Should Pro-Life People Be Murdered?- Apparently Hanoi Jane Fonda Thinks So

Of course I'd wager a year of my pay she won't practice what she preaches.

Want to murder people? Will lead by example. Don't just sit and run your mouth, back it up bitch.
I am impressed in those high heels you have on.

Did I mention...they have endless homo-erotic fantasies?
They tend to fantasize about being owned and dominated by black trannys apparently based on this ones comments.
(He hates blacks but there's a thin line between love and hate ya know)

Do you put a rubber on your gun barrel before enjoying it ? :spinner:
Never mind...don't answer.
Enough fun.
As tyranny sets in, all kinds of unthinkable things begin to happen.
It shouldn't be a surprise they might kill those who disagree with them. We know they want to.

Look at Mao, Amin, Stalin and nearly all dictators and their murderous ways.
It's par for the authoritarian course.
Ready .... aim .... fire!


  • Jane Fonda at AA gun.jpg
    Jane Fonda at AA gun.jpg
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I thought Jack Lemmon was very good in it though....

So did I.

I was already tired of the whiney women's libbers by then and thought that the movie could have done as well without the feminism bullshit. The most significant thing she portrayed in that film was yet another angry female "victim". And the rest of her performance was stale.

I almost forgot, the only reason I wanted to see it in the first place was that I knew someone who worked in it.

What is is with hardcore leftist women & homicidal insanity? Hanoi Jane actually says murder is something that can be done to fight back against those of us trying to save children from infanticide.
She says this on the View & the idiots in the audience clap.

I know Jane has been an insane idiot for years but now she's declaring the baby butchering death cultists should kill people to get their way because they "aren't going back".

I've often wondered why any male would stay with these obviously deranged fembots on the left?
Now I know- it's fear.
The low-t progponcers that put up with that insanity are just plain scared shitless of their women.
For good reason too, their chicks are total psychopaths & the men are afraid of going to the proper bathroom.

Is anyone crazy enough to try to defend this?

Imagine that, fetus murderers are fine with murdering anyone.
And would the Conservative Right be doing a THING to stop her??
Can we use the past as the track record? So OH! Hell No !

It's not that tyrants are all around's that we REFUSE to do a damn thing about them as they Eff us royally.
What the HELL is wrong with US ??

As long as we collectively do nothing but make McCauley Caulkin faces as they systematically revoke our rights and dehumanize us, what other outcome did we possibly expect?

It was fully expected that tyrants would pull this shit again...what is totally unexpected is the failure of a Patriotic response.
You still have conservatives using Google and Facebook. Utterly inexcusable and pathetic.
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On 'The View' this week Jane Fonda felt that the only solution to protecting abortion rights was to commit murder. Essentially murdering any politician that tries to remove her right to have an abortion.

So, in that it okay for us to murder any politician that triggers us?
Any gun-grabber or BLM supporter needs to die?
Is that the standard accepted by Hollywood these days?

Just asking for a friend.


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