Should the MLK monument be taken down in Washington DC?

No, I wouldn't remove it and I don't care for mlk at all.

MLK is viewed a lot differently in death, than he was in life.

Libs hated his guts when King walked the earth. They saw him as an "Uncle Tom", preferring the proactively liberal black civil rights leaders like H. Rap Brown and the late Stokely Carmichael
That jigaboo, Coon, moon cricket, boot lip, blue gum, spear chuckin, banjo lipped, porch monkey...deserves to have his statue melted on it's stanchion.
It's too bad your sister didn't have an abortion. You're a freak of nature, I'll bet you cross dress.
Yes...Martin Lucifer Koon was a serial philanderer, and a rape enabler.
That was disrespectful, flawed as he was going out of the way to call him a coon is just you being a racist asshole and it is uncalled for.
That jigaboo, Coon, moon cricket, boot lip, blue gum, spear chuckin, banjo lipped, porch monkey...deserves to have his statue melted on it's stanchion.

That man was one of the greatest Americans who ever lived. He was absolutely brilliant and was a true man of the people, never using his PhD as anything other than a tool to help those most oppressed. He was murdered by a redneck, inbred white racist while helping garbage workers organize and seek better wages in Memphis Tennessee.

It's terribly sad that people like you are no different than other inbred, racist white douchebags in the early 19th century. But rest assured, you and yours are being vacuumed up by the tide of decency, humanity, and respect for those different than we are. You and yours days are numbered, and when you die, no one will weep, and the world will be a better place.
He was a womanizing ****** who plagiarized his 'PhD'. He was a fraud, a womanizer, and a rape enabler. You are a thoroughly brainwashed slave.

"King’s academic career contains a well-documented litany of plagiarism, and has been the subject of much literature. His most egregious breach of the academic code of conduct was in his doctoral thesis at Boston University, found to be identical in several respects to a dissertation submitted to the same university earlier by another student named Jack Boozer. In fact, some authors have even characterised King’s conduct as piracy (paywall). King’s plagiarism was later acknowledged by the University, but his doctorate was never revoked because his thesis still made “an intelligent contribution to scholarship”. Such an assessment appears extremely suspect – the evidence on record points to King’s thesis being neither ground-breaking in its approach nor creative in its substantiation. In fact, Ralph Luker, who conducted extensive research for the Martin Luther King Papers Project, posits that King’s academic success relied, in large part, on his habit of distilling the views of authorities in the subject and submitting them to the professors who held these authorities in high esteem. If this is true, then it’s very hard to justify the University’s decision – is there a clause in their plagiarism policy that says “None of this applies if you become a cultural icon”? "

Your attempt at character assassination falls woefully short. None of that is verifiable and relies solely on conjecture, but put all that aside and just look at what the man did.

Furthermore, read his views on the Vietnam War, and how brutally honest, insightful, and factual they were, and then look at what he was called by the Washington Post, TIME magazine, Newsweek, and other leading publications of the day. A traitor, a communist, all of them attacked him for saying the truth, he was so far ahead of his time. His accomplishments speak for themselves, they don't need dubious sources trying to attack his academic credentials with unverified nonsense.

And, it really doesn't matter, as one can judge this man by his actions, and they represent something that goes beyond the nationalism or the flawed legalities of this country, they go to the very heart of humanity.
Yes...Martin Lucifer Koon was a serial philanderer, and a rape enabler.
That was disrespectful, flawed as he was going out of the way to call him a coon is just you being a racist asshole and it is uncalled for.
That jigaboo, Coon, moon cricket, boot lip, blue gum, spear chuckin, banjo lipped, porch monkey...deserves to have his statue melted on it's stanchion.

That man was one of the greatest Americans who ever lived. He was absolutely brilliant and was a true man of the people, never using his PhD as anything other than a tool to help those most oppressed. He was murdered by a redneck, inbred white racist while helping garbage workers organize and seek better wages in Memphis Tennessee.

