Should the Duggar Family Sue the Oprah Winfrey Franchise?

What's this all about? What would you suggest?

  • It's a political hit. Duggars sue.

    Votes: 4 57.1%
  • It's a simple revelation. It's fair to use someone's juvenile record to expose and destroy them.

    Votes: 2 28.6%
  • It's a random revelation. Not sure if the Duggars should sue or not.

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • It's a random revelation. But the Duggars should sue anyway.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
No, I am sure there are handful other crackpots in the US of A that believes as you do but they are just as nutty. This story has literally has nothing to do with the SCOTUS and the upcoming ruling on gay marriage in June. This story is just another convoluted avenue for you attack gay marriage. I'll admit, it is rather funny watching you try to connect this story to gay marriage though. lol
Why did the Oprah folks wait 9 years until exactly this moment to blitz the story? Do you have an answer for that? You folks are complaining that the Duggar parents waited months before turning their son in and getting him help. But 9 years doesn't seem to bother you. Just wondering if you have an explanation for that?

They waited nine years b/c their crystal ball told them that the courts were going to take up a gay marriage. Those people sure are diabolical. What doesn't seem to bother you is that these assaults occurred. You categorized them as "sexual experimentation" in a cheap way to minimize his actions. You're only interested in whining about gay marriage considering you have failed miserable trying to link Josh Duggars' actions to gay marriage. They have nothing in common but that won't stop from using this as excuse if the courts do not rule in the way you wish.
The assaults bother me. What should bother you is that Oprah's people waited 9 years to shove this out into the MSM. This precise date. Your snark is ignored and I still press the question upon you to answer. And you cannot use "crystal ball" as your answer. I need normal details of the explanation for waiting 9 know...if you are so concerned about the problem.

The problem for you is that Oprah didn't bring it up. Oprah didn't publicize what happened or her role in it at all. In Touch magazine broke the story.

You've made a lot of assumptions in your posts including accusing Oprah of leaking this story to the media. Oprah reported it to the police and cancelled the booking to have the Duggars appear on her show. She didn't do anything else. Hence there is no basis for a lawsuit.

Gays have grounds for a lawsuit against Josh Duggar, as do his victims when they come of age.

Josh Duggar attacked innocent gay men and women, as did his family. He should be ashamed of his actions in falsely accusing others.

Josh never attacked gays. Now in what way did he attack gays?
Trying to deny them equal rights and implying that they'd abuse children. Funny thing, that's his thing.

Being oppose to gay marriage is denying rights? Your dumb as a bag of rocks.
Who gives a shit what Josh Duggar's opinion is on gay marriage? He's a 5 time sex offender, unless there's more we don't know about. Who the hell does he or that family think they are to claim such high moral ground? Fuck them.

Pot meet Kettle :blahblah:

Another idiot taking up for a sex offender.

He is not a sex offender.

Incest is a Class 2 sex offense.

What Are the Three Risk Category Classifications of Sexual Offenders eHow

Josh Duggar is a sex offender in ALL jurisdictions.

If/when he offends again he is eligible for the sex offender registry for his lifetime.

Regards from Rosie
The assaults bother me. What should bother you is that Oprah's people waited 9 years to shove this out into the MSM. This precise date. Your snark is ignored and I still press the question upon you to answer. And you cannot use "crystal ball" as your answer. I need normal details of the explanation for waiting 9 know...if you are so concerned about the problem.

The problem for you is that Oprah didn't bring it up. Oprah didn't publicize what happened or her role in it at all. In Touch magazine broke the story.

You've made a lot of assumptions in your posts including accusing Oprah of leaking this story to the media. Oprah reported it to the police and cancelled the booking to have the Duggars appear on her show. She didn't do anything else. Hence there is no basis for a lawsuit.

Gays have grounds for a lawsuit against Josh Duggar, as do his victims when they come of age.

Josh Duggar attacked innocent gay men and women, as did his family. He should be ashamed of his actions in falsely accusing others.

Josh never attacked gays. Now in what way did he attack gays?
Trying to deny them equal rights and implying that they'd abuse children. Funny thing, that's his thing.

