Should public schools update their curriculum, to be more focused on the present and future?


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2017
Pittsburgh, PA
Times have changed drastically. The world is so advanced now, and its only going to advance more. I think that public schools need to update their curriculum to better educate students about the world that we live In now. Kids are graduating now a days thinking they know it all, and think they can live off making under 800 bucks a month(rent, food, car, ect.) and they are oblivious and not ready to take on the real world at all. I think high school should be focused on real life subjects and preparing them for the real world and not so much for college, not everyone goes to college.
Focus on the present and future, not to much of history and useless information that they will never need to use in their entire life. Take away some of the pointless electives that are just there to pass time.
They should be focused on subjects like law, business, social skills, technology, money management, stocks and real estate, The internet, and more subjects that are associated with the world today. Also I think it would help students learn more about types of career and help them determine a career they might want to take on.

So I think public schools curriculum should be updated and revised to go with the world today, what do you think?
Times have changed drastically. The world is so advanced now, and its only going to advance more. I think that public schools need to update their curriculum to better educate students about the world that we live In now. Kids are graduating now a days thinking they know it all, and think they can live off making under 800 bucks a month(rent, food, car, ect.) and they are oblivious and not ready to take on the real world at all. I think high school should be focused on real life subjects and preparing them for the real world and not so much for college, not everyone goes to college.
Focus on the present and future, not to much of history and useless information that they will never need to use in their entire life. Take away some of the pointless electives that are just there to pass time.
They should be focused on subjects like law, business, social skills, technology, money management, stocks and real estate, The internet, and more subjects that are associated with the world today. Also I think it would help students learn more about types of career and help them determine a career they might want to take on.

So I think public schools curriculum should be updated and revised to go with the world today, what do you think?

Oh, for sure. It should be about the skills they'll need in the future. The problem is that such skills aren't quantifiable, don't make politicians look good in the next few years before the next election.
They should be focused on subjects like law, business, social skills, technology, money management, stocks and real estate, The internet, and more subjects that are associated with the world today. Also I think it would help students learn more about types of career and help them determine a career they might want to take on.

So I think public schools curriculum should be updated and revised to go with the world today, what do you think?

Mamas, Don’t Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Lawyers
Mamas, Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Lawyers | HuffPost

Ain't tradition wonderful? LOL

Times have changed drastically. The world is so advanced now, and its only going to advance more. I think that public schools need to update their curriculum to better educate students about the world that we live In now. Kids are graduating now a days thinking they know it all, and think they can live off making under 800 bucks a month(rent, food, car, ect.) and they are oblivious and not ready to take on the real world at all. I think high school should be focused on real life subjects and preparing them for the real world and not so much for college, not everyone goes to college.
Focus on the present and future, not to much of history and useless information that they will never need to use in their entire life. Take away some of the pointless electives that are just there to pass time.
They should be focused on subjects like law, business, social skills, technology, money management, stocks and real estate, The internet, and more subjects that are associated with the world today. Also I think it would help students learn more about types of career and help them determine a career they might want to take on.

So I think public schools curriculum should be updated and revised to go with the world today, what do you think?

Times have changed drastically. The world is so advanced now, and its only going to advance more. I think that public schools need to update their curriculum to better educate students about the world that we live In now. Kids are graduating now a days thinking they know it all, and think they can live off making under 800 bucks a month(rent, food, car, ect.) and they are oblivious and not ready to take on the real world at all. I think high school should be focused on real life subjects and preparing them for the real world and not so much for college, not everyone goes to college.
Focus on the present and future, not to much of history and useless information that they will never need to use in their entire life. Take away some of the pointless electives that are just there to pass time.
They should be focused on subjects like law, business, social skills, technology, money management, stocks and real estate, The internet, and more subjects that are associated with the world today. Also I think it would help students learn more about types of career and help them determine a career they might want to take on.

So I think public schools curriculum should be updated and revised to go with the world today, what do you think?