It's terribly sad that people like you are no different than other inbred, racist white douchebags in the early 19th century. But rest assured, you and yours are being vacuumed up by the tide of decency, humanity, and respect for those different than we are. You and yours days are numbered, and when you die, no one will weep, and the world will be a better place.
Martin Luther King Jr was an alcoholic, patronizer of blonde white whores. He was a plagiarist who was so drunk he couldn't write a coherent sentence. Had he not been assassinated, Ralph Abernathy was in the process of exposing King's embezzlement of the funds of the Ebenezer church to fund the booze, drug and whore parties. King's abuses were so bad that for years Coretta King accused Malcolm X of being the actual assassin.

Let's have a little truth for once.

Okay a little truth: You are a complete fucking idiot.
Why go thru all that effort?

Just point to it & tell the angry mob "that guy was a slave owner" and they'll pull it down for us. They have the combined IQ of my cats left front paw.

I remember when 2 young black males beat the snot out of rosa parks :laugh:
Yes...Martin Lucifer Koon was a serial philanderer, and a rape enabler.
That was disrespectful, flawed as he was going out of the way to call him a coon is just you being a racist asshole and it is uncalled for.
That jigaboo, Coon, moon cricket, boot lip, blue gum, spear chuckin, banjo lipped, porch monkey...deserves to have his statue melted on it's stanchion.

That man was one of the greatest Americans who ever lived. He was absolutely brilliant and was a true man of the people, never using his PhD as anything other than a tool to help those most oppressed. He was murdered by a redneck, inbred white racist while helping garbage workers organize and seek better wages in Memphis Tennessee.

It's terribly sad that people like you are no different than other inbred, racist white douchebags in the early 19th century. But rest assured, you and yours are being vacuumed up by the tide of decency, humanity, and respect for those different than we are. You and yours days are numbered, and when you die, no one will weep, and the world will be a better place.
He was a womanizing ****** who plagiarized his 'PhD'. He was a fraud, a womanizer, and a rape enabler. You are a thoroughly brainwashed slave.

"King’s academic career contains a well-documented litany of plagiarism, and has been the subject of much literature. His most egregious breach of the academic code of conduct was in his doctoral thesis at Boston University, found to be identical in several respects to a dissertation submitted to the same university earlier by another student named Jack Boozer. In fact, some authors have even characterised King’s conduct as piracy (paywall). King’s plagiarism was later acknowledged by the University, but his doctorate was never revoked because his thesis still made “an intelligent contribution to scholarship”. Such an assessment appears extremely suspect – the evidence on record points to King’s thesis being neither ground-breaking in its approach nor creative in its substantiation. In fact, Ralph Luker, who conducted extensive research for the Martin Luther King Papers Project, posits that King’s academic success relied, in large part, on his habit of distilling the views of authorities in the subject and submitting them to the professors who held these authorities in high esteem. If this is true, then it’s very hard to justify the University’s decision – is there a clause in their plagiarism policy that says “None of this applies if you become a cultural icon”? "

Your attempt at character assassination falls woefully short. None of that is verifiable and relies solely on conjecture, but put all that aside and just look at what the man did.

Furthermore, read his views on the Vietnam War, and how brutally honest, insightful, and factual they were, and then look at what he was called by the Washington Post, TIME magazine, Newsweek, and other leading publications of the day. A traitor, a communist, all of them attacked him for saying the truth, he was so far ahead of his time. His accomplishments speak for themselves, they don't need dubious sources trying to attack his academic credentials with unverified nonsense.

And, it really doesn't matter, as one can judge this man by his actions, and they represent something that goes beyond the nationalism or the flawed legalities of this country, they go to the very heart of humanity.
You words are vacuous, babble...they say nothing and only provide an emotional opinion. You ignore the facts as you are a pitiful, white, cuck.
Yes...Martin Lucifer Koon was a serial philanderer, and a rape enabler.
That was disrespectful, flawed as he was going out of the way to call him a coon is just you being a racist asshole and it is uncalled for.
That jigaboo, Coon, moon cricket, boot lip, blue gum, spear chuckin, banjo lipped, porch monkey...deserves to have his statue melted on it's stanchion.

