 2nd term he may not even be interested in a 3rd term. Folks or at least too many folks think he is power hungry....not at all...he did not even want to run for President...but he saw things that needed to be done and he realized no one else but him could do it.

He supported romney...donated money to romney only to see that loser unable to beat even a Negro.. extra-ordinary times we need extraordinary leaders like Trump or FDR during WW2 who was allowed 4 terms

The ill-considered impeachment efforts against President Donald Trump have seriously interfered with his first term as president. Thus, argues constitutional scholar William Mattox in The Wall Street Journal, if acquitted, Trump should be eligible for a third term, notwithstanding the two-term limit in the 22nd Amendment.

Mattox deploys a sports analogy: “In the National Football League, teams can challenge a call on the field — but there’s a risk. If instant replay doesn’t merit overturning the call, the challenging team loses one of its three timeouts. That discourages frivolous challenges and keeps the game flowing, while also providing a way to reverse egregious errors.”

Hence, a third term for the president: “That would allow him to make up for the time lost advancing the agenda that voters elected him to enact. It would preserve impeachment for genuine offenses but discourage its use for disputed ones and for mere politics. Absent such an amendment, and in an era when government is divided more often than not, impeachment seems likely to become an increasingly common means of opposition.”

Trying to be more like Russia in numbeer of years served? Vlad got 12 years. Wikipedia
The president is elected directly through a popular vote to a six-year term. The law prohibits anyone from ever being elected to the presidency for a third consecutive term. In all, three individuals have served four presidencies spanning six full terms. In May 2012, Vladimir Putin became the fourth president; he was re-elected in March 2018 and inaugurated in May to a six-year term.

Libtards are hung up on Russia......why?

America is a nation of laws and laws can be changed and have been many times. We are a republilc if the people demand a third term for Trump he will get it.
22nd amendment passed both houses of congress in 1947, and was not ratified by the states until 1951. In our country, the current House of Representatives will never go for it at least for next 2 years. Then it would probably take 4 years or more to convince 38 states to ratify. Good luck.
Stupid question

well, mattox is a constitutional scholar and works for the wall street journal.
Well, Mattox is apparently an idiot.

How do you feel about FDR being allowed 4 terms?
Irrelevant since the constitutional amendment did not apply to him.

Yet he was very popular and even if there had been a law against him doing that at the time would have been changed.

well, mattox is a constitutional scholar and works for the wall street journal.
Well, Mattox is apparently an idiot.

How do you feel about FDR being allowed 4 terms?
Irrelevant since the constitutional amendment did not apply to him.

Yet he was very popular and even if there had been a law against him doing that at the time would have been changed.
It's not a law, it's the constitution. You don't just "change" it on a whim.

It takes a massive majority in DC and 2/3rds of the states to ratify it.

Thread is stupid

You seem to be one of those that believe the Constitution was dropped down from heaven inscribed on a golden plate by the lord himself....

The constitution has been amended many times and it will definitely be amended many more times.
He should be allowed not only for 3rd term.....but in my personal opinion for a very, very long time....Bless President Trump !!!!...:thup: and Bless all Patriots:thup:
He should be allowed not only for 3rd term.....but in my personal opinion for a very, very long time....Bless President Trump !!!!...:thup: and Bless all Patriots:thup:

Good to see someone else on here with some good sense. extra-ordinary times we need extraordinary leaders like Trump or FDR during WW2 who was allowed 4 terms

The ill-considered impeachment efforts against President Donald Trump have seriously interfered with his first term as president. Thus, argues constitutional scholar William Mattox in The Wall Street Journal, if acquitted, Trump should be eligible for a third term, notwithstanding the two-term limit in the 22nd Amendment.

Mattox deploys a sports analogy: “In the National Football League, teams can challenge a call on the field — but there’s a risk. If instant replay doesn’t merit overturning the call, the challenging team loses one of its three timeouts. That discourages frivolous challenges and keeps the game flowing, while also providing a way to reverse egregious errors.”

Hence, a third term for the president: “That would allow him to make up for the time lost advancing the agenda that voters elected him to enact. It would preserve impeachment for genuine offenses but discourage its use for disputed ones and for mere politics. Absent such an amendment, and in an era when government is divided more often than not, impeachment seems likely to become an increasingly common means of opposition.”


No fuckin way. extra-ordinary times we need extraordinary leaders like Trump or FDR during WW2 who was allowed 4 terms

The ill-considered impeachment efforts against President Donald Trump have seriously interfered with his first term as president. Thus, argues constitutional scholar William Mattox in The Wall Street Journal, if acquitted, Trump should be eligible for a third term, notwithstanding the two-term limit in the 22nd Amendment.

Mattox deploys a sports analogy: “In the National Football League, teams can challenge a call on the field — but there’s a risk. If instant replay doesn’t merit overturning the call, the challenging team loses one of its three timeouts. That discourages frivolous challenges and keeps the game flowing, while also providing a way to reverse egregious errors.”

Hence, a third term for the president: “That would allow him to make up for the time lost advancing the agenda that voters elected him to enact. It would preserve impeachment for genuine offenses but discourage its use for disputed ones and for mere politics. Absent such an amendment, and in an era when government is divided more often than not, impeachment seems likely to become an increasingly common means of opposition.”

That question should be addressed to Vladimir Putin who appears to have full control over US elections. extra-ordinary times we need extraordinary leaders like Trump or FDR during WW2 who was allowed 4 terms

The ill-considered impeachment efforts against President Donald Trump have seriously interfered with his first term as president. Thus, argues constitutional scholar William Mattox in The Wall Street Journal, if acquitted, Trump should be eligible for a third term, notwithstanding the two-term limit in the 22nd Amendment.

Mattox deploys a sports analogy: “In the National Football League, teams can challenge a call on the field — but there’s a risk. If instant replay doesn’t merit overturning the call, the challenging team loses one of its three timeouts. That discourages frivolous challenges and keeps the game flowing, while also providing a way to reverse egregious errors.”

Hence, a third term for the president: “That would allow him to make up for the time lost advancing the agenda that voters elected him to enact. It would preserve impeachment for genuine offenses but discourage its use for disputed ones and for mere politics. Absent such an amendment, and in an era when government is divided more often than not, impeachment seems likely to become an increasingly common means of opposition.”

Trying to be more like Russia in numbeer of years served? Vlad got 12 years. Wikipedia
The president is elected directly through a popular vote to a six-year term. The law prohibits anyone from ever being elected to the presidency for a third consecutive term. In all, three individuals have served four presidencies spanning six full terms. In May 2012, Vladimir Putin became the fourth president; he was re-elected in March 2018 and inaugurated in May to a six-year term.

Libtards are hung up on Russia......why?

America is a nation of laws and laws can be changed and have been many times. We are a republilc if the people demand a third term for Trump he will get it.
22nd amendment passed both houses of congress in 1947, and was not ratified by the states until 1951. In our country, the current House of Representatives will never go for it at least for next 2 years. Then it would probably take 4 years or more to convince 38 states to ratify. Good luck.

There is more than one way to skin a cat boyo. Though I know how it can be done I will never tell. hehheh The more astute will know whereof I speak chump.
He should be allowed not only for 3rd term.....but in my personal opinion for a very, very long time....Bless President Trump !!!!...:thup: and Bless all Patriots:thup:

Good to see someone else on here with some good sense.

Thank you! :smile:

I am missing him already .....I want him...President Trump to stay forever!:thup:

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