Actually they should return to more rounded liberal education standards from before the mid-1960's. This provides them with what they need to further their own capacity to educate themselves, very unlike the stupid social experiments that have resulted in massive failures of today's 'system'. They should ban calculators and laptops, and require handwritten work, at least until the last two years of high school.
Times have changed drastically. The world is so advanced now, and its only going to advance more. I think that public schools need to update their curriculum to better educate students about the world that we live In now. Kids are graduating now a days thinking they know it all, and think they can live off making under 800 bucks a month(rent, food, car, ect.) and they are oblivious and not ready to take on the real world at all. I think high school should be focused on real life subjects and preparing them for the real world and not so much for college, not everyone goes to college.
Focus on the present and future, not to much of history and useless information that they will never need to use in their entire life. Take away some of the pointless electives that are just there to pass time.
They should be focused on subjects like law, business, social skills, technology, money management, stocks and real estate, The internet, and more subjects that are associated with the world today. Also I think it would help students learn more about types of career and help them determine a career they might want to take on.

So I think public schools curriculum should be updated and revised to go with the world today, what do you think?

....They should ban calculators and laptops, and require handwritten work, at least until the last two years of high school.

Times have changed drastically. The world is so advanced now, and its only going to advance more. I think that public schools need to update their curriculum to better educate students about the world that we live In now. Kids are graduating now a days thinking they know it all, and think they can live off making under 800 bucks a month(rent, food, car, ect.) and they are oblivious and not ready to take on the real world at all. I think high school should be focused on real life subjects and preparing them for the real world and not so much for college, not everyone goes to college.
Focus on the present and future, not to much of history and useless information that they will never need to use in their entire life. Take away some of the pointless electives that are just there to pass time.
They should be focused on subjects like law, business, social skills, technology, money management, stocks and real estate, The internet, and more subjects that are associated with the world today. Also I think it would help students learn more about types of career and help them determine a career they might want to take on.

So I think public schools curriculum should be updated and revised to go with the world today, what do you think?
Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. George Santayana

History is not useless. That said, we do need to refocus education. Currently we teach a watered down college prep curriculum that is useless for anything. It's not rigorous enough to prepare for college and has nothing practical for those not going to college.
Times have changed drastically. The world is so advanced now, and its only going to advance more. I think that public schools need to update their curriculum to better educate students about the world that we live In now. Kids are graduating now a days thinking they know it all, and think they can live off making under 800 bucks a month(rent, food, car, ect.) and they are oblivious and not ready to take on the real world at all. I think high school should be focused on real life subjects and preparing them for the real world and not so much for college, not everyone goes to college.
Focus on the present and future, not to much of history and useless information that they will never need to use in their entire life. Take away some of the pointless electives that are just there to pass time.
They should be focused on subjects like law, business, social skills, technology, money management, stocks and real estate, The internet, and more subjects that are associated with the world today. Also I think it would help students learn more about types of career and help them determine a career they might want to take on.

So I think public schools curriculum should be updated and revised to go with the world today, what do you think?

Actually they should return to more rounded liberal education standards from before the mid-1960's. This provides them with what they need to further their own capacity to educate themselves, very unlike the stupid social experiments that have resulted in massive failures of today's 'system'. They should ban calculators and laptops, and require handwritten work, at least until the last two years of high school.

I agree with the first part--we need a more rounded liberal education. I disagree about calculators and laptops for middle and high school. Professionally, I have not had to use handwriting for years. My bosses never see anything that isn't typed. Handwriting is becoming obsolete. Calculators should be allowed after students have mastered basic math--times tables, long division, etc.
Have a look at one of the sites where you can look at old movies, and review "To Sir with Love."

Same thing, different era, different country. Teacher decides to teach kids the practical things they will need to know in order to survive.

Not many people on this site are familiar enough with current K-12 curricula to opine on what is lacking...least of all me.