That man was one of the greatest Americans who ever lived. He was absolutely brilliant and was a true man of the people, never using his PhD as anything other than a tool to help those most oppressed. He was murdered by a redneck, inbred white racist while helping garbage workers organize and seek better wages in Memphis Tennessee.

It's terribly sad that people like you are no different than other inbred, racist white douchebags in the early 19th century. But rest assured, you and yours are being vacuumed up by the tide of decency, humanity, and respect for those different than we are. You and yours days are numbered, and when you die, no one will weep, and the world will be a better place.
He was a womanizing ****** who plagiarized his 'PhD'. He was a fraud, a womanizer, and a rape enabler. You are a thoroughly brainwashed slave.

"King’s academic career contains a well-documented litany of plagiarism, and has been the subject of much literature. His most egregious breach of the academic code of conduct was in his doctoral thesis at Boston University, found to be identical in several respects to a dissertation submitted to the same university earlier by another student named Jack Boozer. In fact, some authors have even characterised King’s conduct as piracy (paywall). King’s plagiarism was later acknowledged by the University, but his doctorate was never revoked because his thesis still made “an intelligent contribution to scholarship”. Such an assessment appears extremely suspect – the evidence on record points to King’s thesis being neither ground-breaking in its approach nor creative in its substantiation. In fact, Ralph Luker, who conducted extensive research for the Martin Luther King Papers Project, posits that King’s academic success relied, in large part, on his habit of distilling the views of authorities in the subject and submitting them to the professors who held these authorities in high esteem. If this is true, then it’s very hard to justify the University’s decision – is there a clause in their plagiarism policy that says “None of this applies if you become a cultural icon”? "

Your attempt at character assassination falls woefully short. None of that is verifiable and relies solely on conjecture, but put all that aside and just look at what the man did.

Furthermore, read his views on the Vietnam War, and how brutally honest, insightful, and factual they were, and then look at what he was called by the Washington Post, TIME magazine, Newsweek, and other leading publications of the day. A traitor, a communist, all of them attacked him for saying the truth, he was so far ahead of his time. His accomplishments speak for themselves, they don't need dubious sources trying to attack his academic credentials with unverified nonsense.

And, it really doesn't matter, as one can judge this man by his actions, and they represent something that goes beyond the nationalism or the flawed legalities of this country, they go to the very heart of humanity.
You words are vacuous, babble...they say nothing and only provide an emotional opinion. You ignore the facts as you are a pitiful, white, cuck.
But you know every word of it is true. And that causes you much consternation. It’s a changing world, and you’re scared. Don’t worry, you’ll be okay, and the world will keep changing. You stay inside and keep your doors locked.
Yes...Martin Lucifer Koon was a serial philanderer, and a rape enabler.
That was disrespectful, flawed as he was going out of the way to call him a coon is just you being a racist asshole and it is uncalled for.
That jigaboo, Coon, moon cricket, boot lip, blue gum, spear chuckin, banjo lipped, porch monkey...deserves to have his statue melted on it's stanchion.

That man was one of the greatest Americans who ever lived. He was absolutely brilliant and was a true man of the people, never using his PhD as anything other than a tool to help those most oppressed. He was murdered by a redneck, inbred white racist while helping garbage workers organize and seek better wages in Memphis Tennessee.

It's terribly sad that people like you are no different than other inbred, racist white douchebags in the early 19th century. But rest assured, you and yours are being vacuumed up by the tide of decency, humanity, and respect for those different than we are. You and yours days are numbered, and when you die, no one will weep, and the world will be a better place.
He was a womanizing ****** who plagiarized his 'PhD'. He was a fraud, a womanizer, and a rape enabler. You are a thoroughly brainwashed slave.

