Should President Trump Visit the UK Now In A Show of Solidarity?

If Trump showed up in the UK before the election later this week, it'd probably cost May her role as Prime Minister.
Trump is extremely unpopular in the UK as well as the rest of the world (sans Russia/Israel).
The UK has just been hit with its second terrorist attacks in weeks. Their military and police force is scrambling to investigate the attacks, look for others connected to the attacks, and to prevent any further attacks.

If Trump travels to the UK, especially in the midst of all that is going on now and considering the threat, the UK will have to pull part of its police force from their investigations - the effort to provide security for the visiting President would be huge...and IMO they don't need that right now.

What say you?
the dipshit would be booed


They would boo their strongest and best ally while their people are being killed by hostiles that they are purposefully importing into their nation.

Their is no point in talking to them.
Don is no ally to anyone but the corporate state, same as Hilary would have been.

Your words are meaningless drivel.

The US, led currently by Trump is the UK strongest ally and they are under a relentless attack that they are too dominated by the Left to even admit.

They are dying, while insisting that everything is fine.
Don has no fuggin' clue where he is or what's going on, he watches TV and social media like you do for his "info".

Says the man that supports importing more and more muslims while the ones already here are killing us.
the dipshit would be booed


They would boo their strongest and best ally while their people are being killed by hostiles that they are purposefully importing into their nation.

Their is no point in talking to them.
Don is no ally to anyone but the corporate state, same as Hilary would have been.

Your words are meaningless drivel.

The US, led currently by Trump is the UK strongest ally and they are under a relentless attack that they are too dominated by the Left to even admit.

They are dying, while insisting that everything is fine.
Don has no fuggin' clue where he is or what's going on, he watches TV and social media like you do for his "info".

Says the man that supports importing more and more muslims while the ones already here are killing us.
I have nothing to say about who Britain "let's" in; local rule and all.
The UK has just been hit with its second terrorist attacks in weeks. Their military and police force is scrambling to investigate the attacks, look for others connected to the attacks, and to prevent any further attacks.

If Trump travels to the UK, especially in the midst of all that is going on now and considering the threat, the UK will have to pull part of its police force from their investigations - the effort to provide security for the visiting President would be huge...and IMO they don't need that right now.

What say you?
the dipshit would be booed


They would boo their strongest and best ally while their people are being killed by hostiles that they are purposefully importing into their nation.

Their is no point in talking to them.
Don is no ally to anyone but the corporate state, same as Hilary would have been.

Your words are meaningless drivel.

The US, led currently by Trump is the UK strongest ally and they are under a relentless attack that they are too dominated by the Left to even admit.

They are dying, while insisting that everything is fine.
Don has no fuggin' clue where he is or what's going on, he watches TV and social media like you do for his "info".

His policy is like a box of chocolates. Jared paves the way in Saudi Arabia for him, and he gives the approved speech. And Qatar's financing of terrorism is questioned even by the Saudis. He goes to Nato, cuts the Article 5 language Maddox and McMaster thought was in his speech (either on his own or Bannon's alt R leanings) and everyone says fuck you, then he tweets out a racist dog whistle on London's mayor. Go fucking figure. LOL

The one consistency he seems to have is a belief that America has been put upon by the 20th Century, which is rightly referred to as the American Century.
the dipshit would be booed


They would boo their strongest and best ally while their people are being killed by hostiles that they are purposefully importing into their nation.

Their is no point in talking to them.
Don is no ally to anyone but the corporate state, same as Hilary would have been.

Your words are meaningless drivel.

The US, led currently by Trump is the UK strongest ally and they are under a relentless attack that they are too dominated by the Left to even admit.

They are dying, while insisting that everything is fine.
Don has no fuggin' clue where he is or what's going on, he watches TV and social media like you do for his "info".

His policy is like a box of chocolates. Jared paves the way in Saudi Arabia for him, and he gives the approved speech. And Qatar's financing of terrorism is questioned even by the Saudis. He goes to Nato, cuts the Article 5 language Maddox and McMaster thought was in his speech (either on his own or Bannon's alt R leanings) and everyone says fuck you, then he tweets out a racist dog whistle on London's mayor. Go fucking figure. LOL

The one consistency he seems to have is a belief that America has been put upon by the 20th Century, which is rightly referred to as the American Century.
Don seems to envision it as the Don Century.