But from what I see, I wish kids had a better sense of history, a better understanding of civics (how government is supposed to work), and some education on what makes America a great country. It's bizarre, I know many Europeans who can speak eloquently on what makes American special (though they hate Trump), when a typical American would be embarrassed to do the same.
Times have changed drastically. The world is so advanced now, and its only going to advance more. I think that public schools need to update their curriculum to better educate students about the world that we live In now. Kids are graduating now a days thinking they know it all, and think they can live off making under 800 bucks a month(rent, food, car, ect.) and they are oblivious and not ready to take on the real world at all. I think high school should be focused on real life subjects and preparing them for the real world and not so much for college, not everyone goes to college.
Focus on the present and future, not to much of history and useless information that they will never need to use in their entire life. Take away some of the pointless electives that are just there to pass time.
They should be focused on subjects like law, business, social skills, technology, money management, stocks and real estate, The internet, and more subjects that are associated with the world today. Also I think it would help students learn more about types of career and help them determine a career they might want to take on.

So I think public schools curriculum should be updated and revised to go with the world today, what do you think?

'Cept you are going to need that history to educate students about the world that we live in now.

Consider history as mental exercises in cause and effect until the frontal lobe grows in around age 30.
Actually they should return to more rounded liberal education standards from before the mid-1960's. This provides them with what they need to further their own capacity to educate themselves, very unlike the stupid social experiments that have resulted in massive failures of today's 'system'. They should ban calculators and laptops, and require handwritten work, at least until the last two years of high school.

I agree with the first part--we need a more rounded liberal education. I disagree about calculators and laptops for middle and high school. Professionally, I have not had to use handwriting for years. My bosses never see anything that isn't typed. Handwriting is becoming obsolete. Calculators should be allowed after students have mastered basic math--times tables, long division, etc.[/QUOTE]

Having to write out by hand is a great aid to memory, vocabulary building, and developing longer attention spans and ability to focus in the early grade levels, at least through 8th or 9th grade. As for the math, I don't think it necessary to do what we had to do in 2nd and 3rd grades, which was how to do multiplication and division using Roman numerals, but much of the above applies to doing math as well; even in freshman Calculus in college we had to write out every step of a problem or lose points, even if it took 3 or 4 pages to do so, and same with graphing functions; by the end of the semester you could just look at an equation and graph it on sight for the most part. Yes, calculators aren't a problem after you've already learned the basics thoroughly, I definitely agree, and the new calculators are worthy of a mini-course in using them as well, but using them early on is a bad thing, same for laptops and the like using spellcheck and formatting and other auto features.
'Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.' - George Santayana

"History doesn't repeat itself but it rhymes." - mostly attributed to Mark Twain

The mystery of history?


Always liked that quote. lol

My favorite re study of history, isn't quite as cynical as this guy's, but it's close:

And here is what bothers me so much about modern "scholarship." At what point did history become ethics? Why should we subvert the elusive search for facts to moralist concerns? So what if they are on or off the hook? If you want to be a preacher, go preach. If you want to save the world, go into politics. If you want to invent a world free of evil, take Prozac. It was said in Ecclesiastes and it still is true today, people suck. They did then, all of them. They do now, all of us. History is the history of self-interested, competing, aggressive, selfish, murderous humans. At what point did it become a morality play? -Dave WIlliams, George Mason Univ.

Fake history is far worse than no history at all, and fake history is what currently passes for 'academia' wants to spread, especially to children.
Picaro, one of the difficulties in teaching history to children is that they are not able to consider the context of history. For example, when they hear that a certain society had SLAVES, the recoil in horror. When they hear that one nation conquered others to gain dominance over huge territories, they assume the conquerors were horrible people. And so on.

Hopefully, by the time they go to college, they have the ability to look at behavior in context - being a well-treated and valuable slave is better than starving to death, which might have been Plan B for those people.

But looking at boards like this, many adults still can't see context and want to judge people by today's ever-changing standards. It's sad.
Hopefully, by the time they go to college, they have the ability to look at behavior in context - being a well-treated and valuable slave is better than starving to death, which might have been Plan B for those people.

And 99% of slaves were well treated.

What was "lebensraum"?

Lebensraum - Wikipedia

The difference between Germans in 1939 and White Americans in 1839 was Germans having more advanced technology and having to deal with a higher population density of people to steal land from. And of course those people having somewhat similar technology.

99 percent of slaves were well treated.....that is the funniest post I've read in months. So so ungodly get from the truth. The reason slavery existed is because my fellow white guys back then were too lazy to work the fields themselves. Sad but true.

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