"King’s academic career contains a well-documented litany of plagiarism, and has been the subject of much literature. His most egregious breach of the academic code of conduct was in his doctoral thesis at Boston University, found to be identical in several respects to a dissertation submitted to the same university earlier by another student named Jack Boozer. In fact, some authors have even characterised King’s conduct as piracy (paywall). King’s plagiarism was later acknowledged by the University, but his doctorate was never revoked because his thesis still made “an intelligent contribution to scholarship”. Such an assessment appears extremely suspect – the evidence on record points to King’s thesis being neither ground-breaking in its approach nor creative in its substantiation. In fact, Ralph Luker, who conducted extensive research for the Martin Luther King Papers Project, posits that King’s academic success relied, in large part, on his habit of distilling the views of authorities in the subject and submitting them to the professors who held these authorities in high esteem. If this is true, then it’s very hard to justify the University’s decision – is there a clause in their plagiarism policy that says “None of this applies if you become a cultural icon”? "

Your attempt at character assassination falls woefully short. None of that is verifiable and relies solely on conjecture, but put all that aside and just look at what the man did.

Furthermore, read his views on the Vietnam War, and how brutally honest, insightful, and factual they were, and then look at what he was called by the Washington Post, TIME magazine, Newsweek, and other leading publications of the day. A traitor, a communist, all of them attacked him for saying the truth, he was so far ahead of his time. His accomplishments speak for themselves, they don't need dubious sources trying to attack his academic credentials with unverified nonsense.

And, it really doesn't matter, as one can judge this man by his actions, and they represent something that goes beyond the nationalism or the flawed legalities of this country, they go to the very heart of humanity.
You words are vacuous, babble...they say nothing and only provide an emotional opinion. You ignore the facts as you are a pitiful, white, cuck.
But you know every word of it is true. And that causes you much consternation. It’s a changing world, and you’re scared. Don’t worry, you’ll be okay, and the world will keep changing. You stay inside and keep your doors locked.
Consternation huh? You defending a known liar, and thief (plagiarist), a known womanizer, and rape enabler...causes ME consternation?
I long to watch whites like you consumed in waves of fury as your black pets consume you.
Git tae fuck!
Last edited:
Yes...Martin Lucifer Koon was a serial philanderer, and a rape enabler.
That was disrespectful, flawed as he was going out of the way to call him a coon is just you being a racist asshole and it is uncalled for.
That jigaboo, Coon, moon cricket, boot lip, blue gum, spear chuckin, banjo lipped, porch monkey...deserves to have his statue melted on it's stanchion.

That man was one of the greatest Americans who ever lived. He was absolutely brilliant and was a true man of the people, never using his PhD as anything other than a tool to help those most oppressed. He was murdered by a redneck, inbred white racist while helping garbage workers organize and seek better wages in Memphis Tennessee.

It's terribly sad that people like you are no different than other inbred, racist white douchebags in the early 19th century. But rest assured, you and yours are being vacuumed up by the tide of decency, humanity, and respect for those different than we are. You and yours days are numbered, and when you die, no one will weep, and the world will be a better place.
He was a womanizing ****** who plagiarized his 'PhD'. He was a fraud, a womanizer, and a rape enabler. You are a thoroughly brainwashed slave.

"King’s academic career contains a well-documented litany of plagiarism, and has been the subject of much literature. His most egregious breach of the academic code of conduct was in his doctoral thesis at Boston University, found to be identical in several respects to a dissertation submitted to the same university earlier by another student named Jack Boozer. In fact, some authors have even characterised King’s conduct as piracy (paywall). King’s plagiarism was later acknowledged by the University, but his doctorate was never revoked because his thesis still made “an intelligent contribution to scholarship”. Such an assessment appears extremely suspect – the evidence on record points to King’s thesis being neither ground-breaking in its approach nor creative in its substantiation. In fact, Ralph Luker, who conducted extensive research for the Martin Luther King Papers Project, posits that King’s academic success relied, in large part, on his habit of distilling the views of authorities in the subject and submitting them to the professors who held these authorities in high esteem. If this is true, then it’s very hard to justify the University’s decision – is there a clause in their plagiarism policy that says “None of this applies if you become a cultural icon”? "

Your attempt at character assassination falls woefully short. None of that is verifiable and relies solely on conjecture, but put all that aside and just look at what the man did.

