Should Santorum and Gingrich drop out of this race?

Should Santorum and Gingrich drop out of this race?

  • Yes

    Votes: 14 35.9%
  • No

    Votes: 25 64.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

YOU are a DNC Shill aren't you?

Do you really think that SOros (or the Koch brothers, for that matter) are really out there paying people to post opinions on the internet? You really think that? Really?

Seriously getting into tin-foil hat territory there. And if I were, I wouldn't post on USMB, which has only about 40,000 members and probably not more than a thousand who post regularly.

YOU are a shill for the DNC.


YOU are a DNC Shill aren't you?

Do you really think that SOros (or the Koch brothers, for that matter) are really out there paying people to post opinions on the internet? You really think that? Really?

Seriously getting into tin-foil hat territory there. And if I were, I wouldn't post on USMB, which has only about 40,000 members and probably not more than a thousand who post regularly.

YOU are a shill for the DNC.


Odd, how the talking points are an exact match. :lol:
Do you really think that SOros (or the Koch brothers, for that matter) are really out there paying people to post opinions on the internet? You really think that? Really?

Seriously getting into tin-foil hat territory there. And if I were, I wouldn't post on USMB, which has only about 40,000 members and probably not more than a thousand who post regularly.

YOU are a shill for the DNC.


Odd, how the talking points are an exact match. :lol:
Aren't they? Are you and I the only ones to see it?

JoeyB is a FRAUD...and *I* am calling him out.

YOU are a DNC Shill aren't you?

Do you really think that SOros (or the Koch brothers, for that matter) are really out there paying people to post opinions on the internet? You really think that? Really?

Seriously getting into tin-foil hat territory there. And if I were, I wouldn't post on USMB, which has only about 40,000 members and probably not more than a thousand who post regularly.

YOU are a shill for the DNC.


Nope. Sorry. but, hey, if there's someone who will pay me good money to mock Romney, let me have their address. I could use the cash.
Do you really think that SOros (or the Koch brothers, for that matter) are really out there paying people to post opinions on the internet? You really think that? Really?

Seriously getting into tin-foil hat territory there. And if I were, I wouldn't post on USMB, which has only about 40,000 members and probably not more than a thousand who post regularly.

YOU are a shill for the DNC.


Nope. Sorry. but, hey, if there's someone who will pay me good money to mock Romney, let me have their address. I could use the cash.
YOU are a liar.

WHOM is paying you?
Wow, I've gotten a guy who uses Mel Gibson as an Avi to go totally nuts.

It's a personal accomplishment, really.
Wow, I've gotten a guy who uses Mel Gibson as an Avi to go totally nuts.

It's a personal accomplishment, really.
NO...You have gotten an American calling YOU out.

Stand and deliver Joe.

Admit it.
Guy, my words speak for themselves.

As does your inablity to address the issues I bring up in an intelligent manner.
In every single religion we're going to find fault and things we disagree with. Especially something you can dig up from over 150 years ago to complain about. Mormon's certainly do not BELIEVE in multiple wives today.

I have NEVER seen YOUR kind of BIGOTRY within Christian religions though.

And I sure wouldn't CENTER my vote for President around which religion out of the Christian arena he/she came from--like you are doing.

Furthermore--my sister-in-law is a MORMON--and you have just insulted me by your comment by attacking her religion.

HOLY COW--You and Rick Santorum are definitely two peas in a pod.

Obviously, you've missed the 500 or so times I've said I'm an atheist. Not sure why this fails to sink in with you. Maybe after the Short Bus picks up T, it can get you.

I'm sorry your sister is a member of a whacky cult started by a child molestor who considers her a second class citizen. She has my sympathy, as all Mormon women do.

My personal encounters with Mormons (before I ever bothered educating myself on what they believe and what their history was) gave me pause. As in totally creeped out after they stabbed me in the back at every oppurtunity. This is the deal killer for me. Sorry, just is.

Incidently, I'm not sure why you go hysterical over Rick Santorum's belief that Abortion is murder (a belief that crosses multiple religious lines; i used to be able to make the case from an atheist perspective) and if someone questions whether Joseph Smith was talking to God, you scream about what a big meanie he is. You would think it would be the reverse, the former beliefs is slightly more grounded.

So now you're telling me--that you had a PERSONAL grievance with someone who happened to be a MORMON by golly--and that's why you hate Mitt Romney---:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

I am a pro-life conservative woman--but give exception to other Lucky to Be Alive women in the case of rape or incest. Santorum doesn't--he has absolutely no sympathy for these women at all--and apparently you don't either.

Furthermore--Romney has only been married to one ADULT woman for the last 42 years--indicating that he is no child molester nor believes in the concept of multiple wives.

