Should Rush Limbaugh replace Boehner as Speaker of the House? He's eligible.


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May 13, 2012
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House speaker: Anyone can run, even you

sep 25 2015 Who can replace Speaker of the House John Boehner, who announced Friday he’s quitting? Almost anyone. Maybe even you.

This isn’t a comment on the job Representative Boehner has or has not done in his role as leader of his legislative chamber. It’s meant to illustrate a little-known fact: Under the Constitution, the speaker does not have to be a member of the House. He or she doesn’t have to be an elected lawmaker or government official. The speaker can be an ordinary, private citizen.

In fact, there really are not any legal restrictions on qualifications for that office. The relevant words are from the Constitution’s Article 1, Section 2, Clause 5: “The House of Representatives shall chuse [sic] their Speaker and other Officers."

That’s it. Nothing about being a sitting representative. There’s not even an age limit.
I wouldn't mind watching Rush's face glaze over as he tried to read legislation or proposed amendments to pending legislation, both of which are considerably more complex and complicated than his usual nonsensical screeds or the advertising copy that flies out over his EIB network airwaves. No doubt he'd fall asleep shortly thereafter.
Rush Limbaugh as Speaker? I would enjoy giving the right wing cult the spotlight and watch 'em flame out.
Learn sumping new every day.

House speaker: Anyone can run, even you

sep 25 2015 Who can replace Speaker of the House John Boehner, who announced Friday he’s quitting? Almost anyone. Maybe even you.

This isn’t a comment on the job Representative Boehner has or has not done in his role as leader of his legislative chamber. It’s meant to illustrate a little-known fact: Under the Constitution, the speaker does not have to be a member of the House. He or she doesn’t have to be an elected lawmaker or government official. The speaker can be an ordinary, private citizen.

In fact, there really are not any legal restrictions on qualifications for that office. The relevant words are from the Constitution’s Article 1, Section 2, Clause 5: “The House of Representatives shall chuse [sic] their Speaker and other Officers."

That’s it. Nothing about being a sitting representative. There’s not even an age limit.

Sweet Baby Jesus--You've got to be joking. I still blame RUSH LIMBAUGH for our loss in 2012. This when he went on a 30 minute rant about Sandra Plumb, a woman we would have never known, who ended up on the DNC national convention stage over freaking birth control pills. I haven't listened to him since, and I think that anyone that does, has got some real issues, and they are some of the most mis-informed idiots I've ever met.

Shit even back when I was listening to him, he was about 5 weeks behind me in what I knew. He's an entertainer, he has to keep his audience at a certain level of hysteria to keep his ratings up, so that money keeps flowing in.

I imagine it's just far right wing nut cases that listen to him today, more than likely Trump supporters who are fed bull-shit day in and day-out because Limbaugh hasn't informed them yet, that Trump is more liberal than Hillary Clinton is--LOL



Sweet Baby Jesus--You've got to be joking. I still blame RUSH LIMBAUGH for our loss in 2012. This when he went on a 30 minute rant about Sandra Plumb, a woman we would have never known, who ended up on the DNC national convention stage over freaking birth control pills.

You mean sandra fluke? Get your story straight for once.

BTW - fluke was a political activist and fair game.
I guess his children's book series is not a doer thing, wildly successful though it is, trying to teach younger children the real history of America. And of course his charity work is no big deal. But then what would you know,about being a doer Konrad?
Teaching children his version of history is no plus, IMO. They need to learn the real deal and not just the right wing PC myths. I don't make the money he does, so doing charity work would seem to be the least he can do. I, also, don't put myself out in the public eye, so you don't have a clue what I do in my community. To me you're just as much of a cheap shot artist as your hero.

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