Furthermore, read his views on the Vietnam War, and how brutally honest, insightful, and factual they were, and then look at what he was called by the Washington Post, TIME magazine, Newsweek, and other leading publications of the day. A traitor, a communist, all of them attacked him for saying the truth, he was so far ahead of his time. His accomplishments speak for themselves, they don't need dubious sources trying to attack his academic credentials with unverified nonsense.

And, it really doesn't matter, as one can judge this man by his actions, and they represent something that goes beyond the nationalism or the flawed legalities of this country, they go to the very heart of humanity.
You words are vacuous, babble...they say nothing and only provide an emotional opinion. You ignore the facts as you are a pitiful, white, cuck.
But you know every word of it is true. And that causes you much consternation. It’s a changing world, and you’re scared. Don’t worry, you’ll be okay, and the world will keep changing. You stay inside and keep your doors locked.
MLK was an academic phony. America is not changing like you think.
Yes...Martin Lucifer Koon was a serial philanderer, and a rape enabler.
That was disrespectful, flawed as he was going out of the way to call him a coon is just you being a racist asshole and it is uncalled for.
That jigaboo, Coon, moon cricket, boot lip, blue gum, spear chuckin, banjo lipped, porch monkey...deserves to have his statue melted on it's stanchion.

That man was one of the greatest Americans who ever lived. He was absolutely brilliant and was a true man of the people, never using his PhD as anything other than a tool to help those most oppressed. He was murdered by a redneck, inbred white racist while helping garbage workers organize and seek better wages in Memphis Tennessee.

It's terribly sad that people like you are no different than other inbred, racist white douchebags in the early 19th century. But rest assured, you and yours are being vacuumed up by the tide of decency, humanity, and respect for those different than we are. You and yours days are numbered, and when you die, no one will weep, and the world will be a better place.

He was murdered by a democrat party member.
Yes...Martin Lucifer Koon was a serial philanderer, and a rape enabler.
That was disrespectful, flawed as he was going out of the way to call him a coon is just you being a racist asshole and it is uncalled for.
That jigaboo, Coon, moon cricket, boot lip, blue gum, spear chuckin, banjo lipped, porch monkey...deserves to have his statue melted on it's stanchion.

That man was one of the greatest Americans who ever lived. He was absolutely brilliant and was a true man of the people, never using his PhD as anything other than a tool to help those most oppressed. He was murdered by a redneck, inbred white racist while helping garbage workers organize and seek better wages in Memphis Tennessee.

It's terribly sad that people like you are no different than other inbred, racist white douchebags in the early 19th century. But rest assured, you and yours are being vacuumed up by the tide of decency, humanity, and respect for those different than we are. You and yours days are numbered, and when you die, no one will weep, and the world will be a better place.
He was a womanizing ****** who plagiarized his 'PhD'. He was a fraud, a womanizer, and a rape enabler. You are a thoroughly brainwashed slave.

"King’s academic career contains a well-documented litany of plagiarism, and has been the subject of much literature. His most egregious breach of the academic code of conduct was in his doctoral thesis at Boston University, found to be identical in several respects to a dissertation submitted to the same university earlier by another student named Jack Boozer. In fact, some authors have even characterised King’s conduct as piracy (paywall). King’s plagiarism was later acknowledged by the University, but his doctorate was never revoked because his thesis still made “an intelligent contribution to scholarship”. Such an assessment appears extremely suspect – the evidence on record points to King’s thesis being neither ground-breaking in its approach nor creative in its substantiation. In fact, Ralph Luker, who conducted extensive research for the Martin Luther King Papers Project, posits that King’s academic success relied, in large part, on his habit of distilling the views of authorities in the subject and submitting them to the professors who held these authorities in high esteem. If this is true, then it’s very hard to justify the University’s decision – is there a clause in their plagiarism policy that says “None of this applies if you become a cultural icon”? "

Your attempt at character assassination falls woefully short. None of that is verifiable and relies solely on conjecture, but put all that aside and just look at what the man did.