JoeyBoy here makes lists of Mormons and refuses to do business with them because they're Mormons. Can you imagine in this day and age someone blacklisting a whole group of people based on a common trait? What would you say if someone said they made lists of blacks or Jews, and refused to do business with them just because they were blacks or Jews?
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Guy, my words speak for themselves.

As does your inablity to address the issues I bring up in an intelligent manner.
Your words DO indeed speak of whom you are...and WHY *I* challanged you. You prefer to defer to obfuscate.

Nice touch for all the board to see.

WHOM is paying YOU to be here? YOU still have YET to deny it.
because it would be funny if he won. (only 14 more posts before I can post the video I want to post pertaining to Santorum yippie
Guy, my words speak for themselves.

As does your inablity to address the issues I bring up in an intelligent manner.
Your words DO indeed speak of whom you are...and WHY *I* challanged you. You prefer to defer to obfuscate.

Nice touch for all the board to see.

WHOM is paying YOU to be here? YOU still have YET to deny it.

I agree with you here--this Joe is out of this world. First he claims to be an atheist-&-then he states he will not vote for Romney because he is a Mormon--then states if Rick Santorum does not win the nomination he will vote for Barack Obama?

He stated he hates Mormon's because he had a personal "grievance" with a Mormon.

A rat in the woodpile trying to appear conservative--LOL
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I really like Newt and I wish it could be that he would get the GOP nod but it isn't going to happen. At this point, I'd like to see Newt drop out so more people would vote for Santorum. I really don't want to see Romney get the nomination. I think he's just plain creepy.

I am a Newt Gingrich supporter too--and want him to drop out--but there is no way in hell I'll vote for Rick Santorum. I'll be voting for Mitt Romney.

Rick Santorum would kill us in the general election. He would not only lose in a landslide against Barack Obama--but he could cost us the house and senate too. His EXTREME social views are enough to send women and independents running into those voting booths to vote for Obama.
Is that all you've got on Romney--those Gaff comments---

Coming from Wikipedia--a NON-BIASED--non-religious bigotry source.

Romney was elected Governor of Massachusetts in 2002 but did not seek re-election in 2006. He presided over a series of spending cuts and increases in fees that eliminated an up to $1.5 billion deficit.


again, with the reading comprehension problem. I wasn't talking about when he left. I was talking about RomneyCare (AKA ObamaCare Beta Version) saddled the state with huge bills and deficits, most of which didn't happen until AFTER he "did not seek re-election" (because he was running double digits behind Devall Patrick).

When Romney left, his approval rating was in the tank, and he was rated 48 out of 50 governors in approval ratings.

As for his debt elimination, those were put into place because 1) The economy improved from 2003-2007 and 2) his predecessors had imposed a bunch of new taxes and fees to pay for stuff. He did not do it by cutting spending, he increased spending- and fees.

Romney's record is a record of balancing--cutting spending and getting rid of a 1.5 billion dollar deficit--I just gave you the link.

You claim to be an atheist--yet somehow you're supporting Rick Santorum. You stated if he didn't win--you would vote for Barack Obama.

You stated you hate Mormon's and would never vote for one--apparently because you had a personal grievance with someone who happened to be a Mormon.

Why don't you tell us who you really are? How about rat in the woodpile--trying to pass himself off as a conservative--when all you really want is Santorum to win--so he'll get slaughtered by Barack Obama--

At least be honest--other liberals are on this thread saying the same thing without all the smoke and mirrors attached.
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Can't refute the message, so kill the messenger...typical.

I don't agree with Joe about Romney and Mormonism...I have no issue with Romney's religious beliefs.

But you, Oreo, have no room to call him out on YOU share the same bias against devout Christian candidates.

So either refute his other points, or admit you cannot.
JoeyBoy here makes lists of Mormons and refuses to do business with them because they're Mormons. Can you imagine in this day and age someone blacklisting a whole group of people based on a common trait? What would you say if someone said they made lists of blacks or Jews, and refused to do business with them just because they were blacks or Jews?

Except Mormons aren't blacks or Jews. I mean, you keep offering this false equivlency and it just doesnt' fly.

Mormons all believe Monson is talking to God. That's their belief. You don't believe that, you aren't a Mormon anymore.

I make a list so I know these are people I can't trust. I don't give you a second chance to stab me in the back.
Guy, my words speak for themselves.

As does your inablity to address the issues I bring up in an intelligent manner.
Your words DO indeed speak of whom you are...and WHY *I* challanged you. You prefer to defer to obfuscate.

Nice touch for all the board to see.

WHOM is paying YOU to be here? YOU still have YET to deny it.

I'm hoping that now that you've sobered up this morning, you realize how silly you looked last night, dude.

Maybe this should be your new AVI...


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