Should Republicans adopt a program of ballot harvesting for the 2024 election?

Should the GOP adopt ballot harvesting for the 2024 election?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 50.0%
  • No

    Votes: 5 50.0%

  • Total voters
Not only that, but the CNN report is about the result of the hand recount of the ballots, which had the fraudulent ones mixed in.

The Cyber Ninjas report includes the recanvass (which was limited because of DOJ bullying), that found all sorts of fuckery.
Nope dumbshit, I just posted the Cyber Ninja report which clearly shows Biden won.
Seeing how much luck the Democrats have had with ballot harvesting in 2020 and 2022, should the GOP adopt a plan to do the same in 2024?

"Ballot collecting, also known as "ballot harvesting", is the gathering and submitting of completed absentee or mail-in voter ballots by third-party individuals, volunteers or workers, rather than submission by voters themselves directly to ballot collection sites.[1][2][3] It occurs in some areas of the U.S. where voting by mail is common, but some other states have laws restricting it.[1] Proponents of ballot collection promote it as enfranchising those who live in remote areas or lack ready access to transportation, are incapacitated or in hospital or jail. Critics of ballot collection claim high probability for vote misappropriation or fraud."

Ballot collection - Wikipedia
If there was a high probability of vote misappropriation or fraud, there would be credible proof that a large amount of those crimes actually happened, wouldn't there?
I am sorry, but if you allow mail in voting you have to give those voters just as long to get the ballot in the mail as you allow those in person to show up.
Apology not accepted.

Yes, according to law, that is what the status is now, in most states.

I was just, merely suggesting, that if you wanted the benefit of not having to show up in person, you needed to get your ass in gear, and get it out a little sooner.

IMO? That is a privilege, and the rest of the nation should not have to wait for your slow ass, and stay up all night, to get election results. Experts have even pointed out, this area is a weak spot in conducting elections, that is ripe for abuse.

I am perfectly fine, with leaving the mail-in ballot date, the same, and we can move the in-person voting date back, to the following weekend if you would rather do it that way instead.

Damn, you really aren't picking up what I am putting down, or you seriously are involved in vote rigging operations, and my suggestion would foul them all up?
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I think all legal voters in America should be allowed and encouraged to vote in the easiest way possible. We should be worried about the percentage of voters who could vote that did vote every election instead of trying to undermine democracy with baseless accusations of fraud. Since the 1980's, every time the Republicans lose an election all I hear from the right is about voter fraud. I never see any significant evidence of wide spread voter fraud, but hey, the story is always the same. If someone fraudulently votes they should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Find them, prosecute them. Or just shut up about it.
yet? I have seen lots and lots of evidence, from even the MSM, in this very thread. . . and your response has been. . .

I'm sitting here wondering.... why does Dominion claim to have "proprietary" software on their machines?

What, exactly, is proprietary about 1 + 1 = 2?

I would think the ownership rights to that IP ran out over 5,000 years ago.

I'll wait.
I'm sitting here wondering.... why does Dominion claim to have "proprietary" software on their machines?

What, exactly, is proprietary about 1 + 1 = 2?

I would think the ownership rights to that IP ran out over 5,000 years ago.

I'll wait.
Then they claimed that their machines aren't hooked up to the internet...But they have modems.

Dominion is a RICO case.
Seeing how much luck the Democrats have had with ballot harvesting in 2020 and 2022, should the GOP adopt a plan to do the same in 2024?

"Ballot collecting, also known as "ballot harvesting", is the gathering and submitting of completed absentee or mail-in voter ballots by third-party individuals, volunteers or workers, rather than submission by voters themselves directly to ballot collection sites.[1][2][3] It occurs in some areas of the U.S. where voting by mail is common, but some other states have laws restricting it.[1] Proponents of ballot collection promote it as enfranchising those who live in remote areas or lack ready access to transportation, are incapacitated or in hospital or jail. Critics of ballot collection claim high probability for vote misappropriation or fraud."

Ballot collection - Wikipedia
Given the outsized amount of fat white dudes and gals I see tooling around cruise ships in scooters because they can't risk standing upright...yeah; that is the only way they would make it to the polls if stairs were involved.
Yes, you give the party that likes to fuck kids some shock and awe that won't wear off for 200 years.

You stuff the ballot boxes, the post office, dropoff vans, dead voters, harvest ballots, non-existent voters and signatures that say "fuck you".... by the millions. Mules.... fuck that, we need elephants.

But most important is to switch votes out of the country. Re-program the voting machines and send the results out to Russia for manipulation. This is what it looks like:

View attachment 769546

It's been proven that a 12-year old can re-program a voting machine in 15 minutes with a screwdriver and flash drive.... the "3-for-me-1-for-you" algorithm can be written by a 10th grader.

Have Trump win by 475 million... in fact show the stuttering fuck to have MINUS 81 million votes.

Send the right (fuck around and find out) message.
Apology not accepted.

Yes, according to law, that is what the status is now, in most states.

I was just, merely suggesting, that if you wanted the benefit of not having to show up in person, you needed to get your ass in gear, and get it out a little sooner.

IMO? That is a privilege, and the rest of the nation should not have to wait for your slow ass, and stay up all night, to get election results. Experts have even pointed out, this area is a weak spot in conduction elections, that is ripe for abuse.

I am perfectly fine, with leaving the mail-in ballot date, the same, and we can move the in-person voting date back, to the following weekend if you would rather do it that way instead.

Damn, you really aren't picking up what I am putting down, or you seriously are involved in vote rigging operations, and my suggestion would foul them all up?
Five states conduct elections entirely by mail, many of them have been doing it for years. It never was a problem until the fat orange man pitched his hissy fit. And hell, he won one of them in 2020. And great, I will go with your compromise, push up the in person date. How does that solve the problem you are complaining about? Unlike you, I am not concerned with people needing to know the day they voted who won. I would rather get it right, than get it fast.
You left out the part to where some of those date back to last century you dickless wonder.

So Democrats have been committing voter fraud since the last century, you flat-chested ratbag whose crotch is full of mice and spiders?
So Democrats have been committing voter fraud since the last century, you flat-chested ratbag whose cootch is full of mice and spiders?
Many (if not most) from your link were republicans, dickless.
Seeing how much luck the Democrats have had with ballot harvesting in 2020 and 2022, should the GOP adopt a plan to do the same in 2024?

"Ballot collecting, also known as "ballot harvesting", is the gathering and submitting of completed absentee or mail-in voter ballots by third-party individuals, volunteers or workers, rather than submission by voters themselves directly to ballot collection sites.[1][2][3] It occurs in some areas of the U.S. where voting by mail is common, but some other states have laws restricting it.[1] Proponents of ballot collection promote it as enfranchising those who live in remote areas or lack ready access to transportation, are incapacitated or in hospital or jail. Critics of ballot collection claim high probability for vote misappropriation or fraud."

Ballot collection - Wikipedia
Ballot Harvesting is nothing new and not "evil."

I did it back in the 80s at retirement homes, hospitals, even the county jail.

There was almost nothing nefarious about it. we'd help make sure the ballot was filled out correctly, signed, sealed, and transported to the registrar. The "nefarious" part came when we'd encourage votes we preferred if the voter was confused.

The GOP has itself so convinced that Democrats are cheating that they cut off their noses to spite their electoral faces. That is, they made it harder for older people to vote and a significant portion of their base is older and more likely to need help voting.

Now they want to unring the bell as it were but only for right ears.

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