Furthermore, read his views on the Vietnam War, and how brutally honest, insightful, and factual they were, and then look at what he was called by the Washington Post, TIME magazine, Newsweek, and other leading publications of the day. A traitor, a communist, all of them attacked him for saying the truth, he was so far ahead of his time. His accomplishments speak for themselves, they don't need dubious sources trying to attack his academic credentials with unverified nonsense.

And, it really doesn't matter, as one can judge this man by his actions, and they represent something that goes beyond the nationalism or the flawed legalities of this country, they go to the very heart of humanity.
You words are vacuous, babble...they say nothing and only provide an emotional opinion. You ignore the facts as you are a pitiful, white, cuck.
But you know every word of it is true. And that causes you much consternation. It’s a changing world, and you’re scared. Don’t worry, you’ll be okay, and the world will keep changing. You stay inside and keep your doors locked.
Consternation huh? You defending a known liar, and thief (plagiarist), a known womanizer, and rape enabler...causes ME consternation?
I long to watch whites like you consumed in waves of fury as your blacks pets consume you.
Git tae fuck!
Liberal whites are cutting their now throats. I hope Hollywood is the first to get some violence?
Yes...Martin Lucifer Koon was a serial philanderer, and a rape enabler.
That was disrespectful, flawed as he was going out of the way to call him a coon is just you being a racist asshole and it is uncalled for.
That jigaboo, Coon, moon cricket, boot lip, blue gum, spear chuckin, banjo lipped, porch monkey...deserves to have his statue melted on it's stanchion.

That man was one of the greatest Americans who ever lived. He was absolutely brilliant and was a true man of the people, never using his PhD as anything other than a tool to help those most oppressed. He was murdered by a redneck, inbred white racist while helping garbage workers organize and seek better wages in Memphis Tennessee.

It's terribly sad that people like you are no different than other inbred, racist white douchebags in the early 19th century. But rest assured, you and yours are being vacuumed up by the tide of decency, humanity, and respect for those different than we are. You and yours days are numbered, and when you die, no one will weep, and the world will be a better place.
He was a womanizing ****** who plagiarized his 'PhD'. He was a fraud, a womanizer, and a rape enabler. You are a thoroughly brainwashed slave.

"King’s academic career contains a well-documented litany of plagiarism, and has been the subject of much literature. His most egregious breach of the academic code of conduct was in his doctoral thesis at Boston University, found to be identical in several respects to a dissertation submitted to the same university earlier by another student named Jack Boozer. In fact, some authors have even characterised King’s conduct as piracy (paywall). King’s plagiarism was later acknowledged by the University, but his doctorate was never revoked because his thesis still made “an intelligent contribution to scholarship”. Such an assessment appears extremely suspect – the evidence on record points to King’s thesis being neither ground-breaking in its approach nor creative in its substantiation. In fact, Ralph Luker, who conducted extensive research for the Martin Luther King Papers Project, posits that King’s academic success relied, in large part, on his habit of distilling the views of authorities in the subject and submitting them to the professors who held these authorities in high esteem. If this is true, then it’s very hard to justify the University’s decision – is there a clause in their plagiarism policy that says “None of this applies if you become a cultural icon”? "

Your attempt at character assassination falls woefully short. None of that is verifiable and relies solely on conjecture, but put all that aside and just look at what the man did.

Furthermore, read his views on the Vietnam War, and how brutally honest, insightful, and factual they were, and then look at what he was called by the Washington Post, TIME magazine, Newsweek, and other leading publications of the day. A traitor, a communist, all of them attacked him for saying the truth, he was so far ahead of his time. His accomplishments speak for themselves, they don't need dubious sources trying to attack his academic credentials with unverified nonsense.