But about these Saudis, these Wahabists, accusing Qatar of financing terrorism? Bwa ha ha ha ..., and we just sold them another $110B worth of arms. Gee, wonder where terrorism come from. We don't fight terrorismm, we arm it.

They would boo their strongest and best ally while their people are being killed by hostiles that they are purposefully importing into their nation.

Their is no point in talking to them.
Don is no ally to anyone but the corporate state, same as Hilary would have been.

Your words are meaningless drivel.

The US, led currently by Trump is the UK strongest ally and they are under a relentless attack that they are too dominated by the Left to even admit.

They are dying, while insisting that everything is fine.
Don has no fuggin' clue where he is or what's going on, he watches TV and social media like you do for his "info".

Says the man that supports importing more and more muslims while the ones already here are killing us.
I have nothing to say about who Britain "let's" in; local rule and all.

Like that stops ANYONE on this site from having an opinion on ANYTHING.

You just dodged, because you didn't have the Moral Courage to admit that I was right.
Don is no ally to anyone but the corporate state, same as Hilary would have been.

Your words are meaningless drivel.

The US, led currently by Trump is the UK strongest ally and they are under a relentless attack that they are too dominated by the Left to even admit.

They are dying, while insisting that everything is fine.
Don has no fuggin' clue where he is or what's going on, he watches TV and social media like you do for his "info".

Says the man that supports importing more and more muslims while the ones already here are killing us.
I have nothing to say about who Britain "let's" in; local rule and all.

Like that stops ANYONE on this site from having an opinion on ANYTHING.

You just dodged, because you didn't have the Moral Courage to admit that I was right.
I'm an american, I understand I do not vote or have a voice in other countries just as folks like you would shat yourselves if Brits were to have a say here. That's all. Your so called morality is pure unadulterated bullshit
Don has no fuggin' clue where he is or what's going on...

Says the snowflake who worships and supports the President who declared he had visited all 57 states...

Bwuhahaha........ :p
Some folks are able to disagree with both individuals, especially since they both do/did the bidding of the donor class and people the white house with Goldman Sachs execs and higher ups.

They would boo their strongest and best ally while their people are being killed by hostiles that they are purposefully importing into their nation.

Their is no point in talking to them.
Don is no ally to anyone but the corporate state, same as Hilary would have been.

Your words are meaningless drivel.

The US, led currently by Trump is the UK strongest ally and they are under a relentless attack that they are too dominated by the Left to even admit.

They are dying, while insisting that everything is fine.
Don has no fuggin' clue where he is or what's going on, he watches TV and social media like you do for his "info".

His policy is like a box of chocolates. Jared paves the way in Saudi Arabia for him, and he gives the approved speech. And Qatar's financing of terrorism is questioned even by the Saudis. He goes to Nato, cuts the Article 5 language Maddox and McMaster thought was in his speech (either on his own or Bannon's alt R leanings) and everyone says fuck you, then he tweets out a racist dog whistle on London's mayor. Go fucking figure. LOL

The one consistency he seems to have is a belief that America has been put upon by the 20th Century, which is rightly referred to as the American Century.
Don seems to envision it as the Don Century.

But about these Saudis, these Wahabists, accusing Qatar of financing terrorism? Bwa ha ha ha ..., and we just sold them another $110B worth of arms. Gee, wonder where terrorism come from. We don't fight terrorismm, we arm it.

Well, I think the Saudis have taken steps to at least lessen the ease individual Saudis have in sending money to terrorists. And I think we should distinguish among terrorists. Hamas, for example, has never attacked the US or any other Western or Asian nation. But of course bin laden got funding, and I think even ISIS still gets some .... but ISIS has nowhere near the ability al Qaeda to obtain womd. When cheney said it was inevitable they'd eventually set off a nuke in the US, he may not have been crying wolf. Fortunately NATO helped us cut their financial ties, and we killed a lot of them too ... with NATOs help, btw.

Qatar is weird. Not only are the few individuals there very wealthy, the guvt seems bipolar. Some official support for ISIS seems to exist. I don't think the Saudi guvt has actually supported ISIS.

But Trump is just an old racist who never had curiosity beyond his money and his seemingly unending list to grudges and affronts personally and as an American
They'll get a golf cart charged to lug the lump of fatbody around.