Being oppose to gay marriage is denying rights? Your dumb as a bag of rocks.
Who gives a shit what Josh Duggar's opinion is on gay marriage? He's a 5 time sex offender, unless there's more we don't know about. Who the hell does he or that family think they are to claim such high moral ground? Fuck them.

Pot meet Kettle :blahblah:

Another idiot taking up for a sex offender.

He is not a sex offender.

Incest is a Class 2 sex offense.

What Are the Three Risk Category Classifications of Sexual Offenders eHow

Josh Duggar is a sex offender in ALL jurisdictions.

If/when he offends again he is eligible for the sex offender registry for his lifetime.

Regards from Rosie
So you have all the facts of what happened? You need to give them to the police .
What Josh is accused of doing and what he did is as bad as drugging a minor child and anal raping her..... right?
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No, I am sure there are handful other crackpots in the US of A that believes as you do but they are just as nutty. This story has literally has nothing to do with the SCOTUS and the upcoming ruling on gay marriage in June. This story is just another convoluted avenue for you attack gay marriage. I'll admit, it is rather funny watching you try to connect this story to gay marriage though. lol
Why did the Oprah folks wait 9 years until exactly this moment to blitz the story? Do you have an answer for that? You folks are complaining that the Duggar parents waited months before turning their son in and getting him help. But 9 years doesn't seem to bother you. Just wondering if you have an explanation for that?

They waited nine years b/c their crystal ball told them that the courts were going to take up a gay marriage. Those people sure are diabolical. What doesn't seem to bother you is that these assaults occurred. You categorized them as "sexual experimentation" in a cheap way to minimize his actions. You're only interested in whining about gay marriage considering you have failed miserable trying to link Josh Duggars' actions to gay marriage. They have nothing in common but that won't stop from using this as excuse if the courts do not rule in the way you wish.
The assaults bother me. What should bother you is that Oprah's people waited 9 years to shove this out into the MSM. This precise date. Your snark is ignored and I still press the question upon you to answer. And you cannot use "crystal ball" as your answer. I need normal details of the explanation for waiting 9 know...if you are so concerned about the problem.

Oprah knew about this so many years ago. Why now? She too prop herself as a defender for Children. Obviously, she held onto information about the Duggars for 9 years what was she waiting for. I wonder if George Soros played a role in any of this.
Obviously she did not know herself and obviously you know nothing about this event.
I hope they sue Everyone involved in spreading this around. Even the people who first brought IT on over here...

The problem for you is that Oprah didn't bring it up. Oprah didn't publicize what happened or her role in it at all. In Touch magazine broke the story.

You've made a lot of assumptions in your posts including accusing Oprah of leaking this story to the media. Oprah reported it to the police and cancelled the booking to have the Duggars appear on her show. She didn't do anything else. Hence there is no basis for a lawsuit.

Gays have grounds for a lawsuit against Josh Duggar, as do his victims when they come of age.

Josh Duggar attacked innocent gay men and women, as did his family. He should be ashamed of his actions in falsely accusing others.

Josh never attacked gays. Now in what way did he attack gays?
Trying to deny them equal rights and implying that they'd abuse children. Funny thing, that's his thing.

Being oppose to gay marriage is denying rights? Your dumb as a bag of rocks.
Who gives a shit what Josh Duggar's opinion is on gay marriage? He's a 5 time sex offender, unless there's more we don't know about. Who the hell does he or that family think they are to claim such high moral ground? Fuck them.

Pot meet Kettle :blahblah:

Another idiot taking up for a sex offender.

He is not a sex offender.

Incest is a Class 2 sex offense.

What Are the Three Risk Category Classifications of Sexual Offenders eHow

Josh Duggar is a sex offender in ALL jurisdictions.

If/when he offends again he is eligible for the sex offender registry for his lifetime.

Regards from Rosie
So you have all the facts of what happened? You need to give them to the police .

Josh admitted it, you dork.

He received no counselling and had a good stern talking to by a cop also charged with kiddie porn....a family friend of the Duggar's.