And, it really doesn't matter, as one can judge this man by his actions, and they represent something that goes beyond the nationalism or the flawed legalities of this country, they go to the very heart of humanity.
You words are vacuous, babble...they say nothing and only provide an emotional opinion. You ignore the facts as you are a pitiful, white, cuck.
But you know every word of it is true. And that causes you much consternation. It’s a changing world, and you’re scared. Don’t worry, you’ll be okay, and the world will keep changing. You stay inside and keep your doors locked.
MLK was an academic phony. America is not changing like you think.

Oh yes it is, and you and yours are impotent to stop it. And this makes you angry, and you lash out as society evolves, and racist, inbred douchebags are left to wallow in their double wide trailers and bark at the moon in agonized howls.
Yes...Martin Lucifer Koon was a serial philanderer, and a rape enabler.
That was disrespectful, flawed as he was going out of the way to call him a coon is just you being a racist asshole and it is uncalled for.
That jigaboo, Coon, moon cricket, boot lip, blue gum, spear chuckin, banjo lipped, porch monkey...deserves to have his statue melted on it's stanchion.

That man was one of the greatest Americans who ever lived. He was absolutely brilliant and was a true man of the people, never using his PhD as anything other than a tool to help those most oppressed. He was murdered by a redneck, inbred white racist while helping garbage workers organize and seek better wages in Memphis Tennessee.

It's terribly sad that people like you are no different than other inbred, racist white douchebags in the early 19th century. But rest assured, you and yours are being vacuumed up by the tide of decency, humanity, and respect for those different than we are. You and yours days are numbered, and when you die, no one will weep, and the world will be a better place.
He was a womanizing ****** who plagiarized his 'PhD'. He was a fraud, a womanizer, and a rape enabler. You are a thoroughly brainwashed slave.

"King’s academic career contains a well-documented litany of plagiarism, and has been the subject of much literature. His most egregious breach of the academic code of conduct was in his doctoral thesis at Boston University, found to be identical in several respects to a dissertation submitted to the same university earlier by another student named Jack Boozer. In fact, some authors have even characterised King’s conduct as piracy (paywall). King’s plagiarism was later acknowledged by the University, but his doctorate was never revoked because his thesis still made “an intelligent contribution to scholarship”. Such an assessment appears extremely suspect – the evidence on record points to King’s thesis being neither ground-breaking in its approach nor creative in its substantiation. In fact, Ralph Luker, who conducted extensive research for the Martin Luther King Papers Project, posits that King’s academic success relied, in large part, on his habit of distilling the views of authorities in the subject and submitting them to the professors who held these authorities in high esteem. If this is true, then it’s very hard to justify the University’s decision – is there a clause in their plagiarism policy that says “None of this applies if you become a cultural icon”? "

Your attempt at character assassination falls woefully short. None of that is verifiable and relies solely on conjecture, but put all that aside and just look at what the man did.

Furthermore, read his views on the Vietnam War, and how brutally honest, insightful, and factual they were, and then look at what he was called by the Washington Post, TIME magazine, Newsweek, and other leading publications of the day. A traitor, a communist, all of them attacked him for saying the truth, he was so far ahead of his time. His accomplishments speak for themselves, they don't need dubious sources trying to attack his academic credentials with unverified nonsense.

And, it really doesn't matter, as one can judge this man by his actions, and they represent something that goes beyond the nationalism or the flawed legalities of this country, they go to the very heart of humanity.
You words are vacuous, babble...they say nothing and only provide an emotional opinion. You ignore the facts as you are a pitiful, white, cuck.
But you know every word of it is true. And that causes you much consternation. It’s a changing world, and you’re scared. Don’t worry, you’ll be okay, and the world will keep changing. You stay inside and keep your doors locked.
MLK was an academic phony. America is not changing like you think.

Oh yes it is, and you and yours are impotent to stop it. And this makes you angry, and you lash out as society evolves, and racist, inbred douchebags are left to wallow in their double wide trailers and bark at the moon in agonized howls.
Sure. Loser.

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