Moscow would be a better visit for drumpf, they'll welcome him with open USB sticks.
The UK has just been hit with its second terrorist attacks in weeks. Their military and police force is scrambling to investigate the attacks, look for others connected to the attacks, and to prevent any further attacks.

If Trump travels to the UK, especially in the midst of all that is going on now and considering the threat, the UK will have to pull part of its police force from their investigations - the effort to provide security for the visiting President would be huge...and IMO they don't need that right now.

What say you?
No, he shouldn't. It is clear the US will provide any assistance the UK might need to fight terrorism without a presidential visit, and there are disturbing suggestions the police had had sufficient reason to expect many of these people might be terrorists but hesitated to take action for fear of being accused of Islamophobia. In her speech after the attack, Theresa May stated the UK would be taking tough new measure to police its domestic Muslim population for what she called Islamic extremism, a much tougher term than Islamic terrorism, and if May wins the election and follows through on these plans, then the US should offer as much public support as possible, but the US should be careful not to seem to support weak measures against Islamic terrorism with state visits.
President Trump should wait a few days before deciding.

Britain is about to have an election.

1. He wouldn't want to be accused of Obamaesque (Britain will suck hind tit if you don't do as I demand and stay in the EU) interference in that election.

2. There is the off-chance that the next government may be headed by an old-fashioned Marxist who will open immigration to all, especially Muslims, in the interest of diversity. Int hat case he ought not go anywhere near Britain.

As to aid in fighting terrorism....if the Marxist white-haired knight becomes PM there will be no point in even thinking of flighting. But, by all means, put American prayer-rug production into high gear. Britain will need millions of them but their factory workers will be on strike.
Don is no ally to anyone but the corporate state, same as Hilary would have been.

Your words are meaningless drivel.

The US, led currently by Trump is the UK strongest ally and they are under a relentless attack that they are too dominated by the Left to even admit.

They are dying, while insisting that everything is fine.
Don has no fuggin' clue where he is or what's going on, he watches TV and social media like you do for his "info".

His policy is like a box of chocolates. Jared paves the way in Saudi Arabia for him, and he gives the approved speech. And Qatar's financing of terrorism is questioned even by the Saudis. He goes to Nato, cuts the Article 5 language Maddox and McMaster thought was in his speech (either on his own or Bannon's alt R leanings) and everyone says fuck you, then he tweets out a racist dog whistle on London's mayor. Go fucking figure. LOL

The one consistency he seems to have is a belief that America has been put upon by the 20th Century, which is rightly referred to as the American Century.
Don seems to envision it as the Don Century.

But about these Saudis, these Wahabists, accusing Qatar of financing terrorism? Bwa ha ha ha ..., and we just sold them another $110B worth of arms. Gee, wonder where terrorism come from. We don't fight terrorismm, we arm it.

Well, I think the Saudis have taken steps to at least lessen the ease individual Saudis have in sending money to terrorists. And I think we should distinguish among terrorists. Hamas, for example, has never attacked the US or any other Western or Asian nation. But of course bin laden got funding, and I think even ISIS still gets some .... but ISIS has nowhere near the ability al Qaeda to obtain womd. When cheney said it was inevitable they'd eventually set off a nuke in the US, he may not have been crying wolf. Fortunately NATO helped us cut their financial ties, and we killed a lot of them too ... with NATOs help, btw.

Qatar is weird. Not only are the few individuals there very wealthy, the guvt seems bipolar. Some official support for ISIS seems to exist. I don't think the Saudi guvt has actually supported ISIS.

But Trump is just an old racist who never had curiosity beyond his money and his seemingly unending list to grudges and affronts personally and as an American
All of that holds water, agreed, but the US has as a goal, the constant destabilization of the middle east as if there will be no downstream consequences. And for the donor/"job creator" class, there won't be.
Trump shouldn't go, I agree that it would just be a distraction to an already stressed security force.

On another note I was just listening to NPR, in response to the terror attacks the Europeans are pushing to strengthen their hate speech laws by threatening to fine facebook, youtube and other media companies. What in the world that is supposed to accomplish is beyond me, maybe to cut down on reporting of attacks? Mindless. Maybe they should just go back to chanting slogans.

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