OP is anti-gay but pro child molestation.
That's odd the op didn't seem to pro Hollywood
Strawman...but keep defending what happened.
Listen angry fat lesbian I am not defending anything. You are just using someone else's misfortune to push your own hate agenda. Like all fucking heartless progressives
I apparently struck a nerve there. You might want to ask yourself why you are so angry at those CONDEMNING what this sick boy did.
It is quite telling...the posters using all their energy on this thread attacking those who condemn what Josh did and how it was covered up.
This thread is about as dumb as it gets. Sue Oprah? Why? All she did was contact an abuse hotline after hearing about the sexual allegations.

She did what normal people do. The Duggars....not so much. They didn't even report this for an entire year, and only then did they contact a friend of the family, a cop now in jail for child pornography, who did not file a report.

You right wing Christians are nuts!
This thread is about as dumb as it gets. Sue Oprah? Why? All she did was contact an abuse hotline after hearing about the sexual allegations.

She did what normal people do. The Duggars....not so much. They didn't even report this for an entire year, and only then did they contact a friend of the family, a cop now in jail for child pornography, who did not file a report.

You right wing Christians are nuts!
And Opera didnt tell the story for 9 years.....
OP is anti-gay but pro child molestation.
That's odd the op didn't seem to pro Hollywood
Strawman...but keep defending what happened.
Listen angry fat lesbian I am not defending anything. You are just using someone else's misfortune to push your own hate agenda. Like all fucking heartless progressives

Just like they do when a black person gets killed, people lost their lives in a train accident, how they used the deaths of our military men and women to "protest" how they are ANTI war, etc. they don't give a crap about any of it. as if this guy from some television show has any BEARING in their pathetic lives

warped and sickly twisted is what I call them
This thread is about as dumb as it gets. Sue Oprah? Why? All she did was contact an abuse hotline after hearing about the sexual allegations.

She did what normal people do. The Duggars....not so much. They didn't even report this for an entire year, and only then did they contact a friend of the family, a cop now in jail for child pornography, who did not file a report.

You right wing Christians are nuts!
And Opera didnt tell the story for 9 years.....
Dumbass, Oprah's staff reported it to the authorities and then didn't air the show. Try reading the facts.
This thread is about as dumb as it gets. Sue Oprah? Why? All she did was contact an abuse hotline after hearing about the sexual allegations.

She did what normal people do. The Duggars....not so much. They didn't even report this for an entire year, and only then did they contact a friend of the family, a cop now in jail for child pornography, who did not file a report.

You right wing Christians are nuts!
And Opera didnt tell the story for 9 years.....

Another moron who can't read.
OP is anti-gay but pro child molestation.
That's odd the op didn't seem to pro Hollywood
Strawman...but keep defending what happened.
Listen angry fat lesbian I am not defending anything. You are just using someone else's misfortune to push your own hate agenda. Like all fucking heartless progressives

Just like they do when a black person gets killed, people lost their lives in a train accident, how they used the deaths of our military men and women to "protest" how they are ANTI war, etc. they don't give a crap about any of it. as if this guy from some television show has any BEARING in their pathetic lives

warped and sickly twisted is what I call them

This man had bearings on peoples lives, you dingbat. That's the whole fucking point.

He worked for the Family Research Council, lobbying for conservative traditional family values, pushing social conservative policies.
Wearing pants doesn't make one a "slut." Neither does wearing sexy clothing. I guess you don't know what a "slut" is. Or maybe you do. Without them, you would still be a virgin, I'm sure. [emoji38]
Omg grow the fuck up. They wear dresses get over it. Not everyone has penis envy like you

Oh, so wearing pants means one has penis envy? :confused-84: Is that what you think of women who wear pants? That they are envious of your penis or something? What century do you live in anyway? Get with the times! This is the year 2015. We don't oppress women anymore here in America!
No I think hate filled bitches like you have penis envy .

I don't have any hate, and I'm also not a bitch. *shrugs* I just think the Duggars are weird. Not everyone who disagrees with you and your extreme religious beliefs is a "hate-filled" bitch, you know.
You have much hate seeing as you compared Christians to being like honor killing Muslims . Then you called people who don't kill thier unborn as weird and then you said wearing a dress was a form of male dominance. You are seriously twisted

What are you talking about? This is not an abortion thread. Having 20 kids is unhealthy for any woman. She should use birth control, especially at her age.

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